Space Debris

D. Mehrholz, L. Leushacke, W. Flury, R. Jehn, H. Klinkrad, M. Landgraf, “Detecting, Tracking and Imaging Space Debris”, ESA Bulletin, February 2002.

M. Valley, S. Kearney, M. Ackermann “Small Space Object Imaging: LDRD Final Report”, October 2009.

J. Dawson, C. Bankston, “Space debris characterization using thermal imaging systems”, Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference, page 40, September 2010.

P. McCall, “Modeling, Simulation, and Characterization of Space Debris in low-Earth Orbit”, PhD Thesis, Florida International University, 2013.

C.Englert, J. Bays, K. Marr, C. Brown, A.Nicholas, T. Finne, "Optical orbital debris spotter", Acta Astronautica, Volume 104, pages 99-105, 2014.

S. Ding, H. Wang, D. Chen, T. Fu, M. Gao, “An Improved Method for Dim Space Debris Detection based on Hough Transform”, ICSP 2016, pages 1534-1538, 2016.

M. Poutanen, M. Granvik, D. Meschini,, Jyri Näränen,, A. Halli, J. Virtanen,“Tracking of space debris with active and passive optical techniques”, TR 2015, 2015.

B. Zhou, X. Liu, G. Cai, Y. Liu, P. Liu, “Motion prediction of an uncontrolled space target”, Advances in Space Research, 2019.

T. Peerapoong, P. Gao, M. Shen, X. Guo, D. Yang, H. Yu, W. Zhou, Y. Zhao, “Space debris tracking strategy through Monte-Carlo based track before detect framework“, Astronomical research and technology, Volume 16, No.1, January 2019. [APOSOS telescope]

T. Peerapoong, P. Gao, M. Shen, X. Guo, D. Yang, H. Yu, W. Zhou, L.Tong, Y. Zhao, “Autonomous space target tracking through state estimation techniques via ground-based passive optical telescope”, Advances in Space Research, 2019. [APOSOS telescope]

T. Peerapoong, P. Gao, M. Shen, X. Guo, D. Yang, H. Yu, W. Zhou, Y. Zhao ,“Space debris tracking based on fuzzy running Gaussian average adaptive particle filter track before- detect algorithm”, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 17, No. 2 ,2017.

B. Chen, J. Xiong, "The Platform Design of Space-based Optical Observations of Space Debris", Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 41, Issue 1, pages 109-124, 2017.