ESPF Seminars:
Exoplanets, Star & Planet Formation 

hosted by STScI, Tuesdays, 11 am Eastern

(or exceptional seminars, other days/times) 

The STScI Exoplanets, Star and Planet Formation Seminar Series

This seminar series is ran by astronomers and scientists who study the Solar System, planet formation, exoplanet detection, and star formation at the Space Telescope Science Institute.  Most weeks during the academic calendar we have outside speakers give talks on their research on Mondays at 3pm, about twice per month. These ESPF Seminar Series are co-organized and joined by members of the following research groups at STScI and JHU:

Also, on the first Friday of each month, there is a lecture from the Planets, Life, and the Universe Series, a partnership between JHU, STScI, and NASA.  This one is at noon.

If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact Kielan Hoch (khoch 'at' stsci 'dot' edu), Munazza Alam (malam 'at' stsci 'dot' edu),  Julien Girard, (jgirard 'at' stsci 'dot' edu) or fill out our Contact page.

To access information about an upcoming speaker, please click on the speaker's name below, where a talk title and abstract will be available.

COVID-19: seminars are now HYBRID, on Tuesdays @11am (5 min setup and introduction, ~30 min talk & 10 min Q&A)