About us

The club meets on Monday evenings at the Clubroom in Titchmarsh, NN14 3DF

which is in the High Street, opposite the red phone box.

Only £2 per person, from 7.30 - 9.30pm.

First visit is FREE so come along and see how much fun we have.

Please bring your own mug for a cuppa.

Contact us at titchmarshfdc@gmail.com for more information.

Titchmarsh Folk Dance Club is a friendly, happy group who enjoy dancing and socialising every Monday evening. We meet from 7.30 until 9.30pm with a break for tea and coffee at the Clubroom, Titchmarsh, NN14 3DF which is in High Street, opposite the red phone box.

Anyone is welcome to come and join us on a Monday evening regardless of whether you have done any dancing before. It's great value at only £2 (first visit free) for an evening of fun, gentle exercise and good company with refreshments included. There is no need to bring a partner as we're all very friendly and anyone can ask anyone else to dance.

We do many varied types of dance, from old country dances to more modern versions of Playford style, as well as English and American squares and contras plus a few Scottish and Irish dances. Everyone can please themselves whether they walk, skip or step to the music in any way they like.

We generally use recorded music, with dancing to a live band about once a month. Invited guest callers visit every couple of weeks or so to keep the programme varied and interesting. All dances are walked through first, then the moves are called during the dance. Members of all abilities have fun together, with experienced dancers helping the less experienced. Sometimes we get in a muddle, but it just adds to the fun.

Email us at   titchmarshfdc@gmail.com   for more information.