Our Trip to Colorado

Dori, Aaron, and I in Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs

Pictures from Museum of Natural History

Aaron Prepares for Mummification

Dinosaur Fossils

Dori and her New Friends

Aaron and his New Friends

The Denver Skyline

Pictures of Eating

Tajik Tea House in Boulder

Lunch in the Fifties

More Lunch in the Fifties

Pictures from Royal Gorge

Loco At the Gorge

Loco At the Gorge Again

A Trip Across the Gorge

Tracks up the Gorge

The Bridge over the Gorge

More of the Bridge

The Bridge from the Top of the Gorge

Under the Bridge

The Arkansas River

Dori and Aaron at the River

The Train Coming Down the Tracks

The Winding River Gorge

Pictures from Pike's Peak

The Road to Pike's Peak

More Road to Pike's Peak

Pike's Peak in the Background

Looking Down from Pike's Peak

Fearless Dori and Aaron

The Top

Small Colorado Town Near Pike's Peak

Pictures from Indian Village

Aaron in Indian Village

Dori in Indian Village

Adobe Home in Indian Village

Another Home in Indian Village

Pictures from Garden of the Gods

Aaron in the Garden of the Gods

Dori and Aaron in the Garden of the Gods

A Big Rock in the Garden of the Gods

More Big Rocks in the Garden of the Gods

Aaron Conquers the Garden of the Gods