About Our Directors

Director of Orchestras

Amy Rutledge is the Director of Orchestras for Stafford Middle School.  She received her Bachelor's Degree in Instrumental Music Education from Oklahoma City University.  During her time at the university, she studied violin with Professor John Arnold, music pedagogy and instruction with Dr. John Schimek and conducting with Dr. Matthew Mailman.  She was a member of the Symphony Orchestra, as well as a member of many opera and music theater ensembles.  Amy was honored to be a member of the Symphony Tour to China, that included many performances throughout the country.

Currently, Mrs. Rutledge performs independently and with local chamber groups.  She also maintains a studio of private students.  She resides in Frisco with her husband and son.  As the director of Stafford Orchestra, her goal is provide students with a comprehensive introduction to learning, performing, and studying the history of orchestral music.

Director of Harps

Dana Peck is a Performer and Educator passionate about sharing the harp. She often performs with orchestras and served as the Principal Harpist of the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra for several seasons. Dana attended the University of North Texas and graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Harp Performance in 2023. During her time at UNT, she performed with the North Texas Wind Symphony, UNT Symphony Orchestra, and the UNT Concert Orchestra. She was a member of the UNT Harpbeats, which often performs arrangements by the group members around Texas, including a performance at TMEA in 2023. Dana loves teaching and passionately believes everyone can learn to play the harp. She teaches harp privately and was previously a Harp instructor at the Opus 48 School of Performing Arts.