Angelos Theodorakopoulos

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Email: a.theodorakopoulos2[at] 

Address: Aston Business School                       

Aston Triangle

Birmingham B4 7ET, UK 

Research Interests 

Current Position

Additional Activities


Short Bio

Before joining Aston University as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics, Angelos held research posts at the University of Oxford (UK) and KU Leuven (Belgium) where he was involved in various externally funded research projects and served as a consultant at the World Bank on various projects.

Currently, he is also a UKRI Policy Fellow at the Scottish Government, lead Research Fellow for the Global Value Chains research theme at Aston’s Centre for Business Prosperity, research fellow at the Department of Economics at Ghent University, academic visitor at the Bank of England, and has ongoing projects at the National Bank of Belgium and with the World Bank.


Peer-Reviewed Publications 

[1] Hötte, K., Theodorakopoulos, A., & Koutroumpis, P. (2024). Automation and Taxation. Oxford Economic Papers, 6, 1-25.

[2] Baldwin, R., Freeman, R., & Theodorakopoulos, A. (2023). Hidden Exposure: Measuring U.S. Supply Chain Reliance. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall, 79-134.

[3] Baldwin, R., Freeman, R., & Theodorakopoulos, A. (2023). Deconstructing Deglobalization: The Future of Trade is in Intermediate Services. Asian Economic Policy Review, 19(1), 1837.

[4] Bormans, Y., & Theodorakopoulos, A. (2023). Productivity Dispersion, Wage Dispersion and Superstar Firms. Economica, 90(360), 1145-1172.

[5] Hötte, K., Somers, M., & Theodorakopoulos, A. (2023). Technology and Jobs: A Systematic Literature Review. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194, 122750.

[6] Merlevede, B., & Theodorakopoulos, A. (2021). Productivity Effects of Internationalisation Through the Domestic Supply Chain. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 36(6), 808–832.

Working Papers

[1] Shock Transmission, Global Supply Chains, and Development: Assessing Responses to Trade Shocks (with A. Burman, P. Egger, R. Freeman, J. Maur & N. Rocha)     NEW - Revisions requested at Journal of International Economics

[2] Unlocking New Methods to Estimate Country-specific Trade Costs and Trade Elasticities (with R. Freeman, M. Larch & Y. V. Yotov)     Conditionally Accepted at Journal of Applied Econometrics

[3] Identifying Latent Heterogeneity in Productivity (with R. Dewitte & C. Fuss)     Updated version!     Under Review

[4] Intangibles within Firm Boundaries (with B. Merlevede)     Under Revision

[5] Horses for Courses: Measuring Foreign Supply Chain Exposure (with R. Baldwin & R.Freeman)

[6] Compositional Changes in Aggregate Productivity in an Era of Globalization and Financial Crisis (with C. Fuss)

Work in Progress

[1] Unequal Migration (with R. Freeman, J. Lewis, J.M.C. Santos Silva, S.Szymanski & S. Tenreyro)

[2] Welfare Gains and Incidence of Technical Change  (with R. Dewitte & G. Presidente)     In presentation mode

[3] Shocks, links, and disruptions: A unified approach to designing indicators of global supply chain linkages (with R. Baldwin & R. Freeman)

[4] The Margins of Ownership Structures - Insights from 180,000 networks over 25 years (with B. Merlevede)     Redrafting

[5] Gravity and Unobserved Trade Costs (with R. Dewitte & R. Freeman)

[6] Regulation, State-Ownership and Firm Performance (with B. De Lange & B. Merlevede)


Policy Briefs

[1] A portrait of the UK’s global supply chain exposure (with R. Freeman, T. Key, J. Martin, and J. Mulcahy - 2024) - Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletin - 2024

[2] Taxing robots? (with K. Hötte - 2021) - HORIZON 2020 - TECHNEQUALITY Project; Policy Brief N° 4

[3] Is this Time Really Different? Evidence on the Impact of Technological Revolutions (with M. Grigutsch, K. Hötte, P. Koutroumpis, M. Levels, & M. Somers - 2021) - HORIZON 2020 - TECHNEQUALITY Project; Deliverable D6.2

[4] Which governments will be most affected by automation? (with K. Hötte - 2021) - HORIZON 2020 - TECHNEQUALITY Project; Deliverable D5.2


PhD Supervision

2023-present: Sham-Una Yakubu Lecturer - Co-supervision (with Jun Du and Oleksandr Shepotylo); Aston Business School & Center for Business Prosperity

2021: Dinara Alpysbayeva - External Thesis Examiner; KU Leuven


Nov 2023-May 2025: UKRI Policy Fellowship 2023 (ESRC £136,579) - Scottish Government, Promoting Economic Prosperity and Improving Outcomes Economics Fellowship