From the Pastor's Desk

Post date: Mar 5, 2017 6:23:29 PM

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Once again, we prepare to celebrate another Lenten Season. It affords us the opportunity to truly reflect in a serious way about our own personal relationship with Christ. The ashes we may receive are simply external signs that have meaning only when they are reflective of our internal disposition.

As we contemplate the true purpose of Lent, perhaps we might all examine our own conscience to identify an area that we might strive to improve. The decision is entirely ours to make and it should reflect a change in us that would enhance our relationship with God and with others.

The Season culminates with our celebration of the Triduum where we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, the Death of Jesus on the Cross and finally His Resurrection from the dead. His victory is our victory and to make it so we need to acknowledge what we would like to see die within us so that we can rise to the new life Jesus has won for us, not only in the next life but also in the present one.

Once we identify our way of rising with Jesus then we need to decide how to accomplish this and that is what Lent is all about. What prayer or action can I make for my own Lenten Journey that will make me a better person and a better follower of Christ?

Happy Lent

Fr. Tom M.