Players & Tee times- 7/4/2019

ABCD 4 ball points 100%

Team will be determined with a blind draw. Players earn 1 point for bogey, 2 points for par, 4 points for a birdie

and 8 points for an eagle 16 for double eagle. All points earned during the round are added to the players handicap to determine

the players total points. The total points from the group determine their tournament score.

• A minimum of twelve (12) members is required to conduct an ABCD tournament.

• The handicap allowance for each player will be determined before the round.

• For a score to be used in the teams scores the player must hole out.

• When there is an odd amount of players, a blind score can be substituted to complete the odd teams.

• The blind score will be from at least two different players (one for the front nine and one for the back nine).

The blinds will be determined before the round.

• Ties will be decided per the TGA tie-breaking rule.

1) Best score for the last nine holes. 2) Last six holes. 3) Last three. 4) Holes 18th hole. If the players are still tied

repeat this procedure for the front nine if still tied the two teams will split the total prize for the two places.

• One score card with tournament hole scores filled in is required to win the tournament.

• Payouts will be determined by the amount of players.