SRCD Emotions and Emotional Development Preconference

The 2019 Preconference will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 from 11:30 am - 5:00 pm.

Baltimore Convention Center, Room 301/302. If you have any questions please email


We have an exciting meeting planned this year with opportunities for networking and focused discussions. The program includes speed networking, two breakout sessions to discuss burning questions in the field, and a few brief presentations. As always, we will end with a social gathering in the evening!

To complete the registration process you should:

    1. Complete the Registration Form
    2. Pay your registration fee
    3. Complete the Breakout Groups Form (which also has instructions if you want to submit a brief presentation)

Registration has closed. We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

Please share this information with faculty colleagues, post docs, or graduate students who might be interested in attending but may not have received the notification email. Attendance is capped at 80 people, so register today!

We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

Tara, Erika, Chris, and Alysia

2019 Preconference Organizing Committee