Macroeconomic Theory 2: International macroeconomics

Course Type: Undergraduate (2nd Year Core)

Course Description: This course introduces open economy macroeconomics

Mathematical Prerequisite: Calculus

Note 1: Attendance will be checked

Note 2: Quizzes will not be announced

Note 3: The FZ grade will be assigned to those who miss more than two lectures or fail the midterm exam (the cutoff is strictly 40 out of 100)

Note 4: You are not allowed to use electronic devices (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) in class 

Note 5: No appointment, no meeting. Some suggestion (click here)   

Grades: Class Participation and Quizzes (20%), Midterm Exam (40%), Final Exam (40%)

Textbook: "International Macroeconomics" by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martin Uribe and Michael Woodford (click here)

Course Contents: The plan is to cover the first six chapters of the assigned textbook, which are

but we can go beyond these if time permits.