Thompson Farm Gravel

Welcome to the homepage for Thompson Farm Gravel!  We are located in Franklin County in Greenfield, MA at 340 Leyden Road.  The types of material we have available and their prices are listed below.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

- Allan and Janet Keyes

(413) 774-4756



Prices at Pit, Loaded

Bank Run:  $10.00 per cubic yard*  (Tax not included)

Title 5 and processed:  $14.00 per cubic yard*  (Tax not included)

TRG:  $15.00 per cubic yard* (Tax not included)

Screened Loam:  $22.00 per cubic yard*  (Tax not included)

Incoming Stumps:  $10.00 per yard*

Other: call and ask

Miscellaneous Info

*1 cubic yard of gravel weighs approximately 1.5 ton and covers an area of 100 square-foot to a depth of about 3 inches.

We sell by the cubic yard because we don't have a scale to measure by the ton.