I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Desautels Faculty of Management  of McGill University.

My research focuses on theoretical issues of  DeFi & Blockchain, banking/financial stability, corporate finance, and incomplete information.

Here is my CV 

Link to my Google Scholar page 


-My paper "Proof-of-Work versus Proof-of-Stake: A Comparative Economic Analysis"  (joint with Kose John and Fahad Saleh) has been accepted for publication at the Review of Financial Studies.

-My paper "An Economic Model of a Decentralized Exchange with Concentrated Liquidity" (with Joel Hasbrouck and Fahad Saleh) has been accepted for publication at Management Science

-My paper "Bank Regulation, Investment, and Capital Requirements Under Adverse Selection" has been accepted for publication at the Review of Finance.

New Papers: 

-Equilibrium in a DeFi Lending Market (with Fahad Saleh and Quentin Vandeweyer)