
Undergrad Projects

Machine Learning Courses:

Implemented a two-layer neural network with backpropagation to detect handwritten digits and an email spam filter using SVM with Gaussian Kernel. Along with these supervised learning models, I also implemented K-means algorithm and dimensionality reduction technique with PCA. 

Implemented a cat classifier using both logistic regression and L-layered deep neural network model. 

Implemented L2-regularization, dropout, Adam optimization techniques from scratch and built a sign language detection model using Tensorflow.

Learned the basics of Train/dev/test set distributions, high bias/variance problem, Transfer Learning, Multi-task Learning and End-to-end Deep Learning.

Implemented Word2Vec Skip-gram Model (with negative sampling) from scratch, and built a Linear Classifier Model and a neural-network-based Dependency Parser for grammatical structure analysis of a sentence.

Implemented CNN model and ResNet blocks from scratch, YOLO algorithm for car detection, Face detection & verification and Neural Style Transfer (NST) techniques.

Implemented RNN model with LSTM cell using Numpy and built a Character-level Text Generation Model using RNN.

Personal Projects

- Crawled Prothom-alo, a popular bangla news site, to create a dataset of ~45,000 news articles in bangla language. Then, pre-processed the data and implemented a phrase detection model. I trained a Word2Vec skip-gram model using the dataset to create word embeddings of size 128.

- I implemented a CNN model including one Convolution Layer(with filter size 2,3 and 4), Max-pooling and Dropout. I trained the model with IMDB movie review dataset to classify the reviews as positive or negative.