Email: madhuri@unipune.ac.in
Phone: +91 (20) 25698752
Mailing address:
Department of Statistics,
Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Pune - 411007,
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
My latest research interests include
- Estimation of system parameters when different types of incomplete system data is available
- Applications of the notion of system signature in the comparison of coherent systems
- Estimation of parameters of system under different parametric models
- Software reliability growth models
- Bayesian Inference
Currently, I am teaching the following courses:
- ST 204: Regression Analysis
- ST O22: Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
My non-academic interests include blogging, reading, cooking, travelling and poetry. I enjoy watching inspirational and meaningful, thought provoking movies. I write about movies and other stuff at my blog: My Blog