suman sigroha
Associate Professor (English Literature)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi)
Mandi – 175005, Himachal Pradesh, India
Phone: 01905-267919 (Office)
Memory, Trauma,
History and Literature,
Oral History, Rituals, Myths,
Ecocriticism, Ecofeminism,
Gender and Sexuality,
Popular, Cinema,
Literature and Technology,
Literature and Psychology.
I work on representations and identity in the fields of memory studies and ecocriticism, for which the focus is on myths, oral history, colonial and postcolonial literature, and the popular.
Having developed a keen interest at the post-graduate level, I continue to learn more while working in Psychology, especially applied psychology research and intervention techniques.
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Thesis Title: India Imag(in)ed: A study of the representations of history in the narratives of 1857
UGC-NET, English (December 2004)
Master of Arts (Psychology, Specializing in Guidance and Counseling).
Master of Arts (English Literature).
April 2023 - Now Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
Jan 2012 - April 2023 Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
June - July 2015 Visiting Researcher, Stanford University, USA
Dec 2010 - Jan 2012 Assistant Professor, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Jan 2006 - Dec 2010 Teaching Assistant, IIT Delhi
June 2006 Appointed Lecturer, HES II (College Cadre), Government of Haryana
Aug-Dec 2005 Lecturer of English, DAV Centenary College, Faridabad
Research and Publications:
A Study of the Intersections of Oral History and Religion for Sustainable Development in the fragile Himalayas located in Himachal Pradesh. Funded under IMPRESS (ICSSR). September 2019 - September 2021.
Supervised a team of three postgraduate students, Development Studies Practicum -2, August - November 2019, on A Study of the Intersections of Oral History and Religion for Sustainable Development in Himachal Pradesh.
Supervised a team of three postgraduate students, Development Studies Practicum -1, February - June 2019, on Understanding Strategies of Sustainable Development by Means of Oral History in Himachal Pradesh.
SHSS Language/Media Lab at IIT Mandi, 2016. Proposal accepted and funded by the Institute. (Was responsible for drawing up the detailed technical and financial proposal).
Co-Investigator (Training Work Package), CSTRI (Centre of Science and Technology for Rural India) funded by DST (2012-Aug 2013).
District-wide (Mandi Distt., H.P.) survey about the implementation of ICT Schools Project funded by MHRD and implemented by Education Department, H.P. Government (August 2012- January 2013).
Guided a team of six B.Tech. students, ISTP (Interdisciplinary Socio-Technical Project), entitled, Using Science and Technology to improve infrastructural accessibility for people with special abilities in academic institutes in Mandi, India. August-December 2013.
Guided a team of six B.Tech. students, ISTP (Interdisciplinary Socio-Technical Project), entitled, Ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh. In collaboration with Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA. August-December 2013.
Priyadarshini, A. and Sigroha, S. Narratives for Young Readers on West Asia: War, Trauma and Resilience. Routledge, 2025
Singh, K. and Sigroha, S. Eds. Translational Research and Applied Psychology in India. SAGE, 2019.
Sigroha, S. Ed. Some Wild Growing Food Plants of Kamand. Kamand Valley Monograph, IIT Mandi. 2021.
Dhandhi, M. and Sigroha, S. Translation for Women, Women for Translation: Experiential Translation in North India’s Sanjhi. In The Translation of Experience: Cultural Artefacts in Experiential Translation Volume 2, Routledge. 55-72 (2025).
Priyadarshini, A. and Sigroha, S. Liminal Childhood: Survival and Working-Through the Trauma of Syrian War in A Land of Permanent Goodbyes. Kritika Kultura, 45, 147-169 (2024).
Singh, K. Sigroha, S. and Shokeen, B. Women Singing in a North Indian Rural Community: A Case Study. In Oxford Handbook of Community Singing, edited by Esther Morgan-Ellis and Kay Norton, Oxford University Press. 454-474 (2024).
Priyadarshini, A., Andermahr, S. and Sigroha, S. “You have to survive”: Reading Trauma, Survival and Adolescent Resilience in N.H. Senzai’s Contemporary Young Adult War Narrative, Escape from Aleppo. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Taylor and Francis, 60:1, 28-42 (2024).
Sigroha, S. and Priyadarshini, A. In Search of a Sexual Identity: Love, Longing and Trauma in Children’s and Young Adult Literature in Japan. In Articulating Childhood Trauma In the Context of War, Sexual Abuse and Disability, Routledge. (February 2024).
Priyadarshini, A. and Sigroha, S. The ‘Gentle Recitation’: Writing Trauma in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Literature. International Research In Children’s Literature (IRCL), Edinburgh University Press, 17.2, 2024.
Varghese, N. and Sigroha, S. Governmentality and Populism: Understanding the Divergent Approaches to Governance. In Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century, Springer. (2024).
Varghese, N. and Sigroha, S. Understanding Rivalry: Staging Jealousy in Karnad’s “Broken Images”. Anglica Wratislaviensia, 59, 37-48 (2021).
Sigroha, S. How to Analyze Lettering in Comics. In How to Analyze and Review Comics edited by Forrest C. Helvie, Sequart, (2021).
Venu, A., Sigroha, S. and Shankar, S. Dynamics of Social Networks and Collective Behavior: A Social Identity Approach. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3, (2021).
Sankhyan, N. and Sigroha, S. Only Strange Flowers Have Come to Bloom: Analysing the Crisis of Identity in Northeast India through Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih’s Poetry. SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English, 57 (2), (2020).
Priyadarshini, A. and Sigroha, S. Recovering the Palestinian History of Dispossession through Graphics in Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi. Eikón Imago 9 (1), 395-418, (2020).
Saxena, V. and Sigroha, S. The Ordinary and The Extreme: Second World War in Young Adult Fiction set in Asia. History of Education & Children's Literature, XIV, n. 2, 695 – 712, (2019).
Sankhyan, Neeraj and Sigroha, S. Salvaging Nature from Ruins of Development in Mamang Dai’s Poetry. In Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics: A Green Critique, edited by Krishanu Maiti and Soumyadeep Chakraborty, Rowman & Littlefield, (2019).
Suman. Gendered Migrations and Literary Narratives: Writing Communities in South Asian Diaspora. Millennial Asia, SAGE, 9:1, 93 - 108, (2018).
Bala, S. and Sigroha, S. Familiar Yet Exotic: Anita Nair's Mistress. Muse India, 78 (2018).
Kaushik, M. and Sigroha, S. Facticity and Fictionality: Mahesh Dattani’s Where Did I Leave My Purdah? MEJO, The MELOW Journal of World Literature, Facts, Distortions and Erasures: Literature As History; History in Literature, 3:1, 99 – 109, (2018).
Bala, S. and Sigroha, S. Voices from the Margins: Her-Story in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. MEJO, The MELOW Journal of World Literature, Facts, Distortions and Erasures: Literature As History; History in Literature, 3:1, 131 – 141, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Bentley's Miscellany. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Chatto and Windus. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Heinemann. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Hurst and Blackett. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Lloyd's Penny Atlas and Weekly Register of Novel Entertainment. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Longman's Magazine. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. The Ludgate Monthly. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. Pearson's Magazine. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sigroha, S. W. B. Horner and Son. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin A. Morrison. North Carolina: McFarland, (2018).
Sankhyan, N. and Sigroha, S. An Ecocritical Reading of Poetry from India’s Northeast. Ikhtilaf, Journal of Critical Humanities and Social Studies, 1, 47 – 58, (2017).
Sigroha, S. From Honor Killings to Medal Winnings: Women in Indian Media. Global Humanities, Gender and Public Opinion, 5, 31 – 44, (2017).
Singh, K., Sigroha, S., Singh D. and Shokeen, B. Religious and Spiritual Messages in Folk Songs: A Study of Women from Rural India. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Routledge, 20:5, 464 – 477, (2017).
Bala, S. and Sigroha, S. Translating Culture, Transcreating Gender: Lal Hota Drakht or The Reddening Tree. In Feminism and Feminist Issues: A Literary Perspective, New Delhi: Research India Press (2017).
Kaushik, M. and Sigroha, S. A Case for Indian English: Dattani Do(es) the Needful. In English Language Teaching: Innovations and Practices. New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers and Distributors (2017).
Sigroha, S. Going Green, Doing Social Responsibility: Ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh. DAVCC’s Advance Management Research: An International Journal, 5:1, 11 – 18, (2017).
Sigroha, S. Socio-Cultural Representations through Lived Religions in Dalrymple’s Nine Lives. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11:6, 1392 – 1395, (2017).
Sigroha, S. Translating Myths, From Sita to Sati. Translating Myth, edited by Ben Pestell, Pietra Palazzolo and Leon Burnett, Oxford: MHRA and Routledge, (2016).
Sigroha, S. Children In Mutiny Fiction: Absent Voices. Indian History, 3, 1 – 45, (2016).
Sankhyan, N. and Sigroha, S. Literature as Social Agenda: The Poetry of Temsula Ao. MEJO, The MELOW Journal of World Literature, Towards Praxis: Literature, Society and Politics – 1:1, 113 – 121, (July 2016).
Sankhyan, N. and Sigroha, S. Graphic Representation of Oppression and Rebellion in Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Through the Eyes of a Child. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11: 2, 253 – 266, (2014, published 2016).
Sigroha, S. Violence, Social Welfare and Popular Hindi Cinema. In Making Connections: Social Welfare in the Context of English Language and Literature, New Delhi, 2016. (Conference Proceedings)
Sankhyan, N. and Sigroha, S. Deconstructing False Identity: Exploring Gender Discrimination And Role-Playing in The Girl Who Touched The Stars. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 15: 2, 165 – 177, (2015).
Sigroha, S. David Omissi. 2014. Indian Voices of the Great War. Millennial Asia, SAGE. 6, 2: 205-208, (2015).
Sigroha, S. Experimental Fiction by Julie Armstrong. Transnational Literature, 7: 2, (2015).
Sigroha, S. Humanistic Concerns in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series. In English Language and Literature: A Tool for Humanizing, New Delhi, 2015. (Conference Proceedings)
Sigroha, S. Death and Despair in the Poetry of Toru Dutt. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 14: 2, 148 – 158, (2014).
Sigroha, S. Delhi: The City Besieged, Mahmood Farooqui’s Besieged: Voices from Delhi 1857. Millennial Asia, SAGE. 5, 2: 247-251, (2014).
Sigroha, S. Breaking Stereotypes: An Analysis of New Age Marketing Mantra. Marketing- Concepts to Applications, edited by Ahuja et. al. Bloomsbury India, 2014.
Sigroha, S. From Strips to the Graphic Novels: (Un)told tales. In The Impact of Social Changes on English Language and Literature, New Delhi, India, 2014. pp 209-212 (Conference Proceedings)
Sigroha, S. Role of Memory in Shaping Characters’ Identity in Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 13: 2, 227-238, (2013).
Sigroha, S. and Saxena, V. Evolution of the Imperial Diaspora: A Study of William Dalrymple’s Narrative History. In Smriti Singh, Achal Sinha (ed.) Diasporic Consciousness: Literatures from the Postcolonial World. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010.
Singh, K., Singh, D. and Suman. Psychosocial Intervention Module for Rural Adolescent Girls. Indian Journal of Social Science Researches, 6: 2, 152-163 (2009).
Suman and Kallury, S. Narrating The Indian Nation – A Non-Indian Perspective: A study of William Dalrymple’s “The Last Mughal” And Rudyard Kipling’s “Kim”. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 8: 1, 31-41 (2008).
Conference Papers:
Animal Tales in a Biospheric Curriculum: An Alternative Ecocritical Pedagogy for the Anthropocene. With Jyotishman Kalita at ‘Literature and the Anthropocene in EFL Education’ conference at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 20-21 February 2024.
North Indian Folk Culture: Stories People Remember. Distinguished guest speaker at the Two-week interdisciplinary Online Refresher course at ARSD College, University of Delhi from October 25 to November 08, 2023 on the theme, “Indian Folk Traditions: A Tapestry Of Diversity (भारतीय लोक परंपरा के विविध आयाम).”
Violence, Trauma, and Memory in ‘Sleeping on Jupiter’ by Anuradha Roy. With Shishu Bala at the 23rd International MELOW Conference, ‘Borders, Boundaries, Lines of Control: Literature across Disciplines in Contemporary Times’, October 06-08, 2023.
Evolving Nature of ‘Centre- Margin’ Relationship in New English Short Fiction from Assam. With Jyotishman Kalita at the IACLALS’ Annual Conference 2023, ‘Metropolis and Margins: Shifting Configurations in Literature and Language Studies’, 26-29 April, 2023.
Precarious Lives of Children in War: A Digital Awakening of Memory. With Arya Priyadarshini at the National Conference, ‘Memory in Digital Age’, Centre for Memory Studies, IIT Madras, 23-25 August 2022.
Visualis(in)g Sanjhi and Imagin(in)g Haryanvi Women as Visual Artists: Analysing Haryanvi Women’s Identities through Visual, Oral and Literary Representation of Haryanvi Sanjhi. With Muskan Dhandhi at The International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) Interim Conference Folk Narrative and the Visual Arts: Fashion, Design, Materials, and Media at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, 20– 23 July 2022.
Reclaiming the Commons Through Folklore: An Ecocritical Illustration from Communities of North East India. With Jyotishman Kalita at Raptured Commons: the 19th Triennial Conference, Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, 11-15 July 2022.
Folklore for Women, Women for Folklore: Documenting Women-centric Haryanvi Sanjhi Traditions. With Muskan Dhandhi at Open Voices: Folklore for All, Folklore of All at The Folklore Society’s Annual Conference, 6-8 May 2022.
Teaching Ecology through Folklore: A Proposition for Ecocritical Pedagogy in the panel “Building Ecoawareness in Students & Teachers”. With Jyotishman Kalita at the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment 2021 Virtual Conference, EmergencE/Y, July-August 2021.
Designing A Resilient Future: Integrating Social Networks for Disaster Management. With Amrutha N. Venu and Shail Shankar at ‘Wet Feet? Flood, resilience and the climate crisis’, Sheffield Water Centre, The University of Sheffield, UK. May 19, 2021.
The Play of Memory: A Study of Contemporary Arab Children’s and Young Adult Literature of Trauma. With Arya Priyadarshini. ‘Arab Literature in English: Re-Writing Gender, Race, Politics and Culture’ Conference, Coventry University, UK. April 30, 2021.
Hijras (Transgenders) as Outcasts and Outliers in Indian Society: An Analysis of Mahesh Dattani’s Seven Steps Around the Fire. With Monika Kaushik at the 55th Annual Comparative Literature Conference: Outcasts and Outliers in Literature, Music, and Visual Arts, California State University, Long Beach, April 7-8, 2021.
“The Old City was Burning”: An Analysis of the Cultural Trauma of Syrian Civil War in Escape from Aleppo. With Arya Priyadarshini at the Northeast Modern Language Association Fifty-Second Annual And First Virtual Convention, March 10–14, 2021, University at Buffalo and University of Pennsylvania, 2021.
The Mourning Child in Contemporary Arab Children’s Literature on War. With Arya Priyadarshini, at 42nd Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Virtual, the Week of Feb. 22, 2021.
Translating Gender and Children’s Lore: Reading Haryanvi Folk-texts through translation. With Muskan Dhandhi, at the 2nd International Conference on Indigenous Languages: Towards Sustainable Multilingualism, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2020.
Reading Translation as a Subjective Process and Dismissing its Universality Through a Haryanvi Short Story in Translation. With Muskan Dhandhi, at the International Conference on Languaging and Translating: Within and Beyond at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Patna in association with CIIL Mysuru and Yonphula Centenary College, Royal University of Bhutan, 2020.
Resistance and Reclamation of Palestinian Memory in Leila Abdelrazaq's Baddawi. With Arya Priyadarshini, National Conference on Conflict and Everyday Life, IIT Jammu, Jammu, 2020.
Myths from the Himalayan Hills in India as the Bearers of Ecological Knowledge. 2019 ASLE Conference Paradise on Fire, University of California, Davis, 2019.
Understanding Strategies of Sustainable Development by Means of Oral History in Himachal Pradesh. With Sourabh Yadav, Abba Rohith, Srividya Ramanathan, International conference on Heading Towards Zero: Sustainable Development in Economy, Environment and Society, Central University of Haryana, Haryana, 2019
Play of Language: Indian English in Selected Plays of Mahesh Dattani. With Monika Kaushik, International conference on Region/Nation/Trans-Nation: Literature-Cinema Interface, BITS Pilani, Goa, 2019.
Raazi, Consenting to Untold Suffering for the Idea of a Nation in Popular Cinema. With Shishu Bala, International conference on Region/Nation/Trans-Nation: Literature-Cinema Interface, BITS Pilani, Goa, 2019.
Language as an instrument of oppression and liberation of women in select dystopian novels. With Shishu Bala, 18th MELOW International Conference on Sunny Pleasure Domes and Caves of Ice: Utopias and Dystopias in World Literature, Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi, 2019.
At Home in the World: Mahesh Dattani’s Socio-Cultural Urban-scapes. With Monika Kaushik, Melow, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, 2018.
The Collector’s Wife by the Brahmaputra: An Ecofeminist Reading of Marginalization and Re-appropriation. With Shishu Bala, Melow, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, 2018.
Dystopian Cityscape and its Representations in John G. Nelson’s Against Nature. With Rais Ul Majid, Melow, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, 2018.
Representation and Stereotyping in William Dalrymple's Nine Lives. IIT Mandi (2017).
Socio-Cultural Representations through Lived Religions in Dalrymple’s Nine Lives. ICLLC 2017 : 19th International Conference on Language, Literature and Community, San Francisco, USA (2017).
Adoption as a form of Migration: Revisiting Shilpa Somaya Gowda’s Secret Daughter. With Shishu Bala. 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (2017).
The Familiar and the Exotic in Language and Literature: The Politics of Perception and Representation. With Shishu Bala. 27th FILLM International Congress, UNESCO and University of Delhi, Delhi, India (2017).
Facticity and Fictionality: Mahesh Dattani’s Where Did I Leave My Purdah? With Monika Kaushik. MELOW Chandigarh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India (2017).
Voices from the Margins: Her-story in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. With Shishu Bala. MELOW Chandigarh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India (2017).
Discursive alterity, re-representation, and 9/11: The Reluctant Fundamentalist as a poststructuralist discourse. With Rais Ul Majid. MELOW Chandigarh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India (2017).
Going Green, Doing Social Responsibility: Ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh. Expert Speaker at National Conference on Globalization and Sustainable Growth of Business, D.A.V. Centenary College, Faridabad, India (2017).
A Case for Indian English: Dattani Do(es) the Needful. With Monika Kaushik. ELLCIATLS, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon, India (2017).
Translating Culture, Transcreating Gender: Lal Hota Drakht or The Reddening Tree. With Shishu Bala. ELLCIATLS, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon (2017).
I Am Writing in My Own Language: The Use of Indian English in Selected Plays of Mahesh Dattani. With Monika Kaushik. National Seminar, BHU, India (2016).
Poetry as Counter-Culture: Reading Identity in Kynpham Sing Nonkynrih’s Poetry. Suman and Neeraj Sankhyan. IIAS Shimla, India (2016).
Violence, Social Welfare and Popular Hindi Cinema (Dil Se, Mission Kashmir, Fanaa). Lingaya's University, Faridabad, India (2016).
Literature as Social Agenda: Exploring Social Concerns/Motives in the poetry of Temsula Ao. Suman and Neeraj Sankhyan. MELOW Delhi, Indraprastha University, Delhi, India (2016).
Laxman's Common Man. IIT Mandi (2015).
The Voice of the Common Man: Humour and Public Discourse in R. K. Laxman's Cartoons. 27th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies. Holy Names University, California, USA (2015).
Humanistic Concerns in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series (Humanism in Harry Potter). Lingaya's University, Faridabad, India (2015).
Forbidden love: Same-Sex Marriages in Popular Hindi Cinema. MELOW Chandigarh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India (2015).
Breaking Stereotypes: An Analysis of New Age Marketing Mantra (Study of a Marriage Portal – Breaking Stereotypes?). 2014 ICMKT : C2A, DAV Centenary College, Faridabad, India (2014).
From Strips to the Graphic Novels: (Un)told tales (Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis). Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, India (2014).
Rock Music as Literature: Transcending Literary Borders. Suman and Neeraj Sankhyan. 1st Multidisciplinary Conference in Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Indore, India (2013).
Translating Myths, from Sita to Sati. Translating Myth, Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK (2013).
Rethinking Colonial Identity: A Psychological Perspective on William Dalrymple’s "White Mughals". Suman and Vandana Saxena. 8th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology 2009, IIT Delhi, India (2009).
Psychosocial Intervention Module for Rural Adolescent Girls. Suman and Kamlesh Singh. 2nd Applied Positive Psychology Conference: Creating Flourishing Communities, University of Warwick, UK (2009).
Revolt In Media. Media’s Role in the Era of Globalization, D.A.V. Centenary College, Faridabad, India (2008).
Narrating The Indian Nation – A Non-Indian Perspective: A study of William Dalrymple’s “The Last Mughal” And Rudyard Kipling’s “Kim.” Culture, Language, And Literature In Global Context : Perspectives And Challenges, Fakultas Sastra Unika, Soegijapranata, Semarang, Indonesia (2008).
Humanizing Terrorists: One movie star at a time. Nation, Region and Ideology in Film. ASIHSS, Dept. of English, University of Hyderabad, India (2007).
Human Values and Human Rights in National Perspective. Human Values and Human Rights, Pt. J.L.N. Govt. College, Faridabad, India (2005).
Graduate Students:
Nithin Varghese (February 2019 onwards) UGC-NET. Plays of Girish Karnad. (Thesis submitted).
Jyotishman Kalita (February 2020 onwards) UGC-NET. Ecocritical Understanding of Oral Narratives from North-East India.
Nalini Gupta.
Siddhi Jangid.
Vibhor Jaswal.
Neeraj Sankhyan (August 2013 - February 2018) (The first student to graduate from SHSS, IIT Mandi)
UGC - NET. Defended his thesis titled, A Thematic Study of English Poetry From the Conflict-Affected States of the Indian Himalayas, in February 2018.
Assistant Professor, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Shishu Bala (August 2014 - October 2022) Defended her thesis titled, Procreate Or Perish? Being A Woman In Contemporary India: A Literary Study Of Select Indian Texts, in October 2022.
Associate Professor, Himachal Pradesh.
Monika Kaushik (February 2015 - July 2022)
UGC - NET, JRF. Defended her thesis titled, Identities at the Crossroads: Probing Gendered Bodies Through A Play Of Language In Mahesh Dattani’s Select Plays, in July 2022.
Assistant Professor, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Himachal Pradesh.
Amrutha N. V. (February 2016 - November 2022) [With Dr. Shail Shankar, IIT BHU]
UGC-NET, JRF. Defended her thesis titled, Community Behaviour and Collective Resilience in Disasters: A Study of the 2018 Floods in Kerala, in November 2022.
Rais Ul Majid (February 2016 - April 2023)
UGC-NET. Defended his thesis titled, Rethinking and Reimagining the Discourses of Religion and Gender in Post 9/11 Narratives, in April 2023.
Arya Priyadarshini (February 2019 - August 2023)
UGC-NET. Defended her thesis titled, A Study of Trauma in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult West Asian War Narratives in English, in August 2023.
Muskan Dhandhi (February 2020 - February 2024)
UGC-NET. Defended her thesis titled, Translating Haryanvi Sensorial Experiences: Body, Clothing, Jewellery and Art, in February 2024.
M.A. Development Studies (Practicum Students)
Feb - June 2020
Bijoya Sarkar
Akanksha Singh
Feb - June 2019, August - December 2019
Sourabh Yadav
Abba Rohith
Alumni: (Master's Thesis)
Sourabh Yadav (December 2019 - June 2020)
Suman (February - June 2023)
Undergraduate Students (Interactive Socio-Technical Practicum, ISTP):
Ankur Bhatt
Shivansh Agarwal
Nandini Kapur
Moiz Ahmed
Sukrit Aggarwal
Prashant Singh
Himanshu Dewan
Narender Kumar
Ashish Mahaver
Courses Developed:
Literary Methods: Theory and Interpretation
Indian Writing in English
Popular Narratives
Reading Cultural Studies
Research Writing
Gender and Development
Popular Fiction
Literature and Culture
Modern Fiction
Advanced English/Introduction to Literature
English I
English II
Courses Taught:
Literary Methods: Theory and Interpretation
Research Writing
Indian Writing in English
Popular Narratives
Reading Cultural Studies
Gender and Development
Popular Fiction
Literature and Culture
Business Communication Skills
Technical Communication
Science Writing
Modern Fiction
European Realism
19th Century British Novel
Technical Education
Business Communication
Advanced English/Introduction to Literature
English I
English II
Basic English For Engineers
Administrative Responsibilities:
Chairperson, SHSS, IIT Mandi (February 2020 – April 2021).
Chair, Official Language (Rajbhasha) Implementation Committee (October 2019 – till date).
President, EWOK, Mandi (November 2020 – till date).
Member, Senate, IIT Mandi (January 2017 – May 2022).
Member, Board of Academics (September 2014 – May 2017, August 2018 - till date).
Member, Course Proposal Committee (September 2018 - till date).
Member, Construction Planning Committee (April 2022 – till date).
Chair, Institute B. Tech.Curriculum Review Committee for HSS Courses (October 2020 - till late 2022).
Course Coordinator, SHSS (September 2018 - September 2021).
Lab In-charge, Language Lab (April 2019 - November 2020).
Member, Library Advisory Council (April 2016 - September 2017).
Chair, Book Nook Committee (July 2016 - September 2017, December 2019 – September 2021).
Course Committee (CCM) Chairperson, M. Tech. Biotechnology and M.Sc. Applied Maths (December 2019 – March 2021).
Coordinator, English and Communication Module, 5-Week Induction Programme (5WIP) (2016, 2017).
Editor/Coordinator, ESSENT, Journal published by students at IIT Mandi (February 2012 – September 2017).
Faculty Co-Advisor, SCRI (Society for Collaborative Research and Innovation) (February 2012? - September 2017).
Member, Curriculum Development Committee, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Mandi (March 2012 – till).
Faculty Coordinator, English Literary and Debating Club, IIT Mandi (February 2012 – March 2015).
Member, Web Information and Networking Group, IIT Mandi (January 2012 – February 2014).
Nodal Officer, IIT Council Portal, IIT Mandi (April 2013 – February 2014).
Initiated and coordinated activities of the Film Club, IIT Mandi (February, 2012 – March 2015).
Faculty Coordinator, SPIC-MACAY (The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth), IIT Mandi (August 2012 – March 2015).
Member, Faculty Search Committee, School of HSS, IIT Mandi (November 2013 – till ).
Warden, Renuka Hostel, IIT Mandi (June 2013- March 2015).
Assistant Warden, Renuka Hostel, IIT Mandi (September 2012- June 2013).
Invited Member of the Senate, IIT Mandi (May 2012).
Member, Executive Committee (Courses), (Equivalent to Dean Courses), IIT Mandi (February 2012 – June 2013).
Life Member, Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS)
Member, The International Research Society for Children's Literature (IRSCL)
Extra-curricular Activities:
Organized first Industry-Academia Conclave, IIT Mandi, (2012).
Organized a two-day workshop, Making Sense of the Local, School of HSS, IIT Mandi (2012).
Volunteer for 8th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology 2009, IIT Delhi (2009).
Volunteer for the Curriculum Development Workshop for M.A. in Cultural Studies at IIT Delhi, Department of HUSS, IIT Delhi (2008).
Student Resource Person, the International Festival of Letters. IIT Delhi, “Writing the Future – Celebrating new writing from the Asia-Pacific” (2008).
Student Convener, July 2006 – July 2008.
Student Representative from the Department of HUSS for Open House 2007, IIT Delhi.
Volunteer for the Curriculum Development Workshop, Department of HUSS, IIT Delhi (2006).
Volunteer in conference The Idea of Public Sphere: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on the Fate of a Philosophical Concept in the Age of Globalisation. IIT Delhi and Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi (2006).
President, English Literary Society, Govt. P.G. College, Faridabad.
Editor, college magazine, Ankurita.