Spyridon Kakaroumpas

Postdoctoral Researcher

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Institut für Mathematik

Campus Hubland Nord

Emil-Fischer-Straße 40

97074 Würzburg, Germany

Email: spyridon.kakaroumpas [at] uni-wuerzburg.de

I am currently a postdoc at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Würzburg in Germany, mentored by Professor Stefanie Petermichl. I completed my PhD in spring 2020 at Brown University, advised by Professor Sergei Treil. Here is my curriculum vitae.


My research interests revolve around harmonic analysis, in particular weighted estimates for classical operators, and connections with probability theory, partial differential equations and noncommutative measure theory. Here is my research statement.

Papers and Preprints

Current and Past Teaching

Fall 2019: Linear Algebra (MATH0520), Instructor

Fall 2018: Introductory Calculus II (MATH0100), Instructor

Fall 2017: Introductory Calculus II (MATH0100), Teaching assistant

Fall 2016: Introductory Calculus I (MATH0090), Teaching assistant

(all at Brown University)

In fall 2016 I completed the Certificate I program through the Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. In December 2019 I was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award by the Department of Mathematics at Brown University. Here is my teaching statement.