(The party's solution to the healthcare problem is down the street if you're interested. Use the Find key for "WE PROPOSE A NATIONAL HEALTHCARE PROGRAM.")


   Democrats are dedicated to eliminating social disadvantages and ignoring fiscal realities, whereas Republicans are devoted to prosperity and a dynamic and productive economy with no regard to personal problems; we need to draw from them those who are dedicated to balancing the two to form a third party and to give the bird to the self-righteous extremists.

Liberals are generally emotional and devoted to the idea that government is to serve the needs of the people and legislate humanistically to the consternation of conservatives who care little about humanism; liberals despise heartless conservatives, their selfishness, their religiosity, so scare the hell out of them with their demands that promise national bankruptcy and central dictatorship.

   American political parties generally have much to offer on all the problems they recognize and intend to solve, but they don't say how. Historically, they have failed to meet their goals due to battles among their extremists.


   Imagine a majestic Bald Eagle perched on the U.S. Capitol dome. Its powerful wings are spread wide, showcasing its impressive span. In each talon, the eagle holds squares of different sizes; on one wing, there are fewer squares than on the other, yet both wings are at the same level. The eagle's sharp eyes gaze out confidently, displaying a symbol of freedom, strength, and balanced values that it represents. Words across the base read: “The Party of Balance.”


(Think of an upside-down triangle with “Balance on the bottom balancing concepts and meaning.”)


   This party can only exist with a membership of moderates with balanced values and the willingness to compromise in disputes, which the other two parties passionately dismiss as traitorous.

 Today, one party has an old man, nice as he is, and the other has a criminal and chronic liar who admires Vlad Putin and loves Kim Jong Un. More important, the legislators of both parties make this so.

 More important than the Presidency in the 2024 election is our need to put a higher character quality in both houses of Congress!

 So, we need to examine the congressional candidates for balance and much less radicalism; YOU need to examine this party for a place where your values can thrive.


 Take the time to read on with interest and patience:

   The definition of Liberalism seems to be a mirror image of the Republican demand for the freedom of the individual from government intrusion but for the Liberal preference for central control and financial irresponsibility in favor of the lower classes, challenging the conservative’s preference for irresponsible financial decisions favoring the uppers.

Any chance to reconsider these two challenges can only be attempted by those of both persuasions, with balanced moderation combined to bring about a fusion of two stiff-necked convictions.

 The only approach possible for a third party to succeed is not to run for the Presidency and concentrate on attracting membership from the two big gangs but to find new candidates for Congress who go for the new party platform and to help them put out of power the extremists who now govern us.


 This party is very different than the others and is highly improbable; the U.S.A. is an all-you-can-eat restaurant with all the customers doing the menu, including the competitor across the street; actually, the nation is a "bonfire of vanities." (Title of a novel by Tom Wolfe) with every opinionated fool rendering judgment knowing nothing of the technicalities involved, so improbable because few people will find it appealing, or do-able, and all participants being so ego-centric as to believe themselves to be righteous.

This party is dedicated to political and social justice and freedom by balancing all perspectives, conservative and progressive, and is opposed to the relationship of the national government with the individual citizen, and one that more fits its name: “The United States. . .,” not “The People's Republic . . .” that it has become. Absolutism and self-righteousness are our enemies.

TBEPP not only dismisses generalities but has specific ideas and actions to promote in place of empty promises with no specifics. 

 We support a federal system that keeps all states secure, cooperating with each other, representing us in international relations, and allows for the states to be sovereign, to govern the people within the parameters set by the U.S. Senate as described in the national constitution, not a central administration of our personal lives slowly eating away at state semi-independence until they are subsumed by a monster so loved by extreme socialists, communists, and fascists.

  Only by allowing each state of the nation to reflect its own citizen's collective values can this nation be considered truly democratic.

 We want the strength of this union of states and their citizens to rest with the U.S. Senate; our lives should be governed by ourselves as states and our representatives to the national government governing and preserving the union. That is the Federal System.

 Different than other attempts at party formation to resist the two major parties, this one *does not* - to any degree, identify with white supremacist/nationalistic superiority over other nations and people, nor does it bleed for the poor or promote the rich. It is an actual party with an all-encompassing platform, not a single issue. Day O'Connor, who died on 11/29/23, would have joined this Party were it real. 


    We had chosen “Eagle” and “balance” because we are a party that balances all considerations on issues to produce a democratic result and give the bird to the other parties that are leading the nation to collapse in the wrestling ring of self-righteousness.

This party is dedicated to promoting and supporting balance in both legislation and leadership, addressing each problem from every perspective and the concerns of all of us, not just a few, based on the relative value of each idea.

   The concept of “political balance” is not an average or moderation; it is a balancing of all perspectives on a given issue so that every value-judgment is equally considered to form a decision. Picture a standing Eagle with wings spread, each carrying many blocks of different sizes, yet both wings carry equal weight at the same height; that's balance.

Those who deal only in self-righteousness and absolutes are incapable of reasoning, so they are a liability to a well-regulated 

The ideal political/economic state can be capitalism incorporating and financing well-defined social programs in balance with each other and respecting individual liberty in favor of only essential socialism to maintain a humanistic attitude toward each other without overdoing it.

 We believe individual freedom and social and economic equality in a democracy is a naïve goal, but not to the point of having people suffering and dying to support the idea of individualism and independence of the individual; each state should address those problems, not the three-ring circus called Congress, yet adhere to the parameters set by them collectively  (by a two thirds+ vote.)


 This amendment could eliminate political money

We are dedicated to the elimination of our money-driven election system that promotes corruption in legislation and elections, as explained in our proposal for a radically new system called "FECMA, as described below."

An election system that eliminates the need for a campaign manager and all the expenses that go into a bull-throwing contest of exaggeration, insults, and lies.


Prospects for membership are abused conservative democrats, liberal republicans, and lonely independents.

 Party membership is open to anyone, however; to be active in it and to have a vote at meetings and conventions, one must apply for it - it is not automatic; the application must be made and approved as proof of a genuine conviction in the platform and belief in the basic idea of a nation of states with the national government out of people's personal lives, education, and social services, leaving our care to the states, and federal taxation of the states rather than the people. One cannot claim to be a member without official approval. (Keeps out spies from enemies)

{Imagine the decrease in the national budget and the population of D.C. environs, leaving those people and the funds to remain in the states!}

We believe that our allowance of other governments and corporations' ownership of our land for any reason is a terrible idea, especially when you consider that China is buying our land, but we cannot buy theirs. Ridiculous!! 




We currently pay taxes to the I.R.S., which is then redistributed to the states on the basis of politics. Why not have the redistribution take a more sensible form than the circularity that breeds corruption and a shrinking dollar as it makes its way through thousands of hands?

We believe that the national government should not tax individuals; the income distribution should not be handled by the legislature, where committee leaders favor the state they represent rather than the nation as a whole. Therefore, the legislature should bill(tax) the states to support the federal budget and leave them to support themselves with their own productivity and tax systems. In other words, eliminate the existence of political Pork AND THE WITHHOLDING-TAX SYSTEM.     See the formula below or use the find key for "OUR TAX SYSTEM."


   We believe that *all* states should be required to have a winner-take-all in the election of the President; the electoral college system appropriately has the states elect the President, not the people, which is to say that the people decide for their state, not the nation. States should not be permitted to split their votes for President, AND All states should have three Electors - no state's vote for President has more value than any other.



We believe in being civil, respectful, and not self-righteous; bear in mind that every idea we promote is the product of personal value judgments. There is no right or wrong, or true or false in philosophy unless it comes from an original and provable source; there are very few original sources that can be found. Every thought is based on a personal perception of what we read and hear; therefore, every opinion is a value judgment. With that always in the minds of all involved in exchanging ideas, there can be no "I'm right, you're wrong!" which should avoid arrogance by all parties.



 ****************************************               TEN STEPS TO PERFECTION


A DEFINITION AMENDMENT to the U.S. Constitution or perhaps A "Glossary" Amendment

Speech,” as used in this Constitution means verbal or written communication of thought;  the giving of a thing is not, of itself, a form of speech. (What is said is speech, and what is given with it is a gift or a bribe.)

This amendment could lead to eliminating political money.


   We believe in being civil, respectful, and not self-righteous; I bear in mind that every idea I have is the product of personal value judgments. There is no right or wrong, or true or false in philosophy unless it comes from an original and provable source; there are very few original sources that can be found. Every thought is based on a personal perception of what we read and hear; therefore, every opinion is a value judgment. With that always in the minds of all involved in an exchange, there can be no "I'm right, you're wrong!" which should avoid arrogance by all parties

                .          TWO

   The FECMA Election system is an acronym for the Federal Election Campaign Management Act and the agency it would establish. 

The act would create a single, short election season. It will offer 60-day election seasons as an alternative to two years of bull-pucky, with the electorate free to choose between candidates running in FECMA and those running outside FECMA rules. After about two or three elections, political maneuvering, and verbal hogwash, money-driven elections could be a thing of the past, the end of bribery, the passing of laws that benefit the few to the detriment of the many, and the possible end of Parties-unless, of course, voters reject the system.

If you think of all the criminal actions that result from private financing of elections, the bribery, and the laws put into effect to satisfy the few movers and shakers, you know there must be a better way; public financing of managed elections is the answer.

This law would leave it to the voters to make it work or cause it to fail. Sadly, because of the recent SCOTUS decision regarding private financing and corporate giving to candidates, FECMA would not stop "big money" from establishing massive funds to drive us all up the wall with obnoxious ads. Voters, however, would have the final say about such candidates. Americans will truly get what's coming to them - good or bad - after a FECMA goes into effect. That's a certainty!

Nothing can stop the crash without FECMA, and FECMA cannot exist without "The Definition Amendment." 

I regret that you will have to read the novel – not scan- but Read it; it explains all facets of the system, with an interesting and arresting plot, and fabulous characters, and could be a blockbuster movie.

If FECMA had been in existence, Colon Powell, for example, would probably have run for President with his wife's approval. He would have had several genuinely qualified opponents to go up against the money and power-driven candidates.

"The FECMA Conspiracy"

by Burton S.H. Ridgeway, a novel




Or the public liebury


As you need, so shall you believe; as you believe, so shall it be . . . Unto You, for man is, or becomes, the sum of one's thoughts.

 Jesus, Napoleon Hill, and Gritz




Begin to separate the national government from the individual American by making the Infernal Revenue Bureau a small staff within the treasury department while transitioning to a system that bills the states for their proportionate share of each year's federal budget; each state would have its own system of taxation. Following this legislation should be bills that withdraw the national government from our lives where it need not concern itself; activities that do not impact the nation itself or more than two states must be ended.

 The system of taxation that would help save the nation is as follows;

* Each year, we would take the average state economy throughout the nation as 100% and determine each state's position to the average. The federal treasurer would then bill each state based on its economy and population, from 50% to 150% of the average.

* Each state would then create its tax system to pay the annual federal tax bill over the following year. This will permit poor states to have a decrease in their federal taxes, which would increase their net income and help their own economies according to their own judgment. This system would allow people to care for their own states, counties, and cities. Federal management would gradually surrender its relationship with the American people as individuals.

 Replacing our present tax system with the above will vest savings such as 401-K and other deferred tax income; each state would then choose what, if any, benefits to adopting each one.
This billing system to the states will eliminate most federal taxes on gasoline and other transactions, thereby decreasing people's cost of living. It could also allow states to install a vehicle mileage tax that properly requires road users to pay for what they use and wear out.
* Life would be less complicated by eliminating deferred income and fringe benefits for new workers that escape taxation; The I.R.S. book of regulations would shrink a few pounds, and higher after-tax income would fund one's plans for the future; it keeps the national government out of it. All fringe benefits provided by employers should be taxable to the employees. This would reduce tax percentages and be a testing ground for each state to find the perfect taxing system.

A guaranteed minimum income system for the national government can make it possible for individual states to institute this tax system or not because of the people not giving their income tax to the nation for redistribution; each state can then do its own thing.

* As this new system of federal and state direction of our domestic affairs develops, the national budget and the debt should shrink, and the states would choose what to adopt as D.C. closes or reduces the size of each bureau that is not essential for national administration. Then, Congress should meet only every six months, and the District of Columbia would become a bedroom community. (L.O.L.).

* The flow of taxes should be from the bottom to the top, from the citizen to the city, the county, the state, and the nation. Our present tax system is totally out of our control!

Then, multi-state corporations can be restrained from moving income among their states to avoid taxes if a state eliminates corporate taxes requiring them to increase their dividends, payroll, bonuses, and purchases, taxing the recipients of those payments based on the idea that people should be taxed, not businesses. 


   With the people no longer sending money directly to the national government but to their state, a guaranteed basic income system can be instituted by any state that cares to do so, leaving those not interested the option to not contribute to such a program. 


* Now, bear in mind states cannot just print money; funds must be available to support anything they do!!!!!! Aha!

 States should be directed to not be in debt for more than 20 percent of their budget at the end of each year; not be permitted to borrow until their obligations are below 120% of their assets, with no flexibility to the debt ceiling.

                 ! ! ! ! ! !

" Statists" like the idea of the national government being in the position to "blackmail" states by withholding their fair share of the national income by requiring surrender to national wishes; this system of taxing states - by formula-, not people, will eliminate "Statist" blackmail by no longer requiring the circuitous routing of income from the individual to the national treasury, then to the redistribution to states for national mandates; money will remain within the states for support of their own needs, and the bureaucracy that administers this redistribution will be gone.

NOTE: When a national health care payment system is passed, to have the system well managed and coordinated, it would be necessary to have the national government pay the premium for the basic coverage of the program, so the billing to the states will include the cost of the health program.

! ! ! ! ! !

* Mortgage and other loans- interest should be terminated as a tax deduction. If we don't have the government giving incentives to buy homes, there would be no reason for thinking of interest other than part of the cost of things financed. To whom it matters, Rent! Why should government incentivize buying; let businesses do that.

We are opposed to federal death taxes; if a state wants to tax estates, it should be limited to wealth within that state; if several states invade a person's estate, there will be war, so Death Taxes should be eliminated. However; I can accept state taxes to those who inherit.

THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM must be made to limit all income to the beneficiaries, not to be held in the general fund and unavailable for other purposes, eventually leading to increased benefits.


* As to the elimination of Pork, I can't conclude how this would stop or reduce the infighting for it, except that there would no longer be items within states that all other states would help finance.


We are opposed to any level of government having anything to say about abortion. Anything!


(I'll take this opportunity to render you my definition of art.)

Music meant to be heard but not be aware of is not art, nor is visual art meant to put people in a frame of mind without being aware of it; a building not meant to be studied, such as a government post office, does not invite appreciation for its visual appeal; visual art is made explicitly for the purpose of being looked at.

The value of a work of art is its appeal to the senses; its specific purpose is for you to look or listen to it, and react. Visual art is explicitly made to be looked at; musical art is not merely to be heard but listened to; if it is background music, you are not expected to stop and study it. Therefore, it is not art.

I have spoken!



   We spent over 300 BILLION dollars just for INTEREST on our loans in 2022 and 240 BILLION on our federal healthcare programs; we can do it for a lot less with the following original approach. . . 

. . . a fiscally workable finance plan of basic care for all American *citizens* and to make the system work before gradually upgrading toward total coverage as it succeeds.

Bear in mind that this program can be in operation from the moment it becomes law instead of taking a year and the expense of building a new bureaucracy that a single-payer program would require. It, therefore, uses present insurers operating under state regulations to administer the claims, not a single-payer played with by Congress; private enterprise would be maintained.

We must produce the funding before creating the benefits rather than establishing benefits we cannot afford from the start and constantly seeking financing to fill deficits.


To achieve this goal, all special interests in this problem must compromise. With this particular goal in mind, we propose the following action: 

1. Congress would vote on this plan created by a committee of specialists in the insurance industry, not politicians, and approved by neutral financial experts.

The premium per insured disregards gender and age, eliminating a premium scale because the program will cover 100% of American citizens and their children, reviewed annually.

 Legislation for the U.S. Treasurer to pay monthly premiums to insurers to fund the basic coverage would be passed; this plan would cover the emergency ward and one or two days in the hospital, simple surgeries, and prescriptions/supplies given during the first visit, possibly with a small co-payment. As for deductibles for those without the income to afford them, charities should form to provide help in doing so. Still, deductibles must be in insurance programs to control abuse and keep costs down.


As for charities that provide any health coverage, this program should be used by them to pay all or part of premiums for Major plans with insurers rather than actual expensive care itself; this basic coverage should be a gift to charities.

As for minorities who receive less medical concern than almighty white people - longer-term sicknesses and deaths, charities paying - partial or wholely, for Major plans rather than actual medical services should relieve minorities of this concern: 

   this program would not provide for HMOs; it must be simple insurance with stipulated allowances for each procedure; any other fees would be covered by major plans individually purchased. Therefore, the question of participating healthcare providers would not exist.

  We propose the use of a “U.C.R.” (Usual, Customary, and Reasonable) schedule rather than agreements between each insurer and provider; such schedule should be based on postal zip codes and the *provider.*   
The problem of severe ongoing health conditions breaking the backs of so many Americans needs its own solution and funding mechanism(s); attempts to address these within a single national coverage program have failed as the only possible result.

3. After approval of this legislation, each insurer recognized by a state would register applicants for the basic coverage. There would be no government department involved with the registration or management of the benefits, no direction, no claim payments, no new government buildings, civil servants, furniture, etc.

 Americans would be covered on the effective date by the Basic plan without needing to sign up through an insurance agent or company, but can with one of their choice and given one month to do so, as specified in the legislation.

 Not registering for coverage would call for a fee for care that they would have to pay. The benefits would exist without registering, but when a claim is made, it would have to be to an insurer, so they may as well choose one.

For both the individual buyer and employers buying group policies, each insurer would, as currently, have designed three. Options for a Major plan, which would ensure charges that are not covered by the Basic plan. Major policies would be designed to serve three? levels of ability to pay, according to the popularity of each policy. Insurers would maintain the competitive market as it currently is. This is in opposition to a single-payer system!.

5. All insurers would offer such options to their individual policyholders. They would be free to choose to remain with them or sign up with another insurer for both coverages with no break in coverage in either case. Employers would choose which major plan employees would be covered by. That insurer would be the administrator of the basic coverage for all employees - members of group policies should not be able to choose their own insurer to keep it easy to manage claims.

NOTE: With the employer no longer paying the cost of the basic benefits, their cost for employee benefits will drop to allow for increased coverage in the major plan or increased salaries.

Each family member would be covered with their own policy numbers- family policies would not need to exist, so reaching maturity, a child would merely add a Major plan to one's own policy. ( the plan would have the same number as the parent with an alphabet at the end, eg. Spouse; 1824503A, child; B, C, etc.,)

The premium for Major coverage would be added to the mature child's number; the total of all the family coverage should total less than a family plan.)

6. Insurers would pay all claims for both plans; the government would not be involved with claims; only the states would oversee insurers as they do now. Governments will be out of it; The national government has done its duty and set up the remittance system with the insurers; states would be free of this burden.

7. The Government would remit a service fee added to the monthly payment for administering the plan. Investment returns from such funds should be credited to the fund.

THE ABOVE IS THE ONLY APPROACH TO *BEGINNING* A NATIONAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING SYSTEM THAT HAS A CHANCE TO SUCCEED; what follows are particulars that need consideration when designing it.


Switzerland has a national insurance program that is a close variation to this one that I had dreamed up during the 1980s. This program honors free enterprise and the interests of all parties concerned and is more appropriate for the U.S. nations, but the U.K. has replaced its central plan in favor of individual insurers, and funds plan and guesstimates are based on non-citizens being excluded from the program. If any are, it would be Congress's responsibility. Congress and the Government would address non-citizens separately who are usually covered by their own nation or take out a complete policy from an insurer that offers total coverage.

Agreements should exist between our insurers and other nations to have mutual payment systems for traveling citizens based on the benefits of the home country.

10. Charities can adopt a premium payment system for those non-citizens in poverty to be covered by Major plans. (citizens in poverty being covered by the Basic plan).

 States that already have a program of coverage can opt to add it to that of the basic plan, thereby reducing the need for coverage by private policies reducing the private premiums yet more, and thereby increasing people's net income.

11. Citizens while traveling offshore, would, of course, be covered only to the Basic plan's limits. The Major plan of their choice would have their own rules. However, insurers would provide a complete policy at retail premiums for those not qualified for, or making use of, this program.

 U.C.R. means the Usual, Customary, and Reasonable fees providers charge, set by insurers to pay claims. Limits would be on the U.C.R. rates of the Basic plan; any excess would be covered by the Major plan to the extent set in the policy of choice. There would be no limits to annual or lifetime expenditure under the basic plan. Limits should be on particular procedures. Payment agreements between payers and providers not based on a zip-coded U.C.R. schedule should be discontinued for both basic plans. Insurers *should* follow suit in all their plans to be consistent and to control costs.

The cost of procedures should be based on the universal postal zip code system to set a U.C.R. payment schedule to prevent a hospital's dishonest fees covering many geographical areas. They must be the same with all insurers in a state, or it will not work.

NOTE: The costs to providers to administer the present system are horrendous, that of handling so many medical plans and company's requirements; this system will eliminate much of the burden, reducing office personnel of providers and make life easier for the survivors.

13. States would retain the regulation of insurers; there is no reason to have the "Federal es" take over the regulation of the industry.

Preexisting conditions would have to be covered from the start for both Basic plan if every citizen would be immediately covered; the theory of high numbers and 100% participation provides many more healthy people than sick than voluntary programs.

However, though preexisting conditions would not be excluded from the issue of a Major policy, after a period of 3? months of qualification, if one had not applied for a major policy, an insurer should be allowed to limit or reject coverage.

There is no need to mandate people to buy a Major policy. Still, the states could provide legal protection for creditors and leave the uninsured without protection from lawsuits and collection attempts. Additionally, states should provide legislation permitting hospitals to give a minimum level of care without any bells and whistles to meet the intent of our Constitution.


Maternity coverage would have to be covered during the initial year of this program, then a deductible for future care and deliveries in the Basic plan. Insurers would be free to limit maternity coverage before the initial 10 months of coverage, after which any new applicant could be charged a higher premium or a high maternity deductible in a Major plan purchased by citizens who had qualified at inception but did not buy one that time; it would be up to the insurers to deal with people who wait until they go for a child to take out a major plan. (It's essential we pay premiums for fire insurance before we put a match to the house.)

THIS WILL HAVE TO STOP: The top insurers in the U.S. Received:

 Molina Healthcare C.E.O. Joseph Zubretsky saw the second-largest pay bump in 2019, earning $18 million in total compensation for the year compared to $15.2 million in 2018. Most of his earnings were in stock awards, of which he raked in $13 million last year.

Anthem chief Gail Boudreaux, the lowest earner among the C.E.O.s we analyzed, received $15.5 million in total compensation for 2019. That includes her $1.4 million base salary, $8.4 million in stock awards, and $2.8 million in option awards.

Boudreaux also earned $2.7 million in other cash incentives.

UnitedHealth Group C.E.O. David Wichmann earned $18.9 million in total compensation, with $9.6 million of that coming from stock awards. UnitedHealth also boasts the third-largest C.E.O. pay ratio, 348:1.

Humana produced the lowest C.E.O. pay ratio of the insurers we examined. The insurer's chief, Bruce Broussard, earned $16.7 million in 2019, while the median salary at Humana was $73,669 for a 227:1 ratio.

Cigna C.E.O. David Cordani earned $19.3 million in 2019, a compensation package that includes $10.4 million in stock awards and $3.6 million in other incentives.



All plans currently in place, both federal and state, would be relieved of having to fund present programs, leaving states to redirect their income; federal programs, such as Medicaid,  would redirect their funding to this program.

A 1% ? tax on food items declared bad for health and a 3%? on tobacco and liquor products, at the source of original manufacture would not be out of order.


Workers' compensation would no longer be needed for medical needs but would remain as disability income, if at all; Employers would experience reduced costs in operating expenses.

Medicare would eventually become a rider to the Basic plan after it is proved successful, eliminating the costs for a separate administration of senior coverage; the current premium to the S.S.A. for this coverage would continue but forwarded to the administrators of the Basic plan, which would be insurers whose citizens had been covered.

There could be a provision for people to choose an insurer to administer "Senior Care." (Medicare.)

American manufacturers carry the high cost of employee benefits programs that make cars and other products more expensive than other nations like Canada providing such benefits through taxes. Their companies don't carry such costs in their prices. This program will bring back many lost jobs. We have lost billions of dollars and thousands of jobs to other countries whose business prices do not include the cost of such employee benefits.


   Because Americans have no idea what the term “insurance” means and the abuse that naturally follows it, the mental health of any kind needs a special program; no medical plan can afford to cover a condition that is not measurable in any way for cost calculations. All forms of mental health need a program of their own, guaranteed to fail from the abuse it must inevitably have to deal with; the cost of this coverage mixed with regular health coverage guarantees failure of the whole plan, let any mental health plan keep its death to itself and its abusers and opportunists.


I believe that no additional tax would have to be added to totally fund this program. Still, if proved insufficient, a mere fraction of a percent tax on all health-damaging items, such as sugar, salt, tobacco, and animal-fat foods, would probably suffice at the point of origin rather than at retail.

Bear in mind that the Major plans would cost less than at present due to the massive participation ratio; insureds would not pay for the Basic coverage, and the Major coverage they pay for would not need the high administrative costs that all present coverage are burdened with, thereby producing a lower premium than one would expect.

NOTE: When this national health care payment system is passed, to have the system well-managed and coordinated, it would be necessary to have the national government pay the premium for the basic coverage of the program, so the billing to the states will include the cost of this health program.



A concerted effort must be made to reduce the vast sums of money taken by fraud from all programs. That must call for a unit of the administration that oversees the Basic coverage program using positive acts to ferreting out fraud by every business that bills for the basic plan for medical services.

Private insurers must be required to improve their claims department's investigation efforts to anticipate and follow up on every possible way the billings could be false and confirm that they are not; billions of dollars are lost to fraud by providers, contractors, employees, nurses, doctors; the savings from diligent anticipation of fraud in every billing would bring down the cost of both care, and payment.

A division of the national administration should exist to constantly follow up on how diligent each insurer is in catching fraud and prosecuting it.

Legislation establishing more severe penalties for fraud and abuse should be included in the bill that creates this program.

This program would produce an increase in spendable income by reducing the total cost for coverage at present. As a result, the economy would jump.

I had sold health insurance and handled medical insurance claims for almost fifty years, so my insight into this subject is limited.


Veteran's hospitals should be sold to private parties, and vets should be taken care of in all hospitals with the necessary specialists available. I see no reason for the V.A. to own hospitals or even separate coverage for veterans.

Insurance premiums will never decrease or remain the same percentage of our personal ability to pay until we revalue our currency because of ever-increasing medical technology; we really are going to make "Bones" on Captain James T. Kirk's Star Ship Enterprise look uncivilized. Still, it will get close to equaling the cost of our homes per year because we think we have a right to it with no limitations, for $1.98 a year. Everyone should be required to chip in to pay the $1.98. This plan will head that off, though genomics R&D will continually contain the increases.)

As for medical costs, "The decision to use particular procedures often favors " the economic advantage to the medical provider than the best procedure for the patient and the payer." That says it all! Perhaps cost control legislation is appropriate, or more up-to-date technology, probably both. In any event, we must stop attacking the cost problem in a legislative bill on insurance.


 I have just been informed by a follower that statistics show that American family physicians earn about twice as much as English, German, and Australians, considering the relative cost of living.

Medical care is a very profitable business, and it is a business, not a dedication - in practice. This supports my beginning to lean toward fee controls more than insurers and HMOs have been doing for the past ten years; it's still not perfect. (REALLY?)

I ask our followers to promote the idea of helping the American medical profession humble itself and reduce their desire for a wealthy lifestyle. I have no idea how to approach this idea of re-creating the medical profession so it behaves like the neighborhood plumber. :)))

IF YOU HAVE READ THIS FAR, can you expend the energy to send me a message that you have done so and what you think, or even if you don't have an opinion yet, please let me know you had read it?


Restoring a Bracero program is a good idea if we forbade unemployment payments to any American out of their type of work for longer than one year who rejects a job offer of any kind.

As for Braceros not returning home after the season, a National ID card, indicating their temporary status and expiration, would take care of that; reasonably.


A President cannot even get close to resolving the domestic problems with which we are faced; it will take a new dedicated party in power, with a balanced set of values, and the collective chutzpah to resist criminality and the opportunity to dominate the legislatures of the nation and the states. Only then can we hope to see a candidate who will lead us toward the maturity we should have achieved a long time ago.

The Republican Party works hard to resist the natural inclination of most people to want a daddy and mommy-type government supported by independent, high-earning fellow citizens. In return, Democrats, not limited to members of Congress, accuse Republicans of being a power-seeking and money-driven gang of heartless ogres. Democrats, for the most part, believe in serving the people; they are humanistic. Therefore, to them, we are a democratic system, which we were not meant to be.

Republicans know that we are a republic, with leaders being elected by the people rather than by elected representatives. The United States is not a democratic nation; it is a democratic republic. It was designed to have popularly elected representatives make decisions based on their own judgment, not their constituents, but their preferences in mind. We call our system a democracy because the people input our desires, but we tend to forget that the system is not run by us but by our chosen leaders.

Each side of the aisle has members of extreme thinking, either toward the left or the right. Each party member is faced with the decision to join the majority of the party members or go with one's convictions.

Each party has "gangs" among them; representatives with independent and balanced members must go with the majority to get bills passed or rejected.

The elimination of money-driven campaigns would bring in a better quality of candidates. Obama had won the election in 2008 due to his people's discovery of internet fund-raising.

The Balance Party should not run candidates for President until it has 25% of both houses. Only by the Party's balanced values disturbing Congress will the downward slide to oblivion be reversed, or at least halted. It's a problem that all predictions of collapse are treated as lunatic ravings, even if we know that all things must end. But not yet! Why not?

We are The United "States," not the United "People." The people constitute the states, and the states form the nation, an unbreakable relationship. All national domestic laws passed by our representatives should be administered by the states where national administration is not essential. Only in the sense of our being citizens of the same nation are we "a united people."

This party will promote a national I.D. card for every soul in the country issued to legal residents. It would have our picture and fingerprint, only read by a particular computer in a secret language. This idea is too sensible to ignore; it would solve our immigration, law enforcement, and deficit problems. To not have one is, in my judgment, ridiculous!

Only political paranoids compare a plastic I.D. card to needing "papers" to move around the country. We do not permit law enforcement officers to ask for the card without just cause. And moving among the states would not require "papers," as the Constitution mandates.

See "biometric identity cards" on line

All applicants for residency should be required to swear they support the separation of government and religion. On breaking the promise, one should be ejaculated from the U.S.A. (It's a matter of speed.)

The only problem we will face is illegal's children. Our solution is the processing of them to legal status. Why now? A national I.D. card for every soul legally in the country will save us problems with employment, legal transactions, law enforcement procedures. Employers who fail to check for the official I.D. card would be heavily fined or hanged.

Illegals who have lived in the U.S. for longer than two years and have received no welfare benefits for at least eighty percent of the time they've been here should be permitted to apply for legal residency after paying federal and state taxes equal to the average of all taxpayers in the same income bracket during the past two years.

We support the amending of the Constitution to define a natural-born citizen as one who is born to a citizen. A child born to an illegal resident should not be considered a citizen. People would no longer be jumping the border and dropping a baby in an American hospital for citizens' benefits. Legal Non-citizen's childbirths should be of the same citizenship as the parents. On becoming citizens, the children should be included.

After the passage of such a bill, all adult children of former illegals who become legal should be given legal status.

Voter registration will no longer be necessary with this National I.D. Card, which would serve this purpose as well. Also, the card prevents the repetition of votes and non-citizens from voting. A lot of $ would be saved by eliminating the need for registration.


  Take appointments to federal benches from the Presidency, giving it to the members of the federal court system with more than 4 years in good standing to nominate and appoint Federal Judges. Democrats, republicans, conservatives, Liberals, and independents in the thousands deciding the balance of the Courts.


   As for the entire federal judiciary, all appointments to directorships within the federal justice system should be removed from politics by their election by all members in good standing with five years in practice, in Court as well as management and education.




SEE the solution to this problem as illustrated and explained in the 2012 novel, "The Winner, by Gritz.”

You could save the lives and psyches of millions of kids and their parents and save billions of dollars. Let's do what Solomon Hochman did with his money.


Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s?keyword=the+winner%2C+gritz&store=allproducts&page=%2Findex.asp&prod=univ&pos=-1&box=the%2520winner%252C%2520gritz

B&N lets you read the first chapter.


If you should check behind the shower curtain for a murderer, have a plan in case you find one.


          "SOYLENT GREEN"

The movie with Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson illustrates the recycling of human bodies to provide food for the starving masses. I want this to become a reality; instead of it rotting in the ground, a massive chest of drawers, or being burned to a powder and "deading" in an Urn, why are we wasting our body parts? For example, we have a massive shortage of organs we could eliminate and, as a bonus, stop murders for the marketing of body parts. Our bodies can be a valuable contribution to society, and God, if you will, by not having our bodies rotting away, wasted!

Make it so! Write your Congress members, newspaper, and discussion boards. Maybe even me!


The cost of medical care is highly inflated by the markup medical providers add to their billing to cover malpractice insurance premiums. The factor added to fees charged by suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, and others who

provide assistance to hospitals to protect them from lawsuits. The final tally for medical care is inflated by other than supplies, machinery, and maintenance itself. We need to change tort law to bring a halt to class action lawsuits that bring in astronomical fees to lawyers; Yes! Drug creators are sometimes careless, but the percentage from awards as attorney fees is outrageous. I'm sure complaints will be filed by makers of 50 million dollar private planes and yachts.

We need prison sentences for corporation executives found guilty of misconduct rather than money damages from the company itself. Protecting personal estates by incorporating a medical business should be modified to permit drying out the guilty party's personal wealth before insurance can cover judgments.

Should we curtail the growth of technology and accept what we have? Should we possibly not want to live as long as medical science will keep us living longer than life is worth living? Besides all that, how could you get to your next healthy and vigorous life if you don't leave this one? There should be a pill! (Cheap.) The Soylent Green Corporation is badly needed.

Punitive damages should, in most cases, be required to be paid to charities selected by the court rather than going to the plaintiff. The winning attorney's share should be limited as to the portion of such damages.

Without a purpose, life is not worth living. Without diversions from the severe issues in your life, there is insanity, and without reasoning, there are few intelligent decisions. So spaketh Sauly Gritzathustra!


The Balanced Party, as an association or a party, will demand that members of both houses of Congress personally familiarize themselves with every bill they vote on or not vote. Every candidate for Congress, including members up for reelection, should be required to swear to do so. The TBEPP will not only keep tabs on all bills to spot late and last-minute additions but make them known to all members and the public before the official vote is taken.

The TBEPP will be enthusiastic about no bill going without making sure that the contents of all proposed legislation shall be known to congress members and their constituents. Also, no member should be permitted to change their vote after it is taken.


Speak to me; we'll talk, like grown-ups! Homony.gritz@Gmail.com

Important: If you want to see this party get off the ground, even as just an association, then submit your "membership." No dues. Actual names, city, state, & email addresses, without which I cannot gauge the degree of popularity. (I will NOT snitch on you or bug you with many incomings!)

Questions not asked cannot be answered; input not given cannot be helpful.

Check out Americans United for Separation of Church and State. www.AU.org. I'm leaving them all my assets, plus life insurance.


There will be no organization, no order, in subject or topic. It's just a meandering, inquiring, fascistic mind.

During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Adlai Stevenson: "Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!" Stevenson called back: "That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!" Naturally, he lost! (However, it may have been due to the hole in his shoe.)


take a break

The neighborhood Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels in their church. After prayer and consideration, they concluded the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

At the Baptist Church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and instinctively knew how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Methodist church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later, the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water slide.

But the Catholic Church came up with a very creative strategy. They baptized all the squirrels and consecrated them as members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the synagogue; they took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel since.



Eliminate account numbers from credit cards, and eliminate fraud. There is no reason for the number to be seen; the number should be kept elsewhere.



The government imports poverty by accepting low-skilled immigrants. Only people with something to offer the nation should be allowed.


We are also opposed to Sanctuary cities and states as unconstitutional. We are in favor of a system by which to legalize all illegals employed in the country-without prejudice, by issuing social security numbers, to be paid

above board, subject to taxation, and deporting those convicted of a criminal crime, without them serving a sentence in our prison - excepting murder in the first degree.


As long as the church has tax advantages for being a church, they must obey man's laws; surrender those advantages, and let them do as they wish. Additionally, churches providing sanctuary to people not persecuted for their religious beliefs should not be seen as being protected by the Constitution.


Where Republicans force religion and morality on us, Democrats force bankruptcy; The Balanced Party would force nothing but the containment of self-righteousness in the minds of the movers and shakers.



We put them in cages, feed, clothe, house them at great expense, then let them out. We forbid them from living in certain areas and inform all the neighbors of his presence. Yet, we think of ourselves as being intelligent.

From what I've read, there is no cure for pedophilia which makes the way we deal with them outrageous. We waste our time and money dealing with the problem, with absolutely no return on our investment. To me, that's terrible! And very expensive.

I have a better idea; we could reduce child abuse by pedophiles by at least fifty percent within five years. Furthermore, let's deal with the problem by respecting the convicted as human beings with a malfunction that none of us understands. In all other things, they are not our enemies. I am sure that it needs cooperation by the U.S. Supreme Court. Putting child - lusters in cages is, to me, not only foolish but a waste of lives that could be constructive in a city that is a prison, with a stable economy and lifestyle. It will save the state billions of dollars.

Prisoners would cover all the costs of running their city by earning a living and paying taxes to support their city, the state, and the nation, just as if they were free. They would not be free enough to leave and get their hands on children. Their freedom would relieve the state and federal taxpayers of their loads.

Pedophiles are human beings, deserving the freedom others have; their illness sets them apart and is dangerous to kids' and parents' psyches; they must be separated from society, free as the rest of us, to enjoy and be free Americans. I do not here refer to murderers.

Many large manufacturers, businesses, and banks would set up branches in this city, possibly eventually having only pedophiles as their only employees; ordinary people would fill only jobs that no prisoner qualifies for. There would be no children under the age of eighteen within the walls. Prisoners would even start businesses, and there are national and state franchises they could buy into.

Many people would like to live without children, free to leave anytime; it would not be a prison for them, but a secluded town to be expanded as demanded by growth. Prisoners will not be released before their ninetieth birthday, only if they will be taken care of by someone at their own expense. It could not work within existing cities, which would have no space for it. If a state did try to build one within populated neighborhoods, Nimbies would rise up to stop it.

Once this city is ready to receive its citizens, it would take those sentenced to prison for several years who chose a life without access to children. Those sentenced to life could, at

judicial discretion, live in this city, being no threat to society - at – large. Again, I do not refer to killers; the judiciary would decide that.

This town will be directed by those eventually elected by the population once they number enough to be a town, with plenty of space to grow into a city capable of expansion without limits. Federal and State courts throughout the nation could offer the convicted the choice of living in a cage for a stated number of years, or for life, or in this prison of comfort and freedom, never to be let out, a more humane and economically better way to treat them.

There would, of course, be a state-appointed warden, guards at the walls to check the action, and the security of the ingress and egress. The state would not cover the cost of policing in the town after the first few years.

Initially formed by the state, the city government would establish police and other city services. What services prisoners cannot qualify for would come from the people at large. When they have a prisoner who could do a job, they would claim it. California would be relieved of the cost of this prison as the population builds an economy for themselves.


See the realization of this problem, as illustrated and explained in my novel, "The Winner." (By Gritz, not Baldacci)

You could save the lives and psyches of millions of kids and their parents and save billions of dollars as well. Let us do what Solomon Hochman did with his money.


Have you heard the expression, "Single facet thinking"? Of course not; I thought it up. Like a diamond with many facets, some people deal with only one facet of a many-faceted question - which most questions are - and ignore all the others. That makes dealing with the question easier than trying to reason through all the facets and adopting a legitimate viewpoint of the whole subject, on balance; I believe that not many people do that! Seinfeld would say: "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Sure there is! What follows are challenges to tunnel vision.


We should submit a bill to Congress to limit retirement funds offered by multi-state employers or associations to plans administered by reputable, disinterested third-party firms - with no executive, or owner, related to the employer. These fund managers should be governed by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. They should guarantee a minimum interest rate, a share of excess earnings, and assume all the risk." Employees should be left to risk their disposable income without their employer or union involved. We should eliminate tax incentives for such contributions, which would increase the net benefits when claimed.

Permits and licenses to do business within a single state should not need federal involvement if the company or personal activity does not affect a federal facility. State legislators should outlaw permits and licenses designed to keep newcomers out of a type of business. Let competition be genuinely free, without politics, and let "little people" start their own businesses without laws promoted by those already in it to protect themselves. Florida is entertaining the idea of safeguarding Morticians by requiring makers and sellers of coffins to be licensed after years of education. That's ugly! With proof of competence, anyone should be permitted to operate; keeping competition low increases the cost of living and high unemployment.

As I believe homeownership is not necessarily in most people's favor, the tax deduction of the interest should be eliminated as a deduction for new buyers or re-finance rs'. It's said that deducting home interest was to give people an incentive to buy; in this economy, homeownership is too expensive and troublesome; it will be a long time before anyone will see equity. Renting should cost 50% less than owning, leaving lots of money for savings and purchases; personal homes should not be considered an investment, except as a business.

Yes! "Landlords" (they're not Lords, you know!) lose out on this idea because tenants are not always loving with rentals. Those who want to own their home for the future security it promises can have an easier life by avoiding the cost of home maintenance, insurance, taxes, etc. It's for them to decide and to "eat" losses in value.



Public schools should modify their systems, to begin with, five-year-olds on how to listen, focus on anything - and reason, in addition to the "three R's." Everything else should take second place; memorizing should be in the last place. How to reason one's way through life should be the Prime Directive; [reasoning how electric traffic lights and the "walk" signal work would be good at the start of every term!

Anything else should be privately run options offered by each school, in competition with all others. Schools – public and private - should be overseen by states, with no national involvement. Every grade should have a class on reasoning relative to the attained age of students. The national government should, of course, set a basic set of subjects.

* States should be free to order their cities and counties to sell their schools to close corporations set up by the teachers of each school for the value of the "plant's" property, equipment, and hardware. A fifty-year non-interest-bearing note would be appropriate. The notes would be held by the state and used to pay for the general interests of their counties. Those teachers who don't buy shares would work for the corporation owned by their associates, and the new owners would know what it's like to be on the other side of a union. God!!! That would be painful!

* Employees of schools for students below college level should be licensed by states, mandated to clear all applicants for any position through a national computer for any reports of pedophilia; Principles should report all employees proved to be pedophiles within three days of the dismissal, subject to personal penalty.


I would like to know what special interests prohibit national and state from giving foreign students with diplomas automatic residency permits. We educated them and insisted they go away. Why do we throw away their knowledge?


A president cannot get even close to resolving the domestic problems we are faced with. It will take a new, dedicated, and honest set of values and the collective chutzpah to resist criminality, opportunity, and egoism to dominate the legislatures of all states and the nation. Only then can we hope to see a candidate who will actually lead us toward the maturity we were supposed to have achieved a long time ago. His name is John Maxwell Flesch. (See "The FECMA Conspiracy." a Novel.)

The Republicratic party works hard to resist the natural inclination of most people to want a daddy and mommy-type of government supported by independent, high-earning fellow citizens.

Each side of the aisle has members of extreme thinking, either toward the left or the right. Party members must join the majority or go with their convictions and be ostracised or ignored. Each party has "gangs" among them; representatives with independent and balanced members going with the majority to get bills passed or rejected.

Qualified members of a party who are inclined to reject too much of the party's favored legislation have no chance to be nominated. A balanced-minded member will not have the support of one's party, either Democrat or Republican.

This party will not run a candidate for President until we have members in both houses having as many votes as each of the other major parties. Only by The Balanced Party's values can the voices of socialists and "royalty" lose their dominance in Congress and reverse the direction of our downward slide to oblivion, or at least, halted. It's in the hands and the minds of voters.

There's the story of the restaurant with five cooks with an equal vote on how to run the place and what the menu should be, and be voted on by all the servers and customers. They serve those who live many miles away and those who eat across the street most of the time. This is the American version of a democratic republic.

Having learned the faults of Democratic societies that are actually run by their people, we still behave as a pure Democracy where the people legislate, which was not the intent!

The enemy is the human instinct to progress without an agreement of a destination. We have to push extremists - political and religious - into ineffective and unpopular political parties by creating a balanced party.

One of my dreams is every voter decided to pass on all issues and offices they don't understand or cannot choose among the candidates for particular offices. An excellent citizen does not vote the opinions of others; "Who should I vote for?" is a terrible question! The current results of elections are not a reflection of intelligent decision-making. To complete a ballot with only one or two issues marked, or even entirely blank, is more patriotic than a ballot marked with the opinions of others, or just guesses, or because the candidate is a woman or white, black, or sky-blue pink.


One of the many misunderstandings Americans have is about the poem on the base of Lady Liberty; it is not the result of legislation but a national private contest won by a socialist poet. We need to cancel the invitation. We should accept only applicants with something to offer America, not unfortunate people to fill the lower step on the ladder for life. We long ago needed people from everywhere else to make a nation which we became; we are destroying ourselves by continuing to welcome the oppressed; it's suicide; close the gates!

As long as we have private campaign donations, states should think about forbidding any candidate for state office from accepting support from sources outside of that office's district. Cities and counties should do the same. No money should be accepted from outside the community, and corporate money should be prohibited.

It is supposed to be that the people within a district decide who represents them, not permitting outsiders to affect the election in any way. Until we have a state version of FECMA (SECMA), only local money should be allowed; a MECMA for Municipal.)

This stuff sounds dirty!



Following the elimination of federal taxation of individuals and intra-state businesses, private employers would have no advantage to provide fringe benefits, except for the wholesale discount,

tax-favorability, and reduction or elimination of the preexisting conditions clause. It would be voluntary on the employer's part, or associated employees could be permitted to shop for fringe benefits at wholesale rates through their employers. Intra-state corporations should be governed and taxed by the state only.

Though there would be no national tax on corporations, foreign-based companies should be taxed by states in which they operate, or in cases of multi-state, an I.R.S. "tax-referee" could average the tax rates of all states in which they operate, to levy them that average for all their income, and distribute those proceeds among the  states as discounts in their billing.

Comments? Homony.gritz@Gmail.com


1. Submit a request for the President to order a feasibility study to look into the linking ability of all ships (an attachable flotilla) to be able to form, and deform, complete mobile military bases on international water, to include a hospital ship and a sports and entertainment ship. We should remove our military from countries that resent our presence.

2. On foreign policy: I believe the U.S.A. should stop promoting democracy offshore and leave it be social/political/religious evolution. I choose to think that all we should do is deliver a better life for ourselves than dictatorships, evil, and/or spiritual. The internet will take care of it, all by itself! Let all civil wars go on without American input and regain the respect and affection we had. Egocentricity be-gone! (But not to the extent Barry O is taking it!)

3. We should treat unfriendly nations with matching behavior: resist and fight them according to their own values. I disagree that we would lower ourselves to their level if we respond in a language they understand. Our self-chosen enemies should know that we will respond to their attack as they would react to ours.

4. I approve of the term "Islamic extremism" as the same as Christian, Jewish, and political extremism; the word is appropriate and does not refer to the religion but to the believers who take their faith to an extreme. The present brew-ha-ha over the term by government sissies is evidence of their own incompetence and fears.

We should stop thinking we own the world. We had not been appointed by the Big Guy/Gal to rule the planet. (S/He told me that during our last conference.) Getting involved in civil wars in other nations is the action of government egoism.

ISIS is not just a threat to the Muslim nations; they kill civilized citizens and should be retaliated against by the victim's leadership. Killing people is Not punishing them; I have a better idea; make them wish I had killed them.

ISIS is not a nation and should not be seen as such; they are obviously an organization. We must treat them as a very dangerous gang which is a threat to us in particular; we must eradicate them. Leaving it to the Muslim nations to do so is, in my opinion, Chicken and suicidal.


1. Eliminate federal involvement with mortgages. Only the states should govern and mandate guarantees by private administrators. That would have national companies doing business according to each state's requirements.

We must let money-lenders design their loans. States should approve lender's rates. Lenders who screw up should lose their license and be held responsible for losses; money-lenders should not be protected by incorporation. Their private estates should be exposed to lawsuits and recovery. Banks should be audited quarterly by the state without warning.


Civil service workers should not be paid more than civilians doing the same type of job, all forms of compensation included.

A federal Internal Auditing Department should be created, staffed by non-political auditors. They would move among the departments – unannounced.

Their assignment would be to examine the books, contracts, and everything else specifically to detect what must be there: cheating, lying, fake jobs, positions no longer needed, and everything else that unnecessarily maintains the highest budget allowance possible.

This department would be outside the legislature's influence to report directly to the President. This would be a massive department financed by closing the many departments no longer needed. The Fed would step back from dealing with the people directly. Of course, there would be limits. First the idea, then the plan, then the mechanics.

There should be a bonus program for each department director based on a fraction of a percent of every dollar remaining unspent in their budget at year's end, providing the proposed next year's budget is equal to, or less than, the net on which the department had operated during the previous year.


In the early nineteen hundreds, workers needed unions to humble vicious employers; employer arrogance has long been under control; it's a new age. It's past the time to bring down Trade Unions, which had become counterproductive, and let employees of individual employers deal with each other. Unions should not be more potent than any single employer. Union pension funds should be turned over to totally unrelated administrators, such as insurers.

Trade unions should give way to "Trade Hiring" private enterprises, like employment agencies (Job Shops), but businesses that test and train workers at three levels of competence. Employers would ask for workers at whatever level of competence they want relative to their budget. The product or service quality would show, and competition would rein.

According to the employer, such employees would qualify for permanent jobs, if needed, after a period of experience.

There would be no overbearing power by unions, or employers, due to the new custom of association of employees of single employers.

Union organizers would establish "Job shops" of their own, no longer controlling the economy and businesses; inflation would slow down due to the absence of mandation-through-extortion (the threat of a strike). We would then have to find employment for Goons.


We should be held responsible for our behavior regardless of the cause; crimes committed while under the influence of drugs should not be treated differently than other conditions. Self-defense and insanity are as well; voluntarily taking hallucinogens, breaking the law should be punishable without blaming the drug for the crime. As for too many candy bars, Humm!


The preamble reads: "We the people . . . promote the general welfare. . . "To promote does not mean the national government is to *do* anything; promoting means to *encourage* the states to do. D.C. could be reduced to a small village without breaching the Constitution.

Article 1; Section 8: Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes…to pay debts and defend the nation . . . for the general welfare of the nation itself, not the people- a "nation" refers to people in a single political state, and the "nation" is the entity the Constitution organizes, not the people; the states manage the people who had organized the state for that purpose. We were actually meant to be independent entities constituting a single nation, in place of a confederation, with the intent of the states to remain reasonably independent parts of the nation, not "slaves" to it!


The Second Amendment of the US Constitution does not cover the means by which we are allowed to acquire the arms to carry and bear, so it does not prohibit legislating the conditions under which we can acquire our weapons to defend ourselves from each other.

The legislature, therefore, can establish means by which guns can be marketed, traded, and exchanged within constitutional dictates. We therefore can legislate controls on the marketing of weapons as long as it does not prohibit the possession of them in the home or business if for no other reason than enforcement being impossible; the possession of guns on one's person or in one's vehicle outside the home or business can be limited by law, as can the number of weapons we can buy, trade, or own.

There is also nothing to prohibit the legislature from establishing federal licensing of weapons, and their distribution, to include prohibiting large weapon-selling conventions, and dictating the conditions under which they can be exchanged or purchased and the period between purchase or trade and the taking of possession.

Because the 2nd amendment does not cover the manner in which we have the right to acquire our weapons, must we continue to presume that the absence of this coverage is permission to acquire them in any way we see fit, without limitation?

Does the constitution specifically allow the possession of weapons the founders had no idea would be invented? We say, “absolutely not!”

The Balanced Eagle Political Party supports the above analysis, and conclusion that guns, and their capabilities can be regulated within the constitution's dictates.

The 2nd amendment was explicitly intended to recognize the state's right to form militias to protect itself from the Federal Government, as well as respond to a call to arms in defense of the nation; the ownership of a firearm is fundamental to self-preservation, so the amendment made clear that people needed to own weapons when called to arms. Now that the military provides the guns when called to arms, there is no need for it, except to protect ourselves from each other.

As for a citizen protecting himself from the feds by going down fighting? But you *will* go down!

"A well-regulated Militia" should be followed by, "commanded by a General Officer appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the state Senate, with authority to form and regulate such a military organization.

NOTE: There is nothing in the second amendment to prevent legislation: "The right to own weapons shall not be infringed, except that a federal permit shall be required to carry or transport, for any reason, firearms, or explosives, even if to transfer to, or from, a business or home. The right to keep and bear arms in home and business is what we are guaranteed. (This amendment was intended to recognize the state's right to have a militia, regardless of what the Supreme Court decided in 2013.)

John Paul Stevens, retired Supreme Court Justice, sees it my way; in his recent book, he suggested inserting in the second amendment the right to bear arms "when serving in the military." I'm not alone on this.

As for permits to carry, it should be required *before* buying a weapon. Anyone wanting one at the moment should have a problem getting it. Those who intend to, or enjoy it when they need it, should apply immediately - like insurance – so you can get it if and when you want it. As I've said, permits should be on people, not weapons. But I believe in serial number registry, so I'm in trouble.

"A well-regulated militia" should be followed by, "Commanded by a general officer appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the state Senate. No independently formed militia should be recognized by a state; self-established militias, though not recognized, should not be prohibited, but should have no rights as a group unless and until recognized by the commanding general of the state militia."

3. "Double Jeopardy." The 5th states, . . . "twice put in jeopardy of *life, or limb.*" In jeopardy of incarceration is not mentioned; deprivation of liberty and property without due process does not seem to

be included in "double-jeopardy."

4. The right to defense, against what? The charges? Where does it state or imply that a defense attorney could twist or withhold evidence or testimony? ("Don't tell me what is right or wrong, moral or immoral, fair or unfair, just tell me what is legal and what is not.") Constitutionally, no defense should be any more talented than any other; the cunning of the attorneys should be replaced by technology. (A "Lie detector," voice-stress analyzer, and narc o-synthesis.)

Comments? Homony.gritz@Gmail.com

5. Article 1. . .

A. Congress of the United States . . . Consists of two houses: the House and the Senate. So why do so many people refer to House members as Congress members and Senators as such? They're all Congress members!

B. "The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000", etc. Let's make it 1 for every 100,000; we've grown!

6. Article IV; Sec.4. The nation is a Republican form of government. However, the states are free to be democracies. California proved to be a democracy by installing the citizens' initiatives abused by special interests; citizens should not be running the state or nation but run by elected representatives. There should be, instead of loony initiatives, more recalls.

7. First amendment; the word "Speech" should be defined as "Verbal or written communication of thought; the giving of a thing is not a form of speech. Though a "Thing" is something of physical substance, favors should be included.

NOTE: The First Amendment does not guarantee our freedom of speech with each other; it prohibits *the government* from interfering with our self-expression. Nothing within the first ten amendments protects the people from each other.

9. Article V111; the words "Cruel" & "unusual" need to be precisely defined.

10. Amendment X; ". . . Powers not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the States . . . or to the people." "People" certainly *can* mean each individual; it should mean collectively. This needs to be defined because too many people think they can, as individuals, assume rights of their own making, which is ridiculous. (I believe Islam instructs just that: Each follower does their own thing, on their own. We need that like we need cancer!)

11. Amendment XIV; ". . . All persons born . . . are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside," should be followed by, "provided they were born to an American citizen or permanent legal residents after they attain citizenship." In other words, parents would apply as a family, and no woman can illegally cross the border, squat, and deliver a citizen.

By the way, is an infant really a citizen? If so, why can't it vote?

Amendment XVI; Delete it, and pass *legislation* of a new taxing system permitted by Section 8 of the Constitution.

12. The 6th amendment covers trial by jury, etc.; I think an amendment to this amendment should require that jury selection be made by the judge, without input from the adversaries.


Instead of expensive imprisonment, those with multiple criminal acts – felonious and misdemeanors – should call for ejaculation (it's a matter of speed) of such miscreants from this country. Life in prison is not a civilized idea in a perfect world, and it's expensive unless we make them productive, which we don't. Putting them in boats 100 miles from the coast would be ideal. Do you have a better idea?





1. In golf, clubs are referred to as right or left-handed; we are either right-eye or left-eye-dominant regardless of what hand is, so the industry should change their references to apply the eye, not the hand. I use left-eyed clubs. In my hands, they're pretty dangerous!

2. The Eleventh Commandment is, of course, "Be ye therefore perfect." Well, you've read perfect solutions to our nation's problems, and if you disagree, I dare you to debate with me.

3. Did you know that Hong Kong's average I.Q. is 107; South Korea is 106; Japan is 105; Italy and Germany are 102, England is 100, and the U.S.A. is 98? Is this really due to our intake of so many lower intellects, or are we really dumbing down? (Figures are based on test-takers, not everyone.) What is the average I.Q. of American 16 year-olds, male and female?

4. The annual holiday season reminds us that free enterprise and our dependence on spending provokes manufacturers and retailers to bug us with commercials in the continuing movement of Thanksgiving and Christmas a few days closer every year; I imagine that by 2020, we'll be faced with Thanksgiving sales for 2021 three days after January 1st of 2021; and Christmas sales the following week., we would then have to create new holidays to follow Hanukkah in December.


New or rebuilt buildings in any city should have a parking lot near it; no markets, no restaurants, no shopping centers, no homes. Every building should sit a level above the ground for parking, plumbing, sewerage, and electrical lines above ground. The result, as we evolve, would be more room on streets thirty feet above the ground, and space for more buildings, recreation areas, and parks. Also, the streets would be made wider for buses and large trucks, without curb-parking. Imagine a double-decked city.

* All federal government personnel, including elected and appointed leaders and legislators, should have similar fringe benefits as provided to all citizens. Any ungraded benefits should be paid for by a group policy on all participants to choose coverage entirely paid for through payroll withholding on after-tax income. This idea is illustrated in my novel, "The Winner, by Gritz."


* All of us are the result of conditioning; we experienced many things produced by our parent's teaching and the kids we grew up with. So why is it that we become adults who believe everything should be "our" way, even for those who grew up in entirely different cultures?

* Why don't we number highways within the U.S.A. with four digits, so there would not be a duplication of numbers? See #395 on both the western side and eastern ends of the country.

* The more we advance technology, the more unemployment we create. The more we replace ourselves with computers, the more we need to think of what people will be doing without working. What, I wonder, would happen to our nation, even the world, when people will have so much "time on their hands" without the mentality to create socially beneficial activities? W.A.R.!!!! Just for the action.

The average I.Q. in the U.S.A. is 98. What kind of jobs will actual 98ers do? What about those in the '80s? How high will the crime rate be in 2050? ( That is if we haven't yet crashed.) If the U.S.A. does not institute birth control and close the gates, it would be overwhelming. Should the government legislate a Luddite law?

If I were President of the U.S., I would put aside the gun issue (2nd amendment) and concentrate on a national program to address mental health care. It would be created by a commission of non-political specialists in the field, with no political involvements, making the states the beneficiaries of the ideas. I would then go for my own plan on gun ownership.

Everyone standing for federal elective office should be investigated back to their birth; one's own documentation should not be accepted as proof. States should consider the exact requirement.


Additional proof that we are losing it is the way we use words; e.g., Imagine for imagine; emergency for emergency; etc. We have to learn to tawk good, exceptionally professional tawkers!


Discoverers of genes with specific characteristics are permitted to own them. In some states, the discoverer is presumed to own that gene while in your body as well as in your progeny. Do you think that's right? Look it up, ask your Lawyer or your congress member.

The Constitution should be interpreted according to contemporary realities rather than precisely to the assumed intent of our founders.


From Rabbi/Reverend/Father Saul

* As ye are taught as a child, so shall ye need; as ye need, so shall ye believe. A man is the sum of his own thoughts; as ye think, so shall it be, unto YOU.

* In philosophy, there is no such thing as true or false, or right and wrong, unless proved by unquestionable fact; the fact itself is the truth, not the belief.

* It's not positive thinking that accomplishes things; it's the absence of negative thinking that does it; a positive thinker is at the mercy of a false ego, which usually leaves a person flat on 'is arse.

* When out and about, whether walking or riding, always do what you know you are expected to do by others involved; reduce the incidence of combat, and stay off the phone as you move.

* As we grow, we will more and more come down to the simple truth: God is Ethics, not a sentient being; no H.I.M., no I.T., just the idea of living an ethical life. This has been the basis for Judaism since Josiah. The need for ceremony rules man; the belief in a real-life grows man.


The U.S.A. is a nation of too many selfish and ignorant voters; I am convinced that America has no future; if any reader accepts my ideas, I am positive that he will not do anything about it; not write his congress member a letter to the editor, or email me with well-considered opinions or suggestions favoring, opposed, or modifying it But to keep me busy until I get a break by being assigned to live on another planet, here are my steps to avoid the crash of '31 on this one. ( By the way, I participate in the discussion club, "Quora.com).

* As has been said many times before, the better-off a nation, the worse off the ethics.

* A large percentage of successful people give little consideration to ethics as they progress, leaving the unsuccessful to live on that principle; removing money from elections would go a long way to correcting that problem.


 Against technology that records what people are, as individuals, doing on their computers. It's a field of its own that uses and sells people's wants, sites visited, and all that stuff that makes money.

I think the elimination of personal privacy as technology develops should be stopped in its tracks and reversed. Yes, these invasions are creating jobs but consider: we hate government getting into our lives, yet we allow commerce to do so. Think about it.

Additionally, Congress should work up a law outlawing retailers' use of technology to read credit cards in people's wallets while in the store. It fascinates me that it's permitted.



* To understand an Anarchist, you must understand their childhood, and one's ability to accept human nature as it is, and more than 20 humans living together doing without authority. Bear in mind, the number of Anarchists is below 1/1000th percent of the Western population.


In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

A democracy will continue to exist until voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that democracy will finally collapse (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

 From bondage to spiritual faith;

 From spiritual faith to great courage;

 From courage to liberty;

 From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage."



This is a study of why it looks like one-half the population should pay the other half not to work and be happy about it. Overpopulation is not a theory; it is a fact in the making that must be dealt with before it is admitted that it exists.


It makes little difference who pays for things; we all do, repeatedly, round and round it goes, never stopping; there is no original source of money but the printer.

Example: A bank is robbed; who pays for the loss? Banks pay premiums to the insurer, FDIC; banks get the money from borrowers in interest rates and service fees. (If FDIC receives any tax money, the system is ill-run.)

Borrowers pay the banks, receiving the money from customers in the pricing, so all customers of all businesses and services that borrow money from banks pay the premiums for FDIC insurance.

When bank robbers defend themselves by saying they don't steal from regular people, they're wrong. In fact, we do in the pricing of all merchandise and services; they steal from the FDIC, which is an insurance company, but who cares about them? Who pays claims? Everyone, including the robbers themselves.


So let's look at government welfare; is it essential in its present form?

Absolutely not! The present system is expensive and unnecessary because of the payroll and other overhead expenses it carries. We need more efficiency with a different approach.

This approach is not original; it has been spoken of many times and dismissed-I think, for selfish reasons; Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook, wrote a book on this idea, "Fair Shot."

Many people see this as a non-socialistic idea to cover the near future when over-population puts many people out of work for want of available jobs.

Instead of welfare, and unemployment insurance costs, the idea of a federal payment to every citizen who earns less than a reasonable income for essential existence: Rent, groceries, etc., would annually during December, turn in by any computer on the internet, to receive monthly checks during the new year. The computer would check with I.R.S. about the S.S. tax turned in by employers who report payroll to I.R.S. to verify that the claimant is truthful.

At installation, all families will have their kids considered. Still, no increase in income will be based on the number of children at a specific date. (to prevent having babies for an increased income)Fbiometric

This idea negates the need to be on unemployment, welfare, and any other source of money to the poor, as far as the Federal Government is concerned. As for the state homeless problem currently where the streets are filled by occupied tents, a minimum guaranteed income to every citizen would put them all in apartments, paying rent and buying groceries.

With enough income guaranteed to be in one's bank account or mailbox by the first of each month, there would be no need for many federal and state departments, which will significantly reduce the cost of government,

So now we address existing unemployment problems, and the greater the problem gets if we do as I suggest above.

Let people leave the working world to others and live on a universal minimum income from the national treasury in automatic payments. (in my tax system, each state will be paying their share within their remittances to the Fed. )

People would earn additional income legally and enter income tax-rate categories based on income above established levels.

The unemployed, permanently or temporarily, and those unemployable, or very low wage-earners, would receive a livable income, live accordingly, or try to earn enough to learn an employable talent; many people could take "sabbaticals" to study for higher employment opportunities. Local governments can provide education through their own tax systems. (I cover that in my proposal for a new tax system.)

There would no longer be federal unemployment or welfare checks.

I hope this approach if adopted, will be created by a non-political commission elected in presidential elections or appointed temporarily by the President until such an election. Such Commissioners should not be more than one from each state, and no more than ten? Commissioners.


"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensual-ism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law, every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

(Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London).

My thought? Millions of Muslims don't accept all the rot in the Koran, just as there are Christians and Jews who ignore much of their bibles; I ask those people to dismiss the name of their religion and adopt a new one. Actually, the Muslims can become Jewish since Mohammad passed himself off as a successor to the Jew Jesus. The latter was assumed to be the Jew's Messiah. All they need do is dismiss Mohammad as anything more than another guy looking for meaning.

SPEAK TO ME, personally!!!!



Voters should coerce Congress into passing an amendment to the Constitution defining the term "Speech" as "written, and oral communication of thought; the giving of a thing is not, of itself, speech."

This amendment could define other terms in the future by amendments to this amendment, thereby becoming a "Glossary" of the Constitution.


The FECMA Election system.

FECMA is an acronym for the Federal Election Campaign Management Act and the agency it would establish. The act would create a single, short election season. It will offer 60-day election seasons as an alternative to two years of bull-pucky, with the electorate free to choose between those running in FECMA and those candidates who choose to run outside of FECMA rules. After about two or three elections, political maneuvering, verbal hogwash, money-driven elections could be a thing of the past, the end of bribery, the passing of laws that benefit the few to the detriment of the many, and the possible end of Parties.

As for state parties nominating candidates, they are free to do as they please, within federal law, but national general elections should be very short.

If you think of all the criminal actions that result from private financing of elections; the bribery, the laws put into effect to satisfy the few movers and shakers, you know there must be a better way; public finanvcing of managed elections is the answer.

This law would leave it to the voters to make it work or cause it to fail. Sadly, because of the recent SCOTUS decision regarding private financing and corporate giving to candidates, FECMA would not stop "big-money" from establishing massive funds to drive us all up the wall with obnoxious ads. Voters, however, would have the final say about such candidates. Americans will truly get what's coming to you - good or bad - after a FECMA goes into effect. That's a certainty!

Nothing can stop the crash without FECMA, and FECMA cannot exist without "The Definition Amendment." I regret that you will have to read the novel – not scan- but Read it; it explains all facets of the system.

If FECMA had been in existence, Colon Powell, as an example, would probably have run for President with his wife's approval. He would have had several genuinely qualified opponents to go up against the money and power-driven candidates.

"The FECMA Conspiracy"

by Burton S.H. Ridgeway, a novel




The public liebury

E-mail: Homony.gritz@Gmail.com


As you need, so shall you believe; as you believe, so shall it be . . . Unto You, for man is, or becomes, the sum of one's own thoughts.

Jesus, Napoleon Hill, and Gritz




Begin to separate the national government from the individual American by making the Infernal Revenue Bureau a small staff within the treasury department while transitioning to a system that bills the states for their proportionate share of each year's federal budget; each state would have its own system of taxation. Following this legislation should be bills that withdraw the national government from our lives where it need not concern itself; activities that do not impact the nation itself or more than two states must be ended.

The system of taxation that would help save the nation is as follows;

* Each year, we would take the average state economy throughout the nation as 100% and determine each state's position to the average. The federal treasurer would then bill each state based on its economy and population, from, say, 50% to 150% of the average.

* Each state would then create its tax system to pay the annual federal tax bill over the following year. This will permit poor states to decrease their federal taxes, which would increase their own income and help their own economies according to their own judgment. This system would allow people to take care of their own state, counties, and cities. Federal management would gradually surrender its relationship with the American people as individuals.

Replacing  our present tax system with the above will vest the savings such as  401-K and other deferred tax income; each state would then choose what if any, benefits to adopting each one.

This billing system to the states will eliminate all federal taxes on gasoline and other transactions, thereby decreasing people's cost of living and could provide states with an opportunity to install a  vehicle mileage tax that properly has users of roads pay for what they use, and wear out.

* Life would be less complicated by eliminating deferred income and fringe benefits for new workers that escape taxation; The I.R.S. book of regulations would shrink a few pounds, and higher after-tax income would fund one's own plans for the future; it keeps government out of it. All fringe benefits provided by employers should be taxable to the employees. This would reduce tax percentages and be a testing ground for each state to find the perfect taxing system.

* As this new system of federal and state direction of our domestic affairs develops, the national budget and the debt should shrink, and the states would choose what to adopt as Washington closes or reduces the size of each bureau that is not essential for national administration. Then Congress should meet only every six months, and the District of Columbia would become a bedroom community. (L.O.L.).

* The flow of taxes should be from the bottom to the top; from the citizen to the city, to the county, to the state, to the nation. Our present tax system is totally out of our control!

* Now, bear in mind, states cannot just print money; funds must be available to support anything they do!!!!!! Aha!

States should be directed to not be in debt for more than 20 percent of their budget at the end of each year; not be permitted to

borrow until their obligations are below 120% of their assets, with no flexibility to the debt ceiling.

! ! ! ! ! !

" Statists" like the idea of the national government being in the position to "blackmail" states by withholding their fair share of the national income by requiring surrender to national wishes; this system of taxing states-by formula-, not people, will eliminate "Statist" blackmail by no longer requiring the circuitous routing of income from the individual to the national treasury, then to the redistribution to states for national mandates; money will remain within the states for support of their own needs, and the bureaucracy that administers this redistribution will be gone.

NOTE: When a national health care payment system is passed, to have the system well managed and coordinated, it would be necessary to have the national government pay the premium for the basic coverage of the program, so the billing to the states will include the cost of the health program.

! ! ! ! ! !

* Mortgage and other loans- interest should be terminated as a tax deduction. If we don't have the government giving incentives to buy homes, there would be no reason for thinking of interest other than part of the cost of things financed. To whom it matters, Rent! Why should government incentivize buying; let businesses do that.

I am opposed to federal death taxes. If a state wants to tax estates, it should be limited to wealth within that state; if several states invade a person's estate, there will be war, so Death Taxes should be eliminated. However; I can accept state taxes to those who inherit.

* As to the elimination of Pork, I can't conclude how this would stop or reduce the infighting for it, except that there would no longer be items within states that all other states would help finance.




We oppose any government having anything to say about abortion. Anything!


I'll take this opportunity to render you my definition of art.

Music meant to be heard but not be aware of is not art, nor is visual art meant to put people in a frame of mind without being aware of it; a building not meant to be studied, such as a post office, does not invite appreciation for its visual appeal; visual art is made explicitly for the explicit purpose of being looked at.

The value of a work of art is its appeal to the sense; its specific purpose is for you to look or listen to it and react. Visual art is explicitly made to be looked at; musical art is not merely to be heard but listened to; if it is background music, you are not expected to stop and study it. Therefore, it is not art.

I have spoken!



Restoring a Bracero program is a good idea if we forbade unemployment payments to any American out of their type of work for longer than one year who rejects a job offer of any kind.

As for Braceros not returning home after the season, a National ID card, indicating their temporary status and expiration, would take care of that; reasonably.


A President cannot get even get close to resolving the domestic problems we are faced with. It will take a new dedicated party in power, with a balanced set of values, and the collective chutzpah to resist criminality and the opportunity to dominate the legislatures of the nation and the states. Only then can we hope to see a candidate who will lead us toward the maturity we should have achieved a long time ago.

The Republican Party works hard to resist the natural inclination of most people to want a daddy and mommy-type government supported by independent, high-earning fellow citizens. In return, Democrats, not limited to members of Congress, accuse Republicans of being a power-seeking and money-driven gang of heartless ogres. Democrats, for the most part, believe in serving the people; they are humanistic. Therefore, to them, we are a democratic system, which we were not meant to be.

Republicans know that we are a republic, leaders being elected by the people rather than by elected representatives. The United States is not a democratic nation; it is a democratic republic. It was designed to have popularly-elected representatives make decisions based on their own judgment, not their constituents, but their preferences in mind. We call our system a democracy because the people input our desires, but we tend to forget that the system is not run by us but by the leaders we choose.

Each side of the aisle has members of extreme thinking, either toward the left or the right. Each party member is faced with decisions to join the majority of the party members or go with one's convictions.

Each party has "gangs" among them; representatives with independent and balanced members must go with the majority to get bills passed or rejected.

The elimination of money-driven campaigns would bring in a better quality of candidates. Obama had won the election in 2008 due to his people's discovery of internet fund-raising.

The Balance Party should not run candidates for President until it has 25% of both houses. Only by the Party's balanced values disturbing Congress will the downward slide to oblivion be reversed, or at least, halted. It's a problem that all predictions of collapse are treated as lunatic ravings, even if we know that all things must end. But not yet! Why not?

We are The United "States," not the United "People." The people constitute the states, and the states form the nation, an unbreakable relationship. All national domestic laws passed by our representatives should be administered by the states where national administration is not essential. Only in the sense of our being citizens of the same nation are we "a united people."

This party will promote a national I.D. card for every soul in the country issued to legal residents. It would have our picture and fingerprint, only read by a particular computer in a secret language. This idea is too sensible to ignore; it would solve our immigration, law enforcement, and deficit problems. To not have one is, in my judgment, ridiculous!

Only political paranoids compare a plastic I.D. card to needing "papers" to move around the country. We do not permit law enforcement officers to ask for the card without just cause. And moving among the states would not require "papers," as the Constitution mandates.

See; bio metric identity cards

All applicants for residency should be required to swear they support the separation of government and religion. On breaking the promise, one should be ejaculated from the U.S.A. (It's a matter of speed.)

The only problem we will face is illegal's children. Our solution is the processing of them to legal status. Why now? A national I.D. card for every soul legally in the country will save us problems with employment, legal transactions, law enforcement procedures. Employers who fail to check for the official I.D. card would be heavily fined or hanged.

Illegals who have lived in the U.S. for longer than two years and have received no welfare benefits for at least eighty percent of the time they've been here should be permitted to apply for legal residency after paying federal and state taxes equal to the average of all taxpayers in the same income bracket during the past two years.

We support the amending of the Constitution to define a natural-born citizen as one who is born to a citizen. A child born to an illegal resident should not be considered a citizen. People would no longer be jumping the border and dropping a baby in an American hospital for citizens' benefits. Legal Non-citizen's childbirths should be of the same citizenship as the parents. On becoming citizens, the children should also be citizens.

After the passage of such a bill, all adult children of former illegals who become legal should be given legal status.

Voter registration will no longer be necessary with this National I.D. Card, which would serve this purpose as well. Also, the card prevents the repetition of votes and non-citizens from voting. A lot of $ would be saved by eliminating the need for registration.



See the realization of my solution to this problem, as illustrated and explained in my novel, "The Winner."

You could save the lives and psyches of millions of kids and their parents and save billions of dollars. Let's do what Solomon Hochman did with his money.


Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s?keyword=the+winner%2C+gritz&store=allproducts&page=%2Findex.asp&prod=univ&pos=-1&box=the%2520winner%252C%2520gritz

B&N lets you read the first chapter.

Email: Ber-Ridgeward@Mail.com


If you should check behind the shower curtain for a murderer, have a plan in case you find one.



The movie with Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson illustrates the recycling of human bodies to provide food for the starving masses. I want this to become a reality; instead of it rotting in the ground, a massive chest of drawers, or being burned to a powder and "deading" in an Urn, why are we wasting our body parts? For example, we have a massive shortage of organs we could eliminate and, as a bonus, stop murders for the marketing of body parts. Our bodies can be a valuable contribution to society, and God, if you will, by not having our bodies rotting away, wasted!

Make it so! Write your Congress members, newspaper, and discussion boards. Maybe even me!


The cost of medical care is highly inflated by the markup medical providers add to their billing to cover malpractice insurance premiums. The factor added to fees charged by suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, and others who

provide assistance to hospitals to protect them from lawsuits. The final tally for medical care is inflated by other than supplies, machinery, and maintenance itself. We need to change tort law to bring a halt to class action lawsuits that bring in astronomical fees to lawyers; Yes! Drug creators are sometimes careless, but the percentage from awards as attorney fees is outrageous. I'm sure complaints will be filed by makers of 50 million dollar private planes and yachts.

We need prison sentences for corporation executives found guilty of misconduct rather than money damages from the company itself. Protecting personal estates by incorporating a medical business should be modified to permit drying out the guilty party's personal wealth before insurance can cover judgments.

Should we curtail the growth of technology and accept what we have? Should we possibly not want to live as long as medical science will keep us living longer than life is worth living? Besides all that, how could you get to your next healthy and vigorous life if you don't leave this one? There should be a pill! (Cheap.) The Soylent Green Corporation is badly needed.

Punitive damages should, in most cases, be required to be paid to charities selected by the court rather than going to the plaintiff. The winning attorney's share should be limited as to the portion of such damages.

Without a purpose, life is not worth living. Without diversions from the severe issues in your life, there is insanity, and without reasoning, there are few intelligent decisions. So spaketh Sauly Gritzathustra!


The Balanced Party, as an association or a party, will demand that members of both houses of Congress personally familiarize themselves with every bill they vote on or not vote. Every candidate for Congress, including members up for reelection, should be required to swear to do so. The TBEPP will not only keep tabs on all bills to spot late and last-minute additions but make them known to all members and the public before the official vote is taken.

The TBEPP will be enthusiastic about no bill going without making sure that the contents of all proposed legislation shall be known to congress members and their constituents. Also, no member should be permitted to change their vote after it is taken.


Speak to me; we'll talk, like grown-ups! Ber-Ridgeward@mail.com

Important: If you want to see this party get off the ground, even as just an association, then submit your "membership." No dues. Actual names, city, state, & email address, without which I cannot gauge the degree of popularity. (I will NOT snitch on you or bug you with lots of incomings!)

Questions not asked cannot be answered; input not given cannot be helpful.

Check out: Americans United for Separation of Church and State. www.AU.org. I'm leaving them all my assets, plus life insurance.


There will be no organization, no order, in subject or topic. Just a meandering inquiring fascistic mind.

During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Adlai Stevenson: "Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!" Stevenson called back: "That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!" Naturally, he lost! (However, it may have been due to the hole in his shoe.)


take a break

The neighborhood Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels in their church. After prayer and consideration, they concluded the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

At the Baptist Church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and instinctively knew how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Methodist church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later, the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water slide.

But the Catholic Church came up with a very creative strategy. They baptized all the squirrels and consecrated them as members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the synagogue; they took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel since.



Eliminate account numbers from credit cards, and eliminate fraud. There is no reason for the number to be seen; the number should be kept elsewhere.



The government imports poverty by accepting low-skilled immigrants. Only people with something to offer the nation should be allowed.


We are also opposed to Sanctuary cities and states as unconstitutional. We are in favor of a system by which to legalize all illegals employed in the country-without prejudice, by issuing social security numbers, to be paid

above board, subject to taxation, and deporting those convicted of a criminal crime, without them serving a sentence in our prison - excepting murder in the first degree.


As long as the church has tax advantages for being a church, they must obey man's laws; surrender those advantages, and let them do as they wish. Additionally, churches providing sanctuary to people not persecuted for their religious beliefs should not be seen as being protected by the Constitution.


Where Republicans force religion and morality on us, Democrats force bankruptcy; The Balanced Party would force nothing but the containment of self-righteousness in the minds of the movers and shakers.



We put them in cages, feed, clothe, house them at great expense, then let them out. We forbid them from living in certain areas and inform all the neighbors of his presence. Yet, we think of ourselves as being intelligent.

From what I've read, there is no cure for pedophilia which makes the way we deal with them outrageous. We waste our time and money dealing with the problem, with absolutely no return on our investment. To me, that's terrible! And very expensive. 

I have a better idea; we could reduce child abuse by pedophiles by at least fifty percent within five years. Furthermore, let's deal with the problem by respecting the convicted as human beings with a malfunction that none of us understands. In all other things, they are not our enemies. I am sure that it needs cooperation by the U.S. Supreme Court. Putting child - lusters in cages is, to me, not only foolish but a waste of lives that could be constructive in a city that is a prison, with a stable economy and lifestyle. It will save the state billions of dollars.

Prisoners would cover all the costs of running their city by earning a living and paying taxes to support their city, the state, and the nation, just as if they were free. They would not be free enough to leave and get their hands on children. Their freedom would relieve the state and federal taxpayers of their loads.

Pedophiles are human beings, deserving the freedom others have; their illness sets them apart and is dangerous to kids' and parents' psyches; they must be separated from society, free as the rest of us, to enjoy and be free Americans. I do not here refer to murderers.

Many large manufacturers, businesses, and banks would set up branches in this city, possibly eventually having only pedophiles as their only employees; ordinary people would fill only jobs that no prisoner qualifies for. There would be no children under the age of eighteen within the walls. Prisoners would even start businesses, and there are national and state franchises they could buy into.

Many people would like to live without children, free to leave anytime; it would not be a prison for them, but a secluded town to be expanded as demanded by growth. Prisoners will not be released before their ninetieth birthday, only if they will be taken care of by someone at their own expense. It could not work within existing cities, which would have no space for it. If a state did try to build one within populated neighborhoods, Nimbies would rise up to stop i t.

Once this city is ready to receive its citizens, it would take those sentenced to prison for several years who chose a life without access to children. Those sentenced to life could, at judicial discretion, live in this city, being no threat to society - at – large. Again, I do not refer to killers; the judiciary would decide that.

This town will be directed by those eventually elected by the population once they number enough to be a town, with plenty of space to grow into a city capable of expansion without limits. Federal and the State courts throughout the nation could offer the convicted the choice of living in a cage for a stated number of years, or for life, or in this prison of comfort and freedom, never to be let out, a more humane and economically better way to treat them.

There would, of course, be a state-appointed warden, guards at the walls to check the action, and the security of the ingress and egress. The state would not cover the cost of policing in the town after the first few years.

Initially formed by the state, the city government would establish police and other city services. What services prisoners cannot qualify for would come from the people at large. When they have a prisoner who could do a job, they would claim it. California would be relieved of the cost of this prison as the population builds an economy for themselves.


See the realization of this problem, as illustrated and explained in my novel, "The Winner." (By Gritz, not Baldacci)

You could save the lives and psyches of millions of kids and their parents and save billions of dollars as well. Let us do what Solomon Hochman did with his mone y.



Have you heard the expression, "Single facet thinking"? Of course not; I thought it up. Like a diamond with many facets, some people deal with only one facet of a many-faceted question - which most questions are - and ignore all the others. That makes dealing with the question easier than trying to reason through all the facets and adopting a legitimate viewpoint of the whole subject, on balance; I believe that not many people do that! Seinfeld would say: "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Sure there is! What follows are challenges to tunnel vision.



We should submit a bill to Congress to limit retirement funds offered by multi-state employers or associations to plans administered by reputable, disinterested third-party firms - with no executive, or owner, related to the employer. These fund managers should be governed by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. They should guarantee a minimum interest rate, a share of excess earnings, and assume all the risk." Employees should be left to risk their disposable income without their employer or union involved. We should eliminate tax incentives for such contributions, which would increase the net benefits when claimed.

Permits and licenses to do business within a single state should not need federal involvement if the company or personal activity does not affect a federal facility. State legislators should outlaw permits and licenses designed to keep newcomers out of a type of business. Let competition be genuinely free, without politics, and let "little people" start their own businesses without laws promoted by those already in it to protect themselves. Florida is entertaining the idea of safeguarding Morticians by requiring makers and sellers of coffins to be licensed after years of education. That's ugly! With proof of competence, anyone should be permitted to operate; keeping competition low increases the cost of living and high unemployment.

As I believe homeownership is not necessarily in most people's favor, the tax deduction of the interest should be eliminated as a deduction for new buyers or refinancers. It's said that deducting home interest was to give people an incentive to buy; in this economy, homeownership is too expensive and troublesome; it will be a long time before anyone will see equity. Renting should cost 50% less than owning, leaving lots of money for savings and purchases; personal homes should not be considered an investment, except as a business.

Yes! "Landlords" (they're not Lords, you know!) lose out on this idea because tenants are not always loving with rentals. Those who want to own their home for the future security it promises can have an easier life by avoiding the cost of home maintenance, insurance, taxes, etc. It's for them to decide and to "eat" losses in value.




Public schools should modify their systems to begin with five-year-olds on how to listen, focus on anything - and reason, in addition to the "three R's." Everything else should take second place; memorizing should be in the last place. How to reason one's way through life should be the Prime Directive; [reasoning how electric traffic lights and the "walk" signal work would be good at the start of every term!

Anything else should be privately run options each school offers, in competition with all others. Schools – public and private - should be overseen by states, with no national involvement. Every grade should have a class on reasoning relative to the attained age of students. The national government should, of course, set a basic set of subjects.

* States should be free to order their cities and counties to sell their schools to close corporations set up by the teachers of each school for the value of the "plant's" property, equipment, and hardware. A fifty-year non-interest-bearing note would be appropriate. The notes would be held by the state and used to pay for the general interests of their counties. Those teachers who don't buy shares would work for the corporation owned by their associates, and the new owners would know what it's like to be on the other side of a union. God!!! That would be painful!

* Employees of schools for students below college level should be licensed by states, mandated to clear all applicants for any position through a national computer for any reports of pedophilia; Principles should report all employees proved to be pedophiles within three days of the dismissal, subject to personal penalty.


I would like to know what special interests prohibit national and state from giving foreign students with diplomas automatic residency permits. We educated them and insisted they go away. Why do we throw away their knowledge?


A president cannot get even close to resolving the domestic problems we face. It will take a new, dedicated, and honest set of values and the collective chutzpah to resist criminality, opportunity, and egoism to dominate the legislatures of all states and the nation. Only then can we hope to see a candidate who will actually lead us toward the maturity we were supposed to have achieved a long time ago. His name is John Maxwell Flesch. (See "The FECMA Conspiracy." a Novel.)

The Republicratic party works hard to resist the natural inclination of most people to want a daddy and mommy-type of government supported by independent, high-earning fellow citizens.

Each side of the aisle has members of extreme thinking, either toward the left or the right. Party members must join the majority or go with their convictions and be ostracised or ignored. Each party has "gangs" among them; representatives with independent and balanced members going with the majority to get bills passed or rejected.

Qualified members of a party who are inclined to reject too much of the party's favored legislation have no chance to be nominated. A balanced-minded member will not have the support of one's party, either Democrat or Republican.

This party will not run a candidate for President until we have members in both houses having as many votes as each of the other major parties. Only by The Balanced Party's values can the voices of socialists and "royalty" lose their dominance in Congress and reverse the direction of our downward slide to oblivion, or at least, halted. It's in the hands and the minds of voters.

There's the story of the restaurant with five cooks with an equal vote on how to run the place and what the menu should be, and be voted on by all the servers and customers. They serve those who live many miles away and those who eat across the street most of the time. This is the American version of a democratic republic.

Having learned the faults of Democratic societies that are actually run by their people, we still behave as a pure Democracy where the people legislate, which was not the intent!

The enemy is the human instinct to progress without an agreement of a destination. We have to push extremists - political and religious - into ineffective and unpopular political parties by creating a balanced party.

One of my dreams is every voter decided to pass on all issues and offices they don't understand or cannot choose among the candidates for particular offices. An excellent citizen does not vote the opinions of others; "Who should I vote for?" is a terrible question! The current results of elections are not a reflection of intelligent decision-making. To complete a ballot with only one or two issues marked, or even entirely blank, is more patriotic than a ballot marked with the opinions of others, or just guesses, or because the candidate is a woman or white, black, or sky-blue pink.


One of the many misunderstandings Americans have is about the poem on the base of Lady Liberty; it is not the result of legislation but a national private contest won by a socialist poet. We need to cancel the invitation. We should accept only applicants with something to offer America, not unfortunate people to fill the lower step on the ladder for life. We long ago needed people from everywhere else to make a nation which we became; we are destroying ourselves by continuing to welcome the oppressed; it's suicide; close the gates!

As long as we have private campaign donations, states should think about forbidding any candidate for state office from accepting support from sources outside of that office's district. Cities and counties should do the same. No money should be accepted from outside the community, and corporate money should be prohibited.

It is supposed to be that the people within a district decide who represents them, not permitting outsiders to affect the election in any way. Until we have a state version of FECMA (SECMA), only local money should be allowed; a MECMA for Municipal.)

This stuff sounds dirty!



Following the elimination of federal taxation of individuals and intra-state businesses, private employers would have no advantage to provide fringe benefits, except for the wholesale discount,

tax-favorability, and reduction or elimination of the preexisting conditions clause. It would be voluntary on the employer's part, or associated employees could be permitted to shop for fringe benefits at wholesale rates through their employers. Intra-state corporations should be governed and taxed by the state only.

Though there would be no national tax on corporations, foreign-based companies should be taxed by states in which they operate, or in cases of multi-state, an I.R.S. "tax-referee" could average the tax rates of all states in which they operate, to levy them that average for all their income, and distribute those proceeds among such states as discounts in their billing.



1. Submit a request for the President to order a feasibility study to look into the linking ability of all ships (an attachable flotilla) to be able to form and deform complete mobile military bases on international water, including a hospital ship and a sports and entertainment ship. We should remove our military from countries that resent our presence.

2. On foreign policy: I believe the U.S.A. should stop promoting democracy offshore and leave it be social/political/religious evolution. I choose to think that all we should do is deliver a better life for ourselves than dictatorships, evil, and/or spiritual. The internet will take care of it, all by itself! Let all civil wars go on without American input and regain the respect and affection we had. Egocentricity be-gone! (But not to the extent Barry O is taking it!)

3. We should treat unfriendly nations with matching behavior: resist and fight them according to their own values. I disagree that we would lower ourselves to their level if we respond in a language they understand. Our self-chosen enemies should know that we will respond to their attack as they would react to ours.

4. I approve of the term "Islamic extremism" as the same as Christian, Jewish, and political extremism; the word is appropriate and does not refer to the religion but to the believers who take their faith to an extreme. The present brew-ha-ha over the term by government sissies is evidence of their own incompetence and fears.

We should stop thinking we own the world. We had not been appointed by the Big Guy/Gal to rule the planet. (S/He told me that during our last conference.) Getting involved in civil wars in other nations is the action of government egoism.

ISIS is not just a threat to the Muslim nations; they kill civilized citizens and should be retaliated against by the victim's leadership. Killing people is Not punishing them; I have a better idea; make them wish I had killed them.

ISIS is not a nation and should not be seen as such; they are obviously an organization. We must treat them as a very dangerous gang which is a threat to us in particular; we must eradicate them. Leaving it to the Muslim nations to do so is, in my opinion, Chicken and suicidal.


1. Eliminate federal involvement with mortgages. Only the states should govern and mandate guarantees by private administrators. That would have national companies doing business according to each state's requirements.

We must let money-lenders design their loans. States should approve lender's rates. Lenders who screw up should lose their license and be held responsible for losses; money-lenders should not be protected by incorporation. Their private estates should be exposed to lawsuits and recovery. Banks should be audited quarterly by the state without warning.


Civil service workers should not be paid more than civilians doing the same type of job, all forms of compensation included.

A federal Internal Auditing Department should be created, staffed by non-political auditors. They would move among the departments – unannounced.

Their assignment would be to examine the books, contracts, and everything else specifically to detect what must be there: cheating, lying, fake jobs, positions no longer needed, and everything else that unnecessarily maintains the highest budget allowance possible.

This department would be outside the legislature's influence to report directly to the President. This would be a massive department financed by closing the many departments no longer needed. The Fed would step back from dealing with the people directly. Of course, there would be limits. First the idea, then the plan, then the mechanics.

There should be a bonus program for each department director based on a fraction of a percent of every dollar remaining unspent in their budget at year's end, providing the proposed next year's budget is equal to, or less than, the net on which the department had operated during the previous year.


In the early nineteen hundreds, workers needed unions to humble vicious employers; employer arrogance has long been under control; it's a new age. It's past the time to bring down Trade Unions, which had become counterproductive, and let employees of individual employers deal with each other. Unions should not be more potent than any single employer. Union pension funds should be turned over to totally unrelated administrators, such as insurers.

Trade unions should give way to "Trade Hiring" private enterprises, like employment agencies (Job Shops), but businesses that test and train workers at three levels of competence. Employers would ask for workers at whatever level of competence they want relative to their budget. The product or service quality would show, and competition would rein.

According to the employer, such employees would qualify for permanent jobs, if needed, after a period of experience.

There would be no overbearing power by unions, or employers, due to the new custom of association of employees of single employers.

Union organizers would establish "Job shops" of their own, no longer controlling the economy and businesses; inflation would slow down due to the absence of mandation-through-extortion (the threat of a strike). We would then have to find employment for Goons.


We should be held responsible for our behavior regardless of the cause; crimes committed while under the influence of drugs should not be treated differently than other conditions. Self-defense and insanity are as well; voluntarily taking hallucinogens, breaking the law should be punishable without blaming the drug for the crime. As for too many candy bars, Humm!


The preamble reads: "We the people . . . promote the general welfare. . . "To promote does not mean the national government is to *do* anything; promoting means to *encourage* the states to do. D.C. could be reduced to a small village without breaching the Constitution.

Article 1; Section 8: Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes…to pay debts and defend the nation . . . for the general welfare of the nation itself, not the people- a "nation" refers to people in a single political state, and the "nation" is the entity the Constitution organizes, not the people; the states manage the people who had organized the state for that purpose. We were actually meant to be independent entities constituting a single nation, in place of a confederation, with the intent of the states to remain reasonably independent parts of the nation, not "slaves" to it!


The Second Amendment of the US Constitution does not cover the means by which we are allowed to acquire the arms to carry and bear, so it does not prohibit legislating the conditions under which we can acquire our weapons to defend ourselves from each other.

The legislature, therefore, can establish means by which guns can be marketed, traded, and exchanged within constitutional dictates. We, therefore, can legislate controls on the marketing of weapons as long as it does not prohibit the possession of them in the home or business if for no other reason than enforcement being impossible; the possession of guns on one's person or in one's vehicle outside the home or business can be limited by law, as can the number of weapons we can buy, trade, or own.

There is also nothing to prohibit the legislature from establishing federal licensing of weapons, and their distribution, to include prohibiting large weapon-selling conventions, and dictating the conditions under which they can be exchanged or purchased and the period between purchase or trade and the taking of possession.

Because the 2nd amendment does not cover the manner in which we have the right to acquire our weapons, must we continue to presume that the absence of this coverage is permission to acquire them in any way we see fit, without limitation?

Does the constitution specifically allow the possession of weapons the founders had no idea would be invented? We say, “absolutely not!”

The Balanced Eagle Political Party supports the above analysis, and conclusion that guns, and their capabilities can be regulated within the constitution's dictates.

The 2nd amendment was explicitly intended to recognize the state's right to form militias to protect itself from the Federal Government, as well as respond to a call to arms in defense of the nation; the ownership of a firearm is fundamental to self-preservation, so the amendment made clear that people needed to own weapons when called to arms. Now that the military provides the guns when called to arms, there is no need for it, except to protect ourselves from each other.

As for a citizen protecting himself from the feds by going down fighting? But you *will* go down!

"A well-regulated Militia" should be followed by, "commanded by a General Officer appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the state Senate, with authority to form and regulate such a military organization.

NOTE: There is nothing in the second amendment to prevent legislation: "The right to own weapons shall not be infringed, except that a federal permit shall be required to carry or transport, for any reason, firearms, or explosives, even if to transfer to, or from, a business or home. The right to keep and bear arms in home and business is what we are guaranteed. (This amendment was intended to recognize the state's right to have a militia, regardless of what the Supreme Court decided in 2013.)

John Paul Stevens, retired Supreme Court Justice, sees it my way; in his recent book, he suggested inserting in the second amendment the right to bear arms "when serving in the military." I'm not alone on this.

As for permits to carry, it should be required *before* buying a weapon. Anyone wanting one at the moment should have a problem getting it. Those who intend to, or enjoy it when they need it, should apply immediately - like insurance – so you can get it if and when you want it. As I've said, permits should be on people, not weapons. But I believe in serial number registry, so I'm in trouble.

"A well-regulated militia" should be followed by, "Commanded by a general officer appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the state Senate. No independently formed militia should be recognized by a state; self-established militias, though not recognized, should not be prohibited, but should have no rights as a group unless and until recognized by the commanding general of the state militia."

3. "Double Jeopardy." The 5th states, . . . "twice put in jeopardy of *life, or limb.*" In jeopardy of incarceration is not mentioned; deprivation of liberty and property without due process does not seem to

be included in "double-jeopardy."

4. The right to defense, against what? The charges? Where does it state or imply that a defense attorney could twist or withhold evidence or testimony? ("Don't tell me what is right or wrong, moral or immoral, fair or unfair, just tell me what is legal and what is not.") Constitutionally, no defense should be any more talented than any other; the cunning of the attorneys should be replaced by technology. (A "Lie detector," voice-stress analyzer, and narc o-synthesis.)


5. Article 1. . .

A. Congress of the United States . . . Consists of two houses: the House and the Senate. So why do so many people refer to House members as Congress members and Senators as such? They're all Congress members!

B. "The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000", etc. Let's make it 1 for every 100,000; we've grown!

6. Article IV; Sec.4. The nation is a Republican form of government. However, the states are free to be democracies. California proved to be a democracy by installing the citizens' initiatives abused by special interests; citizens should not be running the state or nation but run by elected representatives. There should be, instead of loony initiatives, more recalls.

7. First amendment; the word "Speech" should be defined as "Verbal or written communication of thought; the giving of a thing is not a form of speech. Though a "Thing" is something of physical substance, favors should be included.

NOTE: The first amendment does not guarantee our freedom of speech with each other; it prohibits *the government* from interfering with our self-expression. Nothing within the first ten amendments protects the people from each other.

9. Article V111; the words "Cruel" & "unusual" need to be precisely defined.

10. Amendment X; ". . . Powers not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the States . . . or to the people." "People" certainly *can* mean each individual; it should mean collectively. This needs to be defined because too many people think they can, as individuals, assume rights of their own making, which is ridiculous. (I believe Islam instructs just that: Each follower does their own thing, on their own. We need that like we need cancer!)

11. Amendment XIV; ". . . All persons born . . . are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside," should be followed by, "provided they were born to an American citizen or permanent legal residents after they attain citizenship." In other words, parents would apply as a family, and no woman can illegally cross the border, squat, and deliver a citizen.

By the way, is an infant really a citizen? If so, why can't it vote?

Amendment XVI; Delete it, and pass *legislation* of a new taxing system permitted by Section 8 of the Constitution.

12. The 6th amendment covers trial by jury, etc.; I think an amendment to this amendment should require that jury selection be made by the judge without input from the adversaries.


Instead of expensive imprisonment, those with multiple criminal acts – felonious and misdemeanors – should call for ejaculation (it's a matter of speed) of such miscreants from this country. Life in prison is not a civilized idea in a perfect world, and it's expensive unless we make them productive, which we don't. Putting them in boats 100 miles from the coast would be ideal. Do you have a better idea?





1. In golf, clubs are referred to as right or left-handed; we are either right-eye or left-eye-dominant regardless of what hand is, so the industry should change their references to apply the eye, not the hand. I use left-eyed clubs. In my hands, they're pretty dangerous!

 2. The Eleventh Commandment is, of course, "Be ye therefore perfect." Well, you've read perfect solutions to our nation's problems, and if you disagree, I dare you to debate with me.

3. Did you know that Hong Kong's average I.Q. is 107; South Korea is 106; Japan is 105; Italy and Germany are 102, England is 100, and the U.S.A. is 98? Is this really due to our intake of so many lower intellects, or are we really dumbing down? (Figures are based on test-takers, not everyone.) What is the average I.Q. of American 16 year-olds, male and female?

4. The annual holiday season reminds us that free enterprise and our dependence on spending provokes manufacturers and retailers to bug us with commercials in the continuing movement of Thanksgiving and Christmas a few days closer every year; I imagine that by 2020, we'll be faced with Thanksgiving sales for 2021 three days after January 1st of 2021; and Christmas sales the following week., we would then have to create new holidays to follow Hanukkah in December.


New or rebuilt buildings in any city should have a parking lot near it; no markets, no restaurants, no shopping centers, no homes. Every building should sit a level above the ground for parking, plumbing, sewerage, and electrical lines above ground. The result, as we evolve, would be more room on streets thirty feet above the ground, and space for more buildings, recreation areas, and parks. Also, the streets would be made wider for buses and large trucks, without curb-parking. Imagine a double-decked city.

* All federal government personnel, including elected and appointed leaders and legislators, should have similar fringe benefits as provided to all citizens. Any ungraded benefits should be paid for by a group policy on all participants to choose coverage entirely paid for through payroll withholding on after-tax income. This idea is illustrated in my novel, "The Winner, by Gritz."


* All of us are the result of conditioning; we experienced many things produced with our parent's teaching and the kids we grew up with. So why is it that we become adults who believe everything should be "our" way, even for those who grew up in entirely different cultures?

* Why don't we number highways within the U.S.A. with four digits, so there would not be a duplication of numbers? See #395 on both the western side and eastern ends of the country.

* The more we advance technology, the more unemployment we create. The more we replace ourselves with computers, the more we need to think of what people will be doing without working. What, I wonder, would happen to our nation, even the world, when people will have so much "time on their hands" without the mentality to create socially beneficial activities? W.A.R.!!!! Just for the action.

The average I.Q. in the U.S.A. is 98. What kind of jobs will actual 98ers do? What about those in the '80s? How high will the crime rate be in 2050? ( That is if we haven't yet crashed.) If the U.S.A. does not institute birth control and close the gates, it would be overwhelming. Should the government legislate a Luddite law?

If I were President of the U.S., I would put aside the gun issue (2nd amendment) and concentrate on a national program to address mental health care. It would be created by a commission of non-political specialists in the field, with no political involvement, making the states the beneficiaries of the ideas. I would then go for my own plan on gun ownership.

Everyone standing for federal elective office should be investigated back to their birth; one's own documentation should not be accepted as proof. States should consider the exact requirement.


Additional proof that we are losing it is how we use words, e.g., Imagine for imagine; emergency for emergency; etc. We have to learn to tawk good, exceptionally professional tawkers!


Discoverers of genes with specific characteristics are permitted to own them. In some states, the discoverer is presumed to own that gene while in your body as well as in your progeny. Do you think that's right? Look it up, ask your Lawyer or your congress member.

The Constitution should be interpreted according to contemporary realities rather than precisely to the assumed intent of our founders.


From Rabbi/Reverend/Father Saul

* As ye are taught as a child, so shall ye need; as ye need, so shall ye believe. A man is the sum of his own thoughts; as ye think, so shall it be, unto YOU.

* In philosophy, there is no such thing as true or false, or right and wrong, unless proved by unquestionable fact; the fact itself is the truth, not the belief.

* It's not positive thinking that accomplishes things; it's the absence of negative thinking that does it; a positive thinker is at the mercy of false ego, which usually leaves a person flat on 'is arse.

* When out and about, whether walking or riding, always do what you know you are expected to do by others involved; reduce the incidence of combat, and stay off the phone as you move.

* As we grow, we will more and more come down to the simple truth: God is Ethics, not a sentient being; no H.I.M., no I.T., just the idea of living an ethical life. This has been the basis for Judaism since Josiah. The need for ceremony rules man; the belief in a real-life grows man.


The U.S.A. is a nation of too many selfish and ignorant voters; I am convinced that America has no future; if any reader accepts my ideas, I am positive that he will not do anything about it; not write his congress member a letter to the editor, or email me with well-considered opinions or suggestions favoring, opposed, or modifying it But to keep me busy until I get a break by being assigned to live on another planet, here are my steps to avoid the crash of '31 on this one. ( By the way, I participate in the discussion club, "Quora.com).

* As has been said many times

before, the better-off a nation, the worse-off the ethics.

* A large percentage of successful people give little consideration to ethics as they progress, leaving the unsuccessful to live on that principle; removing money from elections would go a long way to correcting that problem.


Against technology that records what people are, as individuals, doing on their computers. It's a field of its own that uses and sells people's wants, sites visited, and all that stuff that makes money.

I think the elimination of personal privacy as technology develops should be stopped in its tracks and reversed. Yes, these invasions are creating jobs but consider: we hate government getting into our lives, yet we allow commerce to do so. Think about it.

Additionally, Congress should work up a law outlawing retailers' use of technology to read credit cards in people's wallets while in the store. It fascinates me that it's permitted.



* To understand an Anarchist, you must understand their childhood, and one's ability to accept human nature as it is, and more than 20 humans living together doing without authority. Bear in mind, the number of Anarchists is below 1/1000th percent of the Western population.


In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

 "democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

A democracy will continue to exist until voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that democracy will finally collapse (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

 From bondage to spiritual faith;

From spiritual faith to great courage;

From courage to liberty;

From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage."



This is a study of why it looks like one-half the population should pay the other half not to work and be happy about it. Overpopulation is not a theory; it is a fact in the making that must be dealt with before it is admitted that it exists.


It makes little difference who pays for things; we all do, repeatedly, round and round it goes, never stopping; there is no original source of money but the printer.

Example: A bank is robbed; who pays for the loss? Banks pay premiums to the insurer, FDIC; banks get the money from borrowers in interest rates and service fees. (If FDIC receives any tax money, the system is ill-run.)

Borrowers pay the banks, receiving the money from customers in the pricing, so all customers of all businesses and services that borrow money from banks pay the premiums for FDIC insurance.

When bank robbers defend themselves by saying they don't steal from regular people, they're wrong. In fact, we do in the pricing of all merchandise and services; they steal from the FDIC, which is an insurance company, but who cares about them? Who pays claims? Everyone, including the robbers themselves.


So let's look at government welfare; is it essential in its present form?

Absolutely not! The present system is expensive and unnecessary because of the payroll and other overhead expenses it carries. We need more efficiency with a different approach.

This approach is not original; it has been spoken of many times and dismissed-I think, for selfish reasons; Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook, wrote a book on this idea, "Fair Shot."

Many people see this as a non-socialistic idea to cover the near future when overpopulation puts many people out of work for want of available jobs.

Instead of welfare, and unemployment insurance costs, the idea of a federal payment to every citizen who earns less than a reasonable income for essential existence: Rent, groceries, etc., would annually during December, turn in by any computer on the internet, to receive monthly checks during the new year. The computer would check with I.R.S. about the S.S. tax turned in by employers who report payroll to I.R.S. to verify that the claimant is truthful.

At installation, all families will have their kids considered. Still, no increase in income will be based on the number of children at a specific date. (to prevent having babies for an increased income)

This idea negates the need to be on unemployment, welfare, and any other source of money to the poor, as far as the Federal Government is concerned.

With enough income guaranteed to be in one's bank account or mailbox by the first of each month, there would be no need for many federal and state departments, which will significantly reduce the cost of government,

So now we address existing unemployment problems, and the greater the problem gets if we do as I suggest above.

Let people leave the working world to others and live on a universal minimum income from the national treasury in automatic payments. (in my tax system, each state will be paying their share within their remittances to the Fed. )

People would earn additional income legally and enter income tax-rate categories based on income above established levels.

The unemployed, permanently or temporarily, and those unemployable, or very low wage-earners, would receive a livable income, live accordingly, or try to earn enough to learn an employable talent; many people could take "sabbaticals" to study for higher employment opportunities. Local governments can provide education through their own tax systems. (I cover that in my proposal for a new tax system.)

There would no longer be federal unemployment or welfare checks.

I hope this approach if adopted, will be created by a non-political commission elected in presidential elections or appointed temporarily by the President until such an election. Such Commissioners should not be more than one from each state, and no more than ten? Commissioners.


"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensual-ism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law, every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

(Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London).

My thought? Millions of Muslims don't accept all the rot in the Koran, just as there are Christians and Jews who ignore much of their bibles; I ask those people to dismiss the name of their religion and adopt a new one. Actually, the Muslims can become Jewish since Mohammad passed himself off as a successor to the Jew, Jesus. The latter was assumed to be the Jew's Messiah. All they need to do is dismiss Mohammad as anything more than another guy looking for meaning.

 SPEAK TO ME, personally!!!!
