Tang Scholarship
Administered by Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Mr. Edward C. Tang established this award in 2007 to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (l/g/b/t) Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) for post-secondary Education. This scholarship is to help LGBT youth proudly achieve educational pursuits and dreams without shame. This scholarship awards up to four outstanding students annually, a combined scholarships totaling up to $60,000, awarded over up to four years. These scholarships are renewable for a maximum of three more years (a total of four years) provided each student annually meets the renewal requirements.
Each applicant must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
Self-identified as Asian/Pacific Islander and gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender; (at least 25% API ancestry); and involved in the GLBT community;
Graduate from a high school in one of the nine Bay Area counties; Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara County, Napa, Sonoma or Solano;
Scholarship will be awarded for full-time (minimum 12 units for all semesters/quarters) enrollment in an accredited two, four-year university or graduate school; (college, university, community college or vocational school).
United States citizen or legal resident;
Demonstrated financial hardship;
Demonstrated academic promise;
Minimum unweighted grade point average 3.0 (on a scale of 4.0) for all schools attended or attending;
Be between the age of 17 and 25 on 30 April 2025
Download the 2025 application form here: Pdf Form (Fillable form using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If open in browser, will not be fillable)
You can type your information onto the form electronically, then print and sign it.
Application Deadline
Scholarship manager must receive the completed application packet and all supporting materials (such as personal statement, letters of reference, transcripts, proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency and financial documentation) by
5 p.m. on April 30, 2025
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Date of postmark, faxed and emailed applications will NOT be considered.
Mail completed application to:
Scholarship Manager
P.O. Box 347163
San Francisco, CA 94134-7163
Questions? Contact Scholarship Manager at scholarshiptang@gmail.com
Applicant Instructions
In order for your application to be considered, all of the following must be received by the deadline.
Applications must be complete to be considered. Attach additional pages if necessary.
Provide two letters of reference only.
One letter from a teacher or academic advisor;
One letter from a work or volunteer supervisor, a youth leader or personal acquaintance.
Letters from teachers, advisors and employers must be on school or company letterhead. All letters must be signed and dated. Photocopies are acceptable. Letters may be sealed in their own envelopes.
All applications must include an official high school transcript, even if you have graduated from high school and currently enrolled in an accredited college or university. If you have taken college courses, an official college transcript must also be included for all work completed. Photocopies and copies from the Internet are unacceptable.
Include a typed statement of at LEAST 500 words, but no longer than 850 words for the three items below (approximately 2-3 pages, double-spaced). In the statement, you should:
Describe a significant challenge in your life and the lessons learned from it;
Describe any extracurricular activities or honors you feel best highlight your potential as a leader in our community;
Comment upon your long and short-range educational goals.
Sign and date your Personal Statement.
Evidence of financial need must be submitted with all application packets If you applied for federal financial aid, enclose a copy of all pages of your 2025-2026 FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) (updated information regarding your FAFSA application can be found online at www.fafsa.ed.gov).
If you did not apply for federal financial aid, enclose a copy of the first two pages of your parent’s or guardian’s most recent Form 1040 (or your own if you are not a dependent).
Provide proof of United States citizenship (photocopy of birth certificate, passport or naturalization papers) or documentation of legal residency (photocopy of visa or green card).
A required personal interview will be conducted by a minimum of four committee members in an office setting.
The Tang Scholarship Fund has partnered with Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, to provide scholarship opportunities. The Tang Scholarship is a fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
Link to Student Biography/Testimony
2024 Alex Chan, Angelina Eberly, Caroline Jung, Adelina Zheng and Ren Lam
Alex Chan
Graduated from Independence High School
Attending U.C. Davis
Alex is eligible to receive a total of $8,000 ($2,000x4) scholarship
Angelina Eberly
Graduated from Castro Valley High School
Attending Saint Mary's College of California
Angelina is eligible to receive a total of $8,000 ($2,000x4) scholarship
Caroline Jung
Graduated from Homestead High School
Attending University of Washington
Caroline received $20,000 scholarship
Adelina Zheng
Graduated from Acalanes High School
Attending Brown University
Alex is eligible to receive a total of $8,000 ($2,000x4) scholarship
Ren Lam
Graduated from Lowell High School
Attending California State University, Northridge
Ren is eligible to receive a total of $30,000 ($15,000x2) scholarship
2023 Kai Huang, Jared Ramil and Khoa-Nathan Ngo
Kai Huang
Graduated from Harker School and UCLA
Attending UCSF
Kai is eligible to receive a total of $30,000 ($10,000x3) scholarship
Jared Ramil
Graduated from Armijo High School
Attending UCLA
Kai is eligible to receive a total of $24,000 ($8,000x3) scholarship
Khoa-Nathan Ngo
Graduated from Fremont High School, FUHSD Adult School and De Anza College
Attending UCLA
Experienced extreme hardship
Khoa-Nathan received a total of $26,000 scholarship
2022 Dania Khan, Patricial Capiral and Koa Tran
Dania Khan
Graduated from Irvington High School
Attending U.C. Berkeley
Experienced extreme difficulty
Dania received $10,000 scholarship
Patricia Capiral
Graduated from Jesse M. Bethel High School
Attending UCSF School of Dentistry
Dream of becoming a dentist began as a child
Patricia received a total of $40,000 scholarship
Koa Tran
Graduated from Andrew P. Hill High School
Attending UC San Diego
Desire to pursue a career in medical field as a surgeon
Koa is eligible to receive a total of $30,000 ($7,500x4) scholarship
2021 Kiana Leoung, Vivian Wan, Jenesis Merriman and DJ Chan.
Kiana Leoung
Graduated from El Camino High School and Skyline College
Attending U.C. Berkeley
Desire future plans in education as a high school teacher
Kiana is eligible to receive a total of $20,000 scholarship
Vivian Wan
Graduated from Ruth Asawa San Francisco of the Arts
Would like to attend University of the Arts London
Focus on individual experiences impacted by social class and political divisions
Vivian is eligible to receive a total of $30,000 ($15,000x2) scholarship
Jenesis Merriman
Graduated from St. Francis High School
Attending Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
Close some of the research gaps still exist in LGBTQ health
Jenesis is eligible to receive a total of $16,000 scholarship
DJ Chan.
Graduated from Jefferson High School
Attending San Francisco State University
Interested in film making
David is eligible to receive a total of $20,000 scholarship
2020 Stella Kailahi, Danny Lee and Peter Pham
Stella Kailahi
Graduated from Menlo Atherton High School
Attending San Diego State University
Is determined to succeed despite various set backs
Create space for LGBT childhood sexual abuse survivor
Stella is eligible to receive a total of $24,000 ($8,000x3) scholarship
Danny Lee
Graduated from George Washington High School & U.C. Berkeley
Attending U.C. San Diego for his Doctor of Medicine
Actively volunteering in various community service
Danny received a total of $20,000 scholarship
Peter Pham
Graduated from Bellarmine College Preparatory
Attended various community colleges
Will attend a U.C.
Advocates for transformational local and state climate action
Peter is eligible to receive a total of $28,000 ($14,000x2) scholarship
2019 Sandra Jiang and Stanton Li
Sandra Jiang
Graduated from El Camino High School in South San Francisco & UCSD
Will attend University of Washington
Has overcome extreme adversity
Create space for LGBT childhood sexual abuse survivor
Sandra received a one time $15,000 scholarship
Stanton Li
Graduated from Lowell High School
Will attend City College of San Francisco, then UCSB
Continue gender and racial justice activism in college
Interest in public health and community clinic
Stanton is eligible to receive a total of $20,000 scholarship
2018 Denise Huang, Simeon Alojipan, Yuh Jang Mei and Maj Jenkins
Denise Huang
Graduated from Lowell High School and Mount Holyoke College
Will be attending the University of Chicago
Highest priority is to establish inter-generational mentorship and thusly maintain momentum for the next generation of API students
Increase queer youth in participation in activism
Denise received a one time $5,000 scholarship
Simeon Alojipan
Graduated from Milpitas High School
Attending San Francisco State University
Peer mentor for Asian American & Pacific Islander student
Focus research on the experiences of queer Asian American sex workers
Simeon is eligible to receive a total of $20,000 ($5,000x4) provided he qualifies each year
Yuh Jang Mei
Graduated from Mission High School in San Francisco and U.C. Berkeley
Will attend the University of Chicago
Overcame speech impediment
Helps children build skills early on and put them on a path to success before they understand the stigma and judgment that society will inflict on them
Wishes to establish an organization to provide social services for people with disabilities particularly from low income family
Yuh received a total of $10,000 scholarship
Maj Jenkins
Graduated from George Washington High School in San Francisco
Will attend University of San Francisco
Developed a space for LGBT youth to discuss their experiences, learn activist skills and act against injustice
Believes pride in one’s identity, fighting spirit, determination and drive to never give up
Would like to work for the rights of marginalized people as an artist
Malia received a total of $40,000 scholarship
2017 Theo Beltran, Chey Yen and Yen Dinh
Theo Beltran
Graduated from Mid Peninsula High School
Will be attending U.C. Berkeley graduate school
Has overcome extreme adversity
Focus on dedication to helping others
Sofia received a total of $45,000 scholarship
Chey Yen
Graduated from Lowell High School
Attending University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Interned at the Lavender Youth Recreation & Information Center (LYRIC)
Passionate about hospitality and social justice
Received a one time $4,000 scholarship
Yen Dinh
Graduated from Impact Academy of Arts and Technology with a 4.25 GPA
Will be attending UCLA
Has overcome health issue
Yen received a total of $9,600 scholarship
2016 Zay Latt, Michael Choi, Aaron Chen and Helen Chen
Zay Latt
Graduated from Mills High School
Currently attending U.C. Berkeley
President/Founder of Pre-law Coalition for Social Justice
Was a San Mateo Community College board member
David received a total of $10,000 scholarship
Michael Choi
Graduated from Hercules High School and University of San Francisco, majoring in law
Discovered intellectual property and decided to pursue trademark law
Hopes to continue to provide legal representation to those who cannot afford counsel, especially in the API and LGBTQ communities
Michael received a total of $10,000 scholarship
Aaron Chen
Graduated from Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School in San Francisco
Will attend Chapman University in Orange CA
Embraces his true identity and strives to help others to find theirs
Interested in TV writing and production
Aaron received a total of $4,500 scholarship
Helen Chen
Graduated from Lynbrook High School in San Jose
Will be attending UCLA
Has overcome extreme adversity
Rich life experience in LGBTQ Youth Space and A Slice of New York
Helen received a one time $15,000 scholarship
2015 Hy Nguyen, Kayla Layaoen & JC De Vera
Hy Nguyen
Graduated from Andrew Hill High School in San Jose, De Anza College and U.C. Davis
Will attend U.C. Davis
Has overcome extreme adversity
Interested in politics
Tran received a total of $30,000 scholarship
Kayla Layaoen
Graduated from Fremont High School in Sunnyvale
Will attend U.C. Santa Cruz
Started school newspaper with strong background in journalism
Kayla received a total of $16,875 scholarship
JC De Vera
Graduated from Yerba Buena High School in San Jose and UCLA
Very active in API & LGBT community
Received numerous awards
Currently a steering committee member for the Bay Area chapters of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP)
JC received a total of $7,500 scholarship
2014 May Chen & Catrina Gotuaco
May Chen
Graduated from Lowell High School
Currently attending University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Amazing accomplishments
Hopes her research will one day directly contribute to policy and prevention efforts aimed at reducing disparities among minorities and prevent partner abuse in the community
May received a $15,000 in scholarship
Catrina Gotuaco
Graduated from Saint Ignatius College Preparatory in San Francisco
Will be attending Cal State University in Hayward
Another amazing student with lots of accomplishments
She hopes to better serve minority and marginalized populations, including the API LGBT community
Catrina received a total of $27,000 in scholarship
2013 Trung Nguyen, Tiffany L., Randy Luu and Anna Livia Chen
Trung Nguyen
Graduated from Silver Creek High School in San Jose with a 4.0 GPA and UCLA
Very active in UCLA helping other API LGBT students as well as local communities
Writing a dissertation about the uses of visual objects under U.S. Imperialism
Trung received a total of $30,000 scholarship
Tiffany Lin
Graduated from a high school in South Bay, U.C. Berkeley and taken courses at Parsons the New School for Design
Very active in college and local community helping other API and LGBT
Tiffany received a total of $15,500 scholarship
Randy Luu
Graduated from Lowell High in San Francisco, U.C. Irvine and Tulane University Health Sciences
Very active in API LGBT communities as well as in Tulane
Internal Medicine resident at Kaiser Los Angeles
Randy received a total of $18,000 scholarship
Anna Livia Chen
Graduated from Mountain View High School with a 4.0 GPA
An impressive student with many accomplishments at a very young age
Currently attending Swarthmore College
Anna Livia received a total of $12,000 scholarship
2012 Arty Zhang, Henry Huang and Jason Pia
Arty Zhang
Graduated from Lowell High School in San Francisco and U.C. Berkeley
Very active in his school, loves to write and enjoys gardening
Juggles interior design work and teaching yoga at Oakland LGBTQ Center
Arty received a total of $20,000 scholarship
Zihao Huang
Graduated from American High School with a 4.0 GPA unweighted
Attending Cal currently
Henry is extremely active in school as well as outside of school
Henry received a total of $20,000 in scholarship
Jason Pia
Graduated from Pioneer High School, UCSD and John Hopkins University
Currently attending UC Riverside and UCLA
Jason received a total of $15,000 in scholarship
2011 Khoa Daniel Tran and Luisa Tsang
Khoa Daniel Tran
Graduated from Yerba Buena High School in San Jose and UCLA
Software engineer in the Bay Area
Daniel received a total of $30,000 scholarship
Luisa Tsang
Currently enrolled at Yale University in Health Management
Graduated from Lowell High School in San Francisco
Luisa received $7,500 in scholarship
Both Daniel and Luisa had overcome extreme personal hardship. They are both actively involved in LGBT issues and/or organizations.
2010 Phuong Tseng and Chad Ngo
Phuong Tseng
Graduated in 2010 from Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco and Mills College
Empowered to be a strong and proud advocate for herself and her community
Phuong received a total of $30,000 scholarship
Chad Ngo
Graduated in 2010 from Piedmont Hills High School in San Jose and U.C. Irvine
Received MPH and plan to pursue Ph.D. in the near future
Chad received a total of $30,000 scholarship
2009 John Trinidad
Graduated from Alameda’s Encinal High School in 2003
Graduated from U.C. Irvine in 2007
Currently a medical student at UCSF
Actively involved in UCSF’s GLBT committees as well as LGBT student associations
John has received a total of $45,000 in scholarship
2008 Jason Kwong
A GAPA board member as well as worked with API Wellness Center in San Francisco
Graduated from Cal Berkeley and Master of Public Health (MPH) at Columbia University in May of 2010, specialized in Sociomedical Sciences Health Promotion track
Work at US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), doing health care research and policy work
Steering committee of GAPIMNY (NY's version of GAPA)
Board member of Asian American Impact Fund, a giving circle focused on supporting Asian American community groups in NYC area
Jason received a one time $15,000 scholarship
2007 Caroline Le
Graduated from San Jose State University in 2007
Graduated from Emerson College in Boston in 2009
Caroline received a total of $30,000 in scholarship
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
444 Castro Street, Suite 140
Mountain View, California 94040
tel: 650.450.5400
fax: 650.450.5401
To read more about Silicon Valley Community Foundation
visit www.siliconvalleycf.org
The Tang Scholarship has partnered with Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, to provide scholarship opportunities. The Tang Scholarship is a fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
About Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation advances innovative philanthropic solutions to challenging problems. We engage donors and corporations from Silicon Valley, across the country and around the globe to make our region and world better for all. Our passion for helping people and organizations achieve their philanthropic dreams has created a global philanthropic enterprise committed to the belief that possibilities start here. Learn more at siliconvalleycf.org.
For many individuals and organizations, providing scholarships for students to support their educational pursuits is a rewarding and effective way to meet their charitable objectives. Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s scholarship program is committed to providing opportunities for those interested in helping talented young people to pursue their dreams through a quality education. Scholarship funds at SVCF vary by size of endowment and in complexity of criteria; however, their common element is the charitable spirit of the donors who created them. In honoring loved ones or providing for a specific community, each scholarship expresses a deep belief in the power of education to help individuals achieve their dreams.
For more information about establishing a scholarship fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation, contact donate@siliconvalleycf.org or 650.450.5400.
For additional information about applying for this or other scholarships, please contact scholarships@siliconvalleycf.org