Measure Theory, fall 2019-2020

  • Instructor : Tom Meyerovitch

  • Lecture Time and place:

    • Monday 14-16, Building 32 , room 209

    • Wednesday 14- 16, Building 97, room 204


  • Office hours on January 23, 2020 will be held on 13-15.

  • Class canceled on Monday January 13 , 2020.

  • On Wednsday , January 15 2020 we will have an extra hour from 13 til 14 in room -101 building 58 (makeup class for Monday Jan 13).

  • Your are kindly invited to the following "Midrasha" in Sde Boker, February 2020.

  • As discussed, we will have an extra class on Friday, December 6th 9AM -11AM in the math building 58, room -101

  • From this week our Wednesday 14-16 has been moved to Building 97, room 204.

  • On Wednesday, October 30 2019 our class will be held in Building 32 room 111, instead of the usual place.

Course description

The study of fundamental concepts such as length, area and volume goes back at least as far as ancient Greece. Measures are deeply related to the theory of integration. The approach to integration presented in various calculus courses usually goes as far as the mid 19th century (Riemann integration). This course is concerned with the modern theory, notably Lebesgue's thesis from the early 20th century. Modern measure theory is essential prerequisite for a wide range of subjects, e.g. harmonic analysis, probability & ergodic theory.


Current Exams: