
I am an Associate Professor of Economics at Villanova University, having received tenure in 2021. I have research interests in the area of political economy, state and local public finance, regulation, and public-sector labor markets. I graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor with a Ph.D. in Business Economics in 2014 . My dissertation committee was comprised of Profs. Joel Slemrod (Chair), James Hines, Dana Muir, and Jagadeesh Sivadasan.

On this webpage, you will find a copy of my CV and all of my papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals or papers that are in the working paper stage and are under review/ being prepared for submission.

If you have any questions or comments to any of my papers, I would love to hear from you at: sutirtha.bagchi(at)villanova(dot)edu. Thanks for visiting my webpage!