

2022 - 2026, FONDECYT Regular Grant 1220099, Group actions on Riemann surfaces and abelian varieties. Principal Researcher

2023 - 2027, FONDECYT Regular Grant 1230708, The geometry of the moduli space of abelian varieties, Co-researcher.

2023-2024, MATH-AMSUD The geometry of varieties: Group actions, symmetries, moduli and beyond, France, Brazil, Ecuador & Chile.


2019 - 2023, FONDECYT Regular Grant 1190991, The geometry of abelian varieties with group action, Co-researcher.

2021 - 2023, MATH-AMSUD, MATH2020014, 21-MATH-02, Algebraic and geometric aspects of varieties and manifolds, Argentina, Brazil, Chile & France, Researcher.

2020 - 2022, ANID-PCI 190140 Redes Internacionales, South-North Latin American network through Geometry, Universidad de La Frontera & CIMAT, Researcher.

2020 - 2022, ANID-PCI 190145 Redes Internacionales, Joint USA-CHILE Geometry at the Frontier, Universidad de La Frontera & Stony Brook University, Researcher.

2018 - 2021, FONDECYT Iniciación Grant 11180024, The geometry of Riemann surfaces and abelian varieties, Principal Researcher

2018 - 2020, CONICYT-PCI Redes Grant for International Networks 170071, Superficies de Riemann y variedades abelianas con automorfismos, Principal Researcher.

2015 - 2018, FONDECYT Postdoctoral Grant 3160002, Algebraic varieties and their field of definition, Principal Researcher.

2015 - 2018, CONICYT-PIA ANILLO ACT1415, Geometría en la Frontera, Researcher.