Silicon Valley -Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability Videos/Films
Above is a photo of the taping of our 193rd show guest is Assembly Member Ash Kalra of the 27th Assembly District (Downtown San Jose and beyond) in California.
Below you will find a full list of all the SVTAGS 30 minute TV shows taped and aired since 2009.
Watch the show every Monday at 7:00pm on Comcast Channel #30 San Jose and Campbell California. *See the list of the 19 other TV stations we air on below.
To watch the SVTAGS TV shows please scroll down to get the link to see the full show (some links my be down from the station no longer housing on their website). We are working on posting everything to YouTube. You can currently find 10minutes of each show there.. Some of the older shows you can order copies of if they are no longer online. We only Charge $15.00 plus shipping for a DVD, or if you are at one of meetups and preorder it's only $10.00 for a DVD. The TV Station Charges $20.00 per DVD, so please order through us to help us keep producing the show, every dollar counts. Thank you!
*SVTAGS’ show has also extended to markets including Santa Cruz County, Saratoga KSAR Channel #15 (Mondays at 6:00 pm), Los Gatos KCAT Channel #15 (Sundays at 6:00pm). Additionally, there are other stations that air on Thursdays (Comcast Cable #27 at 5:30 pm) for the following markets: Atherton, Campbell, Cupertino, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Menlo Park, Milpitas, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, and Stanford University. A channel in Washington DC has also accepted the show. Three stations in Massachusetts have also accepted the show. We are currently working on several stations in NC and NJ to place SVTAGS at.
The photo above is with our 109th show guest, David Gottfried founder of the US Green Building Council and World Green Building Council.
We have produced 201 shows and are working on more right now. New on location filming and productions have started at places like the Green Tech Summit, Clean Tech Open, USGBC-NCC, Silicon Valley Branch, Maker Faire, Sustainable Silicon Valley Water Summit and more! Some of these on location shows are being editing now and we are looking for sponsors/underwriters to help with this process. Contact us today!
The show focuses on what is happening in Silicon Valley and beyond, with regards to Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability. We will be looking at home and commercial buildings, wineries, farming, clean tech, energy, smart grid, art, transportation and other topics that touch our lives on a weekly show.
The shows airs AT A NEW TIME on the Silicon Valley Station Channel #30 - San Jose/Campbell @ 7:00pm week (Comcast San Jose/Campbell)
San Jose and Campbell CA.
You can also catch us on:
Mondays- 6:00pm on Ch. #15 KSAR Saratoga
Thursdays at 5:30pm on Cable Ch. #27 in the cities of Atherton, Campbell, Cupertino, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Menlo Park, Milpitas, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga, Stanford University and Sunnyvale.
6:00pm Sundays on Los Gatos KCAT
6:00PM on Sundays Channel 26 Santa Cruz County
6:00PM on Sundays Channel 72 in Watsonville/South County Santa Cruz
You can watch the show as it airs on Mondays (on the Comcast Silicon Valley Station) at the same time on the Internet at Go to the
"Watch live" page, clicking on channel #30 and you can watch streaming. Or just click here you may need a few minutes to load up their software.
Please contact us today for a copy of your own! Your purchase really helps to support this local public access show- THANK YOU!
You can watch some clips from the shows on YouTube, just search for SVTAGS. About ten minutes, or less of each show is on line for you to watch. Here is a link to some of the shows on YouTube.
If you see any of the shows below that you would like at home, for your private DVD collection, please the series episode numbers below. Then send check for $15.00 per show (plus a $5 shipping fee in most USA cities) to Heather Durham, PO Box 2428, San Jose, CA 95109. Put "SVTAGS" in the memo space on check.
If you would like to pay by PayPal, please send a request to:
You can also pay only $10 if you pre-order and meet Heather at one of the Meetups locally. Go to the meetup group to find otuu when the next meeting is here:
~Show Descriptions~
#1. Barbara Lang: Live Glass International (former owner of Glass Paradigm).
Ms. Lang is working on innovations in the Glass Manufacturing industry and is working on setting up a facility in the Bay Area to produce glass. This will cut down on the C02 produced by shipping flat glass over seas, it will create jobs and her clean-tech glass innovations will help in the building industry with more energy savings. The majority of glass is now producing in China, Belgium and Japan.
#2. BuildingWise
Barry Giles, owner of BuildingWise, moved here from England and is a resident in Monterey. He moved her to work on the LEED Certification of the Moss Landing Marine Labs. He is LEED Faculty and presents on the topics sustainable design/construction/energy all around the world. Prior to moving to the USA he work in the Bahamas on the Onassis water system for their private island. He is a wealth of knowledge.
Eric Corey Freed founder of Organic Architect in San Francisco and author of four books. He is one of the for most experts in remodeling and new architecture for green/sustainable homes. Eric speaks at over 160 places a year on the topics of green architecture and design. He has a quick wit, intelligence and his love for what he does comes through in everything he touches. He resides on many boards and advise people on subjects beyond architecture that have to do with sustainability. He shares with us on this show he’s most challenging projects, the most rewarding and what he is currently working.
#4. Round table – American Institute of Architects (AIA) Santa Clara County- Gail Price, US Green Building Council, Northern California Chapter - Dan Geiger (USGBC-NCC) and Builders Exchanges Santa Clara County- Mike Miller. This show was ground breaking in that this was the first tine that all three Executive Directors for these organizations were in the same room. We talked to them about what their plans are for the future of each organization, what their thoughts are in relations to the green economy, and how people can take action. We also ask each of them what the most challenging part of their jobs are and what the best part of it is. Each shared key points for their organizations and gave us perspective on what is happening with them.
#5. Rose Steele Partner at Landry & Bogan and Gary Parks Western Regional Director Theatre Historical Society of America. Both of these folks are experts in Theater architecture and historical preservation of theaters. Gary volunteers his time with the documenting and even rolling up his sleeves to save artifacts from old theater when they are being torn down or remodeled. Landry & Bogan provides planning services for all kinds of public assembly facilities; theatres, studios, concert halls, amphitheatres and flexible 'black box' spaces. They create project planning guides, feasibility studies, renovation and adaptive reuse studies either stand-alone or with an arts management consultant, architectural team or both. Each of these individuals gave a unique perspective on preservation of historical theaters and the new technology in new buildings.
#6. Rochelle Ford Art. Mrs. Ford is a local artist that has been doing sustainable art work for over 20 years. Her work is stretching into places across the country, in gardens, homes and entrances to public parks. Mrs. Ford’s story is interesting in that she was an Executive Director and work up one day and decided to be an artists. She has always wanted to do this and thought if she did not start now, she would never get around to it. At 50 something years of age she quit her six-figure salary job and started to produce art. Her first year as an artist she replaced her previous income. The next year she surpassed her salary that she made as an Executive Director. It’s never to late to follow your dreams!
#7. Iris Harrell is the founder of Harrell Remodeling, a construction company. She moved here from Texas after having a successful construction company there. She got her start working on her partners mothers home in Texas and “doing it” herself fix it up project. She liked it so much that she decided to become a contractor. Her projects here in California are mostly in the Santa Clara County. She just recently completed her own person home as a green and “universal design.” The universal design is developing your home for the stages we will go through as we age- a life sustaining design or remodel. Instead of planning to go to a retirement community, you might want to make your house friendly for as we age, for ramps and sinks that are accessible for wheelchairs.
#8. Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter - Julio Magalhaes, Ph.D. Global Warming Program Coordinator. Julio’s background as a scientist with NASA is an interesting twist to someone that is now in the environmental/green movement. He started volunteering his time for the Sierra Club and they asked him to become the Executive Director. There are four areas that the Sierra Club focuses on, with Global Warming being one of those areas. He talked to us about all four areas and explains the Cool City program for us.
#9. Marianna Grossman- Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV). This organization is a multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative to produce significant environmental improvement and resource conservation in Silicon Valley through the development and implementation of a regional environmental management system (EMS). Marianna has just this year taken on the role as Executive Director for SSV. Her deep knowledge and back ground with environmental issues left me in awe.
#10. Lori Krien is an Artist doing sustainable artwork. Her grandfather did similar things in Germany during WWII when they did not have items to use, he made Menorahs for found objects! Her artwork is an inspiration that you can make a wonderful art piece from nothing. She has a studio off The Alameda in San Jose that other artist work at. They have an annual open studio there in May on Mother’s day weekend. She does do private workshops on how to create art and she will be producing a show on art at CreaTV San Jose in 2009.
#11. Hari Sripadanna the first LEED Home in Saratoga. Hari is a an Architect and he decided that he would like to do a Green Home. In California Build it Green is thought of a the most reachable standard to the average person for a green home. Hair wanted to go beyond that, so he joined in the newly created LEED for Homes by the US Green Building Council. This is the hardest way to reach green, a little more costly then the other standard, but also longer lasting and more cutting edge. Most of his neighbors liked what he was doing, but there was one neighbor at every turn that did not approve and would complain to the city, about the pitch of the roof, or whatever they could come up with. This was also a learning process for the City of Saratoga, since this was the first LEED home there. The home received LEED Gold, one step away from Platinum and Hari was only reaching for LEED Silver.
#12. Woodrow Clark II - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the organization created by the United Nations that was named co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize (part of the Al Gore thing!). Mr. Clark has worked at universities teaching on the subject of sustainability and is coming out with a book this year, “Sustainable Communities.” He has authored two other books that are used in universities for classes. In his previous years, he worked as an Economic Advisor to Grey Davis and at Lawrence Livermore Labs.
#13. Iris Harrell is the founder of Harrell Remodeling, a construction company. We had her back to go deeper into the subject of construction and Design. She talked more about the Universal Design and her own personal home. Her home has been filmed for a documentary by the samy lady that filmed “the Raging Granny’s” documentary. We will have Iris back one more time this year. (see Previous show Description)
#14. Aliance Homes- Glenn Gilliam and Dave Whiddon with Skyline Homes
Alliance Homes is a local distributor of manufactured homes. One of their vendors, Skyline Homes just recently won an award from the Environmental Protection Agency and US Department of Energy for their green manufactured homes in Oregon. This was the highest award for Energy Star kiss of approval and called “Tier 3 Energy Star Leadership in Housing” Award. They are using materials that are energy efficient in the manufacturing process. The waste in the production of each home is minimal, compared to other new homes and this leaves our world with less garbage in our landfills!
#15. Novicomm- Tracy Bauer
This show has a new LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology introduced to Silicon Valley by Novicomm. They are manufacturing lighting that will save money and energy for consumers. Both commercial and residential lights are made from this innovative company. LED lights are more energy efficient and in many circumstances last longer the CFL’s (Compact Fluorescent Light). Some of the innovations include LED bulbs and tubes that will fit in normal fixtures and lamps fittings. This technology will far surpass the fluorescents that are currently available.
#16. Smart Grid Dictionary and Library - Christine Hertzog
On this show we talked about the advancements in technology and all the interesting startups related to smart grid that are popping up. The Smart Grid Council was also talked about that is a newly formed group with people interested in the advancement of smart grid. Christine’s background puts her in a unique position to understand the convergence of the intricacies that it will take to get the smart grid going. The technology, the manual labor and balance of coordination it will take to get the smart grid up and running is all covered in this show.
#17. Environmental Institute of America-Alex Thatcher
The founder of Environmental Institute of America Alex Thatcher comes from a high tech background. He is interested in the green economy and helping people to advance in their careers. The staff at Environmental Institute of America has put together some unique seminars to help folks do just that! They have experts in green building teaching on topics such as LEED, energy efficiency and other related educational topics.
#18. Silver Mountain Winery- Jerold O’Brian
This winery has been doing green and organic before there was a term coined for either! The winery property was bought in 1973, built and opened by 1979 and then the Lopa Prieta Earthquake hit. They opened after the clean up and have been battling to keep the doors open for tastings on Saturday with some of the new neighbors that moved in. They wine is some of the best in California and you don’t have to worry that the footprint it takes to make this wine is a lot, they do not use extra water (just what mother nature provides,) they have installed solar this past year and they have never used pesticides on their property!
#19. The Green Chamber of Commerce- Melinda Cheel and Alexia Marcous.
For less than two years the The Green Chamber of Commerce has been in the San Francisco Bay Area. They host three events a month in Marin County, San Francisco and in the Oakland/Berkley areas. They are not wanting to add a 4th event to this mix a month in the “South Bay” or as most people know it Silicon Valley. This group vets it’s members and does not let just anyone that says their green into their Chamber. You must answer questions on what you are doing to make your business green or to help others with this quest. The Chamber has Melinda Cheel working part time now as their Executive Director with plans to have her move into full time in the next year. They have over 200 members right now and are sure to expand this with the plans to come to the South Bay. The Green Chamber is now managed also by a volunteer board and Alexia Marcous is one of those board members. She and her father started an online payment service, Dharma Merchant Services, that gives back part of it’s proceeds to the non-profit of your choice. All the board members have sustainability, environment or green in their business mix or background.
#20. Cinequest- Halfdan Hussey
Halfdan Hussey Director and Co-Founder of Cinequest was my guest and we talked about the movie industry. How it has changed the convergence of aninmation and the digital explosion of film. The new technology in 3D animation and how much easier it has become since the festival started 20 years ago. We also talked about the most famous people that have been to the film festival in San Jose and who might be his favorite guests there. The Mavericks of the film industry that have shown up to recived awards such as Deepak Chopra. Mr. Chopra was at this 2010 Cinequest receiving the Life Time Maverick award and SVTAGS was there to grab an interview with him. We aired this for the first time on this show and it’s posted on YouTube now.
#21. Legacy Through Giving- Michael Chan and more!
This organization takes sustainability to a new level by helping many. There are 14 non-profits that benefit from Legacy Through Giving. They do an annual fashion show furndraiser that helps these smaller non-profits survive. Cocoa Jeans importer Tish Hear was on this show along with, Reputation Clothes founder/designer Amanda Rodriguiz, Far East Living founder/designer Esther Yei Shih and the founder of Legacy Michael Chang. When we first talked about having them on the show they asked if they could bring a few models to show some of the clothes and I agreed. Next thing we knew, there was about 20 models in the studio, all volunteering there time, to help promote Legacy Through Giving. This was a fun show to produce and more complicated then most of the other shows because of the logistics.
#22. Iris F. Harrell and Pam Walton- a Green Home.
A documentary on Iris’s personal was produced by Pam Walton. Iri’s has build and redesigned hundreds of homes for others and now, he home was going to be touched by some of her magic. Pam was there to film the home as they greened it up and we talked about this process on the show. It’s really fun to see someone that has been in their career for over 25 years, get excited about their own project in their field and Iris, her partner Ann, were both beaming like school girls with excitement. The house is amazingly beautiful and for some- they would be amazed that it’s green, because so many people think that green is not going to be aesthetically pleasing. This house is over the top in the gorgeous design details.
#23. Eric Drew Foundation with Eric Drew the founder.
This has to be one of the most amazing people I have every met. Eric Drew is a leukemia and identity theft survivor. He was a normal six foot tall guy traveling the world for business. Came home and wanted to settle down, maybe have a family. After a year at home, while giving blood was normal in that year, this one time they said something is wrong. He went to Stanford and they sent him home to die, six moths maybe. He amazingly had a half sisiter that he only met a year before and she was a half match for bone marrow. It did not take and they wanted to send him home again, but this time he was in Seattle. Now, as he was determined to find a way to live, he found out someone there at the hospital was stealing his identity- and no one believed him. He got himself out of bed, got the evidence he needed for the polic and the FBI to get involved… and the rest as they say is history. His case was the first ever tried under the new HIPAA laws, the first case to be won. He has survived also as the first ever double stem cell transfer.
To learn more about the HIPAA settlement:
- read this Seattle Post-Intelligencer piece-
#24. Michaela Marek founder of Eucalyptus Magazine
On this show we explore the topics of Eucalyptus Magazine and the founders vision for the publication. Michaela tells us of her background, why she started the magazine and the plans for it’s future. Some of her past issues focus on yoga, health, culture in Silicon Valley with an Indian Dance Troop, fitness/health, sustainability, and eco-fashion. Her vision is very much like ours at Silicon Valley -Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability (SVTAGS) and this was a good start to collaboration between our two media companies.
#25. Chris Valverde from the Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 and Jane Jerome from Green Wren
In this show Jane and Chris talk about the green building industry, new technologies, educational topics and art from metal.
Chris explains how people are inrolled in the Sheet Metal Workers Local 104. He tells us of some of the amazing work that the apprentices have done for their employers over the years. One of those projects is the Lucas facilities trellis in the San Francisco Presidio location and some big name tech companies that have some nice metal work touches at their facilities. Jane gives us an overview of green technologies in the building industry. She tells us of some new amazing products that builders/contractors are using. Jane also talks about solar and energy briefly. Both of these guests are experts in their area and SVTAGS hopes to have then back at a later date.
#26. Acterra "Be The Chang" Debbie Mytels & Jim Smith from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District
In this show we cover programs available to San Jose, and other cities, residence to help do home improvements free or at low cost. One program is a window replacement program through Sacred Heart Community Center that is subsidized for low income and/or people that have lost their jobs. Acterra has been doing Environmental programs for 40 years in Palo Alto. They and other organizations like the BAQMD team up to bring programs to the citizens of San Jose.
#27.Will Tait, Sustainable artist
This artists has been working with wood in his art for over 40 years. He started off as a boat builder in the 1950’s in the San Francisco Bay Area when in was a teenager. When he started a traditional College in the 1950’s one of his professors said, “you do not need to be here” and helped him get into a famous art school in New York. While in New York, he learned from other artists and was given free passes to local art galleries. He moved back to the Bay Area and is known for his sustainable art pieces.
#28. Brenda Kashuba and Eric Drew
The Eric Drew Foundation founder Eric Drew has been on our show before. This time he came with his President of his Board, Brenda Kashuba. They were gearing up for the “Trek for the Cure” that the Eric Drew Foundation puts on annually in Vasona Park in Los Gatos CA. This is a trek to help raise monies to help people that have been told “there is no cure for you and you will die… go prepare for this.” Eric has worked for free to help hundreds of others find clinical trials to help them live. Brenda has volunteered for years with the Eric Drew Foundation will continue on the board after her term is up.
#29. Green Tech Summit "On Location"
At this show in California’s State Capital of Sacramento we caught the head of the EPA’s sustainability program on camera. We also interview the National Resource Defense Councils head of Sustainability. A woman that produces “Harley” parts in California and Heather Durham heckle the Governor into going to the booth for a few minutes. Interesting new green transportation information is filmed at the show, building energy efficiency and lighting technology that the California governments (cities and state agencies) will be purchase.
#30. Middlebrook Gardens- Alrie Middlebrook
This show could have been hours as we covered so much information on: Sustainable gardens, Native California plants, cooking with native plants, the educational faculty for children and adults at Middlebrook. Alrie has been working as an Architectural Landscaper for over 30 years. She started to incorporate the educational element in the past 10 years. She speaks all over the worked on sustainable gardening. Her book has been reprinted many times and is used as a text book in some schools. From Hydroponics to vertical gardens this show packed a lot of information.
#31. City Lights Theatre Company - Lani Wong
City Lights Theatre Company is a great group that produces shows with a comical twist. They have been producing theatre since the 1980’s and was started as a way for students at San Jose State to get experience on stage and to express themselves. It was not started by SJSU faculty, but by the students to have fun on their own. They take auditions from people interested in acting. Their faculty is used by a local private school as their “theatre.” Lani Wong is the marketing person, she is acting in the next show “Abraham Lincolns Big Gay Dance Party” and she was the model for the photos on the City Lights Theatre Company brochure for 2010-2011 season.
#32. Artist studio “5 Feet From the Moon” Katrina King and Dominic Boinich. These two artist have had amazing careers on there own, which I have been following the past 5 years and now as a couple the started 5 Feet From the Moon. Katrina I met at Sunset’s House of Innovation when she had an art fire pit that she made from metal installed in the house in 2006. Dominic worked managing a metal art studio owned by a famous architect locally. (Can you guess who that architect is?). Together they are now creating some amazing work in Santa Cruz!
#33. Alternative Health: Shiny Toes Cary Silberman and Massage Thearipist Sterling Duncan. Both of theses show guest have a vast background in other fields and just like true Silicon Valley Citizens, they have recreated themselves! Cary worked for Melvin Belli in law in his early career. Sterling worked in high tech until she decided she needed a change. Cary also has two medical certificates that he won at Harvard Medical School for pain management and also Laser Surgery treatment. Both of these guest just touch on some of the alternative treatments available for people now.
#34. Morocco’s Restaurant, Sustainable food, Organic recipes brought from their homeland. This local restaurant brings the flavors of Morocco to Silicon Valley. Freshly made with many organic ingredients and an amazing atmosphere this is a great place to spend an evening. They have events at their restaurant often and you can check their Website for up today specials. The two brothers Sham and Jay Essadki started this lovely restaurant in Down Town San Jose about 5 years ago. Again, lively events, with music, belly dancers and other entertainment can often be found any night of the week there.
#35. Earth Bound Homes, Chemistry meets Green Building. David Edwards, Founder and Randy Potter, VP. The green building and home building pairing fit perfectly with this show. These two guests go into detail about what you can do with existing home and new construction to make your space a green living home. The founder David is a chemist that in college supported him with building homes. After college he found himself at a great job in his field of study, but was not happy with what he was doing. He missed working with his hands and then started a home building project. That turned into another and then another. David’s expertise in chemistry makes him the perfect person to build green homes as he has an extraordinary talent that adds to what we need to know.
#36. Organic Food Chef’s in Silicon Valley, Chef Molly Holbrook from Organicopia and Chef Renee Guild from the The Picnic Guild. From the wine trail in the Los Gatos, Saratoga and Santat Cruz Mountians, Renee provides great organic picnic baskets for people to order while they are enjoying their wine tasting. Molly, with her Organicopia provides in home organic meals cook for you at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Both these gals are paving the way through Silicon Valley with organic food concepts that are unique and fun. Molly will cook for special events or everyday meals, and you will never be tired of the food! Renee has just started this business in the past year and has already landed Villa Montalvo as one of her many clients.
#37. Habitat For Humanity meets Silicon Valley volunteering, Jennifer Simmons Executive Director. Here is Silicon Valley there are 50 projects that have already been completed by Habitat for Humanity. They rely on 80% of volunteers to help with these projects. The people that move into the home built also give back, as required 500 hours, but Jennifer tells us that, “They always give more!” Habitat like many non-profits is looking for ways to expand their resources, volunteers and to gain more funding. They are going to be doing just that with the ReStore that they will be opening in San Jose at the New Environmental Incubator Center that the City of San Jose is currently building. Their reach goes beyond the boarders of Silicon Valley and they do international projects with affiliates both in the USA and around the world.
#38. West Coast Green On location Highlights. In this program we go on location two years in a row to take the best high lights of West Coast Green in San Francisco. From Arianna Huffington, Hunter Lovins, William McDonough Scott Green the City of San Jose’s Clean Tech and Regional Policy guru, Caroline Casey and many others that we interviewed at the shows are documented with Come take a peak at the world of green building, listen to the change makers of the 20th and 21st center with this show!
#39. Dreamalings, Jaime Abromovitz is the founder and she has created an unique learning model for students. A softwear both online and can be used in a class room setting to help children learn, read, sing along and have fun doing learning projects. Jaime slow start with some of the traditional educational tools when she was a child and creativity helped her to develop this system that is used both nationally and internationally.
#40. Pamela Rose is a fine Jazz singer. She blessed us with the history of her work, with where she’s been and what she is doing in the future. She told us of the inspiring story of her production of the Wild Women of Song. She told us of her next big move with playing for the first time at the Monterey Jazz Festival. We met at Jazz in the Plaza in Los Gatos summer of 2011 and I was so impressed with her that I asked that she come on the show. She did not fail to impress us even more with her voice at the end of the show, closing our 40th show with her lovely song!
#41. Michael Killen, Painting to Change the World, The Killen Report, and now Art & Sustainability with Michael Killen. This master of media production has since the 1970’s produced over 400 shows, (and I was told later that this is a really modest number that he quoted). From dignitaries around the world, to CEO Internationally and locally, and then back to our Silicon Valley covering stories that blend high tech start ups back in the 1970’s, this man has interviewed the best and the brightest!
#42. Energy Upgrade CA, meets Ecology Action, meets the Office of Sustainability of Santa Clara County- respectively guest Colin Clark and Sharlene Carlson.
Colin Clark representing both Energy Upgrade CA and Ecology Action gave updated information on rebates, programs and ways you can save money with your home or office! Sharlene told us of a brand new rebate that is in addition to others that have been around for home owners in Santa Clara County to take advantage of right now and start saving big on their home energy bills. It’s some little changes to your home that can really add up to big savings. You can go to our Website for slides from the show with web links to some of the programs.
#43. Bow Rodgers a local entrepreneur on Clean Tech, on Smart Grid and on the Electrical Vehicle Industry, Venture Capital in Silicon Valley and more. Bow shared with us his experience in various industries from Apple to AT& T, as CEO and as marketing Guru. We talked about the Smart Grid and that fact that this is the next big industry game changer. Where VC’s are looking for that next big idea to lead companies into money and out of the slump in the economy, and even more covered in this show.
#44. - USGBC (US Green Building Council for those of you that do not know the acronym), Northern California Chapter- Silicon Valley Branch. An “on location” filmed show, with an over view of the branch, the highlights from the first anniversary event at Santa Clara University. Also, the Solar Decathlon House tour at the event, and some interesting interviews with some of the founding members. Heather Durham is one of the founding three members that gathered 20 people that started the branch, so as host she has a unique take on the USGBC- NCC, SVB.
#45. This episode we have with founders Josh Levine and Troy Smothermon. This is an amazing service for getting your organic garden started, keeping it going an so much more. If you like to dig in the yard or not, you will be delighted either way when Josh and Troy step into your yard to give you suggestions on how you can eat better from the fruits of your labor (or theirs). Josh with his dynamic background in gardening and love of travel, has brought much experience to this business. Troy with his background in construction likes to do the leg-work for the organic gardens. This show aired on Halloween night for the first time, so we took the liberty of dressing up, well at least one of us did.
#46. with founder Pat Mahan and daughter Iya Mahan, whom just graduated from environmental studies at Hombolt State take the CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) of business to a new level. They have found a way for all of us to have a car, when we need it, even if you do not own one. This give you more options, but without having to pay the high cost of insurance, maintenance on the car, and even without paying for gas. For only pennies to the dollar ($40 a year membership) you can get in one of the cars in your neighborhood to share the ride with friends. If you are a non-profit and you share your parking space with PATS Car Share, you get money back to your 501c3!
#47. CompoClay with CEO Andy Choi we get to hear about an amazing product that mixes high tech with natural materials to create a product that makes for a sustainable building material. From Dubai to Las Vegas, to small Western towns and to your living-room, they have something for all architectural needs. From a very cute elephant statue that you can sit in, to sconce that work as vintage elements on Victorian homes in San Francisco the details in the items are so beautiful. The San Francisco retail show room serves as a wonderful place for people to see and touch the amazing work that is create by CompoClay. This product does not have off-gasing that some products do in new construction. Fireproof mantels for around fireplaces that look like carved works of art.
#48. EcoBold’s founder Steffany Boldrini grew up on a farm in Brasil and that’s where she first learned to conserve. In 2009 I was first introduced to Steffany when she was just completing a business competition with UC Berkley. Now her website has gone from a part-time evenings and weekends gig to full time, with 7 people working for her. It’s a lot to manage, with hundreds of green products on her Website for sale. Each product is vetted, but she does admit she has not herself tested each product. She started to add video to the mix with testimonials on the product by her in late 2010. She has now done over 100 videos on products. Everything from baby products to home décor, food and cosmetics –this site has it all.
#49. Recology - Our guest on the show tonight include Deborah Munk Manager of Artist in Residence Program at Recology, Nemo Gould and Christina Mazza. The Artist in Residence Program at Recology San Francisco is a unique art and education program that provides Bay Area artists with access to discarded materials, a stipend, and a large studio space at the Recology Solid Waste Transfer and Recycling Center. By supporting artists who work with recycled materials, Recology hopes to encourage people to conserve natural resources and promote new ways of thinking about art and the environment. This episode is Heather Durham’s personal favorite show to date, as she feels this program is one that can inspire many to share good art, and also helps conserve valuable resources!
#50. - The guest for this show is Sasha Duerr who founded Permacouture Institute, professor, author, speaker. She has written a book on natural plant dye called “The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes,” available with Timber Press. Sasha has been helping the fashion industry to become more sustainable in their manufacturing process of clothing. The “slow clothing” movement as she put it… “not too fast and not slow,” but taking things as they come then moving at a natural or sustainable speed. One example of what she is talking about is a beautiful image of a scarf that one of the slides she provided to us. The visual of the scarf, woven into the most amazingly gorgeous and delicate item--- was actually made from pineapple fibers and steel. Leading the way for others to follow in non-toxic clothing and fabrics for us all to live healthier, Sasha is a true innovator that has helped to start the movement of the fashion industry from such a horrible history or not human, not sustainable into a new way of thinking.
#51 Senior Round Table with three professionals that are helping seniors in Silicon Valley. This new show is with some of the members of the Senior Round Table group of Santa Clara County. Mike Aguilera who founded Baby Boomer Senior Expo , Liz Strotman from Covenant Care and Karen Fedor who just founded Senior Gal Friday are all my guests on this new show that takes Sustainability and helping those in our community the next level. This group of folks only touches the surface of amazing people that come together monthly in a “Senior Round Table” to share information on services for seniors. Please watch and order a DVD to support the show production!
#52. The Lavender Lady he Lavender Lady of Los Gatos owner Lynley Kerr- Hogan. This is an interesting story of a gal trying to keep her home in this economy, making a business and then code issues with the area in Down Town Los Gatos. With three children to support Lynley decided to make her home into a vacation rental. Perfect location only a few steps from down town Los Gatos. She thought she did everything right, business license and all the proper steps. Then the town decided to let her know she wa in the wrong zone for “that type of business.” The town told her don’t worry you can change the code if you plop down $2000.00. Then she received a Cease and Desist from the city. Here about this interesting business woman’s story and watch our website, Twitter and Facebook for updates on her story.
#53. Chinook Book regional Vice President Shaun Beall comes on SVTAGS to tell us about what Chinook Book really is. A few years ago in the San Francisco area it was called EcoMetro guide. The founders renamed it to match the name in the other places where the book was founded, Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington. The Chinook book gives you discounts on everything green, sustainable and environmentally friendly companies offer amazing incentives for you to use their products/services. The book has a new San Francisco edition that is all paperless and there is a new phone application that let's you upload all those discount and scan right there at the businesses. The book is also a guide for the region- it is entertainment, recreational activities and other amazing things for you to explore. Watch this show to learn more!
#54. EcoTuesdays Founder Nikki Pava joins Heather Durham for a talk about sustainability and the past 5 years.
They celebrate their 5th year of hosting EcoTuesday in 2012 and the show will air the night before their big celebration. Heather met Nikki about three years ago at the Tuesday night event, which was also the night of the Silicon Valley Branch board meeting. Herself and another board founding board member of the, SVB decided they would cut the board meeting to come to the San Francisco EcoTuesday. There were hundreds of people at that meeting. For the next two years that Heather was on the board she wanted to make those meetings. Luckily there are EcoTuesday events in cities across the country, including one in Silicon Valley. Heather is particularly honored to finally have Nikki on the show and the two like minds chatted about everything green and sustainable.
#55 Transportation/Clean-Tech, round table hosted by SVTAGS.
Transportation and how we choose to get places will be a topic that is going to continue to have plenty of new technology around it and debate about what is best for the world, society and you as an individual. It’s funny because someone said that there is never really any “new technology,” just upgraded or remade technology! This statement holds true with the old cable car systems- if we had not taken out those cable car lines in all the cities they were in, we would be ahead of the curve for the push “to get us out of cards and into public transportation now.” In this show we look at some new technology, talk about some old technology that is getting a facelift and also some interesting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs that will help everyone! Damian Breen Director Strategic Incentives of Bay Area Air Quality Management District , Iya Mahan Founder and Community Relations of Public Alternative Transportation Systems Inc. (PATS), Satyajit Patwardhan CEO of Green Dot Charging join Heather Durham on this “Transportation/Clean-Tech” show
#56. Smart Grid/Clean-Tech, two smart Clean Tech Ladies
One of the largest growth market predictions is the Smart Grid. The complex web of applying software to the Grid, updating hardware, coupled with the daunting task of upgrading the Grid that was planned in the late 1800’s (and also built then) for energy transmission is a long-term tasks. Sonita Lontoh Head of Corporate Marketing for, Christine Hertzog Author Smart Grid Dictionary and Managing Director Smart Grid Library join me for a talk about what the future holds in the Smart Grid space. The conversation goes from what the grid is, to new technology, to policy. To predictions as to what Smart Grid will look like in creating jobs and more. Christine Hertzog is a repeat guest. Some topics we barely got to touch on aspects as a half hour goes very fast, so we will have these gals back on another show soon to further our conversation and hear about more progress in the Smart Grid arena!
#57. President Bill Clinton at the DOE, APRP-e Conference in Washington DC, Produced by SVTAGS
This SVTAGS took it’s first road trip out of the State of California to film at the Energy Summit in Washington DC. Many leaders were at this summit to talk about energy, it’s future in the America business market and how it can help with the sluggish economic recover. President Bill Clinton at the APRP-e Conference was there in his role to help push energy, to promote partnerships with the US and other countries. This is a 28 minute highlight of his talk at the Energy Innovation Summit. SVTAGS filmed almost 10 hours as part of the first mini documentary that SVTAGS will produce. It’s notable that this part of the summit was particularly interesting to most of the public there, since President Clinton was for many there presenting really new information. If you were someone that has been involved with the the USGBC, Northern California Chapter- Silicon Valley Branch what Clinton was saying was not very different from what the local USGBC branch has been preaching for the past 4 years. Clinton is involved (of course) at a very high level at making a difference for the built environment in our country and around the world. It's fascinating to me that the push we started here in Silicon Valley is having a ripple effect around the world. This is why I choose to publish this episode before out documentary is complete!
#58. League of CA Cities with three local mayors.
On this show we have Chuck Page the Mayor of Saratoga; Mike Kasperzak the Mayor of Mountain View & President of the Board of Directors League of California Cities; and Steve Tate the Mayor of Morgan Hill & President of the Peninsula Division, League of California Cities. The three gentlemen take me through what the League of CA Cities do for our government in all the cities stretched between the Oregon state-line to the boarder of Mexico. With Environmental Action Committee’s to, new people taking roles in cities that never had a background of government work, to working in partnership with other cities to share information that will help our local cities government, the League of CA Cities is a great organization.
#59. Surfs Up and so is Sustainability- Neil Pearlberg of Santa Cruz Stand Up Paddle Board Company & Dainuri Rott of Good Life Mobility
Both Neil and Dainuri Rott worked with Operation Surf Santa Cruz this year. Neil has been helping to organize the event for over two years now and is also a writer for the Santa Cruz Sentinel Newspaper. Neil’s first article on the 2011 Operation Surf gained much notoriety for the Operation Surf event. The event brings together surfing talents, military men and women to have fun in the waves. The special thing about the group of men and women that participate is that they are amputees. Neil’s company Good Life Mobility is a 501c3, is dedicated to helping people get out in the Ocean surf. They do that with specialized technology one surfboard at a time.
#60. Will Muller Plein Air Art
Every year the Town of Los Gatos host a group of Plein Artists. This year there were 41 artist that painted for 4 days. At the end the week these artists from around the United States have painted the “outside landscape” in a 20 mile radius of the Town of Los Gatos. Each artist (on average) produced 6 paintings from the seashores of Davenport to the Wineries of the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Will Muller is one of those artists who is also a local man from Los Altos CA. His work clearly stood out as the most amazing work at this Plein Air exhibit. He has been producing art since he was 6 years old. "A few decades," Will told us on the SVTAGS show taping, “ and I've been doing this to keep out of trouble for many year, well it can get me in trouble too.” His paintings really captured me when I went to film “on location” at the Plein Air Art exhibit in June 2012. “His work had a resemblance to Claude Monet’s art and I just loved it,” said Heather Durham Executive Producer of!
You can check out his work here:
#61. City of San Jose Bike Sharing Program with Jesse Quirion as our guest
The City of San Jose’s Transportation Department has been looking into many alternative ways to get us out of cars, and Bike Sharing is the next big thing. Jesse Quirion Associate Transportation Specialist, Department of Transportation, Planning & Project Delivery Division with the City of San Jose takes us through the plan.
From Washington DC to many European cities bike sharing works to help reduce Co2, to save your bank accounts from being depleted by the high cost of gas and repairs on you car. This fall the city will have 20 stations set up for sharing bikes. They have a Twitter account set up to keep us citizens updated on the status of the program. You can always go to a San Jose City Council meeting on any given Tuesday night and hear all about it.
#62. Work2Future & Green Jobs
With this show we share an interesting perspective on the job market. David Lovato from the Office of Economic Development City of San Jose and the Work²future Youth Training Center joins me. Also David Mirrione from the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Program Supervisor of the Work²future San Jose One-Stop, Youth Training Center talks with us about what they are up to. Heather Durham has been a guest speaker at Work2Future with their green team programs group on several occasions.
The two gentleman have worked in the programs that is helping to train our youth and also retrain folks for the job market. It was a great honor to have them on the show and we hope you enjoy!
(WIA)Workforce Investment Act Facts:
The federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which superseded the Job Training Partnership Act, offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations. Available workforce development activities provided in local communities can benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers.
The purpose of these activities is to promote an increase in the employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills improvement by participants. This, in turn, improves the quality of the workforce, reduces welfare dependency, and improves the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. California will receive approximately $454 million from the federal government this year to provide services for adults, laid-off workers, and youth.
#63. Saratoga Business’s Give Back and Non-profits get the benefit!
Saratoga businesses and non-profits come together to do good with Brenda Kashuba from 4EverFit and Gayathri Kanth manager of the Saratoga Library come on to talk about what they are up to help both their businesses and non-profits. The Saratoga Library is gearing up for a ten year celebration of their remodel and have plans for some great programs to celebrate. Both women are participating in the Foodie Fun On The Run food truck event in Saratoga CA that helps non-profits each moth at the event with part of the proceeds going to local charities.
#64. ZERO1 – 2012 Biennial, Seeking Silicon Valley
Jaime Austin the Curator of this years ZERO1 Biennial comes on the show and the artist ISHKY the who has a project Pi In The Sky.
“ZERO1 is where art meets technology to shape the future. Working with some of the most fertile and creative minds from the worlds of art, science, design, architecture, and technology, ZERO1 produces the ZERO1 Biennial, an international showcase of work at the nexus of art and technology and the ZERO1 Garage where principles of artistic creativity are applied to real world innovation challenges.” From the ZERO1 Website.
Seeking Silicon Valley is this Biennials theme. The over 200 artists that will have their work installed with various public art, exhibitions, creating and playing with interactive new technology at events the entire weekend will be an amazing time.
This happens only every two years in San Jose and it’s everywhere with hundreds of installations. It’s where art and technology meet. There are some clips that Heather filmed from the 2010 ZERO1 on the show. For some of you that have followed Johnny Neri and Aly Kahn’s musical careers the past few years, you get a little peak at the end of our show of them playing on the “ Art pianos” from the 2010 ZERO1 event.
#65. Happy Hollow Zoo & Park with Vanessa Rogier & Friends...
Heather Durham said, “When we were planning for this show with Vanessa Rogier from Happy Hollow said she would try to bring some animals that are their ambassadors out to the show… I though to myself, ‘Please, oh please let it not be snakes!’ Thankfully she had the Zoo Keeper, Jennifer Sorrells, bring a South America porcupine and an amazing owl to the CreaTV San Jose TV Station set of SVTAGS.”
This local icon of San Jose, Happy Hollow, has recently completed at LEED Certification for the grounds and buildings. If you have not been out to see this amazing remodel you should. This is the first zoo in the USA to be LEED Certified.
The ladies shared some amazing information on this SVTAGS episode. In The Heart Of The Congo event, annual events to help save animals around the world were talked about and more!
A special SVTAGS field trip for to see the new LEED buildings and Zoo will be organized in the future.
#66. SVTAGS on Location- ZERO1 2010 “Build Your Own World.”
Interviews with Zero1 artists, Robin Lasser and her “Floating World” work are edited into this show. The street art, the tech-art splashing all over City Hall are explored along with other venues that the “art and tech” are presented to the public at. Solar Ballet dancers that “pick up” an Indian radio station and groove to the music, talk with SVTAGS producer Heather Durham. Moonshine and energy alternative talks at the main hall we get a glimpse of. The Inflatable Architectural Growth with Chico MacMurtrie is explored with his partners. Then there are the pianos art installations that were scattered all over the city with art a social experiment of “Play Me I’m Yours” with whoever wants to walk by and play.
#67. Magnolia Copenhaver Esq. DUI law, public safety and more!
Magnolia Copenhaver a local lawyer. She has worked for years with the family courts in various aspects. Her recent work has been more on the DUI cases with clients, as defense, and much more. Magnolia is interested in creating a new law that will help with public safety. The law is something that producer of SVTAGS, Heather Durham, thinks is a great idea. It will help both people that like to drink and the people that don’t. Why you ask would the people that don’t drink be interested in a law that will help people that drink find out what their blood alcohol level is? Well because, it’s in their public safety interest too. This issue is very personal one to Heather Durham as she lost her father when she was only 14 years old to a drunk driver. The laws have changed much in the past 30 something years, but there is still more work that can be done to prevent loss of life. MADD, (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) has been a larger part of the push since the 1980's for these changes and really in the past 10 years nothing new has changed. Please watch to hear about what Magnolia's ideas are on a new law that will help with public safety for us all!
#68. Dark Horse Gym home of Nor Cal Fight Factory Co- Owner Sean Bassett
This is an awesome show as it tells us that the economy is dong better, that people are joining gyms and spending money! The owners of Dark Horse Gym moved locations and are thinking about expanding even more. They not only teach martial arts, but they personally train you to work your body, no exceptions, at a fast pace and along with all levers of people. The gym is also a boxing “training ground” for some local fighters, hence the Nor Cal Fight Factory part of the name. Sean is charming and I’m sure anyone would want to have him tell you “sweat more” and ”work that harder” when he is teaching the classes at the gym. His back ground… some military, so don’t get out of line or he will whip you right back into shape and that’s what you need right? But seriously, not only are the owners of the gym working to help you get and stay in shape, they have given back in a big way. They take on some youth in mentoring kids that might no otherwise have that. Good for them for making it possibly to give some kids an extra boost for their self-esteem!
#69. BACC (Bay Area Climate Collaborative) with Claire Barton
The Program Manager Claire Barton graciously came on the set of SVTAGS to do an over view of the programs that BACC is working on. The organization was founded by SVLG (Silicon Valley Leadership Group) and also some mayors in the San Francisco Bay Area. The goals were very hefty especially for an only 3 person staff. “Accelerating the Clean Energy Economy” is part of what they are doing and Claire takes us through what this means. SunShares is part of what she is charged with working on. Their goals are to promote these areas: Green Building, Solar Energy, Transportation, Electric Vehicles, Energy Efficiency, Clean & Green Workforce, Water Resource Management, Climate Action Plans, Public Action and Waste Reduction. Some of these areas they have not worked on yet!
#70. Breathe California of the Bay Area, with Executive Director Margo Sidener
Breathe California has been around for 100 years. They just recently celebrated that anniversary. The group works on everything from air quality, to smoking issues, and public health issues that relates to our lungs. The organization started out when Tuberculosis killed many people and there was no cure when you got it. There are still strand of it, but for the most part people survive and can be treated. One thing that they have been doing is working with SV Clean Cities Coalition, which is part of an over one hundred city partnership. They are working on EV-Plug in research and technology. They have a new purchase agreement program for Think City, a new EV car that gets 100 miles on a charge. Margo has worked with breath for 18 years and she is so knowledgeable that we need to invite her back to gain more insightful information!
#71. Nick Aster is the founder of Triple Pundit.
Nick Aster founder tells us what might be in the future for Triple Pundit soon!
"Triple Pundit is an innovative new-media company for the business community that cultivates awareness and understanding of the triple bottom line. They provide expert editorial coverage, news and discussions on sustainable business in the 21st century.
He thought up the idea of Triple Pundit while at the Presidio Graduate School of Managements, MBA program that focuses on Sustainability.
The unique vision of the Triple Bottom Line, that motivates his company, and others, as a new way to conduct business. The Triple Bottom (TBL) captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic, ecological and social.
#72 Shyam Nagrani with Motiv Power Systems
Shyam Nagrani VP of Marketing and Business Development of Motiv Power Systems joins me for a talk about transportation innovations! At the heart of Silicon Valley is innovation at every turn and Motiv is one of those companies to keep an eye on. With the founder, Jim Castelaz, as a brilliant young man, coming from working on his PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University to developing this company, there are sure to be many start ups in the future with him to look for. This company, at the very least will help with growth in the area of transportation.
The technology innovation is one that will last. Watch on or order a DVD today!
#73 EcoTuesday Silicon Valley, with the ladies that lead it!
Kirsten Flynn form and Susan Cann from, (both run EcoTuesday Silicon Valley) with me on set at the studios in San Jose CA.
Both ladies are doing amazing work in the sustainability areas on their own, without the work the do at EcoTuesday.
Susan has been promoting non-toxic skin and beauty products, as well as helping spread the good work on a new movie, Unacceptable Levels, that tells us the story of chemicals in our environment. Her background is amazing and the work she does touches many here in Silicon Valley.
Kirsten is a green interior designer. She’s been doing good work in this field many years. She has been helping people understand how design and product ratings, can be incorporated into LEED standards with design.
Kirstens Site:
Susan's Sites:
Unacceptable Levels
Neal's Yard Remedies (NYR)
Some of their key awards include:
Best Organic Brand - Natural Health Magazine 2012, 2011 and 2010
Outstanding Achievement for Peter Kindersley - Natural and Organic Products
Best Organic Brand - She Magazine 2011
Best Range for Sensitive Skin - Red Magazine 2011
Best Organic Product - 2011
Best Organic Face Cream - The Anti-Aging Beauty Bible 2011
Susan's meetup groups:
#74. Gavi Delgado on Art and Healing
Gavi has been developing her new business and really wants to help families to heal, live wonderful lifes and flourish. Gabi believes that art has a way of healing and also curing some of the issues that society is now facing. Menyah is her business.
Menyah is a Mayan word which means "to believe, conceive and do with love and pain--basically the spiritual alchemy that comes from having healed whatever pain you experienced to be the material you use for creative pursuits so you can be free!
The Mission-
Our promise: By 2025 a world of family, where family is for the world , a space of unconditional love, communication, and the source of our greatness.
She is not alone in her thoughts that “art minds all problems” as there are organizations are doing similar work:
Helping to get kids off the streets: Homeboy and Home Girl Industry (ies)?
#75. Linda Holroyd and Fountain Blue
Linda Holroyd was an amazing guest on SVTAGS.
She is the founder of Fountain Blue, that has always put on wonderful events around Life Sciences, High Tech and Clean Tech. She talks about how events have changed in Silicon Valley and how this has changed her model for the events. She tells us what she is doing now with her new Entrepreneur Speaker Series. "When She Speaks," and also some of the the future plans of Fountain Blue. Her background story was a surprised to me and touching in every-way-possible. If you are interested in Silicon Valley and the happenings here, you need to watch this show!
#76. Andreas Karelas and RE-volv
Andreas Karelas is founder of RE-volv that is a company based on the idea of crowd funding. They had a goal of $10,000.00 on Indiegogo and the met it before the crowd funding campaign was up. The way crowd funding works is you have a goal, and if the goal is met on the crowd funding site, then the money is there. If the goal is not met then you do not get the money. His company is going to fund “community” solar projects. The first project he would not tell us the exact location, but once they break ground we will let you know. The idea is that the fund will start to fund the next project and then next on and the next one and so on.
Solar Gardens Community Power is a similar program that was started in Colorado and has been very successful.
Other Crowd funding sites:
Solar Conferences :
Other helpful information on this topic:
#77. Mike Balmawith SunWork Renewable Energy Projects!
SunWork is a non-profit group – ” SunWork Renewable Energy Projects is a nonprofit in California's San Francisco Bay Area that installs solar electricity systems on small-energy-footprint homes with the help of trained volunteers.”
Mike Balma from SunWork’s shared with us the new program they have setup for home owners (who are not energy hogs), and want to have solar. They may not qualify for some programs, but SunWork is trying to help make it work for the average energy user.
Mike also works with Performance Committee for SolarTech.
See more about them here:
#78. NPC Solar founder Dr, Nick Carter
Dr. Nick Carter, who Heather Durahm heard talk at a local EGG group early in the am one morning. His presentation was so amazing she invited him on the show. His presentation title was, “PV+ EV, A Powerful Combination. Go Solar and Drive Electric”
Dr. Carter touches on an interesting personal experience with making the switch from the music industry, to propagating education about EV’s (Electrical Vehicles) and PV’s (photovoltaic).
He believes that the partnering of the two make for new business boom! He started NPC Solar because of his belief that "everyone should have an EV." It is the best way to go, especially if you are already dong solar on your home.
Heather and Dr. Carter talk about some of the statistics he has found and research he has done in this area.
We touch on some of these points, and his live in person presentation goes deeper into these questions: Have you ever wanted to have solar on your home, but thought it’s too much money? Do you want to be more fuel efficient, or go plug in with your transportation? Do you wonder what the ROI on both would be?
Watch the show, and order a DVD today for a copy in your library!
Contact for NPC Solar:
# 79. Ridezu with Founder Mark Rose and Jeff Thompson VP of Marketing
With gas prices going up, commute times getting longer, and all of us have other things to spend our money on rather then car repairs, commuting with someone really makes sense! I know, you say, "We all feel like we are trapped in the car when we have to depend on someone else for our ride to work", Ridezu has solution to this! They have setup a new program that will encourage you and businesses to sign up with their program, connecting HR Teams at companies with folks that need this service.
Their system let's people interact socially before you decide to commute with someone. If you have a last minute change of schedule, Ridezu helps with making the arrangement for you. Less stress on you and your wallet will like you for keeping more money in it!
#80. Bagspeak with Mitch Barlas
In some families it's in their nature to foster environmental stewardship, others did not have the time, and still more are just not interested "AT ALL" in that stuff. When Heather Durham was a young girl, she was lucky enough to experience camping in Yosemite. Walking on the beach with her father and carefully looking for life on the beach, was one of her favorite activities during family time. She really looked forward to the weekend drives "over the hill" to Santa Cruz to be at the beach and possibly see a starfish, digging up sand fleas or looking for other larger creatures like sea loins. It was a learned behavior for sure that she was fortunate enough to have built into the ecosystem of her family unit.
BagSpeak and Bagito are making environmental education for our youth a reality. No matter what level of nature the family normally gets out into, no matter what economic barriers there might be, regardless of some families values systems about how environmental stewardship "is someone else" issues, or that it's "NOT our responsibility to give back" in that way- BagSpeak is leading the way for the education of our youth!
The founder of BagSpeak Mitch Barlas was a school principal, a teach and he viewed the need for environmental stewardship in schools. He and a group of teachers started BagSpeak on the East Coast and then branched out here to the West Coast. He has taken a break from his role as teach and principal because the 501c3 he started has blown up and keeps him so busy.
#81. Jack Sramek on identity prevention and recovery after
Have you had your id stolen? Do you know if you have had it stolen? Has you child had theirs stolen? These are some of the areas we cover in tonight’s show on ID theft.
Jack Sramek and Heather Durham talk about ID theft, the common ways you could be getting your identity stolen, without knowing about! Jack works with Legal Shield and is helping us all prevent our personal information from getting stolen but thieves.
Ref Site:
FTC on Id theft
#82. Children's Musical Theater (CMT) Kevin R. Hauge, Artistic Director and Michael Miller, Managing Director.
Children's Musical Theater has been an important part of San Jose and cultivating the youth for so many years. The productions that CMT has put on have been from "everything of Broadway" to self-published musicals. The leaders of CMT have varied backgrounds and experience that make the productions so unique.
Kevin has been with CMT now for 18 season as artistic director and has led this nation's leading theater company to wear it is today. His innovative approach to productions includes incorporating modern techniques and technology, all culminating in recognition of artistic excellence from the National Endowment for the Arts nine consecutive years. His resume is so long, I'm not going to list it all here, but purchase one of the SVTAGS DVD’s and hear all about him!
Michael started his career started in entertainment 25 years ago with his own company Spotlight Entertainment, producing shows for Holland America Cruise Line and corporate events locally and international. He severs with 1stACT Silicon Valley, Executive Director of San Jose Jazz, and with other boards.
#83. A new way of helping our kids, Lavell Pennington and Richard Robinson tell us about Live the Dream Network!
Coach Pen as they call Mr. Lavell Pennington in the South Bay of Silicon Valley, knows a lot of people and has helped so many people in the Bay Area! In his early career he coached football and Rich Robinson was one of the kids back then at San Jose State University. Both men are now working together with the Live the Dream Network, a 501c3 non-profit organization. They are giving back which has a ripple effect farther that any measure can read.
If a child wants to go to college, play sports, or meet some politicians in Washington DC then Live the Dream Network will help them achieve their goals. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Heather Durham said on the show, “I know when I was a kid, going to Saratoga High School, I did not think I had the aptitude for college. I took night classes while in high school and became a dental assistant. That was the worst decision for me, as I hated the site of blood and needles. This made for me being a really bad dental assistant. Later, I changed my mind and put myself through SJSU working several jobs. I was lucky! I had support and some guidance.”
There are many children in the Bay Area that do not have someone to guide them. Watch this show and see how you can help these kids.
#84. Green landscaping, reclaimed materials for your lawn furniture, built in features to dazzle your guests with Mckenna Landscaping!
Leslie McKenna daughter of Eric McKenna became a landscape architect and is working with her father. Heather met them both at the San Francisco Flower and Garden show held at the San Mateo Fair Grounds. They had the most spectacular display at the show. She was drawn to their waterfall feature, the table with a built in flower troth and other items of the show build-out design.
The custom built table also doubles as a place to put your beer with ice in the center of it. It’s made from reclaimed materials and iron works specially made to their order.
The family team has only been working together a few years, but the two have won so many awards. Sunset magazine recently gave them an award for their design build. Mr. McKenna has been in the business for 30 years in the Los Gatos area, but with his daughter’s talent for design, now they have been branching out to project in the North Bay.
The clients they love engage with are ones that are not afraid to do something different in the design and that they can work green elements into the features of the layout.
#85. Alan Hackler founder of Bay Maple
When Heather Durham met Alan at the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show she thought he looked so young, that he could not be the founder and owner of this incredible booth display of the garden she was standing in front of. She asked Alan who the owner of the booth was and to her delight, it was his booth and his design. He has been doing design and landscaping for many years.
He studied at San Jose State University, he worked with Alrie Middlebook at one point and he is amazing at using resource to create gardens that look like they are something of another worldly place.
Alan also has his own California Native Plant Nursery. When you want to make your yard in a low watering situation, for a lower water bill every month, he is a local guy that can help. Depending on the project he works alone, or with a team.
During the show Alan tells us that the display at the SF Flower and Garden show was made from reclaimed garage doors. “It looked like a structure that was old, but from China," said Heather Durham, “A beautiful and a perfect example of how used materials can add design flare in your landscaping.”
Alan talks about his various techniques with reclaimed materials during the show.
#86. CatSnap with photographer Julie Kitzenberger
Julie Kitzenberger is a photographer that is a delight to listen to & her work is amazing!
She’s not just a pretty face, she is so bright and has a such an interesting background, that Julie back on the show at another point. We ran out of time to talk about all the questions we had set up as we talked about her career in court reporting, engineering and then her journey to become a photographer.
She started at an early age doing photos, but it was just a hobby. Then she met a photographer from National Geographic. That person told her how good she really was and Julie started her adventure of being a full time photographer soon after.
July still does some of the work she started with, but her main focus these days are fuzzy little creatures, man and women's other best friend- cats! She started CATsnaps and has not looked back. Portraits and also helping the local shelter with photos of cats in need of homes, Julies schedule is busier then mine and that's busy!
#87. Grateful Garment Project with founder Lisa Blanchard
Lisa and Heather met in the parking lot of a Soroptimist International Los Gatos- Saratoga meeting in 2010. At the time Lisa had just started her Grateful Garment Project. It was a class project that took off like wild fire. When I met her I had said she should come talk to our group (Soroptimist) about what she was doing as we might be able to help. She was too busy with school and life.
Heather bumped into her at a Constant Contact event that she was speaking at and was on a panel on social media and marketing.
Again, Heather was impressed with her work that now was in 17 Counties in California. "Please come on my show," Heather said to her, " when you have time."
Lisa is busy, very busy, completing a masters degree and working full time (more then full time) on the 501c3 that she has started, but she agreed.
The project helps people that have been sexually assaulted. When a woman, a child or a man is sexually assaulted, their cloths are taken from them. Often they go home in a paper bag, practically. They give them a paper gown, paper shoes and send them home. The Grateful Garment Project gives warm sweats, tops, flip flops, underwear, sometime blankets and a fuzzy animal to hold on to (for the children).
The need is so great that as of the date the show aired, she had helped start programs in 19 counties in California. She has been asked by other states to help too for help setting up programs like The Grateful Garment Project.
#88. Lockwasher Design founder and artists Paul Loughridge
Paul Loughridge tells us on the SVTAGS TV Show about his art and surprises us about his background that got him where he is now. In this episode of SVTAGS art and technology truly meet with sustainability and green!
Mid summer Heather went by the Saratoga Car Show, and in the mob of people, she found Paul, standing next to his van. The van itself was interesting and then his artwork caught her eye right away. She was struck by the unique nature of it, and she said she thought, "Was it car parts? Was it old washing machine parts? What is this sustainable art work I'm looking at?"
When Paul told her of his journey to become an artists, she knew right then he needed to come on the show. He confirmed what she already knew about artists, that we all love to collect stuff, to use it for art later on! If you are a true artists, nothing is ever garbage, you just reuse to create!
Paul’s art is going to be in a movie, coming out soon and he said he would keep SVTAGS notified to when it’s in the theaters.
#89. Fracking is here in CA, with Rose Braz
At the start of the summer Heather attended a Sierra Club meeting on Fracking. Rose Braz was from Center for Biological Diversity was one of two speakers. Heather was shocked to hear that the EPA has no control over the DOE and how Facking is being done.
Hydraulic fracturing is the fracturing of rock by a pressurized liquid.
They used to just use water, but now chemicals are pumped into the water to help with the process.
What chemicals you ask? That’s exactly what Coalition of California’s Against Fracking and the Center for Biological Diversity has been asking, but the DOE says we do not need to know.
”The drilling they do now is not the drilling our grandfathers generation or our great-grandfathers generations did,” said Rose at the Sierra Club meeting and on the SVTAGS show.
They now can drill down and then out up to 200 miles!
Monterey is in jeopardy of being the next place that Fracking will happen. It’s already happening in many counties in California.
We know it’s caused illness in people near Fracking sites on the East Coast, and they think it’s caused some earthquakes to happen in the East Coast that might not have happened had the drilling for Fracking not been there.
Please order a copy of this show and pass on to others!
#90. Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV), Marianna Grossman
In 2009 Heather Durham and Marianna Grossman just met. Marianna had just recently taken over the Executive Director position at SSV and Heather had just started the SVTAGS TV Show. Now almost five years later SSV has expanded it’s goal for long-range plan, it’s mission with Marianna’s guidance, her strength as an Executive Director and with her enormous grace to lead with easy!
SSV was founded by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG), The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and various city and state leaders. Now SSV has added Eco Cloud expanding on it’s resources for people and how they connect to topics that touch many areas of our lives.
Water being one of those issues that SSV has been keeping close to the pulse on regulations, science and more. One of the other areas is climate and just this year the Summit West met at NASA. Leaders from around the world were there to talk about climate and our own Governor Jerry Brown as well helped to lead the way for talks around this issue.
Order a copy of SVTAGS episode 90 today to learn more!
#91. Master Works Wood & Design, William (Bill) Holloway and Mauro Hernandez
Two local men William (Bill) Holloway and Mauro Hernandez are experts in woodworking and I have been following their passion, that has made for an amazing careers. This past spring Heather Durham ran into them at the Maker Faire in San Mateo and asked if they would want to come on the show. They had just completed an interview with Vogue Magazine and their work would be in the magazine in the summer.
Heather had seen their work in other articles in the local newspaper and a few local magazines, but never had I been in the same room with their work. Their custom bikes made from reclaimed wood, and new wood, are so amazing to see in person- photos just do not do the artwork justice.
Bill started off as a hobbyist creating a spice cabinet for his wife. Later Bill started his company and Mauro joined him as an apprentices artists in the craft of woodworking. They both encouraged Heather to come to their shop any day and they really want people to come visit the awesome work in person. It is an experience of seeing their beautiful designs in person.
Watch the show and see the beautiful coffee table made from a tree that had some type of fungus, and dry rot. After they milled it, added some custom carved legs of other wood, polished it and added some glass the table is a work of art.
Order a copy of this show today and support SVTAGS! You can pass it on to your local schools or library.
#92. KLD Energy, Ray Caamano
KLD Energy's secret weapon is Ray Caamano. On this episode of SVTAGS Show Ray talks about the company, transportation and the future of clean tech with autos.
From drive shafts to batteries, KLD Energy is already selling products that are being used by the common folks in China. Instead of waiting for a grant from our government to do some testing in the market, they have real customer orders, “why wait,” said Christian at the Press Tour in the summer.
"We need more companies like yours in the energy space," is what Heather Durham told them in the “pre” interview.
KLD Energy is based in Austin Texas, but they have an R & D facility in Morgan Hill. “
“Ray Cammano is this dynamic engineer/scientist that you can just listen to for hours explain the concepts of what they are doing, and why they are doing what they are doing,” said Heather Durham to one of the CreaTV San Jose Staff members the day of taping the show.
If you call KLD Energy and ask, they may give you a tour of their facility (no cameras please). They also might take you on a test drive in their R & D parking lot with some of the products they are selling right now in China and other countries.
“They also have this cool dune buggy, but it's not for sale at this point, and I got to test that out. I really want one of those,” said Heather Durham.
Heather also expressed that after going to the DOE's arpa-e conference in 2012, that KLD Energy “blows doors” off any of the companies that were there.
Please order a copy of the show, pass on to a local school, library or buy for a holiday gift!
#93. The 13th Street Cat Rescue, Joanne Santner & Karen Greenbank
Heather said, “Having lived in San Jose for most of my adult life I have always noticed all the cats!”
San Jose used to have a catch, spay/neuter and release program to help control the cat population. Then with budget cuts, that went away for a while. The 13th Street Cat Rescue was born from this problem.
Joanne Santner, the founder of 13th Street Cat Rescue, and Karen Greenbank a volunteer came on the SVTAGS show to talk to us about the non-profit that is so important to San Jose’s cat and kitten rescue efforts.
The two ladies volunteer to catch cats and kittens, get them fixed, and release or adopt them out. At one point they did get grants, but mostly they have an annual fundraiser that covers just a fraction of the costs.
They have no staff and rely on volunteers to help with the unreal number of cats and kittens that San Jose has to deal with every year.
Cats can get pregnant only a few days after giving birth, so if they are not fixed right away, it’ can be an unending task to control the strays in San Jose.
On this show, hear what their needs are, how they do what they do, how they started the non-profit and see the cute cats that are available now.
Go to their website for the most current adoptable cats and kittens or call them!
#94. Kelly Estes, Author of The Cost of Courage
“Kelly has the most incredible energy, is so grounded and talented and I have not seen that in a long time with our young people in the Bay Area, that is what I told people at the studio about tonight's guest before she appeared to film on November 20th,” said Heather Durham Executive Producer at the CreaTV San Jose studio while filming SVTAGS.
The fact that as she was graduating Santa Clara University and was publishing a book at the same time, shows that this gal has talent and drive! Her book the Cost of Courage was based on two uncles that were in World War II. One uncle made it back alive and the other did not. The book is fiction, but there is “a lot” of truths to what is in it, Kelly said on the show.
Kelly did research for a project in high school that got her interested in the stories of WWII vets. Then in college it all seemed to fit together and she published the book before she graduated. On the day of graduation the book was out!
She has traveled around the USA for the past year plus meeting with vets, doing book signings and radio shows.
SVTAGS will be hosting a book signing and talk with her soon, so look at our meetup for more information.
#95. Rev. Dr. David Bruner Senior Minister & Spiritual Director at Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) San Jose.
“When I first met Dr. David Bruner many years ago I thought ‘Wow’ this guy has so much energy, he is so dynamic and not bad on your eyes," said Heather Durham about Rev. David to a staff member at CreaTV San Jose before taping the show.
Before Dr. David had come to the Bay Area, Heather had an “Auntie” (she was really just a good friend of her family), Bobby Anderson, and she went to the same place for the non-denominational services. “We went there several times together for services,” said Heather and she also said she is a recovering Catholic.
“When I was a child- having climbed up a tree after my first communion, and never wanting to go back to Catholic Church to wear a white dress, my parents could not get me to go back to church (to a Catholic Church that is). I sat in that tree in my front yard for many Sunday's eating pine nuts. Not soon after that my father died from a tragic accident in 1980 and I found myself not believing in a high power, even more than ever” said Heather to Dr. David off camera.
“In college I found "Religious Studies" to be one of the more interesting classes, but it did not make me want to find a “high power,” nor to think that there might be one or that we are all connected some how. Nope, I was pretty much a non-spiritual person, well for the most part, or non-religious,” Heather confessed to David.
Then in 2010 Heather had to have some serious surgery and there was other personal things gong on in her life. Some friends had been attending CSL and she joined. She started to attend and found a home at CSL, “where everyone is accepted just the way they are and just the way they are not,” which is kind of the loose motto of CSL.
All the practitioner at CSL are there for you, no matter what religious background you have or do not have, CSL is a home to all!
Another of the reasons Heather started to attend is the music is so good and that’s why a lot of people stay at CSL. They have people from all over the world play there. From drum circles, to traditional choir, to the rock bands and other non-traditional church music- the music got me coming back. The music is what CSL is all about and it got me to stay.
Listen to this show to hear Dr. David describe CSL and hear more!
#96. Going EveryGreen, Mike Alvarado President & Pat Waite Chairman of the Board
In 2006 a group of people met in a living room, to bring more business to the Evergreen area of San Jose.
"Why commute, let's have more businesses work here, so we don't have to commute," said Pat Waite to a group of people sitting in his living room. Pat was not looking to move his job from the tech firm he worked for at the time, he was happy with his job. The commute was not bad for him either, it was a reverse commute to Santa Cruz, but some of his neighbors were driving almost 2 hours one way to their jobs.
From that day on it spring-boarded into what it is today! Ideas flowed on how to make their community a more sustainable place to live and work. From creating jobs there, to "group buys of solar" for their homes, and then window replacement group buys and more.
The GoingEvergreen group has flourished beyond these projects. In 2009 they were instrumental in solar training projects tied into San Jose City College. They branched out to other educational training and partnerships from that point.
They became a non-profit with their mission as follows:
Promote adoption of conservation and other renewable forms of energy. Enhance energy efficiency/productivity anywhere. Bring clean, reliable, affordable energy technologies to market. Improve reliability and efficiency of electricity generation and delivery.
Order a copy of this show today, by emailing
#97. Women's Round Table of non-Profits in Silicon Valley
Sarah Bennett from Family & Children Services, BJ Tucker of Soroptimist International Los Gatos-Saratoga, Terrie Miller from House on the Hill, and Dr. Victoria Hindes from West Valley join Heather Durham at the taping of the new in 2013. The talk that day covered everything from the success that the non-profits and school has had with helping women and girls, to the lessons learned along the way.
One thing that all non-profits seem to need right now is volunteers and money to keep everything running.
West Valley College VP of Student Services Dr. Victoria Hindes reflected on the progress they have made with programs to help women and men with starting up businesses in Silicon Valley.
This show Heather was particularly excited to have produced and she said, “I know we will do more "women's services" round tables in the future. We actually ran out of time to get to all the questions I had prepared, as there was so much information to cover. “
#98. Michael Killen Art For NASA
This is Michael Killen’s second time on the SVTAGS show. Michael moved to the Bay Area and was recruited by PARC many years ago. After working in business for many years he started his own local television show. Most recently he has started to pain sustainable art work. His work has amazed people here an overseas as he has no formal training, just a really good eye for it. Commissioned by NASA to do an art piece, and then an event with them hosted on site. Watch to hear more about this.
Michael is a reoccurring guest on SVTAGS.
#99. Janis Carney founder of EASEplan
For many years Janis Carney has been working with clients in estate planning, elder law and more. She found that there is a need for a service that helps elders that either have not children or that their children live far away. When an emergency comes up these seniors need someone to advocate for them at the hospital. This is where EASEplan was thought up. In this first year the company has five people, including Janis, working to help seniors in the South Bay Area (Silicon Valley South). Here more by watching this show, please consider ordering a copy of it!
#100. Open Space Authority – Santa Clara County and Andrea Mackenzie
From clean up of trails to land purchases, the Open Space Authority is here in the Bay Area to help us get out and be active. Andrea Mackenzie joined Heather Durham to talk about the Open Space that is available in Santa Clara County, and what plans with the population growth that is happening here in the Bay Area. There are other Open Space Authorities that Santa Clara County is working with to preserve areas for us all to enjoy the outdoors. Just recently there was a purchase of one of the last farms in the county and another donation by a long time family, so that we have more trails now then every before. Watch on, order a DVD copy to support the show, or watch a few minutes (not the whole show) on YouTube. Search for SVTAGS.
#101. founder Rahul Dhavale, formally
Mr. Rahul Dhavale comes from a well off family, but had no help from them with any of his start up companies. Originally from Florida he dropped out of school to move to India and start a company with a friend. He ended up borrowing money from the wrong people and they wanted it back. He thought he would die in the hospital after they came after him. In stead of running he said to them, “You want your money back, if you kill me you will never get it!”
They gave him the right connections at this point to set up a network to sell his product. He not only paid them back in less then a year, but he had Amway knocking on his door wanting to by the company for a few million dollars. This was his first start up. and then Ipopularity were next. Watch to hear more about this serial entrepreneur.
#102. Sheriff Laurie Smith Santa Clara County Sheriff
Sheriff Smith was the first women in the State of California to become a Sheriff. When Heather invited her on the show, she did not realize how long she had been holding this elected position. The day of filming Heather asked if she would like to come back with the person that was running against the Sheriff for office in the fall. She said no… (for various reason), but the main one was she was not going to lower herself to the standards that some political candidates do… “Her good work would speak for itself.”
Sheriff Smith’s showed us examples of the sustainability programs with art that are going on. Some programs with creating gardens to off set the cost of food for the inmates, and it also helps with their spirit.
“In all,” Heather said, “Sheriff Smith was the most fascinating person I think I have interviewed in a long time!”
More information about Sheriff Smith and Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department can be found here:
#103. Chris Denise Film, Art and Production
Chris Denise and Heather Durham first met through George Denise, who is Chris’s father. George was the guy that got all the Adobe Buildings in San Jose LEED certified. Heather was one of the founders of the Silicon Valley Branch of the US Green Building Council, and when she found out George’s son was into producing film, she wanted to meet him. That was before Heather started SVTAGS.
Chris was at that time doing a lot of corporate videos, in fact he did some for Adobe. Now Chris has a full production set at his where house in San Jose on the boarder of Santa Clara. He has worked on big budget movies from horror films to spaghetti westerns.
His studio is for rent, so are his production services, but he loves to help others learn. He teaches and gives back to the community when ever he can.
Watch the SVTAGS episode #103 to learn more, and you can also go to Chris Denis’s website here:
#104. Techie & startups –Pinshape, Lucas Matheson CEO & Co-Founder
Heather was surprise to learn that Lucas was from Canada originally as there was no indication of an accent when we started to talk about where he is from. He has left his wife to two small children for almost a year to do a Silicon Valley start up company. He was one of 8 companies picked from over 1400 to be here in the Bay Area. He and his fellow Canadians found out they were picked and all of them quit their jobs to take on the risk of moving away from their families to start up a company in Silicon Valley.
The company that is helping them with venture capital (AND more) is 500 Startups. They help them with Data, Design, and Distribution (the three D's). They will be trained by the 500 Startups team to be owners of a company and all the other things you need when you start up, like marketing. Their hope is that once they are done with the training, they will have a company that will thrive on it's own in Canada.
Their company is basically the Pintrist for the 3D world. You can order 3D designed products from around the world form famous and not so famous designers. You can special order your own design to be printed and share with others. You can also order everything you need to start your own 3D printing in your garage.
Heather met then at the Maker Faire and invited them on the show as they were one of the stellar companies there in the start up tent. Her prediction is that they will be a viable company and will survive!
#105. Phillip Prescott Parham- an artist of massive level, and higher calling
An artists that started off wanting to be an artist, then became a corporate business person and then went back to his roots Phillip Prescott Parham, had many talents. He went to school and was trained as an artists. When he realized he would make no money, he got into the stock trading business on Wall Street in New York! Later he started a profitable Internet marketing business with a combined television part of the business, sales on were millions.
His heart was telling him to go back to his roots, and his art. They money didn’t matter, he wanted his soul to thrive!
He has a knack for creating these amazing, large scale biblical paintings. “They are not murals, but they should be,” said Heather Durham!
Watch the show and go to his website to see some of his work:
#106. On location with Eric Corey Freed, the OrganicARCHITECT
“If you every get a chance to see him speak in person, do it,” said Heather Durham to one of her friends while in edits for this show. She filmed him at the USGBC-NCC, Silicon Valley Branch meeting and also interviewed him earlier that day at the Silicon Valley Capital Club in San Jose.
“He’s so quick witted that if you blink you miss something,”said Heather about the presentation he gave that night.
Eric talks about green building, water, sustainable design, our youth (how they are so far ahead of us), being care takers of our earth and much more. He does more then 75 speaking engagements a year, and that does not include the university teaching he is involved with.
Eric is truly a thought leader of our time, and you should watch this show to hear and see more!
#107. Sonita Lontoh Head of Corporate Marketing for Trilliant
Sonita Lontoh shares with us on SVTAGS what “Smart, Connected Energy” is and its potential and opportunities to help us be more empowered, save money and the environment. She is the Head of Corporate Marketing for Trilliant in Redwood City. Her passion comes through when she talks about what she does. She has several degrees, but makes anyone in the room feel comfortable when talking about high level information (in other words she is approachable).
Trilliant is in the area of smart energy, smart grid and works with power companies all around the world. Technology changes fast and Trilliant is doing a great job at helping the large power companies become smarter with their assets.
Watch SVTAGS and here about the future of smart energy.
#108. Silicon Valley Tour De Coop, organizer Scott Vanderlip and Amy Hibbs
Coop Tour Organizer and Coopster
Every year a group of people gather and bike around the valley. Some bike hundreds of miles to see other peoples chicken coops and some people drive so that they can see more on a Sunday afternoon.
“Chickens in your back yard you say- in the urban area of Silicon Valley --- REALLY?” It’s become almost a fashion among some folks, but it’s also very smart to have your own chickens. No hormones with those eggs you pull form your yard. That chicken poop is great fertilizer for your plants too! Some of the chicken coops are so amazingly artistic it’s almost better then some peoples homes (almost!).
Scott Vanderlip is founder of the tour and has chickens. Amy Hibbs is a coop owner and joined the tour as a volunteer a few years ago. Both said that it’s not too hard of work to have the chickens and when asked who watches them when away on vacation, their reply was other Coopsters!
Look up the tour information here:
#109. David Gottfried US Green Building Council (USGBC) and World Green Building Council
The founder of many organization, and entrepreneur, David Gottfried started off as a student at Stanford. He then worked on the East Coast for a developer, and family member. The USGBC was something that took root, over a period of years. David tried to get people to do green building early on, but with out the ROI to show, it was a hard sell. Once the ROI was proven, green building begun. This was in part by some grants for some government buildings. The start of the green rating system LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) was thought up while the USGBC was being organized. Heather Durham met David while she helped to form the USGBC-NCC, Silicon Valley Branch. “Back then,” Heather Said,” when I was helping as Program Chair, there was about 100,000 LEED AP’s.” David replied, “There is over 200,000 LEED AP’s world wide now.”
David’s amazing work and talent has spread to other businesses that he has helped to form and is running a venture company, is CEO of his wife’s business too. She wrote a little book called the “Hormone Cure.” Dr. Gottfried, his wife is amazing too, and we may have her back soon to talk about what she dose.
He has started a series of talks with world leaders in the green and sustainability with in their own fields of work.
You can go here for more information:
#110. Slow Foods South Bay
Joni Sare, Mary Clark Bartlett & Mary Petron Bottega came on the SVTAGS TV Show sharing about Slow Food South Bay. Joni is a chef teaching people about foods, cooking and goes to their homes to do so. Mary Clark Bartlett from Epicurean has forty one locations in the Bay Area. Mary also, had previously been part owner of Bon Appetit, before they sold that company, and she a long history of being a chef. Mary Petron Bottega the Chair for Slow Food South Bay was never a professional chef, but just loved to cook. She found herself married and living in Italy, loving to cook the way they did. Now all three ladies are part of one hundred and fifty others that make up the Slow Food South Bay chapter. Slow Foods started in Italy when McDonalds threated open in an area dear to the Italians. A movement for slower cooking started and has spread here! Please tune into watch the show online channel 15, or on San Jose Comcast Channel 15.
#111. Lori Krien- Artists, Corporate Trainer and Actor!
Lori Krien is a returning guest to SVTAGS. In 2009 when SVTAGS just started Lori met Heather Durham in the Lobby of CreaTV San Jose. Lori was thinking about starting her on show on “How to Art.” Heather invited Lori to come on Heather’s show. Lori started a wonderful shown on art after that.
She produced her show at CreaTV San Jose for many years. Then she moved production to her home where her son was helping with it. He moved to college and she stopped producing at that point.
Lori is now teaching art for and she has moved to a smaller studio. Lori is now taking classes in acting. Listen to this show to hear how Lori’s art career has morphed.
#112. Local Politics and Green with Mayor Emily Lo of Saratoga CA & Rob Rennie of Los Gatos CA
Mayor Emily Lo and Heather Durham met at a business Chamber of Commerce meeting many years ago. Emily has been on many boards and is right now Mayor of Saratoga, which is a volunteer job. The council people of Saratoga rotate into the role. Saratoga has some green initiative that we talk about on the show and also the pending election.
Rob Rennie is an engineer, but had always been interested in helping others. On the show he tells us about the work his mother did that helped shape some of the environmental programs we see today. In his childhood years he lived in Washington DC. He decided to run for Los Gatos City Council to carry out his dream of helping others.
The city of Los Gatos has some amazing green programs and with Rob in office there will be more of an eye on transportation and “bike-ability” for people in the town.
As of the show taping both Mayor Lo and Mr. Rennie were both running and did not know if they would be in office. Lo was reelected and Rob did win a seat on the Los Gatos City Council!
#113. Alexandra Kennedy, Author and Family Therapist
Alexandra Kennedy moved to California in the late 1970’s to be a family therapist of the County of Santa Cruz. After working for year for the county she started her own practices. Then later her father passes away, and that’s when she wrote book, “Loosing a Parent.” She has written other books including her newests “ Honoring Grief” and others “How Did I Miss All This Before?”, “The Infinite Thread”, and “Offerings at the Edge.”
Heather Durham said, “I heard her speak at CSL (Center for Spiritual Living) San Jose, and I knew I had to have Alaxandra on the show.
Look for this one to rerun or order a copy today. You can go to YouTube to watch a few minutes of the show.
#114. Vanessa Rogier and Heather Lerner from Happy Hollow Park and Zoo
Heather Lerner is the Happy Hollow Foundation Executive Director and she has a passion for Happy Hollow. Vanessa has just as much passion, if not more, then Heather and it comes through when she talks about the programs they are doing at the Zoo.
Vanessa is a returning guest on the SVTAGS show. She has been working not only on projects that are local but that are helping animals in the Congo. She took personal time this year to help stopping of the poaching of Gorillas. Into the Congo is an annual event that raises money that helps train and give resources to the rangers that protect animals in the Congo. This year Vanessa went there to see for herself, what the fundraising is doing.
They Happy Hollow Foundation is very unique and is helping to education hundreds of people when they come through the park each year.
“People don’t realize the work it take to care for these animals… we hope people will give back to the Zoo when they think about what joy it brought them,” was one of the most stunning remarks by the two gals Heather Durham said, “I don’t have children but I really enjoy going there to learn about the animals and their habitats. I hope that others will donate to the Zoo to keep it going!”
Take a look at this show and hear about what your local Zoo is doing!
#115. Dr. Blaine Kingsbury, Chiropractor and Sports Injury Specialists
Dr. Kingsbury has been in the practice of Chiropractic services for more then ten years, but as he explains on the show, his practice has morphed over the years.
He is one of the best Chiropractors in the South Bay Area and has specialized in helping people with Fibromyalgia, back injuries, knee problems, carpal tunnel and more.
This year he started helping with worldwide sports championship games in many countries. He practices in Los Gatos, in Monterey and Carmel.
He can help most people with their sports injuries without surgery! Dr. Blaine said that most injuries now can be heald without surgery, but a lot of the time Western Medicine does not tell you that right off.
Listen to this show to learn about the amazing work being done by Dr. Kingsbury.
#116. Soyna Paz, Pop and Cubism Artists
Sonya has been dong art for years in the Bay Area and Heather Durham has been following her progress around the valley. From Sonya’s warehouse studio in Santa Clara to her move to Campbell, and then back to San Jose, Heather said she’s loved all the things Sonya has done!
Her artwork is a fun, playful work that has bright pops of color and large images.
Sonya was asked to do some “pet” images at the Silicon Valley Humane Society’s new location in Milpitas. If you go there you will see some of her large-scale work.
She does everything from Coffee mugs, watches, coasters, and small and large paintings or prints.
Watch the show and see the amazing work she does.
#117. Robert Scoble, Futurist, Blogger and Dad
“Mr. Scoble is a very gracious and genuine person, so down to earth,” Heather Said, “and the interview went by too fast!”
Robert Scoble is known for his blogs on technology. He loves to play with technology and tell us about it. He’s been playing with technology since he was a teenager in the Bay Area. His mother had a group that helped put motherboards together and in Roberts spare time as a kid in Silicon Valley – he helped his mom.
A fellow West Valley College graduate and San Jose State University Journalism department also with Heather; she was surprised they didn’t meet at school. Instead they met at the Google Developers Group when Robert was there talking about his newest book co-authored with Shel Israel “Age of Context.”
Scoble shares about new technology he has learned about this year that will make an impact in our lives. He also shares some more personal projects, but you will need to watch to hear more!
#118. Kristina McCaffrey, on Green Vision Resource Team San Jose & Stephanie Anderson with Bay Area Air Quality Resource Management Board
Heather Durham has been one of the volunteer people on the San Jose Green Resource teams for many years. She met Stephanie Anderson at these meetings that happen once every few months now. A group of people from various business get together to work on projects.
Stephanie helps with Bay Area Air Quality Resource Management Board, and there are nine counties that work with other teams too.
Kristina McCaffrey is Program Manager, Integrated Waste Management with the City of San Jose. This is a crucial part of the green planning for the city. The city had ten goals for their green plan. They plan was a 2020 vision, then 2040 and it’s updated often to show the results of what’s happened with the plan so far.
The ladies talked about the Home improvement project that was one of the first things the Green Resource Team worked on. Then they talked about the Stop Junk Mail campaign that’s going on now. Finally they talked about the plans for a transportation share program that will be coming up.
Ten minutes of each of these shows should be on YouTube for you to view soon, under SVTAGS. There are sixe shows at any given time for you to watch on just look for SVTAGS on Channel 15. For the full copies of the shows please order today and support SVTAGS efforts by emailing what episode number(s) you would like to order to
#119. Gabrielle Antolovich Exec utive Director of Voice United
Gabrielle has the most beautiful accent, that makes you really listen to what she’s saying and she has such great energy for the project she’s worked with for over a decade, Voice United. The organization helps kids learn that doing drugs is not their only option. Voices United helps educate the public about what drugs and alcohol do to their brain. It also help bring to the forefront of the public how easily children can fall under the influence of adults that might take advantage of them (the child) that is on some type of substance.
With the ensuiante of television and media making it hip to be high and some of the more lack laws on using some drugs, it’s important work that Voices Unite does here in the Bay Area and beyond.
#120. PET’s in Need with Al Mollica Executive Director, Dr Charlotte Rubin,
and Marsa Hollander Adoption and Volunteer Manager
PET's in Need is a 501c3 company that is a no kill shelter. They help adopt out pet’s that have no homes, that have been misplaced by the economy’s down turn and also helps with some folks pets that might not be able to get help otherwise.
Their program (from their website)
They will go to senior facilities to spay and neutered pets for free. Check out their website
#121. Moises Mena with Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association
The Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association has over 100 locations in California that they serve. Moises Mena is the manager of the Santa Clara Street at 14th Street Farmers Market for PCFMA. They host only the best farmers and some artisans at the market. This year Mosies has been asked to manage the San Pedro Square Farmers market that PCFMA also hosts.
#122. Cevan Forristt Landscape Design
The work that Cavan Forristt has completed of his life time is simply amazing. He early on, when he was a teenager, working for one of Silicon Valleys first technology companies founders. He was in charge of a vast landscaping of the mans property. Later when the man died he started his own landscaping design company.
He had already traveled the world to find rare objects to go in his former bosses homes grounds. Now he was doing this service for others. The landscape designs he creates transforms you from your daily life to whatever you want you respite area to be in your home.
Watch the show to learn more.
#123. John Allwine Founder of Freakin Sweet Apps and David Gatti from NV drones
Every year hundreds of people gather to the Maker Faire in San Mateo California, wait make that hundreds of thousands of people. In 2015 the numbers were 140,000 people. SVTAGS now is inviting startups that are at the faire to come on the show.
This year we had two companies that were so interesting, we invited both.
Freakin Sweet Apps was developed by John Allwine who was a 3D animator for companies like Disney, then he wanted to propose to his long time sweetheart. His hobby was making Turkish Knots and he decided he would make a ring from metal, for his beloved for the proposal. He made about 50 and then thought to him self he could develop an application to print the ring. He did and now he has a thriving startup.
Next David Gatti works with NV Drones. From their website, “The NVdrones platform empowers any software developer to create amazing drone applications. Support for common languages like Arduino, Java, Android and Javascript, means that you can create an application in the language of your choice, not ours.”
David’s energy and enthusiasm was just amazing. Their company is moving to San Francisco from Southern California the summer of 2015.
#124. Lynda Grose from Sustainable Cotton Project
Lynda moved to California originally to work for Esprit as a designer. The founder of Esprit was involved in using clean fabric, or more organic.
Hearing about what Lynda is doing with the Sustainable Cotton Project at the Swap-O-Rama-Rama tent at the Maker Faire, but Heather was not able to attend the talk, she invited Lynda on the show.
The website listed three things they are working on Cleaner Cotton™ Field Program, Cleaner Cotton™ Marketing Program
& San Joaquin Sustainable Farming Project. Some of these things overlap and Lynda is working on two of the three. Listen to the show for more information.
#125. Karen Claras Artists and founder of Color Blind Art Studio
Heather Durham met Karen at the Naglee Park Open Studio and was so impressed with the work, she asked Karen on the show. The open studio happens every year in the early summer months and has about 30 artists in the show that is hosted at peoples homes.
Karen’s work stands out as sustainable art at it’s best. She uses reclaimed things like match books, or fabric to create works of art that just make you smile.
She said that she’s been doing art her whole life, but just recently started to work full time at it. Having been in Corporate Silicon Valley and now is able to work on art, Karen said she feels blessed for that.
Watch the show on, or one of the other 16 Bay Area stations it airs on. Support us by purchasing a DVD directly from SVTAGS, or Heather Durham.
#126. Susie Selby founder of Selby Winery
Selby Winery is not a winery that has been around and passed from family member to family member, but the wine tastes of old world flavor.
Susie Selby was in corporate fundraising on the East Coast, before she was into Sports Marketing and the Fitness Industry business. Then she moved to California, and had volunteered for some wineries helping with their marketing. She was hired on and then she did other things at the wineries.
Later she started Selby with her father, who lived in Texas where she was from. She jokes that her father came out once a year at the start of the business, and drank the profits.
The winery is so successful now that the Whitehouse has served her wine on several occasions and Robert Redford keeps her wine in his cellar (or wine locker).
Heather Durham was not a white wine lover in her 30’s and 40’s, but now is going back to that from reds. When she tasted Susie’s wine, she fell in love with it at a women’s winemakers dinner (Goddess of the Grape) in Silicon Valley. Thanks Susie for coming on the show!
#127. Molly Holbrook – Organicopia
Chef Molly Holbrook is a return guest on SVTAGS. She has been cooking up some special organic food for Silicon Valley clients for over six years now. Her business has changed from in home chef, to chef for fitness gurus in the valley and now back to making great organic foods for peoples parties and everyday home meals. Molly is launcing her own tv show on FoodTV which is an online program. She just did a pilot program and will be looking to the future to create more amazing foody shows, under her company name Organicopia.
#128. ON Commercial Construction, (OCC) Lowell Mazon, Presiden & Chris Branan, Vice President
This show we talk about construction in Silicon Valley and the turns the industry has taken in the past few years. ON Commercial Construction (OCC), has been serving clients in the valley for over 20 years in one form or another. They work on Commercial buildings new construction and tenant improvements. Lowell started of in the 1980’s working on various projects and moved up the construction ladder with various companies before he helped to start OCC. He has seen the infusion of green building become popular and they work with their clients to help with environmental needs on projects.
#129. Barbara Keegan-Santa Clara Valley Water
District - Director District 2
Water is increasingly becoming an issue in Silicon Valley and Barbara Keegan is at the front of helping solve water issues here. Barbara was the 2nd engineer at the city of San Jose that was a women. In her retirement from the City of San Jose she wanted to do something good with her time, so she ran for the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
The SCV Water District serves millions of people and now has programs to help us spare our portable water. Heather Durham said, “I remember the days when you would say…if it’s yellow let it be mellow.” Recently at an event someone younger had not heard this term for conserving water, which means don’t flush everytime your in the bathroom. The water district has rebate programs for replacing your landscape with low watering plants. There is the water wise team that will come to your home to do a water assessments of your usage and any leaks at your home.
#130. Ken McKenzie, President - Santa Clara County Beekeepers Guild
Ken McKenzie was out doing an educational event at the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce and World Journals Fall Festival when Heather Durham met him. Be brought live bees there to demonstrate about bees, and he also brought them to the TV Station for the filming of this SVTAGS show.
The Santa Clara County Beekeepers Guild has over 300 members as of mid 2015 and that has doubled in the past two years according to Ken. They are a group that is interested in the health. promotion and preservation of bees and the handling of bees. On this show Heather and Ken talk about the numerous types of bees in North America and through out the world. They also talk about the fact that if the bees go, our food source will be gone too. Tune into hear about the amazing world of bees here in Silicon Valley and beyond.
There are some interesting factoids about bees on their website:
#131. Chris Novak, Founder of Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs -SIlicon Valley and Jerry Pohorsky President of the Electric Auto Association- Silicon Valley Chapter
For this show the topic is electric vehicles, the new technology that is out there and two associations that are helping the average person with their EV and the Entrepreneurs here in Silicon Valley.
Jerry Pohorsky bought his first EV in 1999, but that car was recalled, and it did not have a problem. Jerry in the movie “Who Killed the Electric Vehicle” and was part of the recall of the EV-1 by Saturn, because the car company decided to crush all the cars, since there was no profit in the EV Market at the time. His organization was founded in 1967 to promotes the advancement and widespread adoption of Electric Vehicles.
Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs- Silicon Valley is a Meetup group that has thousands of members, that Chris Novak started. The group attracts people that want to participate in the design, development, and marketing of electric vehicles and electric vehicle technologies. The group has had new startups come talk from batteries to hover boards, and other EV related new technology.
Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs - Silicon Valley,
Electric Auto Association- Silicon Valley Chapter,
#132. Artist Holly Van Hart
Once an engineer and graduate from Stanford University, Holly Van Hart changed careers a few years ago and is now doing art full time. Holly and Heather Durham met at the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce open house for a new business in Saratoga California. Heather was impressed with Holly’s handbag and as it turned out it was made from Holly’s artwork. Heather asked her to cal and then they met. Holly’s home is her studio and the work there was breath taking.
On the show, Holly talks about her career change and some amazing honors she has received since she has started this new career. We get a peak at some of her work.
To see more of her work please go to her website:
#133. Dr. Corinna Basler President Green Festivals
Dr. Corinna who is the Green Festivals President is running all five festivals now. On this show we talk about the San Francisco Green Festival, which was the first one and has been running for 14 years. The Green Festivals will be at the Cow Palace this year, their new home, on November 13th, 14th and 15th.
The next one is in Portland Oregon and this is the first time they have been in this city.
The festivals bring to the public organice foods both packaged and whole foods, bogy products, fair trade items from around the world, clean energy companies, green transportation and more things. There are over 60 categories of companies coming to Green Festival San Francisco this year.
For more information about Green Festivals please go here:
#134. Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley with Executive Director Beverley Jackson
Executive Director Beverley Jackson of Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley has been working with non-profits for over 20 years. She started off in Canada and then moved to the USA to work with a non-profit. Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley has been helping low income, veterans and other in need of repairs at their home. Critical repairs including roof, plumbing and electrical are one of the areas they help in. Teams of volunteers gather every year from various companies around Silicon Valley to help in Spring and Fall with repairs. They have an event every year to raise money called “Paint the Town” and it’s got all kinds of fun for all at the annual fundraiser.
Please go here for more information on of Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley:
# 135. Founder of Changing a Generation Ceitci Demirkova
On the newest Silicon Valley -Technology, Art, Green & Sustainability (SVTAGS) Show we are featuring Ceitci Demirkova. She was the first young woman of Bulgaria to leave shortly after the fall of communism by herself. Then came to the United States to study in a Bible college and became the first Bulgarian woman minister who established a nonprofit ministry by age 20! She traveled to Uganda, Bulgaria, and Ghana among many other places, and freeing countless children from sex slavery and treacherous conditions and circumstances, literally risking her life.
She also helped establish water resources in Uganda and Ghana, setting up educational resources for the children there. I was so impressed with her work, I invited her on the show as soon as I read about what she had done in her last 20 years here in the USA. I’m turning 50 years old this next month, and I thought to myself, “ Wow, this is really impressive that she did all this by the age of 40 years old and she only had $100.00 in her pocket when she started all this!”
Please go here for more information:
#136. Donald Neff, Artists and Book Author
Donald Neff didn’t start out as an artist but his work is know around the world now. His Plein Air work is some of the best you will find here in California. Heather met him at the Los Gatos Plein Air a few years ago, and in 2015 asked him to join her on the show.
The book The Creeks and Rivers of Silicon Valley he spent over a year going out to paint and create. The work is just brilliant and there are stories that would be otherwise lost if the book did not talk about each of the creeks in Silicon Valley. Formally called the “Valley of the Hearts Delight” before it became Silicon Valley, there are stories of Indian folk lord to local farmer tales of the creeks.
Watch this episode on the various channels in the Bay Area, or on, or purchase your own copy today and then share with a local library or school!
For more information about Donald Neff’s work go here:
#137. Alexandria von Bromssen, Designer and Founder of Camp Couture
Heather Durham met Alexandria at the Maker Faire one of the years she was filming there. Alexandria was up to her ears in material and was helping show a young gal how to create, from trash to treasure clothing. Since thing Alexandria was on Project Runway and took 2nd place in the season that she filmed with them.
On the SVTAGS show she talks about where she is now, with her fashion design, her Camp Couture business and more. Camp Couture was particularly interesting to Heather as when she was a young girls she loved to go the thrift store and buy something and remake it. Heather said, “It’s a lost art that is reappearing in the maker culture that is emerging. It’s sad that the no longer teach kids to sew, so it’s amazing that you are doing this Alexandria. This is what SVTAGS is all about, and I’m so glad we were able to share what you are doing on the show.”
Watch SVTAGS to hear more and view some of Alexandria’s amazing work. You can visit her at her Red Square Boutique in San Mateo most days, but call ahead before you go!
(Note there has been a problem with the website and they are working on it):
More information From SF Chronicle:
The native of Sweden split her time between Sweden and California until age 13, then modeled in Italy, Spain, Greece and Australia until 18. She holds a degree in pattern-making and design from the Academy of Art University.
She created her Alexandria von Bromssen line of women’s wear and menswear in 2008. Prices range from $60 to $1,200. Her Red Square Boutique in San Mateo was founded in 2010, and her Camp Couture, a children’s sewing camp, was founded in 2005.
#138. David Shapiro Founder/CEO,
Heather Durham walked into Western Auto Journalist’s event at the Computer History Museum Mountain View California in Fall of 2015 to hear about new technology with over 30 car companies speaking. When she sat down, she met David Shapiro who founded She was so impressed with him and what he has built with she insisted he come on the show when she called him the next month.
David is a futurist and had the vision over 16 years ago to see that there is a need for a different way to buy a car. No car salesmen, no showroom floor to walk in and fee that dread and no financial game playing to deal with. This is the best way to find a new car, the one you want with all the bells and whistles you prefer.
Heather said, “ I remember when I bought my Toyota 4-Runner in 1999 and I dreaded the process at the dealership. This is great!”
David takes us through his early days and how he came up with the idea. He tells us bout the growth of the companies and the amazing employees he has found to help with customers. We also talk about the future of cars and what he sees coming up in the not so far reality of the automotive industry.
More information about Cartelligent can be found here:
#139. Paul Sable, Artists
Mr. Sable has been doing art his entire life. Not only the incredible art that he produces for the public at Healthcare facilities, or the LED art that is something that has taken him to Burningman in more recent years, but woodworking too. Paul has a woodworking, or rather cabinet making business. One of the slides shown on SVTAGS shows a harpsichord he hand made and its just beautiful work. His work has been shown at the Technology Museum in San Jose, the LED interactive art and sound project known as Space Palette.
His LED lights that look like they jumped right out of one of the scenes from Star Wars, are “angelic” Mr. Sable said. They all reflect light in a different way, and look like angles wings. The colors vary and would make for a fun pieces and any tech start up party here in Silicon Valley.
Watch this episode on one of our 18 Bay Area stations (see the home page for details), or better yet, buy a copy of the show and share with friends, a local school, or another public access station.
More information about Paul and his work can be found here:
#140. Michael Coates, Editor & Publisher of the Clean Fleet Report, and Board Member of the Western Automotive Journalists
Mr. Coats has a long history working in the Automotive industry. He was publicity guy, public relation for several auto manufactures. Then he started writing reviews and reporting on cars, their performance and technology advancements. He volunteers on the board of Western Automotive Journalists, which is an organization that holds several events on car technology in the Silicon Valley area. The main event happens in the fall,
“The Silicon Valley Reinvents the Wheel” and it’s a very informative day with auto companies coming out to talk about the latest technology, some of it being invented right here in Silicon Valley.
Michael in the interview talks with ease about the latest in green technology with autos and he also shares some other interesting tidbits with us. His knowledge suits his other project working with the Clean Fleet Report. He also does public relations with his own company for automotive industry companies here in the Bay Area and around the world.
Please watch to learn about the trends in the Automotive world.
To learn more about the organizations Michael helps with please go to these sites:
#141. Elisabeth Kindig - Technology Evangelist and Blogger.
Elisabeth Kindig is a thought leader, blogger/writer and a technology evangelist with Intertrust. Her evangelist career started when she started to blog and soon found millions of people following her clever thoughts. She invited other thought leaders to guest blog on her site. She moved to California to work with a venture capital company. Her wit and charm leads you to want to listen to her speak. She has given live talks at many conferences around the United States. In April 2016 Elisabeth was at the NAB Show (National Association of Broadcaster) and Heather Durham read her press release about Drone Security. The next month the two met and Heather invited Elisabeth on the show. Please watch this show to learn more about Elisabeth, her interesting career as an Evenagelist, Deep Linking and other new technology information.
You can see the show here:
More information about Elisabeth and the company she works with please go here:
#142. Goodwill Silicon Valley - Trish Dorsey Vice President of Mission Services and Ryan Gleason Director of Operations
Heather Durham has been going to the Goodwill since she was a teenager in Saratoga California. “One of my favorite things to do when I was a young girl is to go find clothes at the Goodwill and remake them, sew them in to something new and interesting,” Said Heather Durham to Trish Dorsey on the telephone at the pre-interview.
Trish and Ryan have both worked at the Goodwill for most of their adult careers. Both love what they do. Trish is in charge of the Mission Services which helps seniors, adults, teenagers and children here in Silicon Valley. Everything from helping seniors learn to use computers to job training for adults can be counted on with the services at the Goodwill.
Landfill diversion, yep they are doing that too. Ryan takes us through the process of what they do with all the leftovers from the Silicon Valley folks when they purge their cloths, electronics, furniture and more. From selling in their store the things that we discard here in the Bay Area, to micro businesses around the world that buy the stuff we would otherwise put in a landfill, the Goodwill is doing a great service for us.
Please watch to learn more, go to this link:
#143. Academic Film Archive of North America, founder Geoff Alexander
Some of us that are old enough to remember before the Internet, in schools, before the mobile phone could pull up videos on just about anything, there was reel to reel film. The 8mm film was projected on a screen or a wall, by a film projector. In those old days, we would get to see some films at our local elementary or high schools to educate us on science, art, history and many other subjects. Then the digital age arrived and all those films started to be dumped in the trash. All the man hours of film production lost forever. That’s where Geoff Alexander came into the idea of trying to preserve some of this media. His organization that is a non-profit called Academic Film Archive of North America. Their archive of films has saved thousands films from the over 100,000 of them that were made in North America. They are in storage in various places, but the bulk is in Kelly Park in San Jose California.
To learn more, please watch the show and go to their website:
#144. Celebrating Changes & Progress in Silicon Valley- 7 years of SVTAGS TV: Frank Jewett and Heather Durham.
From the job market, to housing, population growth, the technology that makes Silicon Valley Unique, in this episode we look at the past 7 years and discuss what’s changed.
Frank Jewett has been a local business man in Silicon Valley for over 20 years and he has been here for many of the bubbles of economic growth and the crashes. Frank has his own show called “Issues Today” and is the one that told Heather Durham about CreaTV San Jose back in 2008 when they took over the production of local broadcasting from Comcast. Frank was one of 20 people producing original content at that time. Heather Durham, Executive Producer of SVTAGS had an idea for an educational Website with legs, video being one of those legs, but she did not know about producing. Frank mentioned the new station to Heather over coffee one day and the rest is history. Back then in 2008 there had just been another crash of the economy. Both Heather and Frank had been in Silicon Valley for the previous crash in 2001-2002. With the population growth in the valley making it harder and harder to find housing, they discuss this on this in the program. They also talk about the construction that comes with the boom economy. Just like the last economic up tick, there is many startups, but which ones will survive? Cyber security is also a topic that the two touch on in this episode #144.
For a copy of this show please email:
To Contact Frank Jewett email him at:
#145. Arcimoto- Mark Frohnmayer, Founder and CEO & Jesse Fittipaldi Business Development Lead
The Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley have monthly meetings with interesting speakers, sometimes with startups and Arcimoto founder Mark Frohnmayer was at one of the meetings speaking in the summer of 2016. Heather Durham, Executive producer of Silicon Valley- Technology, Art, Green & Sustainability (SVTAGS) was so impressed with this new form of transportation, that she invited Mark to come on the SVTAGS TV show. It’s an electric vehicle, but it’s in the class of motorcycles. The range of the battery has a much further distance then anything out there now. It’s base price in 2017 for ordering will be about $11,000.00 and that’s just some of the main things that Heather thought, this is going to be a big deal and the information needs to be shared with the public on this one. “Also, it’s really fun and cute, so why not have them on the show,” Heather said at the studio the day of taping, “ all the other stuff is a bonus for this new EV.”
Mark started this company after selling a gaming company, when he was looking for alternative transportation himself. The company has been around since 2009, and the current model is it’s 7th version. Only investors have been able to get one until now. The will be taking limited orders, as they will not be a “Big EV” company the founder Mark said. They want to keep production small and in the USA.
Please go to their website for more information:
#146. Savers - Randi Knight, Area Development Manager of Northern California
“Make this a great day by reusing, reclaiming and rethinking –the way you choose to live in Silicon Valley and beyond,” is the closing line of every SVTAGS TV show that Heather Durham Executive Producer says. Savers embodies this closing SVTAGS saying with what they do. Savers is like other stores that sells used items, but they are not a non-profit. It was started in San Francisco by one family and is still privately owned. They have 380 stores all around the world. Here in Silicon Valley they have 7 stores. They get their goods from non-profits and then they give back to them money for every pound of clothing they get. They have household items and furniture too. To hear more about what they do watch the show or go to their website.
#147. The “80 Day Challenge” & Phnix Company Founder Andrew Zong
DingDing TV in Santa Clara invited me to film at their studio and to interview a very special business person from China, Mr. Andrew Zong. One company Mr. Zong founded is the Phnix company which produces a water pump, but the more interesting thing about his company is that he allows his employees to spin off new companies. The hunger for growth and opportunity is the same in China as it is in Silicon Valley, so Mr. Zong brilliantly lets his talent startup companies with the help of the parent company. That way he does not loose the talent that he has trained and cultured. Retention and training are one of the most expensive things a company will have, and Mr. Zong is famous for this in China. While Heather Durham Waited in the DingDing TV station green room, the staff shuffled in several of Mr. Zongs fans and some media from China. Mr. Zong started an 80 EV Challenge and this is another reason for his fame and for his visit to the United States of America. There are 11 countries participating in the challenge and they are driving their cars around the world. With Mr. Zong that day was the CEO of Denza Car Company and her car is what he was driving around the world. He wanted to promote that his country too has some interesting EV technology coming up.
More about the “80 Day Challenge” here:
More about Mr. Zong’s company here:
Watch the full show here (for a few months) then you can see just ten minutes of it on YouTube by searching for SV-tags:
#148. Artist, Author and Lecturer -Deborah Kennedy
During the last 6 moths of the Berlin Wall in Germany Deborah Kennedy was installing an art installation. It would be the last art installation on the wall before the wall came down. Deborah gathered thoughts from people and etched them on to metal. “Some people said it would be thousands of years before the wall came down,” Said Deborah when she thinks back about that time.
Recently Debora just completed a book she’s been working on for many years, “Nature Speaks: Art and Poetry for the Earth.” This has been a long time coming as Deborah has worked in art in many other forms. She had taught at San Jose City College and lectured at Santa Clara University. She also had art installations at Santa Clara University.
Watch the show to learn more about the new book and Deborah.
Please go here to purchase her book:
#149. Inspirational Speaker & Woman’s Advocate- Trish ONeill
A former investigator for the District Attorney’s office Trish ONeill is a dynamic woman. Trish teaches women how to defend themselves in her seminar called “How To Safe in A Violent World" Trish is the creator of "DISARM" A system to offset any oncoming threats.
Her story of strength goes beyond being a former investigator. While she was on leave from an on the job injury, she got cancer. She was very over weight while on the job, and she was able to lose 140 pounds and keep it off for over 12years. She started a non-profit to help her children and others, that have parents with cancer called Kids Embracing Hope.
Her two other seminars are: “A Life of Triumph: How I Took My Power Back surviving Rape and Cancer (Destiny) I Beat The Odds, " and the “Dream Body Boot Camp."
Heather Durham said, “She is one of the most amazing women I have met, and I know a lot of women. Her story truly inspires you.”
Trish also owns a clothing line called Cowgirls Surf.
Please watch this incredible show and for more information on Trish you can go to this website:
#150. Jennifer Cullenbine- Family Giving Tree
While in college Jennifer Cullenbine she had been told to come up with a project for class. When she presented her idea, there was some skeptisum about if the idea could be made into a vaiable non-profit. Family Giving Tree has server over a million children in the Bay Area. They give gifts to children that do not normally get anything at Christmas. There is also a backpack program to help each child have a good start to the school year.
Jennifer's vision has grown to include a full staff of employees and lets her work full time on this amazing vision. Watch to lear more and go to their website if you like to see how you can help.
Watch now by clicking here:
#151. Tana Elizondo- Soroptimist International
Soroptimist International is a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. Heather Durham invite Tan Elizondo the governor of the Seirra Pacific Region of Soroptimist International to come on the show and talk about what the organization is up to. The Los Gatos-Saratog Soroptimist Club Heather Durham has been supporting since 2002 and she wanted to let the public know more about this long standing club. The Los Gatos-Saratoga club has been around since 1978, but the Soroptimist organization was started in 1921 in Oakland California. The San Jose club, now Silicon Valley Club, was also essential in helping the United Nations (UN) stay in business by letting them use the Soroptimist House for several years before they opened their New York office.
Each club does their own fundraising with local flare. The money gose to the Live Your Dream award, wich helps women, who are heads of the household, go back to college. There are other formal programs, and you tune in to hear or go to to learn more.
Watch the show here:
The local Soroptimist International Los Gatos-Saratog club has a Facebook page and you can go here to learn more about them:
#152. Janice Arnold - Felt Artist
Mrs. Arnold is a world famous artist, but when Heather Durham said that to her, Janice sort of winced. Janice is modest about her accomplishments and has a passion for what she does like no other. This is exactly the reason she has other artists from around the world come help with whatever project she has on her agenda.
On the 152nd SVTAGS TV show you will here about her childhood and “how she was given tools instead of toys,” and you will learn why she is such an amazing artists!
Felt is the first fabric ever made and it’s not made by sewing it. The process is thousands of years old and Janice Arnold has been using this craft to create art for years. Recently she had an art exhibit in San Francisco California, called the “Felt Decoded” that took us through centuries of use of felt. It was held at the Museum of Craft and Design.
Janice had done work for Microsoft foundation and has the largest piece of felt in North America that was created by a community, with her guidance.
Watch to hear and see more about this interesting art form:
#153. San Jose Museum of Art, Guests on this show are Susan Sayre Batton Interim Director and Sherrill Ingalls Director of Marketing /Communications
These two ladies have been working with San Jose Museum of Art for years and are creating interesting art exhibits for us to see. Water was the latest exhibit that was being exhibited at the museum and has Ansle Adams camera on display.
The museum has been part of San Jose since the 1960’s and is a place that people come to look at art, you would think. It turns out that it’s much more then that. There are events therr all the time, weddings, company parties and artist events that the museum holds. Volunteers have been a big part of helping the museum stay in business.
Please watch to learn more about San Jose Museum of Art:
Twitter: @sjmusart
#154. Cheri Del Carlo - Salt ponds reclaimed, Color By the Bay
In the 1980’s Cheri Del Carlo father had a full time job as a photographer, Arnold Del Carlo is his name. He ran his own business doing corporate photographs, weddings, architecture and more. He also loved to fly his Cessna plane. One day he cut a whole in the bottom of the plane and took a series of photos of the salt ponds that then covered a larger portion of the San Francisco Bay. Now the bay has been restored, mostly, to it’s original beauty.
The photos he tool look “other worldly,” Heather Durham said on the SVTAGS TV Show. The colors are some amazing, reds, greens, purples, blue, teal and more. The shapes look like an unusual mix of land that the artist Pollock might of made up in a painting.
Cheri takes us through her fathers career as he is too shy to come on camera. The art photograph which are on display at the Saratoga Library for awhile. The photo prints are for sale and can be made into any size.
Watch this show here:
To learn more about Arnold Del Carlo, to Purchase some of the art, or get in contact with the Del Carlo’s go here:
#155. Kristy Rogers- Business Women of Silicon Valley
Kristy Rogers and Heather Durham have known each other a long time. Both women have made their careers here in Silicon Valley and they both went to San Jose State. They also both worked together in college when they were first starting out. Kristy runs Business Women of Silicon Valley and is a dynamic business coach. Business Women of Silicon Valley now in it’s 6th year. The organization helps women connect with networking events and other social events. There are speakers at some of the events, but the real value is in the connections that women make and what they share with each other. Supporting each other in the unique atmosphere of Silicon Valley.
You can watch the show on the CreaTV San Jose Site by searching for SVTAGS, or just click this link:
To learn more about Business Women of Silicon Valley and Kristy Rogers, please click on this website:
#156. stok a Green Real Estate, Engineering and Construction Company with guests Burke Pemberton & Jacob Arlein. Winners of Acterra’s Environmental Awards.
Heather Durham’s interest in buillding goes back to when she was a child and her father used to help anyone with a construction project, just for fun. That was the 1970’s and she would carry tools right behind him and try to help, (although she was too young to actually do any helping). When she heard of what stok was doing, she knew they needed to come on the SVTAGS show to help share their unique business model with the world.
They just won the Award for Acterra’s Environmental category of “Sustainability Small Company” in May 2017. The company has morphed from it’s origins in 2009(2008) when it was started by Matt Macko. Back then, Heather Durham and Matt were on the boards/committees of the Northern California (NCC) US Green Building Council (USGBC). Heather was one of founders of the Silicon Valley Branch as Program Chair for several years and Matt on the NCC board.
A lot has changed since then and Net Zero buildings are the big deal now. stok had done several buildings like this. They help people and companies better plan what will go into a buildings make up to conserve everything.
The company website has no job titles, and this is on purpose, because everyone’s efforts are valued equally. Wouldn’t that be nice if all companies thought like that!
Hats off to stok for being not only a great green company with what they do for their clients, but also for the people they work with every day!
To watch the show go here:
To Learn more about stok (yes that’s right they like lower case “s”) go here:
#157. Lisa Ann Pinkerton Founder of *Women Clean Tech & Sustainability (WCS)
In 2009 Heather and Lisa Ann did a little filming at a Clean Tech event. The sound did not come out, so we never published that show. Flash forward to this year Lisa Ann Pinkerton has accomplished so much! She just won the top 100 Women of Influence in Silicon Valley from the Business Journal award this past year. As the founder and Chairwoman of Women In Clean Tech & Sustainability she shares insight on women and how we are doing here in Silicon Valley. Who is leading the way with Sustainability and Clean Tech jobs. She shares her thoughts on women getting ahead in business in Clean tech and other professions. Lisa Ann has built a successful public relations company too in her time here in Silicon Valley. She talked about her move here and how she did this all on the 157th SVTAGS TV Show.
*Women in Clean Tech and Sustainability (WCS) fosters an influential network of professionals to further the roles of women in growing the green economy and making a positive impact on the environment.
Please click her to see this newest SVTAGS Show with the amazing Lisa Ann Pinkerton:
To find out about the WCS and their events go here:
#158. Jan Pepper CEO of Peninsula Clean Energy
Jan Pepper’s energy as a person is already amazing and when she talked about how she “put her own solar system” on her roof in the 1990’s- Heather knew she was a women that was of a kindred spirit. Heather told her,”I get on my roof, and my mothers, to clean it off every year. I have thought about doing solar on our house, but have not yet!”
As the CEO of Peninsula Clean Energy CEO Jan Pepper brings years of experience in the energy business to her company. She was with Silicon Valley Power and was a consultant for years before that. Her degree from Stanford also helps with her challenging position as CEO for an amazing company.
Peninsula Clean Energy was one of the first companies to offer alternative energy to Bay Area cities. If you live in San Mateo County, you were opted in automatically and had the option to opt out when you signed up for energy there.
You can watch this show online here for limited time:
Please consider purchasing a copy to support the show, by email here:
#159. Artists Kevin Richman and Patrali Paul
On this 159th show two artists Kevin Richman and Patrali Paul show case their work. Kevin is just starting out in his career and Patrali just changed careers. Kevin has been formally trained and this year (2017) he was picked to do the poster for “Woodies on the Warf” in Santa Cruz.
Kevin said, “I had applied before but was not accepted, so I was surprised when they contacted me for this year.”
Patrali was in the Human Resource world for a long time in High Tech. Art is not the only thing she is doing now. She has ideas for several “projects,” but for now she is keeping really busy doing art shows at galleries and other places. She really wants to do more art in Corporate offices. If you have an office she would like to hang her work there, so call her!
Kevin’s work has more then just the woodies he so expertly painted for the poster. He does life drawings, landscape and more. He sent many samples of the work he did to SVTAGS founder Heather Durham and she said she had a hard time deciding what to feature on the show.
“He’s so talented for such a young guy… a real natural artists,” Said Heather after taping the show.
You can reach the artist here:
You can watch this show online here for limited time:
#160. Near Shoring Anurag Kumar CEO itexico and Drew Anderson Head of Technology
You have heard of Off Shoring, but what about Near Shoring? This is when business work with companies that touch their boarders, so for the USA that’s Mexico and Canada. Mr Kumar is a serial entrepreneur and this company itexico was founded with this passion and drive to help other businesses. They are in four locations now, including Silicon Valley, Chicago, Guadalajara, and _____. Drew Anderson is their Head of Technology and he is and expert in everything from the film industry to business that are startups here in Silicon Valley. The two men make an amazing team.
You can check out their business here:
Watch the show here:
#161. Nicole Armanino, Tech In Motion Field Marketing Manager-Workbridge Associates And Tech in Motion Community Manager Bay Area, and guest Heather Samaras, Regional Director of IT Staffing Solutions
Tech in Motion was started to bring together people in the technology field and recruitment folks. A partnership formed by Workbridge Associates and Jobspring Partners is where the idea came from. These two companies have 21 branches in the USA that the recruiters work from.
The Folks at Tech in Motion started the events to bring the like minds together and celebrate people in the technology area that are excellent at what they do. Each of the 11 Tech in Motion locations do the Timmy Award, all on the same night every fall. Those awards are held in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County, Toronto, and now Dallas.
Heather Samaras has been in the recruitment field a long time and was a transplant to the Bay Area. Her prospect was very interested.
Watch this episode here:
More about Tech in Motion can be found here:
#162. Rebecca Bender Vice President of the Silicon Valley United Nations Association (SVUNA)
Rebecca Bender has a breadth of experience in her life, from becoming a lawyer in Japan, and doing that in the Japanese Language, to now as the Vice President of the Silicon Valley United Nations Association (SVUNA). Her life sounds like a movie waiting to be made. After received her higher education in Japan, she was recruited to work as an UN Ambassador in New York. She made her way to the Bay Area (Silicon Valley) and continued with an interested Career.
Human Rights is as big an issue now, if not more so, then when the UN was established in the 1940’s. Some of the Sustainable Development Goals the UN works on are: No Poverty No Hunger,Good Health & Be Well, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water & Sanitation, Affordable Clean Energy, Decent work & Economic Growth, Industry, innovation, & Infrastructure, Reduce Inequality, Sustainable cities and community, Responsible Consumption an Production, Climate Action, Life below water, Life on land, Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions and Partner for the Goals.
More information can be found here:
Watch this episode here:
#163. Alycia McCain and Kristin Smith of Smith & McCain Fragrance Company
Heather met these two you ladies on the SVTAGS TV set for the first time and she was thrilled to be interviewing them. Alycia McCain and Kristin Smith of Smith & McCain Fragrance Company not only are in their 20’s and have a successful fragrance company, but they are giving back.
“It’s not that they have their own fragrance company that is the thing that just floors me, but for every bottle of fragrance sold, they are giving back to help women and girls that have been trafficked. Apparently in the central valley of California it is really prevalent right now,” said Heather Durham on set.
In Heather’s college year she had at least two jobs every semester, sometimes three, and one of those jobs was working for fragrance companies at various department stores in the Bay Area. Heather Said, “I have smelled a whole lot of fragrances in my life time. The Smith McCain scent is delicious, soft, with coconut and other light fragrance that dose not overwhelm you.”
Ms.Smith actually pointed out on the show that,”For many people that cannot be around fragrance, or even wear it, this one they can.”
People that buy the fragrance will get a deep discount when they refer to watching the SVTAGS show, and code SVTAGS.
Watch this episode here:
#164. Esmee St. James, The Dating Muse.
In Silicon Valley the nerds have a secret weapon when trying to date women = it’s Esmee St James. Esmee helps the men, and some women, figure out how to step into their magnificent. She get’s them polished up like a new penny, teaches them about date women, so that they can have the lasting love of their life. Esmee was born in Europe and, “One of her first languages was French, the language of Love,” she said on set with Heather Durham the Executive Producer of SVTAGS.
Esmee has a book coming out soon, “The Chick Magnet.” She states that it’s not for men to simply have a lot of dates, but find that one true love. If you have been in love once, there can be another time for you. Watch this show here:
Check out Esmee’s Website here:
#165. A Brides Green Choice is the newest SVTAGS TV show that features sustainable wedding products with Mrs. Seychelle Marcos Pagatpatan the Owner of Silviyana Weddings and Tracy Lundmark founder of Timeless Treasures.
Timeless Treasures has wedding bouquets that are hand made from up cycled jewelry. The bouquets are too heavy to toss to your guest, that could really hurt, bury you can keep them as a work of art to put in you home after the wedding. They are really “Estate pieces” is how Tracy describes the work she does. Tracey has been a “crafter maker” for a long time, but this new venture is really something unique and special.
Silviyana is this wonderful wedding shop and Seychelle treats each bride as if they were royalty. The wedding dresses shown on the SVTAGS show are made from pineapple leafs mixed with silk and Banana leaves mixed with cotton. The fabrics are simply wonderful. They have some items already ready for you to try on, but they will also do custom design for you if you desire something you do not see there.
“Brides Green Choice” show #165 aired October 30th 2017 for the first time. It will rerun on 17 Bay Area Public Access stations.
You can click this link to watch now:
More information about our guests on show #165 can be found here:
#166. The Nature Conservancy California Climate Change Director Louis Blumberg
SVTAGS Show 166 is on climate is with Louis Blumberg who is The Nature Conservancy California Climate Change Director. Louis had just returned from the Climate Summit with the UN in Germany, where he said many of the United States Governors, including Jerry Brown, came to the COP23. He said, “Although our current President is not focused on climate, that many of the Governors have vowed keep working on this real issue.”
Louis has a long history working for environmental issues as he wrote some laws that Gray Davis put into action with his help. He moved to the Bay Area to work on conservation in the 1970’s. His experience and energy, left us getting a little side tracked form the questions I had planned to ask him, but that just made for a better
A link to the show 166 is here:
Helpful links:
#167 Children's book author Sandra Desch, on Book Series Erika Flowers
Sandra Desch is a teacher and she wanted to leave something behind for the future generations. She loves to write and has always ever since she was a young child. She said on SVTAGS that she always journaled as a young girl. She has a very good imagination and came up with the idea for Erika Flowers, the books main character, while writing. There are three books now: #1 “Erika Flowers, Seeds of Grace,” #2 “Imagine That! Adventures with Erika Flowers,” and the latest #3 “Wings! Adventures with Erika Flowers.”
Heather did not talk with Ms. Desch about plans for another book in her future, but Sandra is interested in making dolls to go along with the books. There is a main figure in the book that’s a boy along with Erika Flowers that in each book. The illustrations were done by Cathrine Wood Phipps and are just wonderful.
“There seems to be enough in these three books where a video animation game could be made from the idea,” Heather said to Sandra... and she really liked that thought! Any animators out there that are interested, contact her!
Helpful links:
Show 167 can be seen here:
To find more information about the book and author you can go here:
To Purchase a Book:
#168. Debora Parente Cohen Yoga teacher, QiGong, Body Worker and Author
“When people say that someone has great energy, I always think of Debora Parente Cohen,” said Heather Durham after the taping of the show 168 with Mrs. Cohen, “she always has a uplifting way about her and is so amazing.”
Deborah was studying to be a psychologist when she discovered how much she loved yoga. She went to San Jose State University and started a program at Stanford too. She decided that she would work with people as she loves what she does, rather then spend time on a PHd.
She is a Energy Health/Spirit Healer, (UHS) Coach, Yoga, QiGong, Body Worker, & Book Author, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) Consultant, State and Local California Representative.
Recently she partnered up with a nutritionist and they are doing some interesting programs together to help people live a happier and healthier life.
You can watch the episode here:
You can learn more about what Debora Does here:
An Online Training Program Toward Living Life Happy, Healthy and Triumphantly:
#169. Eternal Health & Wellness founder Dr. Quli Zhou
Dr Quli Zhou grew up in China, moved to Europe with her first husband after studying the Chinese medicine. She live there for a long time until moving to the USA.
Heather Durham met the doctor in 2002 at the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce and also the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce. They have known each other for year and Heather said, “Recently my mother in law to be went to see the Doctor for some alternative health care and she was really happy with the results.”
The doctor helps with services such as acupuncture, Rife Light Therapy, Zyto Health Scan and AcuGraph Scan to name a few things that the doctor can do to help with your health issues. Diabetes, Arthritis, Bells Paulsy and other conditions can be treated with the services at Eternal Health & Wellness. Dr. Zhou has two locations now, but when Heather first met the doctor she had only the one in Saratoga on the boarder of San Jose. Her other location is in Milpitas.
“Alternative forms of medicine, Chinese Medicine, are more mainstream now, to help us extend our lives, and cure health issues,” said Heather Durham Executive Producer of SVTAGS, “and I’m getting older with a few aches and pains that pop up everyday now that I never had before. I’m going to try the acupuncture to see if it will help! Hey if my mother in law to be thought it was good, and I’ve heard from others how great Dr. Zhou’s treatments are, why not try whatever you can to help with pain management or other ailment.”
You can see more about Eternal Health & Wellness here:
Please watch the episode here:
#170. Social Entrepreneur, Eco Tour Leader and art cultivator Olga Enciso Smith
Olga Enciso Smith is an amazing business women here in Silicon Valley. She moved here at a very young age and went to college here. She is past President of the Hispanic Chamber, has served on several Board, coached women (& Men) in business. She also takes Eco/Art Tours to Peru about once a year (sometimes more). She tells us the story of how she fell in love with people that do ethnic art and that it was becoming a lost art in some places. She changed directions in her career early on to help keep art in communities that were loosing it.
When you ask her what she does she says she is a Social Entrepreneur. She started to take tours to Peru with a group in Los Gatos early on. She later broke off on her own to do this. Machu Picchu Gallery of the Americas is her deal. She brings in art from all over the world and sells them at events and the gallery. She also says she is a Local and Global Commerce business women. She is always helping others observed Heather Durham who met Olga at a chamber of commerce event in 2002.
Please watch here:
To learn more about Olga’s work, you can go here:
#171. “Auto Tech Boom in Silicon Valley” with guest Brian Douglas President Emeritus Western Automotive Journalists and Chris Novak President, Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs, Silicon Valley (EVEsv)
The auto industry here in Silicon Valley and the future of transportation is happening now with the leaders in this business area all here driving that future forward. Two gentlemen that are leaders in the auto industry Chris Novak and Brian Douglas come talk about this boom happening here now.
Chris runs the Electric Vehicle Entrepreneurs, Silicon Valley (EVEsv) but also as an engineer, lawyer and trained pilot. He has worked with many companies in the Bay Area, in the USA and around the world that are both established companies as well as the start ups. He has seen many start ups come and go, but the thing he is really excited about now is the convergence of auto and airplanes.
Brian is a seasoned journalist that helped to found Western Automotive Journalists ( He works with Gentry and Destination Magazine now. He was in broadcast media for many years. Recently he just handed over the title of President of to someone else. A yearly event hosted by called Silicon Valley Reinvents the Wheel is every October. That event brings out the largest established auto companies that all have their research and development labs here to the hundreds of startups that are in Silicon Valley. The past few years it has been a partnered event with the Auto Tech Council and there is a science fair along with the speakers there.
Tune in for this show on the boom in Silicon Valley in the transportation space:
#172. James Gardner and Julia Zraick From Good Karma Bikes
Good Karma Bikes the founder/CEO Jim Gardner and the Annual Giving Program Manager Julia Zraick join Heather Durham to talk about alternative transportation - bikes! Good Karma Bikes is a non-profit that helps others get transportation when they most need it. Jim started to repair bikes for homeless folks after work at St. James Park. That was over 10 years ago when he was at NASA after working a full day, he would go help others. Nine years ago Good Karma Bikes became a non-profit. Recently they served their 20,000 client. Their impact on the Silicon Valley has just begun.
For every bike sold on EBAY they help someone that needs to have a bike for transportation. If your income fits their criterion, then you can get a bike. They started to do a women’s bike clinic to show ladies how to repair their own bikes. This is a monthly event they do. You can check out their website for dates and times. Heather Durham said, “ I plan on taking a bike over there to learn how to repair it myself, as I would prefer to ride outside rather then the gym.. and someone tried to fixed my bike but it is worse off now.”
They encourage companies to come in and do bike builds with them. There have been many notable companies that have sent groups of employees there for team building days. I
Tune in to hear more about what Good Karma Bikes is up to:
#173. HallCrest Vineyards Winemaker and President John Schumacher
At a Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce event recently Heather Durham met with John Schumacher Winemaker and President of Hall Crest Vineyards. Heather was so impressed with the port style wine, that she asked John to come on the show.
They are the first Certified Organic Winery in the country by the FDA and they are right in our back yard in Felton California. John tells us the story of how this happened, the winery becoming the first organic winery approved by the FDA. He also tells us a story of he’s early years (13 years) when he tried to make some wine that didn’t come out very good. His parents did not ground him, but instead encouraged him to get more scientific and the rest is history.
The Winery Hosts many fun events and on almost every holiday they do something special.
Please check out this show here:
For more information about the winery and when to visit them in the Santa Cruz Mountains go here:
#174. Sally Asanet - retired UN Court Reporter and Author.
Sally just completed her book “ByCatch.” It’s a book about a fictional love story mixed with stories about Rwanda, the Genocide and the people of Rwanda. She lived there working on the Tribunals for UN (the trails) of the mass Genocide where over 1 million people died. In fact she was head of the court reporters that were working on the trial.
Heather Durham, Executive producer of SVTAGS asked Sally, “Was the book character based on you?” Sally did say "Nic" (or Nicole in the Book) did closely followed her own life to a certain extend, but that “No,” she did not have a love affair withe the main character in the book. “That was all fiction” Sally said in the interview.
Heather told Sally on set that as she read the book she could not put it down, but honestly if it was not for the love story in every other chapter, it would have been really hard to read through the other horror stories about the Rwanda Genocide.
“I have such a visual mind, I could see the stories in my mind and really could picture the settings,’ Said Heather and continued, “The year I graduated San Jose State University the OJ Simpson thing took over the airways.”
Sally said too, “ Nelson Mandela becoming president, was the big story along with OJ Simpsoon story, the genocide in Rwanda got left off the media blitz.” Sally is retired and living in Lake Chapala Mexico. She was originally from the USA gulf coast area. Just like the character in the book, she called New Orleans home for a long time. For her it was time to move after Katrina wrecked all her court reporting equipment. She traveled the world until she landed in Mexico.
She flew in for the interview and has family here in the USA, so she went to visit them after the interview and said to Heather, “Any excuse to come back to the USA to see my girls is a good one.”
This book would make a really amazing movie at some point as it points out all kinds of humane conditions that all of us could fall into a trap of if we are not careful. Bravo to Sally for sharing this book with us and this story she created!
Now, Sally will be working on a 2nd book back in Lake Chapala Mexico and she may return the next time to stay a little longer for people to meet her in town while she is is.
You can watch this episode here:
Here new Facebook page is here:
#175. Laughing Glass Cocktails Founders Carey Clahan and Sydney Rainin Smith
Carey and Sydney had an idea to make an organic, low calorie adult beverage that you could come home, open and drink. No fussing around with mixing, just easy peasy, add ice and down the hatch! They came out with two pre-mix Margarita mixes.
The really exciting news was that they had been approached by Whole Foods to produce a special line for them. They went to the Whole Foods Bay Area Head Quarters and tested out various con·coc·tion with the team. The Whole Foods pick one and it’s Fire Cracker, spicy and fun!
The fact that they have an amazing adult beverage is not why Heather Durham invited them on the show, it’s because they have been doing a tremendous give back to the community. If you go to their website it tells you how many glass of their delicious beverage they have served at Non-Profit functions. It was over 200.000 drinks served when the show was taped, but Carey corrected Heather on screen by letting her know that it had not been updated lately, so they had really served over a half a million drinks at non-profit functions.
One of the annual events they do is Cocktails and Couture. It happens usually in the fall, so next year in 2019 let’s all go support the cause and toast with these two amazing entrepreneurs.
Watch this episode here:
Learn more about Laughing Glass Cocktails here:
#176. CyberSwitching & Energy Efficiency- Ron Silorio CTO & Patty DiNapoli Marketing Director
On this episode of SVTAGS two very hard working folks Patty DiNapoli Marketing Director and Ron Silorio CTO of CyberSwitching join Heather Durham to talk about Energy efficiency in the building and vehicle markets. Their company CyberSwitching is working on energy efficiency products in the automotive and building metering space. They are on the forefront of EV Charging, Building Power Submetering, Data Center Infrastructure, Building power Monitoring/controls and Management, and more.
You get to hear from Ron what the fruit of some of their patents they have developed are. One is a way for companies to save money, time and energy with the electric vehicle charging for their fleets. After the show aired we found out that one city in the Bay Area has specified their EV Charging system into some new construction, because it’s so revolutionary, but we can not say what company it is now. You will have to wait for their announcement.
Ron has been with the company CH Reynolds for more then 20 years and CyberSwithcing was a spin off of that company. Ron developed improvements on systems while with that company.
Patty not only works on their marketing, but she is there government relations person. She talks about some of the new laws that are in place and that are coming up, that you need to look at energy efficiency as part of your building envelope. New construction and remodeling energy efficiency I all part of the mix with Title 24 and other laws.
This show is very informative information about what is happening in the energy sector of business. You can watch it here:
#177. Justin Imamura Founder of The Trash Punx
Trash is an issue everywhere now when you step out your door in the Bay Area. Justin Imamura Founder of The Trash Punx came up with a solution to this rising problem. He invited some people out for breakfast, to be in community and have fun all while doing a monthly clean up. This is a big job in San Jose and is not to be taken lightly with the homeless encampments moving around the city, sprawling everywhere, the trash is worse then ever.
Justin and Heather Durham, Executive producer of SVTAGS, both recollect when they were children on family outings to the beach, they picked up trash. It was part of what you did when you went a beach. Now there is so much trash at the beach that a regular clean up don’t make a dent in the issue.
Trash Punx’s have fun while they are out pulling grocery baskets out of the Coyote Creek. It’s good hard work and giving back to the community is something everyone should experience. His social media with people that have shown up, helped to expand the numbers of people that come to help. Some months it's 50 people and others 200 people show up.
Justin’s day job is working with Happy Hollow Zoo and Park. He really loves both his day job and his volunteer job!
You can find information on their website.
Twitter: @TheTrashPunx
#178. Committee for Green Foothills, Executive Director Megan Mederios
On this show Megan Mederios from Committee for Green Foothills talks with us about how the organization has been helping to keep green space for us to hike at, walk in or run at here in the Silicon Valley. For many years they have been making sure urban sprawl does not leave us with not green space to retreat to from the concrete cities that have taken over where once we were the Valley of the Hearts Delight. Committee for Green Foothills has been partnering with many other organizations like the Sierra Club, Acterra, and more, to keep alive our lust for open spaces and also to keep open information during elections about plans to rid green space.
Megan talked about a battle with developers that happened before the in the voting polls in June 2018 that was won. If the bill had been passed, some of the greenest places for us to go relax, hike, walk and run would of been ear market for mass development.
"There would of been a big change for all of California regarding developments if that law had passed... A Precedent would of been set," said Megan on set at the taping ofo this show.
She also talks about the various organizations that have contributed to keep us with places to unwind and enjoy the green spaces.
To learn more about them you can go here:
To watch the show go here:
#179. Ann Clock with Hear Well Audiology
Part of Hearing Life, Hear Well Audiology has been in the Bay Area for many years and Ann Clock came on SVTAGS to talk about what they do. She also shared with us some amazing new technology for hearing. She likes to tell people to make sure they get their hearing checked regularly, just like you go to your regular doctor.
“When is the last time you got your hearing checked?” Ann asked Heather Durham
Of course like most people Heather had not had her hearing checked since elementary school, but a week before the show she went to do just that.
Ann will go to any event to check hearing for people. She loves to do that. She loves to help the community learn about hearing. There are so many ways people get hearing loss and they a lot of the time don’t realize they had lost any hearing. Ann had a cool device hooked up to a computer (Ipad) that makes testing easy. Of course there is a more comprehensive test at the office.
Check out this show to learn more about hearing well!
You can watch the show here:
#180. The Prolific Bean Coffee and Cacao, Founder German Gentile
Fresh, organic and healthy are things we are all striving to have on our menus now. German Gentile founder of the wants us all to be more healthy. He also wants to bring the best quality Cacao to the Bay Area.
“It’s all about Cacao, the health benefits of it in the raw, and where the best Cacao is sourced from,” German Said., “We got involved with some people that were into food when we moved to the Bay Area.”
This was a natural fit for him and his wife, to start up a company that brings in raw Cacao and also organic coffee. They are small now and you can order it online. They do go to some places that you can sample, but not a whole lot yet.
They source from South America and they know personally the farmer that they buy from. You wont find this quality anywhere else… it’s amazing!
Watch the show here:
To learn more about the company go here:
#181. Ron Heikes- Artist/Architect/Designer
On this show joining Heather Durham is artist, architect and designer Ron Heikes.
Ron's work is pretty darn amazing and Heather’s sister Denise made the introduction. Heather had seen his work in photos when her sister took their mother to visit the artist in the San Jose Studio the year before. The work had such an impression on Heather that she got in touch with him to come on the show.
Ron is a talented architect when he started to do art. He still does do architecture, but his passion is the art work and he makes pretty good money at it. He would not tell us the cost of his pieced, which we also cant’ really talk about on Public Access Television, but also each piece is unique and the cost depends on who long it takes to create. He has a space down town San Jose that he works out of and he does a variety of work there from furniture to large sculptures.
Commissioning pieces is his how he works. There are some pieces to look at but generally it’s not open to the public to see his work- by appointment only.
You can see the show here:
Learn more about Ron Here:
You can visit his work at:
199 Martha St. San Jose, CA 95112
#182. Yllka Masada and Dr. Yashesh A. Shroff from Silicon Valley Engineering Council (SVEC)
Every year in February the Silicon Valley Engineering Council (SVEC) hosts a fantastic event that brings together luminaries in the engineering world and some newbies from local high schools and colleges. The SVEX has a banquet to honor the luminaries of engineering and induct them into a “Hall of Fame” of engineers. You may recognize some of the names of past winners of the Hall of Fame: Steve Wozniak, Dr. Jimmy Kazuhiro Omura, Steve Poizner, David Lam, Randy Howard Katz, Dr. Sam David Haddad and so many more!
This show we talk with the current President Ms. Yllka Masada and past President Dr. Yashesh Shroff from SVEC. We get to hear about what other programs they do through out the year, including a scholarship that helps our youth that are interested in engineering.
They honored at the Hall of Fame Banquet Tsu-Jae King Liu Dean of Engineering, UC Berkeley And Mark Pasquale Vice President/General Manager of Lockheed Martin. The Keynote speaker was to be Jeni Panhorst of Intel Corporation and after hearing these folks talk at the event, I wish I had brought my camera out to capture their talk too. Maybe next year!
More information can be found here on the non-profit group:
You can watch the show here:
#183. Erica Glessing- publisher, podcaster, author and coach
Going into the 10th year of production of SVTAGS we were honored to have Erica Glessing as our guests. She has published over 20 books and has been producing a podcast for over a year now. Erica grew up in a household of publishers and that came easier to her from the start of her career. She loves to help others publish and has done so for many people, coaching them on how to get to the number one books of the week. Her passion now though is her podcast and helping others to do their own podcast. Here podcast isthe Erica Glessing Show that at the time of filming the show she had produced over 600 of them!
Erica has a happiness about her, and if you read any of her books you will find out that there is a theme of “be happy” in all of them. Happy Publishing is the name of her publishing business.
A few weeks before she came on the SVTAGS show, Erica had Heather Durham on her podcast. Here is the link to that:
Please watch the show here:
#184 Trami Crown founder of Chopsticks Alley Art
Chopsticks Alley Art promotes culture and art in the San Jose and Bay Area. Trami Crown who founded Chopstick Alley Art, wanted to do something to connect her community to some artists that was not mainstream. With the help of Chopsticks Alley Art, the works are becoming known and bringing a rich cultural experience to many in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Ms. Heather Durham met Trami at a business function. Later Ms. Durham went to a musical performance that Trami’s group put on at a community center in San Jose with a world famous artists focusing on musical instruments that were from Vietnam. The artist name was Van-Anh Vanessa Vo.
“The music was something I’ve never heard before, and so different, really beautiful,” said Ms. Durham. Durham said to Trami on set, “It was the most amazing sound you could ever imagine… just beautiful… I would love to hear her again!”
Vietnameazy is a book Trami wrote and is also a group she started. The group would meet once a month to explore food culture in the Bay Area. The book has traditional Vietnamese food recipes in every chapter that you can try cooking at home yourself.
More on these two organizations here:
You can watch the show here:
#185. Kyle Elliott “Top Forbes” Career & Life Coach
In this show host and Producer Heather Durham gets up close and personal with Career & Life Coach Kyle Elliott. Ms. Durham thought this is interesting that most career coaches do not look at the holistic viewpoint of a persons life… and how that can be effecting everything thing else including health!
Kyle shares on SVTAGS of the story that he went through to get to this point in his career. He has a fully booked schedule helping people of all ages with their career, but there is more to this young man that makes him so unique and people want to work with him because of it. His story is not an easy one-what he went through. His attitude pulled him through some hard times and now he’s helping others too!
Ms. Durham remembers in college taking a “Human Drugs and Disease” class. She did her thesis paper for the class on Bi-Polar disorder and the drugs that were available at that time for people. At that time (in the 1990’s) researched showed that 80% of the people in the USA were going to be on some type of depression drug in their lifetime. Ms. Durham had a close family member that had Bi-polar and she wanted to know more, so that’s why she choose that topic. Another statistic (in the 1990’s), 80% of the people with Mani-Depress, (or Bi-polar disorder) would either kill them self by “self medication” (drugs or alcohol) or they would do something to kill themselves (like cut their wrists or jump off a cliff). In her research, at that time, only 11% of the people with that disorder would find help and stay on medications, because part of the disorder is that they do not believer there is anything wrong. The statistics have changed since then, as has the drugs that are used to help people. The need to have help for people has not changed.
On this show we touch on what Kyle went through to make him the amazing person he is today. Some of the most intelligent people with go through something that they will need help with, things that are out of their control and things that life tosses your way. Kyle is helping to break the stigma that surrounds mental illness and SVTAGS applauds his work.
You can reach him through these sites:
Please watch the show here:
#186. Lori Nishiura Mackenzie Co-founder, Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Lab
On this SVTAGS show Lori Nishiura Mackenzie tells us about the Clayman Institute for Gender Research and the recent renaming to the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Lab. Lori was previously a marketing guru at many notable companies in Silicon Valley and beyond. She is also a Bay Area native who has seen it all as Silicon Valley changes with every technology wave of new innovations.
Her focus for several years at Stanford has been on helping to find gender equality in the work place with the Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Recently Stanford was given a sizable grant to focus more on this issue, researching it and working with over 50 companies. Lori has been a speaker at countless talks and help to found LeanIN small groups that you can now find around the world.
More information on the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Lab can be found here:
You can go to Lori Nishiura Mackenzie on LinkedIN, or her site to learn more about Lori:
Please watch this show here:
#187. Kushlani Jayasinha -Artist
Sometimes life leads you somewhere you did not think you would. Kushlani Jayasinha is a software developer and moved here after she won degrees in physics (and more). She lived in other parts of the USA, but landed in Silicon Valley like so many people that work in Technology.
“It’s the place to be,” Kushlani told Heather Durham at the preinterview. Her passion has always been art as far back as she can remember. When she was a young child she played with pencil to produce black and white art. She stayed away from color then. She never thought about becoming an “artists” then, as it was not an option in her culture, only going into technology, math or science were options.
Kushlani has had openings at various art galleries and she has a space at The Alameda Artworks @1068 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95124.
On the show tells us and shows us some of the things that she has made her art into. The things that you can “use daily,” like coasters, small purses, scarves, skits and more. You can see some of the things at her studio and online.
To watch this technologist turned Artis go here:
#188. Audrey Del Prete- Junior Achievement of Northern California
Junior Achievement of Northern California has been around a long time, but the organization has been around since 100 years now.
When children are getting out of school for the summer, some are going on holidays or to camp, some are staying in their home town, but with Jr. Achievement a portion of students are learning to be entrepreneurs.
Jr. Achievement helps kids find out what they want to do, before college, or maybe right when they are starting it.
“Not everyone has a clear path to what they want to do when they grow up,” Heather Durham said, and “I know I certainly did not know!”
Heather said, “When I was a kid I participated in Jr. Achievement and looking back it was one of the best things I did. I didn't know I wanted to go to college.... In fact I think I thought I shouldn’t go. My thinking was that I should just work.” That was the bad advice of an adult, but that's a story for another day!
Go hear to learn more about Junior Achievement:
Please go here to watch the show:
#189. James Sweeney Stanford University Energy Summit & More!
Stanford University shares about energy and our Economy tonight. There is the Silicon Valley Energy Summit coming up on the 21st. Please watch on Comcast Ch. #30 Tonight at 7pm.
At Stanford every year there is the Silicon Valley Energy Summit. Professionals, dignitaries and students gather to learn about energy. James Sweeney Professor of Management Science & Engineering at Stanford is the founder of the Energy Summit.
The all day event has a key note speaker at the start, one at the end and various breakout sessions in between. The high light that I always enjoy is the lunchtime debates. During this years summit an Oxford-style debate on the topic of “Should California continue to build its high speed rail system?”
There is a followed with a live audience “votes” on the debate winners on an app.
During the regular school year there are also free energy talks every Monday night. You can look up the speakers on this site:
Mr. Sweeney has a book that has been out a few years, "Energy Efficiency - Building a Clean, Secure Economy.”
You can go here to check out the past agenda of the Energy Summit here and see when the next one will be:
Please watch this show here:
#190. Charlie Vogelheim -the Flying Car Show
Flying Cars, and they will be here next year, next year or the year after. Well as you are reading this, there are flying cars that exist and they will be in your sky sooner then you would think! SVTAGS show 190 has on it Charlie Vogelheim who was once a bush pilot in Alaska (Great photo of him then on the show back then).
Charlie is currently the President of Western Automotive Journalists and the founder of the Flying Car Show. As President of Western Automotive Journalists he hosts sevral events, but the main event for hte public is the Silicon Valley Reinvents the Wheel that is an annual fall event in Mountain View California.
Charlie and host Heather Durham will be sharing with us what's coming up the pipe with Flying Cars on this show. What's coming up in 2020 for flying cars that you will not need a piolits license to fly and more.
To here more about Charlie’s show go here:
You can watch this SVTAGS episode here:
#191. Kelly Telfer, Car Artists
Kelly started off as a graphic designer in high tech and by the time he left the company he was with he was running their graphics/art for the entire company. Then he started a successful automobile promotional collateral and clothing company with hundreds of empolyees and customes all over the USA. From that successful career he got into car art- by way of promotional items for races. Revisiting his passion for producing real art, his car art business was born.
He was just recently named the Official Artist for Porsche Club of America. He will be a busy this year to come with three engagements that he knows of that he is committed to with Porsche. Watch this episdoe of SVTAGS to hear more about the Dynamic work of Kelly Telfer.
Go here to wathc the show:
To see some of his work you can go here:
#192. Michael Killen- Entrepreneure, Artists, & TV Show producer
One of our returning guests, Michael Killen whom has been a long time Silicon Valley Professional. These days he is painting and helping others understand about Climate change, energy policy, and much more. He has a large artwork on dispace at Sanford now that shows their energy system at the school and is a role modle for things to come in engery for others.
Michael besides being a wonderfulartists, produces a TV Show called the Michael Killen Show, Art & Sustainability. You may remember him from the Killen Report in the 1970's! He was a man before his time then and gathered information about China to bring to Silicon Valley.
You can go to to find out when his next art opening is happening too, or to link to his TV Show too!
Please watch this episode of SVTAGS here:
#193. Ash Kalra, Assembly Member for the 27th District, San Jose California
When Heather Durham was doing research for the show and Ash’s staff sent her photographys of his time in office, it was hard for her to decide what photots to use on the show, “He has done suche amazing work in the short time he has been in office, there was so much visually to chooes fromr,” Heather Durham said, the Executive Producer of SVTAGS.
Ash Kalra is now Assemblymember for the 27th District in the Silicon Valley. He was a public defener for many years and served on the San Jose City Council. He has a great understaning of the community and is like a hummingbird one persons said before the inview, he’s just everywhere. When the public asks, she shows up!
Ms. Durham interviews him on topics of the day and the numerous bills he has authored. Some of the bills are environmentally friendly, like “no more” small plastic bottles in hotels in Califronia He has been an advocate for seniors and families alike in the San Jose down town area and beyond.
"Do you have a record for the most bills authored," Ms Durham asked of Ash.
"No I do not think so," Ash replied on Air.
To read more about Ash you can go here:
Please go here to watch this interview :
#194. Kimberly Sayer, Founder of Kimberly Sayer of London organic skincare.
Ms. Durham and Kimberly Sayer met at a business function in San Jose. Kimberly originally from England, but does not have an accent at all, so naturally Heather asked her about that. Well as it turns out Kimberly was a Broadway actor in New York before moving to California. She grew up on a farm in the English Countryside. Her roots in farming and making things by hand lead her to the founding of the products she now sells under her namesake.
On this show we talk about the journey that Kimberly had in transitioning to an organic skincare manufacture from her humble start on the farm. She tells us about the manufacturing process and how she was trained by not only by one of the best skincare formulator, but how her grandmothers lessons on the farm that helped produce Kimberly Sayer of Londons amazing product offerings.
Please go to these sites to learn more about Kimberly and the products:
Show 195 -Frank Jewett and Dr. Quli Zhou “ State of Silicon Valley Dec. 2019 (oh boy we did not know what was coming)!
Frank Jewett had introduced Heather Durham to CreaTV San Jose in 2008, when Comcast turned over their 20 producers to San Jose, as their new station. Frank was responsible for getting Heather Durham into the film business. Future collaborations to come with SVTAGS and Franks’ Issues Today TV show. Franks has a masters in business and had recently completed a Navy Military Reserves duty.
Dr. Quli Zhou is a returning guest on SVTAGS. Her experience in health and wellness is vast. From China originally and then she moved to Europe. She was into helping people with their wellness and Acupuncture was a big part of that there. She founded Eternal Health & Wellness- Acupuncture Center in Saratoga California as her first practice in the USA.
Show 196 - Justine Burt Book: New Green Jobs Deal
Show 197- Board Seat Meet -Ms Rika Nakazawa
Show 198- Pat Mitchell -Parisi House on the Hill
Show 199 - Meet Chindy Chavez, Via Zoom June 2020 Covid time,
#200. UN and Climate (75 years of the UN)
Part 1 & Part 2, (2- 1/2 hour shows) Climate, the UN and 75 years…
-Herb Behrstock, Former UN Employee and President of the UN Asso. Of Northern Cal.
-Narasimha D. Rao, PhD, Yale Prof./Asst Prof of Energy Systems Yale School of the Environment And Fonder of Non Profit….
Claire Greensfelder- Environmental Activist, UN Supporter- COP
Rebecca Bender- SV UN Assoc. President
#201. On Line Art Teachers Kayla Garcia & Jennifer Kitzman & Mark Maples @Mimosasmasterpieces
#202. Secret San Jose, Author Cassie Kifer
#203. Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, Founder Deb Kramer
#204. Our City Forest with Sean Nelson
#205. Sky Nelson Author,
#206. Laurie Cairone, one of the Earth Day Art Contest winner Fine Art America Laurie's Intuitive Art
#207. Albert S. Wright with the Black Chamber Chamber of Commerce (SVBCC/SVCED) & Derrick Seaver With the San Jose Chamber of Commerce
#208. San Jose Jazz Massimo Chisessi Marketing VP
#209. NAMI Santa Clara County, Rovina Nimbalkar Ex. Director
#210. Wild Life Center Silicon Valley , Ashley Kinney Hospital Manager
Links to the shows to come on YouTube
Please click this link to view this newest show:
You can also order a copy and share with friends to help us keep producing this show!
SVTAGS airs on Monday nights at 7:00pm on the Silicon Valley Channel #30 Comcast San Jose, which you can also watch online at, at that same time, (search the "watch CreaTV live" link to the right of the bottom of the page, hit scroll down for ch#30). You can watch an episode on later, just search the "video on Demand" link for SVTAGS there there should be at least 6 of the most recent episdoes ther. You can also search for 10 minute clips of the show on YouTube, put SV-TAGS in the search. We will have a phone app out soon that you can watch the show on. The show airs on Ch#27 in 15 other areas, in Saratoga and Los Gatos on channels #15 and (see the home page for other stations channels and times).
SVTAGS Mission:
To share information about companies, nonprofits, people, and places concerning Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability (TAGS).
The intention is to foster growth and learning in TAGS areas of interest: connecting people with industries and resources.
© - 2020 Silicon Valley -Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability (SVTAGS). All rights reserved.