
Hello ! and welcome to my personal professional website. My name is Theodore Karfakis .I am an ecologist, forester and environmental activist from Greece. 

I hold a Bachelors of science from The University of Edinburgh,United Kingdom with honours in forestry ,a Masters of Science in Forest Conservation and protection from Imperial College London, United Kingdom and a doctorate in ecological modelling for sustainable forest management, also from Imperial College London,United Kingdom.

My doctorate research that formed the basis of my doctorate degree for which all work has now been completed focused on the dynamics of tree populations in response to selective logging disturbance in non-flooded tropical moist forests of the Amazon. In particular I worked towards identifying the effect of baseline forest functional composition  in predicting response to selective logging using permanent sample plot data from the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon and suitable forest dynamics simulation models.During this project I was affiliated with Imperial College London  and also with the Smithsonian Center for tropical forest science through the Biological dynamics of forest fragments project(BDFFP) of the afforementioned center .

As a scientist and an activist I am interested primarily in science directly related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development  and especially the conservation of forest biodiversity through sustainable wood production and the conservation of marine ecosystems and the sustainable utilization of their renewable resources.Above all I am passionate about the protection of the environment and the struggle for human rights ,especially those related to the protection of the environment.

Over the years I have worked with non govermental and govermental organizations both in regular employment and as a consultant on a wide variety of issues dealing with sustainable development and ecosystems mostly in Europe and Latin America and to a smaller extent other parts of the world

I am at present a freelance ecological consultant and also the head of the board of directors and scientific advisor of Terra Sylvestris, a non-govermental not-for-profit organization based in Greece that works towards the preservation of the environment,conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development .

I am also the director of the Kalamos Island biological field station and coordinator of the related volunteer program  ,both run by Terra Sylvestris.I blog periodically at the newsblog of the afforementioned non govermental organization(Terrasylvestris Reporter) for environment,ecology and sustainability issues