STAT 420 / MATH 469: Methods of Applied Statistics

Instructor: Ruoqing Zhu (Office: Illini Hall 116D)

Lecture: TR 12:30 - 1:50 pm, 119 Materials Science & Eng Bld

Office Hours: T 10:00 - 11:00 am, 2:30 - 3:30 pm; W 1:30 - 2:30 pm, or by appointment


Syllabus: [PDF]

Course Contents:


Julian J. Faraway (2014). Linear Models with R, 2nd Ed., CRC Press.

David Dalpiaz (2015). Applied Statistics with R,

Course Schedule:

Homework Assignments:

Lon Capa: HW1, HW5, HW6

Compass2g: HW2, HW3, HW4, HW7, HW8, HW9

A sample HW report using R markdown (we will keep updating this file): sample.Rmd, sample.pdf

Final Project:

Other useful information:

We will use R as our main programming language.