
Stamford is an historic town in south Lincolnshire, lying astride the Great North Road and the River Welland. It was one of Sir Alec Clifton-Taylor's "Six English Towns", and was also the location for the BBC dramatisation of "Middlemarch" and the film "Pride & Prejudice". This once major wool town, largely constructed of Lincolnshire limestone, has retained much of its old world charm and prosperity, and is commonly referred to as "the finest stone town in England".

Stamford is very well served by numerous restaurants, cafés, and specialist arts and crafts shops, many of which support the Fairtrade movement, and can be found on this website. The Fairtrade movement ensures that producers in the Third World are paid a fair price for their products. This price includes a social premium, which is donated to the local community to pay for community projects, such as building schools and wells. Buying Fairtrade products help the developing world to work towards a better standard of living.

Stamford attained 'Fairtrade Town' status in November 2006.

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One World Week - November 2021

Stamford Fairtrade at the Diversity Festival, August 2021