Defra Statistics Dashboard

This page provides easy access to key web usage figures on the Environment, Farming, Food and Rural Statistics :

Note on Metrics: Sampling of data is running at approximately 55% at this time.

Definition of terms used in this dashboard

Page views

Refers to the number of times visitors to your site have looked at your pages. Every time a visitor loads one of your pages, a page view is counted.

Unique page views

Is a subset of your total page views, representing the number of individual visitors who have reviewed your pages: Each visitor to your site is counted only once, no matter how many pages they open.


This tells us how many of the visits to a specific page were also the first page seen in the session. This can be an indication of external interest and the number of referrals direct to a publication or subject area

Exit Rate

An Exit Rate is the percentage of people who leave after viewing the page. Your exit rate lets you know the last page that users view before they move on. A very high exit rate on a navigation page can be a red flag, but a high exit rate from a publication can also indicate that they have got all the information they require.

Bounce Rate

Your Bounce Rate is the number of visitors who leave your pages in the following ways:

  • User types a new URL into their browser and leaves the page.
  • User visits from search, clicks on the back button.
  • User closes the browser window.

The higher your bounce rate, the lower your percentage of engaged users. This is generally recognised as a bad thing. People are not finding what they are looking for and at taking a step back from the information to look elsewhere.