Dori's thoughts on windmills


In the Netherlands, windmills were a big part of life. They used to be used as corn mashers, wood choppers, and to get rid of the access water [The Netherlands is below sea level.] Now, the windmills are a big part of social and cultural life. You see miniature windmill souvenirs all over the place. Holland has the most windmills and they are all packed together in the tiny country. They are used for industrial, agricultural, and drainage uses. Still, the main reason is to get the water from the marshes and put it in the canals. They do this by turning the turbines which works a pump that pumps up the water. This is also called a wind pump. There were lots of windmills in Holland. I saw new ones which were long, white poles with the turbine at the end and old ones that are really short, wide and wooden. There were singular ones all by themselves and groups of windmills and I don't remember ever seeing even one that wasn't moving. I really liked the windmills because they blended in with the countryside. Also, they were very big and majestic and made the countryside look big and mighty. I liked both the old ones and the new ones because the new ones looked big, tall, and cool and the old ones looked very interesting.