Last update: Aug. 26, 2022


Position: Associate Professor, College of Economics, Nihon University

Degree: Ph.D. in Economics (Kobe University)

Contact: e-mail: tomoyatajika"at" (replace "at" with @)

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Fields: Microeconomic Theory

Upcoming talk:



Published papers

  1. Voting on Tricky Questions (previous title: Collective mistakes for a tricky question under strategic voting), Games and Economic Behavior, (2022) 132, 380--389, PDF

  2. Impact of Information Concerning the Popularity of Candidates on Loss-Averse Voters’ Abstention (with Kohei Daido) Economic Theory Bulletin, (2022) 10, 41--51.

  3. Inequality of Decision Makers’ Power and Marginal Contribution (with Shmuel Nitzan) Theory and Decision, (2022) 92, 275–292

  4. Concealment as Responsibility Shifting in Overlapping Generations Organizations, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, (2022) 38(2) 511--538. PDF

  5. Skill, Power and Marginal Contribution in Committees (with Ruth Ben-Yashar and Shmuel Nitzan), Journal of Theoretical Politics, (2021) 33(2), 225--235.

  6. Persistent and Snap Decision Making, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (2021) 30, 203--227. PDF

  7. Polarization and inefficient information aggregation in electoral competition, Social Choice and Welfare, (2021) 56, 67--100. PDF

  8. Contribute once! Full efficiency in a dynamic contribution game, Games and Economic Behavior (2020) 123, 228--239. PDF

  9. Regular equilibria and negative welfare implications in delegation games, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (2020), 20(1), 1–17.

  10. Non-manipulability of uniform price auctions with a large number of objects (with Tomoya Kazumura), International Journal of Game Theory (2019), 48, 543–569.

  11. Signature Requirements for Initiatives, Journal of Theoretical Politics, (2018) 30(4), 451–476.

  12. Japanese government and utilitarian behavior, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (2015) 36, 90–107. PDF

Unpublished Papers / Discussion Papers

  1. Foreign suffrage as a way of mitigating international conflicts (with Masaya Shintani)

  2. Suspicion aversion and intentional delay in response

  3. Communication and Information Aggregation for a Trick Question Problem (with Naruto Nagaoka)

  4. Herding on Tricky Questions

  5. Hidden Cost of Sanctions in a Dynamic Principal-Agent Model: Reactance to Controls and Restoration of Freedom (with Kohei Daido)

  6. Floating between Internal Promotion and External Recruitment: Perverse Incentives of Internal Candidates (with Kohei Yamagata)

  7. Information Projection and Timing Decisions: A Rationale for Second Thoughts (with Kohei Daido)


  1. Stigma, inequality aversion, and public goods: Envy-motivated bashing (with Kenichi Kurita)


  • Scheduled: to be updated.

  • 2022, Otaru University of Commerce,

  • 2021, DC conference in Japan, JEA, Games2020 (video, slide, paper), Hitotsubashi University, Public Finance Workshop at Hokusei Gakuen University, CTWZ

  • 2020, Kyoto University

  • 2019, DC Conference in Japan, EEA-ESEM(slide), University of Tokyo, Keio University, CED, JEA, Kobe University, Meisei University

  • 2018, Kobe University, CTW, DC Conference in Japan, Yokohama National University, AMES, SSCW, JEA, Hitotsubashi university, Kobe university, Game theory workshop

  • 2017, Hosei University, Keio university

  • 2016, CTW, AMES, Games2016, Okayama University, Kyoto University, OEIO.

  • 2014, APET

  • 2013, Kobe university