Structural Papers to Read

1) Ferreyra, Maria (2003). “Estimating the Effects of Private School Vouchers in Multi-District Economies.” American Economic Review. 97(3): 789-817.

2) Berry, Steven, James Levinsohn, and Ariel Pakes (1995). “Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium.” Econometrica. 63(4: 841-890.

3) Keane, Michael and Ken Wolpin (1997). “The Career Decisions of Young Men.” Journal of Political Economy. 105(3): 473-522.

4) Davis, Scott (2004). “A Structural Model of the Effects of Housing Vouchers on Housing Consumption and Labor Supply.”

5) Fernandez, Jose (2005). “Attrition and Learning in Clinical Trials.”

6) Dubin, Jeffrey and Daniel McFadden (1984). “An Econometric Analysis of Residential Electric Appliance Holdings and Consumption." Econometrica. 345-362.

7) Berry, Steven (1992). “Estimation of a Model of Entry in the Airline Industry.” Econometrica. 60(4): 889-917.

8) Goeree, Michelle (2004). “Advertising in the US Personal Computer Industry.”