JungJae Park

JungJae Park (jjpark.economist@gmail.com)

I am an associate professor in the school of economics at Yonsei University.

Past employment: Assistant professor in the economics department at National University of Singapore (2013-2021).

Ph.D., Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013

 Google Scholar Profile

Research Interests

International Macroeconomics and Finance, Economic Growth and Development.

Published Papers

Working Papers

Work in Progress

Other Work Experience

Seminar and Conference Presentation


Referee Service

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Contact Information                              

Yonsei University

School of Economics

50 Yonseo-Ro, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, South Korea

Office: +82 2-2123-2485

Mobile: +82)010-4727-4585


Charles Engel (primary) : cengel@ssc.wisc.edu

Dean Corbae :  corbae@ssc.wisc.edu

Kenneth West: kdwest@wisc.edu