Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse using the


Your Mission...

It's been three months since the start of the Zombie Apocalypse. It turns out that the movies were right. They are slow, and man are they gross! Only ten cities and towns have survived, the rest of the country has been lost to the zombies- and who knows what's going on in the rest of the world! Electric power has been gone for weeks and now the gas stations and the grocery stores are almost empty.

You got lucky and happened to be in one of the remaining cities when it all started, but you are now faced with a life or death choice- to stay in your current location or join a caravan traveling to one of the other surviving locations. Your choice and your knowledge of geography decide whether you live through this or if you become someone’s dinner!

The five themes of geography help us go through and organize tons of information. They will be your key to understanding if you are safe at your current location or if you need to move so your brains don’t become food!

You are going to gather information on your current location, focusing on one category of information or theme at a time. You are also going to do the same for an alternative location. The purpose: to determine whether or not your current location is suited to help you survive the Zombie Apocalypse or if you need to relocate to your alternative location.

The maps and links on this website are going to help you do that. As you collect your information, answer the questions on your project packet. In the end, your job is to find out which location would best help you survive the Zombie Apocalypse and why.