Tommaso Denti
Ciao! I am an assistant professor at the NYU Stern Department of Economics. I work on economic theory, information, and uncertainty. Here are my CV and citations. My email address is td838 at
Working papers
On the events satisfying the sure-thing principle, with L. Pomatto, September 2024
Costly monitoring in signaling games, July 2024. Online appendix
Robust predictions in games with rational inattention, with D. Ravid, July 2023. Online appendix. Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
The experimental order on random posteriors, with M. Marinacci and A. Rustichini, June 2022
Network effects in information acquisition, November 2017
Work in progress
Statistical decision theory under partial identification, with L. Pomatto
Solving rational inattention problems, with A. Bloedel and L. Pomatto
Unrestricted information acquisition, Theoretical Economics, July 2023. Previous version with a dynamic process of strategic information acquisition
Posterior separable cost of information, American Economic Review, October 2022. Online appendix. Awarded the 2022 Jaffray lecture at RUD
Experimental cost of information, with M. Marinacci and A. Rustichini, American Economic Review, September 2022. Online appendix
Model and predictive uncertainty: A foundation for smooth ambiguity preferences, with L. Pomatto, Econometrica, March 2022. Online appendix. Previous version with results on partial identification.
A note on rational inattention and rate distortion theory, with M. Marinacci and L. Montrucchio, Decisions in Economics and Finance, June 2020
Rationally inattentive preferences and hidden information costs, with H. de Oliveira, M. Mihm, and K. Ozbek, Theoretical Economics, May 2017
ECON-UB.2: Microeconomics with calculus, undergraduate, NYU Stern, Fall 2023-24
Ambiguity and statistics, graduate, Bielefeld University, Summer 2023
ECON 6110: Microeconomic theory III, graduate, Cornell University, Spring 2021-23
ECON 4020: Game theory I, undergraduate, Cornell University, Spring 2018-23
ECO 512: Advanced economic theory II, graduate, Princeton University, Spring 2017