Di Wang
Tenure-track Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: di dot wang at sjtu dot edu dot cn
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I am currently a tenure-track associate professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral principal researcher, advised by Prof. Ruey S. Tsay, at Booth School of Business, University of Chicago. I obtained my Ph.D. in Statistics advised by Prof. Guodong Li and Prof. Wai-Keung Li, at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong.
Research Interest
High dimensional statistics; time series analysis; tensor data analysis
Robust statistics; quantile regression
Theoretical machine learning; deep learning
2020. Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Hong Kong
2016. B.Sc. in Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong
Publication and Working Paper
Statistical Methodology and Machine Learning:
High-dimensional vector autoregression with common response and predictor factors (with Xiaoyu Zhang, Guodong Li, and Ruey S. Tsay). Submitted. 2022. [arXiv]
Rate-optimal robust estimation of high-dimensional vector autoregressive models (with Ruey S. Tsay). Submitted. 2021. [arXiv]
High-dimensional low-rank tensor autoregressive time series modeling (with Yao Zheng and Guodong Li). Submitted. 2020. [arXiv]
Nonparametric quantile regression for homogeneity pursuit in panel data models (with Xiaoyu Zhang, Heng Lian, and Guodong Li). Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. In press. [arXiv]
High-dimensional vector autoregressive time series modeling via tensor decomposition (with Yao Zheng, Heng Lian, and Guodong Li). Journal of the American Statistical Association, In press. [arXiv]
Compact autoregressive network (with Feiqing Huang, Jingyu Zhao, Guodong Li, and Guangjian Tian). Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), 6145-6152. (2020). [Paper] [Extended Version]
Unit root testing on buffered autoregressive model (with Wai-Keung Li). Statistica Sinica. 30, 977-1003. (2020). [Paper] [Supp]
Interdisciplinary Research:
Dinucleotide evolutionary dynamics in influenza A virus (with Haogao Gu, Rebecca Fan, and Leo Poon). Virus Evolution. 5, vez038. (2019). [Paper]
Statistical Inference for High-Dimensional Data, Fall 2022