Steven Kou


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In Refereed Academic Journals

[45] N. Guo, S. G. Kou, B. Wang, and R. Wang. (In Press) A Theory of Credit Rating Criteria. Management Science.

[44] N. Chen, P. Gao, and S. G. Kou. Does the Prohibition of Trade-Through Hurt Liquidity Demanders? Operations Research. Vol. 71, 1458-1471, 2023.

[43] M. Dai, S. G. Kou,  H.M. Soner, and C. YangLeveraged Exchange-Traded Funds with Market Closure and Frictions. Management Science. Vol. 69, 2517-2535, 2023. (E-companion.)

[42] M. Dai, S. G. Kou,  S. Qian, and X. Wan.  Non-Concave Utility Maximization with Portfolio Bounds. Management Science.  Vol. 68, 8368-8385, 2022. (E-companion.)

[41] M. Dai, S. G. Kou, and C. Yang.  A Stochastic Representation for Nonlocal Parabolic PDEs with Applications. Mathematics of Operations Research. Vol. 47, 1707-1730, 2022.

[40] X. D. He, S. G. Kou, and X. H. Peng.  Risk Measures: Robustness, Elicitability, and Backtesting. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application. Vol. 9, 141-166, 2022.

[39] X. Xu, Y. Chen, and S. G. Kou.  Discussion on "Text Selection". Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Vol. 39, 883-887, 2021. 

[38] M. Dai, H. Jin, S. G. Kou, and Y. Xu. Robo-Advising: A Dynamic Mean-Variance Approach. Digital Finance. Vol. 3, 81-97, 2021.
[37] W. Jiang and S. G. Kou. Simulating Risk Measures via Asymptotic Expansions for Relative Errors. Mathematical Finance.  Vol 31, 907-942, 2021. (E-companion.)

[36] M. Dai, Y. Jia, and S. G. Kou.  The Wisdom of the Crowd and Prediction Markets. Journal of Econometrics. Vol. 222, 561-578, 2021. (E-companion.)
[35] M. Dai, H. Jin, S. G. Kou, and Y. Xu.  A Dynamic Mean-Variance Analysis for Log Returns. Management Science. Vol. 67, 1093-1108, 2021.  (E-companion.)
[34] N. Cai and S. G. Kou. Econometrics with Privacy Preservation. Operations Research. Vol. 67, 905-926, 2019. (E-companion.)
[33] Y. Song, N. Cai, and S. G. Kou. Computable Error Bounds of Laplace Inversion for Pricing Asian Options, INFORMS Journal on Computing. Vol. 30, 634-645, 2018. (E-companion.)
[32] N. Chen, S. G. Kou, and C. Wang. A Partitioning Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Market Microstructure. Management Science. Vol. 64, 784-803, 2018. (E-companion.)
[31] S. G. Kou, X. H. Peng, and H. Zhong. Asset Pricing with Spatial Interaction. Management Science. Vol. 64, 2083-2101, 2018. (E-companion.)
[30] X. D. He and S. G. Kou. Profit Sharing in Hedge Funds. Mathematical Finance. Vol. 28, 50-81, 2018.
[29] S. G. Kou, C. Yu, and H. Zhong. Jumps in Equity Index Returns Before and During the Recent Financial Crisis: A Bayesian Analysis. Management Science. Vol. 63, 998-1010, 2017. (E-companion.)
[28] S. G. Kou and H. Zhong. First Passage Times of Two-Dimensional Brownian Motion. Advances in Applied Probability. Vol. 48, 1045-1060, 2016. (Published version without the online supplement and with slightly different equation numbers)
[27] S. G. Kou and X. H. Peng. On the Measurement of Economic Tail Risk. Operations Research. Vol. 64, 1056-1072, 2016. (E-companion.)
[26] N. Cai, Y. Song, and S. G. Kou. A General Framework for Pricing Asian Options under Markov Processes. Operations Research. Vol. 63, 527-539, 2015.
[25] N. Cai, S. G. Kou, and Z. Liu. A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering. Advances in Applied Probability. Vol. 46, 766-789, 2014. (E-companion.)
[24] S. G. Kou, X. H. Peng, and C. C. Heyde. External Risk Measures and Basel Accords. Mathematics of Operations Research. Vol. 38, 393-417, 2013.   
The preliminary versions of the paper were entitled “What is a good (external) risk measure: Bridging the gaps between data (robustness), coherent risk measures (subadditivity), and insurance risk measures.”
[23] N. Cai and S. G. Kou. Pricing Asian Options under a Hyper-Exponential Jump Diffusion Model. Operations Research. Vol. 60, 64-77, 2012.
[22] N. Cai and  S. G. Kou. Option Pricing under a Mixed-Exponential Jump Diffusion Model. Management Science. Vol. 57, 2067-2081, 2011. (E-companion.)
[21] N. Chen and S. G. Kou. Credit Spreads, Optimal Capital Structure, and Implied Volatility with Endogenous Default and Jump Risk, Mathematical Finance. Vol. 19, 343-378, 2009.
[20] G. Gallego, S. G. Kou, and R. Phillips. Revenue Management of Callable Products. Management Science. Vol. 54, 550-564, 2008.  Online supplement of the paper.
[19] S. G. Kou, G. Petrella and H. Wang. Pricing path-dependent options with jump risk via Laplace transforms. Kyoto Economic Review. Vol. 74, 1-23, 2005.
[18] G. Petrella and S. G. Kou. Numerical pricing of discrete barrier and lookback options via Laplace transforms. Journal of Computational Finance. Vol. 8, 1-37, 2004.
[17] S. G. Kou and M. Sobel. Forecasting the vote: a theoretical comparison of election markets and public opinion polls. Political Analysis. Vol. 12, 277-295, 2004.
[16] S. G. Kou and H. Wang. Option pricing under a double exponential jump diffusion model. Management Science. Vol. 50, 1178-1192, 2004.
[15] C. C. Heyde and S. G. Kou. On the controversy over tailweight of distributions. Operations Research Letters.  Vol. 32, 399-408, 2004.
[14] S. C. Kou and S. G. Kou. A diffusion model for growth stocks. Mathematics of Operations Research.  Vol. 29, 191-212, 2004.
[13] S. G. Kou. On pricing of discrete barrier options. Statistica Sinica, Vol. 13, 955-964, 2003.
[12] S. C. Kou and S. G. Kou. Modeling growth stocks via birth-death processes. Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 35, 641-664, 2003.
[11] S. G. Kou and H. Wang. First passage times of a jump diffusion processAdvances in Applied Probability, Vol. 35, 504-531, 2003.
[10] P. Glasserman and S. G. Kou. The term structure of simple forward rates with jump riskMathematical Finance, Vol. 13, 383-410, 2003.
[9] S. G. Kou. A jump diffusion model for option pricing. Management Science. Vol. 48, 1086-1101, 2002. The mathematica code in the paper.
[8] M. Broadie, P. Glasserman, and S. G. Kou. Connecting discrete and continuous path-dependent options. Finance and Stochastics. Vol. 3, 55-82, 1999.
[7] I. Karatzas and S. G. Kou. Hedging American contingent claims with constrained portfolios. Finance and Stochastics. Vol. 2, 215-258, 1998.
[6] M. Broadie, P. Glasserman, and S. G. Kou. A continuity correction for the discrete barrier options. Mathematical Finance. Vol. 7, 325-349, 1997.
[5] S. G. Kou and Y. S. Chow. A central limit theorem for the number of success runs: an example of regenerative processes. Statistica Sinica. Vol. 7, 157-166, 1997.
[4] I. Karatzas and S. G. Kou. On the pricing of contingent claims under constraints. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 6, No. 2, 321-369, 1996.
[3] S. G. Kou and Z. Ying. Asymptotics for a 2x2 table with fixed margins. Statistica Sinica. Vol. 6, 809-829, 1996.
[2] P. Glasserman and S. G. Kou. Limits of first passage times to rare sets in regenerative processes. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 5, No. 2, 424-445, 1995.
[1] P. Glasserman and S. G. Kou. Analysis of an importance sampling estimator for tandem queues. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 5, No. 1, 22-42, 1995.

In Refereed Academic Books

[6] S. G. Kou. FinTech Econometrics: Privacy Preservation and the Wisdom of the Crowd. In “Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations”, edited by V. Babich, J. Birge, and G. Hilary, Springer, 2021.

[5] W. Cui, M. Dai, M., S. G. Kou, Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, X. Zhu. Interest Rate Swap Valuation in the Chinese Market. In “Innovations in Insurance, Risk-and Asset Management," edited by K. Glau, D. Linders, A. Min,  M. Scherer, L. Schneider, and R. Zagst, World Scientific, 2018.

[4] S. G. Kou. Lévy Processes in Asset Pricing. In “Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment”, edited by B. S. Everitt and E. L. Melnick, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
[3] S. G. Kou. Discrete Barrier and Lookback Options. In “Handbooks in OR and MS”, Vol, 15, Ch. 8, edited by J. Birge and V. Linetsky, Elsevier, 2008.
[2] S. G. Kou. Jump Diffusion Models for Asset Pricing in Financial Engineering. In “Handbooks in OR and MS”, Vol, 15, Ch. 2, edited by J. Birge and V. Linetsky, Elsevier, 2008.
[1] S. G. Kou and Z. Ying. Analysis of Sequences of Dependent 2x2 Tables. In “Random Walk, Sequential Analysis and Related Topics”, edited by A. C. Hsiung, Zhiliang and Cui-Hui Zhang, World Scientific, pp. 171-198, 2006.

In Refereed Conference Proceedings and Industrial Journals

[4] S. C. Kou and S. G. Kou. Modeling growth stocks (part II). Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1524-1529, IEEE press, New York, 2002.
[3] S. C. Kou and S. G. Kou. Modeling growth stocks. RISK, pp. S34-S37, December, 2001. 
[2] S. G. Kou and M. E. Sobel. Hedging electoral risk. RISK, pp. 95-98, April, 2001.
[1] P. Glasserman and S. G. Kou. Overflow probabilities in Jackson networks. Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3178-3182, IEEE press, New York, 1993.

Other Academic Papers

[1] P. Glasserman and S. G. Kou. A Conversation with Chris Heyde  Statistical Science, Vol. 21, 286-298, 2006.