Jack Tessier - Delhi Home Page

Dr. Jack Tessier

Professor of Biology

SUNY Delhi - 454 Delhi Drive

Delhi, New York 13753-4454

Office: 411 Evenden Tower

tessiejt@delhi.edu  (607)746-4483


BIOL 101 Ecology Experience

BIOL 110 Environmental Issues and Sustainability

BIOL 140 Field Biology

BIOL 150 Biology of Beer

BIOL 245 General Ecology

BIOL 270 Monster Movies and Science

BIOL 290 Independent Study in Biology

BIOL 310 Medicinal Botany

BIOL 315 Natural Resources

BIOL 345 Human Health and the Environment

ENST 280 Environmental Studies Internship

SUST 480 Sustainability Internship

SUST 485 Sustainability Capstone


My research interests deal with the ecology, ecophysiology, and natural history of plants, especially forest understory plants. 

I am also engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning.  In this regard, I am continually seeking ways to improve college level educational practices.   


Tessier, J.T. 2024. Loss of moisture from the lack of a snowpack increases winter frond damage in Dryopteris intermedia. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 115:32-41.

Tessier, J.T. 2022. Severe frost but not shade could limit the future growing season of Erythronium americanum. Botany 100:275-282. 

Tessier, J.T. 2021. Minimal impact of a long-distance hiking trail on the plant community in the Adirondack Park, New York State, U.S.A. Rhodora 123:31-49.  

Tessier, J.T., L.M. Tessier, D. Gashler, C. Levitt, J. London, B.S. West, and N. Winters. 2021. Full and minimal markup both help students to improve their writing. College Teaching. DOI:10.1080/87567555.2021.2010637.  

Tessier, J.T. 2021. New leaves of Dryopteris intermedia develop more slowly when the petioles of overwintering leaves are broken. American Fern Journal 111:110-116. 

Tessier, J.T. 2020. Shallow corms of Erythronium americanum (Trout lily) die from  herbivory in the summer and freezing in the winter. Northeastern Naturalist 27:318-329. 

Tessier, J.T. 2019. Early spring warming may hasten leaf emergence in Erythronium americanum. American Journal of Botany 106:1392-1396.  

Tessier, J.T. 2019. Evidence of capacity for water dispersal in Acer saccharum. Ecosphere 10(2):e02619. 10.1002/ecs2.2619.

Tessier, J.T. 2018. Upright fronds of Dryopteris intermedia suffer frost damage and breakage during winter. American Fern Journal 108:19-26.

Tessier, J.T. 2017. Importance of depth in soil to corm survival in Erythronium americanum (Liliaceae). Rhodora 119:33-43.

Oralls, D.G., A.R. Osborn, and J.T. Tessier. 2016. Potential influence of salamanders and coarse woody debris in the distribution of Dryopteris intermedia in a hardwood forest. Northeastern Naturalist 23:151-162.

Tessier, L.M. and J.T. Tessier. 2015. Theme-based courses foster student learning and promote comfort with learning new material. Journal of Learning through the Arts 11:1-22.

Baxendale, V.J. and J.T. Tessier. 2015. Duration of freezing necessary to damage the leaves of Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene. Plant Species Biology 30:279-284. 

Tessier, J.T. 2014. Eliminating the textbook: learning science with cell phones. Journal of College Science Teaching 44:46-51.  

Tessier, J.T. 2014. Reduced winter snowfall damages the structure and function of wintergreen ferns. American Journal of Botany 101:965-969.

Tessier, J.T., N.-Y. Andoh, K. DeForest, M.W. Juba, A. Odani, J.J. Padovani, E.F. Sova, and L.M. Tessier. 2014. A comparison of experimental designs for assessment and research in higher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 3:14-20

Tessier, J.T., N.-Y. Andoh, K. DeForest, M.W. Juba, A. Odani, J.J. Padovani, E.F. Sova, and L.M. Tessier. 2013. An assessment of sustainability across the campus. International Journal of Education 5:82-95.

Tessier, J.T. 2013. Student impressions of academic cell phone use in the classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching 43:25-29.   

Tessier, J.T. 2013. Seasonal timing of corm development in Erythronium americanum. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140:26-30.  

Tessier, J.T. 2012. Effect of peer evaluation format on student engagement in a group project. Journal of Effective Teaching 12:15-22.

Tessier, J.T. 2012. Methods of belowground movement in Erythronium americanum. Northeastern Naturalist 19:77-88.

Tessier, J.T. 2010. An Inquiry-Based Biology Laboratory Improves Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes about Science. Journal of College Science Teaching 39:84-90Lab Manual.

Tessier, J.T. 2010. Effect of forest harvest on the vegetation of an urban park. Northeastern Naturalist 17:273-284.

Tessier, J.T. 2009. Classroom debate format: effect on student learning and revelations about student tendencies. College Teaching 57:144-152.

Levine, L.E., C.R. Fallahi, J.M. Nicoll-Senft, J.T. Tessier, C.L. Watson, and R.M. Wood. 2008. Creating significant learning experiences across disciplines. College Teaching 56:247-254

Tessier, J.T. 2008. Leaf habit, phenology, and longevity of eleven forest understory plant species in Algonquin State Forest, northwest Connecticut, USA. Botany 86:457-465

Levine, L.E., C.R. Fallahi, J.M. Nicoll-Senft, J.T. Tessier, C.L. Watson, and R.M. Wood. 2007. Teaching ourselves: A model to improve, assess and spread the word. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1:1-8.

Tessier, J.T. 2007. Reestablishment of three dominant herbaceous understory species following fine-scale disturbance in a Catskill northern hardwood forest. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 134:34-44

Tessier, J.T. and M.P. Bornn. 2007. Old fronds serve as a vernal carbon source in the wintergreen fern Dryopteris intermedia (Aspleniaceae). American Journal of Botany 94:25-28

Tessier, J.T. 2007. Small group peer-teaching in an introductory biology classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching 36:64-69

Tessier, J.T. and C.A. Penniman. 2006. An inquiry-based laboratory design for microbial ecology. Bioscene 32:6-11

Tessier, J.T. 2006. Writing assignments in a non-major introductory ecology class. Journal of College Science Teaching 35:25-29

Tessier, J.T. 2004. Leaf longevity of Oxalis acetosella in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA. American Journal of Botany 91:1371-1377.

Tessier, J.T. 2004. Ecological problem-based learning: an environmental consulting task. American Biology Teacher 66:477-484.

Tessier, J.T. 2004. Use of peer-teaching to promote learning in biology. Journal of College Science Teaching 33:16-19

Tessier, J.T. and D.J. Raynal. 2003. Vernal nitrogen and phosphorus retention by forest understory vegetation and soil microbes. Plant and Soil 256:443-453

Tessier, J.T., and D.J. Raynal. 2003. Use of nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in plant tissues as an indicator of nutrient limitation and nitrogen saturation. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:523-534

Tessier, J.T. 2003. Applying plant identification skills to actively learn the scientific method. American Biology Teacher 65:25-29.

Tessier, J.T., R.D. Masters, and D.J. Raynal. 2002. Changes in base cation deposition across New York State and adjacent New England following implementation of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Atmospheric Environment 36:1645-1648

Tessier, J.T. 2001. Vernal photosynthesis and nutrient retranslocation in Dryopteris intermedia. American Fern Journal 91:187-196

Tessier, J.T., S.J. McNaughton, and D.J. Raynal. 2001. Influence of nutrient availability and tree wildling density on nutrient uptake by Oxalis acetosella and Acer saccharum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 45:11-20