
My research insterests are broadly in Probabilistic and Analytic Number theory. In particular, I apply probabilistic and analytic methods to study Automorphic forms, Zeros of L-Functions, Half-integral weight modular forms, Equidistribution theory, Exponential sums, Sign changes.

I am an Assistant professor at School of Mathematics, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar. Previously, I was a post-doctoral fellow at University of Warsaw, The University of Hong Kong under the guidance of Dr. Ben Kane and Prof. Yau-Kam Lau. Before that I was a post-doctoral fellow at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI). I obtained my Ph.D degree from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune under the guidance of Dr. Kaneenika Sinha.

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