Speciality show with attribution of the CAC for staffordshire bull terriers, american staffordshire terriers, bull terriers and miniature bull terriers!
31.05.2025 friday, show starts at 13:00
Tagadi, Harjumaa
Organizer: Estonian Society of the Staffordshire Bull Terriers
Show is held outside
Tagadi Koerte Treeningkeskus - Eesnõmme, Tagadi, 75517 Harju maakond
This is drive-in show. So you can arrive about a hour before your breed judgment and leave after judgment, if your dog doesn't participate in final competitions.
NB! Committee of the Show keeps the right to change the judge!
Miguel Navarro Muñoz "D'Spain Fuego Negro" kennel, Spain
reserve judge for all breeds: Helen Tonkson, Estonia
INFO +372 5392 1439
e-mail: esbttu@gmail.com
For ENTRY send us show entry form, a copy of the registration certificate if dog is not in EST register and copy of the receipt to the entry form! Registration in to Champion Class only if Champion Title copy is added.
In receipt explanation please write specialityshow and participant dog(s) certificate number(s)!
All papers should arrive in same time and payment amount in accord the terms below. Unpaid entries will be deleted after one week!
BANK: MTÜ Eesti Staffordshire`i Bullterjerite Tõuühing, EE537700771001955603, BIC/SWIFT: LHVBEE22, LHV
After sending entry you should get a confirmation letter in about a week! If you haven’t got letter please check has the confirmation letter been sent to correct address or write to us in esbttu@gmail.com.
Entry until 19.05.2025!
All dogs participating the show must be tattoed or micro-chipped!
All dogs must have a valid certificate of vaccination against canine distemper, infective hepatitis and parvovirus infection and rabies. EKU vaccination requirements
Dogs whose date of birth is 1st August 2013 or later and whose ears have been cropped and/or tails docked may not take part in shows listed in the calendar of Estonian Kennel Union!