Seminar Utrecht April 2019
3rd TeCoLa Seminar
"Gamified Intercultural Telecollaboration for Foreign Language Learning in Secondary Education"
17 April 2019, Utrecht University
Watch the recorded presentations on the TeCoLa YouTube channel.
Registration for free face-to-face attendance:
Registration for free online attendance:
Deadline registration for F2F attendance: 1 April 2019
Programme (CET):
10.00 – 10.15 Welcome (T. Sanders, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University)
10.15 – 10.45 The TeCoLa resources: a walkthrough (K. Jauregi, Utrecht University)
10.45– 11.15 Making foreign language learning more authentic for learners: communicative and intercultural aspects (B. Clavel, Universidad de Valencia & M. Derivry, Transit Lingua)
11.15– 11.45 Gamification - A treasure hunt in the TeCoLa virtual world (E. Vilar, University of Roehampton & N. Zwart, 3DLES)
11.45-12.15 Using telecollaboration tools for pedagogical differentiation ( P. Hoffstaedter & K. Kohn, LINK)
12.15 - 13.30 Lunch & socialising
13.30 – 14.00 Designing tasks for effective and successful telecollaboration exchanges (J. Colpaert & E. Spruyt, University of Antwerp)
14.00 – 14.30 How to get learners engaged in online intercultural communication (L. Gijsen, Utrecht University & FLOT)
14.30 – 16.00 Putting telecollaboration into practice: teachers’ and learners’ voices
16.30 – 17.30 Roundtable discussion with teachers, teacher trainers, school principals & policy makers: Implementing intercultural telecollaboration at secondary schools: pedagogical potential, technological challenges, and legal issues
17.30 Drinks & socialising
Information about presenters and panelists
Watch the presentations on our YouTube Playlist