Enhancing the Beauty of Your Stone Flooring

Stone floors are a beautiful and unique style of flooring that is gaining in popularity each year. They are perfect for homes that want something a little different, and their natural look is sure to turn heads. While slate floors can be cleaned and restored by just about anyone, the professionals at Environme know how to take care of them the right way.

Our team of experts have decades of experience cleaning and restoring natural slate stone floors. We use only the most environmentally friendly cleaning materials possible, and our specialized cotton buffing process ensures that your floor will look like new – with a high shine finish – after our services are complete. In addition, we use high quality sealants to ensure your slate floor lasts for years – even in difficult environments like wet areas or heavy traffic.

We also offer color enhancement treatments to dull Slate's original beauty so it matches the surrounding décor better. And if there are any cracks or chips in your Slate flooring, we can repair them quickly and correctly using specialized grout cleaning and sealing treatments. Plus, we offer routine maintenance advice so you can keep your Slate floor looking beautiful for years to come!

Stone Cleaning and Restoration

Looking to get your stone clean and restored? Look no further than our team of experts at Sut! We have years of experience in stone cleaning and restoration, and we know just how to get the job done right. Our comprehensive stone cleaning package offers remarkable results, with a satisfaction guarantee that you won't want to miss out on. We use advanced and eco-friendly methods and products that will leave your property looking amazing – no matter what the condition of your stones.

f you need any advice or assistance during the process, our team is available for a consultation. We also have a superior customer service program that ensures that you are always satisfied with our work. And don't forget about our aftercare maintenance program – we want your property to look its best long term, so we take care of it every step of the way. Contact us today to book a consultation – we promise you won't be disappointed!

How to Prevent Staining and Wear on Stone Floors

Your beautiful sandstone floor is a beautiful thing - but it can also be delicate. A single spilled drink, pet hair or piece of food can quickly damage your floor and cause it to wear down. To keep your floor looking its best and extending its life, follow these simple tips:.

Regular sweeping, vacuuming and mopping will help remove any dirt or dust particles that may have built up over time. Avoid using harsh chemicals or tools on your floor – this will only damage it further. Instead, use a mild acid solution such as vinegar or lemon juice to clean the stone.

f you notice spots or areas that are starting to wear down faster than others, replace them with fresh sandstone pieces. This will help to even out the wear and increase the lifespan of your flooring. Remember not to use abrasive cleaning agents on your stone – this will only damage it even more. Instead, clean up any spills immediately with a soft cloth or mop to avoid staining your floor further.

Finally, don't forget about doormats! By keeping sand particles and dirt from being tracked in during entryway encounters, you'll help prolong the life of your floors overall. Felt pads can also be helpful in preventing furniture leg scraping and damage over time.