Swathi Jagannath

Human-Computer Interaction/User Experience Researcher with a strong background in qualitative methods and working knowledge of quantitative methods. Values empathy for users; analyzes data through UX and social science lenses; articulates and communicates actionable insights to influence product strategy and create great user experiences.

Hello! Welcome to my page!

I am a HCI/UX researcher who is passionate about building systems or products that are meaningful to the users. I currently work as a UX Researcher at Microsoft in the Azure Cloud Experiences Studio.

I completed my Ph.D. in Information Science at the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University, Philadelphia. My thesis aimed at understanding the perception and communication of activity delays in time-critical medical teamwork, and deriving insights into representing those delays in decision-support systems. 

Outside of work, I love traveling and I enjoy hiking, photography, playing board games, and watching TV shows (especially comedies and medical dramas). I am a big fan of FRIENDS :) I am also a trained Indian classical singer. 

If you would like to chat with me about transitioning from academia to industry, breaking into UXR, being an international student in the US, job search process, resume review, portfolio feedback, mock interviews, making the most out of your internships, and EB-1B (Outstanding Researcher category for a green card) application process and success story, please visit my LinkedIn Services page to book a session with me!


November 1, 2021

I am incredibly excited to share that I have started my new job as a UX researcher at Microsoft!! So stoked for this new journey and looking forward to working with the amazing people in the Azure Cloud Design Studio!

September 30, 2021

Our paper titled "A Speech-Based Model for Tracking the Progression of Activities in Extreme Action Teamwork" has been accepted for publication in the PACM HCI journal and has been selected for presentation at the CSCW 2022 conference. This work is part of my dissertation and I am very excited about its acceptance! I co-authored this paper with Neha Kamireddi, Katherine Zellner, Randall S Burd, Ivan Marsic, and Aleksandra Sarcevic.

July 18, 2021

A short paper titled "Characterizing Speech in Life Saving Interventions to Inform Computerized Clinical Decision Support for Complex Medical Teamwork" that I co-authored with Katherine Zellner, Matt Coates, Alex Lee, Emily C Alberto, Allison Harvey, Randall S Burd, Ivan Marsic, and Aleksandra Sarcevic has been selected for poster presentation at the CSCW 2021 conference held virtually. My colleague, Katherine Zellner, is going to this work at the conference!

January 11, 2021

So excited to start my new job as a UX Researcher at ServiceNow. I will be joining the customer service management and future insights team, where I interned last summer. Looking forward to this journey! 

December 10, 2020

With a grateful heart, I want to share that I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation in Information Science! Many thanks to my advisor, Dr. Aleksandra Sarcevic, and my committee members, Drs. Andrea Forte, Michelle Rogers, Yunan Chen, and Kenton O'Hara for their valuable time and guidance. I feel fortunate to have had the support of my family and friends in this super adventurous journey!

November 7, 2020

Excited to present the insights from my ServiceNow internship project at IndiaHCI! 

July 3, 2020

Our paper titled "Classification Strategies for Non-routine Events Occurring in High-Risk Patient Care Settings: a Scoping Review" has been accepted to be published in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. I co-authored this paper with Emily Alberto, Maureen E. McCusker, Susan Keller, Ivan Marsic, Aleksandra Sarcevic, Karen J. O’Connell, and Randal S. Burd. 

May 26, 2020

Super thrilled to share that I started my virtual summer internship as a User Experience Research Intern at ServiceNow. I will be joining the customer service management and future insights team, where I will be working with Shibani Shah. During my internship, I will be working on projects to evaluate product features as well as explore opportunities for innovative products to improve user workflows!

May 21, 2020

I am very excited to have received the Information Science department's Graduate Distinguished Service Leadership award from the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. 

April 28, 2020

I am so delighted to share that I received this year's PhD Research Excellence award from the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University!

April 11, 2020

My abstract "Time is Life: Managing Delays in Emergency Medical Scenarios" has been accepted for 3MT® competition at the virtual Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference being held on April 23, 2020. 3MT® is an international competition, which emphasizes presenting research within a three-minute time limit, using only a static PowerPoint slide, and in a jargon-free language understood by an audience of non-specialists. 

November 7, 2019

I successfully presented my dissertation proposal and I am now another step closer to being done with my doctoral research! Many thanks to my amazing committee members, Drs. Aleksandra Sarcevic (advisor), Andrea Forte, Michelle Rogers, Yunan Chen, and Kenton O'Hara for their valuable feedback in making my work even better!

August 10, 2019

Our short paper titled "We Need More Than Laptops!” Technology Assistance for Transitioning International Students (co-authored with Kimberley Hemmings-Jarrett, Ali Jazayeri, and Denise Agosto) has been selected to the interactive poster session at CSCW 2019 going to be held in Austin, TX. 

June 18, 2019

I have been selected to be a student volunteer (Hopper) at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Computing that is going to be held in Orlando this October! Excited to be a part of this amazing gathering of women!

May 13, 2019

I am super thrilled to share that I will be working as a User Experience Research Intern Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK this summer. I will be working with Dr. Kenton O'Hara in the Healthcare Intelligence team. During my internship, I will be conducting ethnographic studies of clinicians in safety-critical medical settings. The studies are aiming to understand how machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics can be made actionable in these real world clinical contexts. 

February 8, 2019

More good news from CHI! Our late-breaking work paper, "Assessing the feasibility of speech-based activity recognition in dynamic medical settings" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic, Neha Kamireddi, and Ivan Marsic) has been accepted to CHI 2019. I will be presenting a poster on this work in Glasgow, UK.

December 10, 2018

I am more than excited to share that our paper, "Temporal rhythms and patterns of electronic documentation in time-critical medical work" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic, Victoria Young, and Sage Myers) has been accepted to CHI 2019. CHI is the premier international conference for publishing and presenting research in the area of human-computer interaction. The acceptance rate this year was 23.8%. Looking forward to presenting our work in Glasgow, UK in May!

December 8, 2018

I have been invited to participate in the CRA-W Grad Cohort for Women Workshop in Chicago on April 12-13, 2019. Excited to meet all the computing researchers attending the workshop!

November 19, 2018

I am glad to share that our paper, "From paper forms to electronic flowsheets: documenting medical resuscitations in a time of transition" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic and Sage Myers) has been accepted to iConference 2019 that is going to be held in Washington D.C. 

September 30, 2018

My presentation on our work, "Designing decision-support systems in time-critical medical settings" has been selected for Drexel Scholars Share: Conversations on Research event. Looking forward to it!

September 12, 2018

I am excited to share that I will be joining the SIGCHI Conferences Working Group, assisting Dr. Aaron Quigley (ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences) with SIGCHI conferences work!!

September 6, 2018

Our manuscript titled, “Understanding paper-based documentation practices in medical resuscitations to inform the design of electronic documentation tools" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic, Sage Myers, and Nina Multak) was accepted to Pediatric Emergency Care Journal!

July 30, 2018

Our paper "“We are not entirely replacing paper”: Understanding paper persistence in emergency medical settings" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic and Andrea Forte) has been accepted to Interactive Poster sessions at CSCW 2018. The conference is going to be held in Jersey City, NJ (November 3 - 7, 2018).

July 30, 2018

I am excited to share that I will be serving as the Vice Chair on the executive board of the new ACM SIGCHI Drexel chapter!

June 27, 2018

I am very happy to share that I passed my candidacy exam today and I am a PhD candidate now! Many thanks to my advisor, Dr. Aleksandra Sarcevic, and my candidacy committee, Dr. Andrea Forte and Dr. Michelle Rogers for their guidance and support. Looking forward to the next phase of my doctoral research!

June 14, 2018

I am excited to serve on the Program Committee for CSCW 2018 Interactive Posters. It is a great experience to be on the PC as a junior researcher. Looking forward to it!

May 25, 2018

I am happy to be a part of Scientista Foundation and work as the Speaker Chair on the organizing committee for Scientista Symposium 2019.

May 16, 2018

I am delighted to share that my short paper "Transition from paper to electronic documentation in pediatric emergency medical settings" has been accepted for poster presentation at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. The conference is going to be held in Houston, TX (September 26 - 28, 2018).

May 10, 2018

Our abstract "Understanding information and communication technology diffusion in developing countries" (co-authored with Kimberley Hemmings-Jarrett and Ali Jazayeri) has been accepted to TREO (Technology, Research, Education, and Opinion) sessions at AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems) 2018. The conference is going to be held in New Orleans, LA (August 15 - 19, 2018).

April 21, 2018

I am very excited to share that I won the "Best Research Shorts" award at the ACM Philadelphia Region Celebration of Women in Computing - PHICWIC 2018!

March 19, 2018

I am very excited that our paper "An analysis of speech as a modality for activity recognition during complex medical teamwork" (co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic and Ivan Marsic) has been accepted to PervasiveHealth 2018. I will be presenting this work in New York, NY (May 21 - 24, 2018).

March 10, 2018

My abstract "Speech modeling for automatic activity recognition in complex medical settings" has been accepted for a presentation at the ACM Philadelphia Region Celebration of Women in Computing - PHICWIC (April 20 - 21, 2018).

March 2, 2018

My abstract "Speech-based activity recognition for emergency medical scenarios" has been accepted for poster presentation at the Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference being held on April 19, 2018. 

December 18, 2017

I am happy to share that I will be serving as a SIGCHI Executive Committee Volunteer, working with Dr. Aaron Quigley (ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences).

May 15, 2017

I am excited to be working as a Hopper (student volunteer) at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing held in Orlando, Florida (October 4 - 6, 2017). I am also thankful to Drexel Women in Computing Society for funding my travel to the conference!

March 17, 2017

My short paper "Using speech in complex teamwork to support activity recognition" has been accepted for a poster presentation at Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) at the ACM CHI Conference in Denver, Colorado (May 6 - 11, 2017) - co-authored with Aleksandra Sarcevic.

March 16, 2017

My abstract "Using speech in complex teamwork to support activity recognition" has been accepted for an oral presentation at the Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference being held on April 27, 2017. 

September 19, 2016

I started my PhD program at Drexel University!

April 13, 2016

I have been offered admission to PhD in Information Science at the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. I will be working with Dr. Aleksandra Sarcevic. I look forward to this journey!