Lowery's Lines

Post date: Apr 3, 2016 5:31:56 PM

- Rev. Shaun Lowery, O.S.F.S. -

Congratulations to everyone who celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and first Eucharist last weekend at the Easter Vigil! May each of you continue to grow in your desire to know Christ and to be active members of the Church. Special thanks to Sam Lieto for serving as a sponsor to Steve Chesher who was baptized and fully initiated into the Church, and to Maria Jaimez for providing instruction for parishioners who desired to be Confirmed and receive first Eucharist.

I want to express my thanks to many of you who have shared with me your gratitude for my ministry here at St. Mary’s. The Easter season is a season of surprises and new life. God is always surprising us and opening doors of mercy to us even when we think they are locked. Let’s put our trust in God’s mercy and guidance as we celebrate this joyful season and look to the future.

Diocesan Services Appeal – Think $5.55

We are so close to reaching our goal! Thanks to many of you for your generosity. As of our count last weekend, we still need $17,794 to reach our goal of $48,803. If each person who comes to church on average each weekend gave up to $50 toward our DSA, we would make our goal. That’s a pledge of $5.55 per month between now and December. If you haven’t made a contribution, I encourage you to help spread the good ministry that we accomplish here in Adrian all over our ten county Lansing diocese and ask you to consider making at least a $50 pledge over the next nine months of the year.

May anyone travelling over the spring break holiday be safe and may each of us have a blessed week.

Fr. Shaun