Tim Bartley

Georgetown University

Earth Commons Institute and Department of Sociology

Environment and Sustainability

Labor and Human Rights

Political Sociology


Economic Sociology

Global Production Networks

Transnational Governance

Published Work





Harold and Margaret Sprout book award for Environmental Studies, International Studies Association

Global and Transnational Sociology book award, honorable mention, American Sociological Association

Excerpts:  Google Books, Oxford Scholarship Online (full text at subscribing institutions), Amazon, Powells, Bokus


Articles and Chapters

"Global Markets, Corporate Assurances, and the Legitimacy of State Intervention: Perceptions of Distant Labor and Environmental Problems" (with Matthew Amengual).  American Sociological Review 87(3) 383–414.  (2022)

"Transnational Corporations and Global GovernanceAnnual Review of Sociology 44:145-165. (2018)

"Institutional Emergence in an Era of Globalization:  The Rise of Transnational Private Regulation of Labor and Environmental Conditions."  American Journal of Sociology 113(2):297-351.  (2007)

"Shaming the Corporation: The Social Production of Targets and the Anti-Sweatshop Movement" (with Curtis Child).  American Sociological Review 79(4):653-679. (2014)

        Coverage in Stanford Social Innovation Review, The Society Pages

"Power and the Practice of Transnational Private Regulation."  New Political Economy 27(2):188-202  (2021).

Territory, Private Authority, and Rights: The Place of Land Rights in Sustainable Agriculture and Forest Certification.”  In the Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics, edited by Jeannie Sowers, Stacy D. VanDeveer, and Erika Weinthal, Oxford University Press. (2023) 

"Corporate Social Responsibility: Codes, Compliance, and ESG Ratings."  For the Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards, edited by Kimberly Ann Elliott. (2022)

“Private Regulation and Labour Regimes in Indonesia and China” (with Neil M. Coe).  In Labour Regimes and Global Production, ed. by Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, and Adrian Smith.  Agenda Publishing. (2022) 

 "Fields."  In Critical Concepts for Pragmatic Inquiry in the Social Sciences, ed. by John R. Bowen, Nicolas Dodier, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Anita Hardon.  (2020)

"The Digital Surveillance Society."  Contemporary Sociology 48(6):622-627. (2019)

Excerpts:  Google Books, Project Muse (full text at subscribing institutions), Amazon, Powells, Bokus

Reviews and Resources

"Power at a Distance: Organizational Power Across Boundaries" (with Matthew Soener and Carl Gershenson).  Sociology Compass 13(10):e12737. (2019)

"Toward a Political Sociology of Land."  Research in Political Sociology 26:1-12. (2019)

 Raising the Floor: New Directions in Publicand Private Enforcement of Labor Standards in the United States” (with Janice Fine). Journal of Industrial Relations 61(2): 252–276. (2019)

"Beyond Decoupling:  Unions and the Leveraging of Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia" (with Niklas Egels-Zanden).  Socio-Economic Review 14(2):231-255. (2016)

"How Foundations Shape Social Movements: The Construction of an Organizational Field and the Rise of Forest Certification."  Social Problems 54(3):229-255. (2007)

"Transnational Governance and the Re-centered State: Sustainability or Legality?" Regulation & Governance 8(1):93-109.  (2014)

Movements, Markets, and Fields: The Effects of Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns on U.S. Firms, 1993-2000” (with Curtis Child).  Social Forces 90(2):425-451. (2011)

"Responsibility and Neglect in Global Production Networks: The Uneven Significance of Codes of Conduct in Indonesian Factories" (with Niklas Egels-Zanden).  Global Networks 15:S21-44. (2015)

Transnational Governance as the Layering of Rules: Intersections of Public and Private Standards.”  Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12(2):25-51. (2011)

Excerpts:  Emerald (full text at subscribing institutions), Google Books, Amazon, Powells, Bokus

“Global Production and the Puzzle of Rules.” In Framing the Global, ed. by Hilary Kahn.  Indiana University Press. (2014)

Transnational Private Regulation in Practice: The Limits of Forest and Labor Standards Certification in Indonesia.” Business & Politics vol.112, iss.3:article 7 (2010)

"Organizations, Regulation, and Economic Behavior: Regulatory Dynamics and Forms from the 19th to 21st Century (with Marc Schneiberg)  Annual Review of Law & Social Science, vol. 4. (2008)

"Regulating or Redesigning Finance? Market Architectures, Normal Accidents, and Dilemmas of Regulatory Reform" (with Marc Schneiberg). Research on the Sociology of Organizations 30A:281-307. (More info) (2010)

“China and Global Labor Standards: Making Sense of Factory Certification.” (with Lu Zhang).  In China and Global Governance, ed. by Scott Kennedy.  Routledge. (2017)

"The Mobility of Industries and the Limits of CSR: Labor Codes of Conduct in Indonesian Factories" (with Doug Kincaid).  In Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World:  Global Dynamics and Local Practices, edited by Kiyoteru Tsutsui and Alwyn Lim.  Cambridge University Press. (2015)

"Standards for Sweatshops: The Power and Limits of Club Theory for Explaining Voluntary Labor Standards Programs". In Voluntary Programs: A Club Theory Approach, edited by Matthew Potoski and Aseem Prakash, MIT Press. (2009)

Corporate Accountability and the Privatization of Labor Standards: Struggles over Codes of Conduct in the Apparel Industry.”  Research in Political Sociology 14:211-244. (2005)

"Communities of Practice as Cause and Consequence of Transnational Governance: The Evolution of Social and Environmental Certification” (with Shawna Smith). In Transnational Communities: Shaping Global Economic Governance, edited by Marie-Laure Djelic and Sigrid Quack, Cambridge University Press. (2010)