Assistant Professor

Naval Postgraduate School

contact: sahn1 [at] nps [dot] edu

Curriculum Vitae  [pdf file] [Google Scholar]

Economics Papers (Peer-Reviewed): 

Other Papers (Peer-Reviewed): 

Working Papers:

"The Importance of Matching Effects for Labor Productivity: Evidence from Teacher-Student Interactions" with Esteban Aucejo and Jon James. - Revise and Resubmit at Review of Economics and Statistics

"Cracking Under Pressure: The Information Gap and the Sub-optimal Responses of First-Generation College Students to Academic and Financial Pressures." 

"The Impact of NCLB's Accountability Sanctions on School Performance: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from North Carolina” with Jacob Vigdor. NBER Working Paper # 20511. 

Selected Media Exposure: 

Other Papers & Technical Reports (Non-Peer-Reviewed):

"Determinants of Navy Performance Evaluation Records" with L. Hartmann, 2023. Naval Research Program.

"Performance Evaluation Needs Assessment" with L. Hartmann, 2022. Naval Research Program.

“Machine Learning in AWF Talent Management: New Approaches to Prediction of Workforce Retention and Promotion” with J. Fan, 2022. Acquisition Research Program.

"Individualized and Optimal Talent Management of the AWF in Response to COVID-19: Dynamic Programming Approach" with A. Menichini, 2022. Acquisition Research Program.

“USMC Mid-Career Reclassification of PMOS Personnel Policy Forecast and Analysis” with MN4106 researchers, 2021. USMC Talent Mgmt. Oversight Directorate.

“Retention Analysis Modeling for the AWF II” with A. Menichini, 2021. Acquisition Research Program.

“Multi-angle Intermittent Test Administrator Analysis” with MN4106 researchers, 2020. USMEPCOM,

“Retention Analysis Modeling for the AWF” Acquisition Research Program, with A. Menichini, 2019. Acquisition Research Program.

“Longitudinal Retention Analysis for Navy Personnel” with A. Menichini & S. Tick, 2019. Naval Research Program.

“Retention Analysis Model for Manpower and Personnel Analysis” with J. Arkes, J. Cunha, K. Doerr, & W. Gates, 2018. Naval Research Program.

“The Problem with Measuring Effects of Delinquent Peers in Education-and How to Get Around It” with Justin Trogdon, Feb. 2017. The Brookings Institution, Brown Center Chalkboard  [link]

"The Labor Market Impact of Paid Sick Leave" 2016. [pdf file]

"Were All Those Standardized Tests for Nothing? The Lessons of No Child Left Behind" with Jacob Vigdor, 2013.  [pdf file]

"Making Teacher Incentives Work: Lessons from North Carolina’s Teacher Bonus Program" with Jacob Vigdor,  2011. [pdf file]

"Dropout Prevention: Strategies for improving high school graduation rates" with various, 2008. [pdf file]

"Minimum Wages and Job Search: What Do Employment Effects Really Measure?" with Peter Arcidiacono, 2004. [pdf file]