TSG Girls as Game Designers

Post date: Nov 22, 2014 4:18:08 PM

Check out Frog vs Cat - a maze type game created by a creative group of middle school girls during Tech Savvy Girls camp.

The game was created using SCRATCH developed at M.I.T. It introduced us to many of the elements of coding. Creating the game was a colla

borative fun social process and allowed us to experience each part of the Creativity Cycle.

"TechSavvy Girls camp provided a learning climate that helped us imagine

We discussed the game elements of how to incorporate a WIN state and a LOSE state into our game narrative

We went through a storyboarding process to develop the game narrative.

We used Scratch to create a prototype of their game

We shared our game with our peers to get feedback.

We reflected, made changes.

We have started to imagine a sequel."

You can play it online here

or learn more about the process of creating the game in our video.