Tong (Tony) ZHOU  周彤

Assistant Professor, ShanghaiTech University

Faculty Scholar, Asian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AIEA)

Ph.D., University of Hong Kong

Email: zhoutong@shanghaitech.edu.cn


Interaction between innovation, technology adoption, and finance

Real effects of financial innovation


Ph.D. in Finance, University of Hong Kong, 2017

Visiting Ph.D. student, University of British Columbia, 2016

M.A. in Finance Sun Yat-Sen University, 2012

B.A. in Economics, Sun Yat-Sen University, 2010

Short Bio

Dr. Zhou Tong is currently an assistant professor at the School of Entrepreneurship and Management ShanghaiTech University and a faculty scholar of the Asian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AIEA) . Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Hong Kong in 2017, Master degree in Finance from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2012, and Bachelor degree in Economics from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2010. His research papers mainly focus on the interaction between technological innovation and financial innovation. His papers have been published in prestigeous journals, such as Management Science, Research Policy, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Some of his work have been published in prestigeous journals, such as Management Science, Research Policy, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, covered by international renowned media such as Bloomberg, and supported by national and provincial-level grants.


周彤博士现任上海科技大学创业与管理学院助理教授,同时任亚洲创新创业协会(AIEA)的特邀学者。此前,他于2017年从香港大学获得金融学哲学博士学位,于2012年和2010年从中山大学分别获得金融学硕士学位和经济学学士。他的研究论文主要关注科技创新和金融创新的相互作用关系,部分成果已发表在Management Science、Research Policy、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、统计研究、会计研究、中国管理科学等中英文权威期刊,得到Bloomberg等国际知名媒体的报道,并获得国家自然科学基金和上海市人才计划立项资助。