
If you want to make agents behave in a particular manner, you need to offer them incentives (this is incentive engineering). The incentive engineering is a powerful tool, in the form of game theory and mechanism design, applicable in many real-world applications, especially for modern web and AI applications. For example, consider a big retailer is trying to deploy some AI agents who use data analytics/machine learning to estimate demands for various products it wishes to sell. Its competitor's AI agent can try to fool it so as it ends up in procuring large volume of a product which cannot be sold in the retail market. That is where game theory comes into the picture. My research is motivated by such real-world problems which need incentive engineering and machine learning.

Recently, I am actively looking at block-chains and economics as well as privacy aspects of block-chains and distributed trust. The following two posters should provide you a high-level summary of my recent research activities.

Economics of Privacy, Blockchains and Trust

Machine Learning Meets Game Theory