



You can download and install office setup from office.com/setup by creating and sign in to office account. Enter 25 digit office setup product key to activate office setup products.

You can use Microsoft Office for your personal or business work. By downloading Microsoft Office on your device, you can easily create or organize office documents and make a presentation. Nowadays Microsoft Office helps its users to do their work easily with the help of its apps and services. In case you wish to download, install and activate the Microsoft Office Setup, visit office.com/setup.

Sign in or log into microsoft my account

If you are a new user then you have to create a new account on M.S Office Setup website. Firstly, you should visit the office.com/setup site to create a new account to gets your office products. To create a new account you have to enter the all required details. Then you can Sign In to your account.

If you are already registered at our Office.com/setup site then you should go for login to your my accounts. You can log in to your account directly by visiting the www.office.com/setup website. Just you have to enter the proper user id and password.

Download microsoft Office from office.com/setup

    1. Go to office.com/setup and sign in.
    2. Go to the product list and select the desired office product to download.
    3. Click on the Download button and wait for the process to complete.
    4. The office setup is successfully downloaded on your device.

Steps to install Office Setup

    1. When the product is successfully downloaded, locate the downloaded file.
    2. You may find it in the “Downloads” folder of your device.
    3. Now, right-click on the .exe file.
    4. Click on the “install” option to start installing your product.
    5. After this, you may activate it on your Windows as well as Mac devices.

Steps for activating the office setup using the office 25 digit product code

    1. Click on the office setup icon to launch the security program.
    2. Enter your office account credentials.
    3. Enter the office 25 digit activation code.
    4. Select your country, language, and click to activate.