Spying - Surveillance

Spies on videos Spies' lies

Questions for "spook students" ?

Very advanced FAQ by post-graduate political

science students, gentlemen of the press, IC geeks,

and Knowledge +++ researchers.

Some possible answers are gathered here in this

quick small web guide for new beginners in the

snooping business, by the students themselves,

and by the readers of this blog.

By 2014, 17 years ago!

New stuff still coming in daily by 2014 and on.

In less than 5 years, all this is so old. In 5 weeks,

much of it is obsolete!

Check this stuff and get to the best of it,

by the end of this paragraph!

"Intelligence inflation gives intellectual constipation

or diarrhea..."

by Google Secret Surveillance with "too much"

"Crème Chantilly" ?

Most words and sentences ending with a

question mark ? are issues, topics, or matters,

debated in the press or on the web.

They are shown with keywords, names, signs,

photos, pictures, or meanings, highlighted

or underlined, directly linked to references,

as for example by Google, Voltaire, Malone, Jones ...,

or simply by readers and members.

The Curveball videos : Easy fooling the fools,

give idiots what they want to get, they'll love it !

Anna Chapman videos Need NSA fake rocks !

Edward Snowden video about NSA spying on biz

More about this Snowden German TV interview

How to screw a spy : The Counterspy School Click here

Porthos knew much of the Spying history. PAT met him first time 1958

at Fonderies de Sologne, la Ferté St Aubin, France, where he came for

discussing a partnership with the FdS. He was best at negotiating with

US intelligence and NSA top guys when giving them as presents

selected bottles of top French Champagne in exchange of much info

about the IBM & House Style systems, the Selectric I & II developments,

and the Military Applications of the Punch Card systems on which PAT

worked 1958-60, at the US Army base Maison Fort, in Orléans, France,

(here on a ComZ video), in connection with a private French operation

"JACQUARD" for business information created by PAT for Porthos.

"Vae victis" Brennus

Niccolò Machiavelli quotes Wikiquote

"Mentez, mentez ..." Voltaire (Panthéon)

"Agent brûlé agent laché" Alexandre de Marenches

"Oui, les américains sont très forts, mais leur faiblesse est de croire que tous

les autres sont des cons. Les français eux, sont des veaux." Charles de Gaulle

"À malin, malin et demi" François Mitterrand

Photos personnelles de Mitterrand par PAT

(Citations par Charlot et Miteux, les 2 rois des écoutes françaises.)

"Sic transit gloria mundi"

Recent stories Biz + R&D Forgery Gadgets Spies &Sex

NSA-news much more ? Worse !

Deutsch +++

NSA insiders ++ Hackers "I hack, therefore I am !"

NSA has DemocracyNow on a 24/7 surveillance videos

"We have 4 billion guys and businesses on tape,

from Congress to Gamers, ***, crooks & whores,

from housewives to Corporates, from kids to R&D,

from Google to your Special4u, in US, worldwide.

With Bluffdale (Utah), we can make it 8 billion, or

16 ..., from big shots to bums. We have trillions of

stuff, we can make it zzzzzzzillions, yes we scan ! "

by NSA insiders, NSA insiders +, and hackers on web videos

A nuke power plant in Green River mainly to supply Bluffdale ?

Nebraska wanted the piece of cake, but Utah got it ?

Dishfire by Special4u at Angelfire

NSA admits collecting 200 million SMS texts a day

in 15 years, all MMS, video, Videos, & all electronic,

digital, radio, phone communications, worldwide !

NSA has 15 years of track'n tap all WIFI connect,

worldwide ! 1 example here in airports !

by NSA insiders, NSA insiders +, and hackers,

+ The Guardian, BBC World-USA-Canada, on videos

PNIJ-THALES, Élancourt-Versailles

( a French mini Bluffdale )

* ** *** ****

Pourvu que les ruskoffs épargnent le Château s'ils attaquent comme en Suède,

mais là avec des drones atomiques en sous-marins, depuis la Manche, l' océan ?

Ça c'est une fleur suédoise gratos à la France, en exclusivité. Les ricains ne le

savait pas bien début 2014, maintenant tout le monde le sait, çà et là. Israel veut

le truc. Ne sait pas encore bien le goupiller, mais ça vient. Met les bouchées

triples, veut contrôler Istanbul, Gibraltar, la Mer Rouge et le Golf. C'est normal.

Mettez-vous à leur place ... ! Ont acheté 3 nouveaux cercueils flottants, mais en

cherchent d'autres bien mieux adaptés aux zinzins volants qu'ils ont en masse.

Ça c du biscuit Русский, leur nouvo да да.

Russians too with malware Snake ?

Big ears Eyes spy Spy eye Angie's voice giving a hard-on ?

She screwed the highest US officials and many business CEOs,

by only talking bullshit in her phone, and with her colleagues ?

She knew in foreign politics "with friends like these, you don't

need enemies". The NSA + 200 top bosses believed they had

the biggest cock in the world ?

Mossad eyeing Hollande's nose ? Not crooked enough ?

Newssad, sad news -who said so, new old foes, just old news

DGSE selling Elysée stuff to Israel embassy for "phony money"

NSA "implicitly" says Israel involved ? Thru ISNU ?

NSA spies on everyone ! European "partners", or servants ?

NSA spies a lot on EU, UN, Doctors of the World ... You name it.

On best ally ISNU too ? Israel, Miss Israel agitating for Pollard,

JewJour, Kadish ... The NSA has many new hot names from

these groups already under intensive surveillance ?

NSA does also much anti-criminal,

anti-mafias, anti-drug, trafficking,

tax-evasion ... surveillance work

NSA' s major worries ?

NSA massive use of spy cookies telling whatever you search

Cookies more NSA cookies

UK spies in deep shit ? The Independent

Google Earth has photographed from the sky, from

the streets and roads around the world, 100000s of

buildings, compounds, and structures, with similar

spying installations on their roof or nearby. Many are

hidden in camouflage as water towers, electrical

stations, radio, TV, phone antennas, masts, pylons,

building cranes, industry constructions, farming

ensilage, cattle barns ... Much of it is easily available

from your smartphone, tab, or PC, from anywhere ?

A white "spy nest" on the roof of the British Embassy in Berlin.

Many of these electronic equipments are identified

by Google as linked to governmental, diplomatic,

industrial, and economic espionage units, systems,

or addresses. Most of it is on the media, publicly

and privately recorded, as here for example ?

Many embassies especially, have hastily, by night,

dismounted the shit, and probably put it up again in

the attics. Many have already been documented by

the media. The cyber war is on. The Independent

gives an idea of what all this is about. The same shit

is going on at ground level, in the streets, from cars,

lorries, trucks, RVs, working vehicles, motor homes,

as here outside the NSA-MI6 places in Berlin, or any

where underground, with "diplomats" in garbage or

sewer worker-suits, as here some NSA staff in Paris ?

Bundestag-US-UK-Israel embassies, same sewers in Berlin ?

US subs, tapping all undersea internet and phone cables ?

US subs, tapping all undersea internet and phone cables ?

Welknown and followed in 15 years by Nordic spooks, phone

and internet underwater wire tapping of 280 cables worldwide,

is now confirmed and proved in France Dec 2013 for 1 cable !

Sweden ( here on this photo, the prototype model of private

mini-subs built secretly in Nordic countries since 25 years ago,

tested, used, and equiped with "grabbing and working arms" at

much more than 600 m depth, a courtesy by Mats Andersson ).

Buy some ???

Russians ( many photos by PAT ), phone tapped in decades,

Welknown and followed in 15 years by Nordic spooks, phone

and internet underwater wire tapping of 280 cables worldwide,

is now confirmed and proved in France Dec 2013 for 1 cable !

Sweden ( here on this photo, the prototype model of private

mini-subs built secretly in Nordic countries since 25 years ago,

tested, used, and equiped with "grabbing and working arms" at

much more than 600 m depth, a courtesy by Mats Andersson ).

Buy some ???

Russians ( many photos by PAT ), phone tapped in decades,

worldwide. Don't laugh 'n dive, you' ll swallow ocean water !!!

NSA hacking all com, IT, phone, and computer industry, Google,

Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Linkedin, Social Medias, Apple,

Microsoft ..., all phone, internet, and IT companies ..., and all the

electronic market, inclusively your private home stuff ... ?

All will deny (who believes them anyway ?), but none had any

choice, cooperation or trouble, and all contributed to the NSA

worldwide mass tapping ?

Google denies, Yahoo denies, Microsoft denies, Apple denies,

RSA denies, computer companies deny .........., don't laugh !!!

The biggest laugh for the biggest lie, IBM denies, Ha, ha, ha !!!

More companies deny... Cisco, Dell, Juniper, Amazon, Huawei,

HP, Western Digital ... (more are on their way to deny more ...)

Buying more of their brand-new NSA-bug-contaminated too

expensive pieces of shit, or piss laughing at their insulting for

customers, repeated lies, lies, and more lies ... ????????????????

Why don't they admit, once for all, they were part of a monster

cheat, but now when everybody knows, why don't they destroy

the dirty products, build new clean ones, and serve customers

properly ???????????

Industrial Ccial Trade Biz Science R&D Corp Company espionage

NSA fucking around in the data security industry ??

NSA hi-tech not enough ? Hackers' better ? Never

mind, NSA bribes the sec industry with billions of $ to

open them backdoors for better spying on customers,

and the industry takes both their own clients' money

and the NSA bribes ? Of course, everybody denies,

but you have bought over priced brand new rubbish

top sec products already tricked from inside, and don't

see a fuck ? Here is one showcase among how many ?

NSA can turn on mic, camera ...

on any smartphone

without you even noticing it ?

NSA killing a zillion market, worst than the spy ass and fuck bullshit $$$$$ ?

CIA-NSA-NWO ... vs Silicon, most of energy goes into spying on each other ?


CIA cheated Obama, Bin Laden died 2001 ? Google vs NSA ? Who wins ?

More FAQ by students about Data Mining,

+ Spook Stuff ... :














http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/it_telekom/allmant/article3793225.ece ...

More Frequently Asked Questions by the students, here

in a more or less chronological order, as they came in :

A controlled NSA ok, if free from NWO, & if anybody can know

everything, anywhere, about anybody ... in a free info world ?

NSA ist kaputt, a new one with a new name as an alternative to Google ?

Eric Schmidt had a dream, buying a dying NSA for $ 1, renewing it into a

gigantic search - human knowledge - all communication - tapping engine

renamed MEGALORWELL, and orbiting the solar system, himself sitting on

a cloud with all code keys in his hand ... All with pay ads ? "More to come" ?

NSA's reallity is long further out than Eric Schmidt's dream, reading this ?

Noises tell most of world leaders' tapped phone calls made sitting on toilet ?

At least 35 world leaders tapped phone records can be 135 only last year ?

World leaders most of time in anti-electronics tents, noise protected toilets ?

██ ██

Preview a porn video with an NSA spyware ?

Porn is the best way to communicate directly with spooks, they watch it like hell !

The NSA knows the kind of SEX & PORN you watch ?

NSA knew Prince Charles, Pope Benedict, Prince Albert, King Mohammad,

many others ..., liked to be ass fucked !!! Essential to America' security ???

NSA checking your sexual life ?

NSA' s too hot potatoes. Fucking real hard ?

More "Snowden Surprises" ?

That is, if he, and his team, are not killed before ! ██

NWO has put a $ (fake?) 1 billion contract on their heads, as for Assange ?

You didn't think those greedy ones were going to pay in real cash ?

Then the contract is "double", other CIA contractors to kill the killers ? ██

A bag or a bath, or both ? ██

The NSA and the DGSE know the truth about GRACE' s and DIANA' s death ?

The NSA have all communications between Kissinger and Gyllenhammar ?

Many Swedish republicans, and PG himself, did believe he would be the

1st Swedish president ! Kissinger got it all wrong, there was no Swedish

Yekaterinburg, no Swedish political power vacuum, and the "Good Doctor"

fucked them all, and himself as well, very deep ?

The NSA knows the whole truth about the death of Olof Palme ?

A story by Bofors and NSA insiders ? Surprise, surprise ?

The "Good Doctor" is still part of the NWO or not ?

The 3 Scandinavian Royal Families, all tapped ?

The Dutch Royal Family has taken bribes ?

Trilateral-Aspen real obsolete, out of NWO ? █ Trilateral Commission █

Where are the "Snowden surprises" ? 你他妈的

"... that's too far ...", or fucked too deep ?

1/2 a million Swedes, their prime minister, hacked ?

NSA spies hard on Fredrik Reinfeldt, maybe EU # 1 ?

Bildt, Borg, maybe on EU # 1 list ?

FRA spies on millions of neighbours, the NSA reselling the shit to Mossad ?

SÄPO=FRA=NSA=CIA ..., want a legal right of keeping mass tapping stuff ?

SÄPO=FRA=NSA=Mossad = ISNU Kiss my ass, a story by Bahnhof

"Palme sa at de var politiska analfabeter, men så korkade det trodde vi inte !"

NSA=FRA have put 10 000s spy cookies in private computers worldwide ?

FRA main structures to be destroyed by Russians immediatly at the start of

a conflict, so vital they are to communications, and so tightly linked to US ?

All phone, data, computer, and electronic systems, even privatly owned, to

be instantly "neutralized" as well ? How ? A massive Nordic cyber attack ?

Would Russians nuke Baltic Sea and Nordic Countries ?

"Probably not, because the winds are mostly blowing towards

St Petersburg & Moscow! The rest is military boots stamping",

say NSA anonymous analysts & insiders.

Throw your PC, phone to trash, or sue NSA=CIA to get new ones for free ?

Sue their ass everywhere, you'll win somewhere ?

A political debate, a hot potatoe by 2014, a "dirty" issue ? 17 years ago ?

"Obama could be impeached over NSA ?"

American Intelligence Community IC

Nobody knows anymore who's doing what, for whom, what for, a mad house ?

At least 2500 identified govt and private US intelligence agencies, 150 in UK,

50 in France, 10 in Sweden ? BUSSI is the most efficient and secure one, uses

also spoonerism, anagram ... etc, in different languages simultaneously,

more efficient than encryption codes ?

Only highly developed human brains can communicate using also combined

semantic, rhetoric, jargons, grammatical, cultural, and ideas "top" references.

Not even super-computers with mega-algorithms and quantum can do it ?

Try these ones and guess :

- Nanar ! L'ordi pédale ... - Ah? Renault en Belgique s'équipe et fête ?

- Tèt, c tu pelge ! Casse-toi, pov' con ! Soluc sur l'album de la comtesse ...

Va, d'la cam dans les baloches ! Vous, tous des cons rient et pètent ! Inverse

Beware your friends... Gardez-moi de mes amis... NSA-news

Band of Big Brothers : NSA = MI6 DGSE = Mossad, China ... ?



Big Bucks in big biz espionage $$$ Leaks can't be stopped ?

Boeing can target any Airbus ? Top "Secret" America

Mossad can target any sub? How deep, how far? Bullshit

States with WMD, sarin ... ? XKeyscore XKeyscore +

Insiders Predators CNET Prism Tor story

Mass Data > Big Data + NSA Quantum computing ?

There are always new big scandals, insider affairs, vicious crimes,

monkey biz, ponzi ..., but the scheme is still the same. Big shots

get away with anything, huge theft, fraudulent bankrupcy, rape,

contract killing, murder, industrial devastation, mass poisoning,

gigantic corporate cheat, illegal manipulations, illegal transfers,

illegal payments by the IMF, the WB ... (DSK leaks, more coming).

With so big bucks, the biggest crooks walk away cheap or free

from indictment in any judicial system. Only small suckers go to

jail. Nothing really new !

A good excuse for the NSA and their main contractors, is to have

also made a "Biggest tax evaders" extended worldwide red list

containing more than 300 000 names with their heirs, and with for

each of them, plenty of legal proofs, undeniable evidence, and

detailed information, including a list of the "Biggest narco-dealers

and black money launderers", more than enough to make any

court case anywhere ?

Only the NSA could have done that. Only a president can push a

green light button for prosecution ? Guess what's next ? Nothing !

Basics for NSA super-mega-mass-spying on anything and everyone

have been here, here, here, here, here, here ... in years, and

here in 17 years ...

Who knows? Who cares? You want to be really 100% anonymous?

Use only anonymously acquired, got, bought cash (no credit card,

not stolen), BRAND NEW laptops, computers, phones, data devices,

(not 2nd-hand, not refurbished, not borrowed ...), and check if not

contaminated by, or at the makers, suppliers ... #############

Better, build yourself you own computers with pristine components,

not already infected hard and software when bought as brand-new,

full of all kind of spyware embedded by the makers at the factories

of most main brands, or at their suppliers, by order or blackmail by

the NSA and others of the many big ears businesses ... Doubting it ?

Read this ... More about TAO

Use Tor, DHT. Encrypted email 90% secure a while. Encrypt Gmail.

Get anonymously new emails for each main text and stuff you send.

Transmit sensitive messages coding live, on never before internet

connected new USB keys, and read only thru new laptops or PCs

that have never been online before ... Change often passwords ...

Get anonymously ( but legally ) access to different bank accounts,

in many places, with differently registered credit cards, on many

different names (there are plenty of tricks) ...

The crediting and payment systems is the best way to follow, check,

and keep record of all your movements and doing ?

No physical contact with correspondents when handing over USBs.

The good old James Bond tricks ! That will get your spies on the

streets again, confuse them ! Watch them lurking, sneaking around.

They might know, with much work, that you are doing something,

but never what it is exactly, who you are, where you are ...

Have several "lure codings" for each real one. Change often your

coding systems, move around a lot within a large area, even with

different transports, travelling ways, vehicles (never yours), trains,

planes, boats, bicycles, horses ...

Even overseas, erratically, different days, never the same route ...

All that, also for your recipients ... All that, can be a real pain in the

ass for your spies ! Tor, DHT. Nodnetz.nod ?

Much of the NSA related stuff is also in French ici, ici, Le Monde,

and here :

Les compagnies de télécom se font volontairement enculer par la DGSE

DSK a enculé tout le monde, même le Mossad, même l' ISNU ?

Des milliards du FMI et de la BM fuient, par NSA-DSK

Les portables de DSK fuyaient à tout va depuis 15 ans, cul, pognon,

politique, magouilles noires en tout genre, fraude fiscale, vol, crime,

Banque de France, banques françaises, suisses, marocaines, offshore,

FMI-Banque Mondiale surtout. La NSA a tout ! Le Mossad est furax !

Le Mossad en France, en Suisse ..., in Brussels, in English ?

Top Mossad agents Ockrent, Sinclair ?

by Google, NSA insiders, and NSA insiders in Europe

Des "insiders-hackers" des Mossad, CIA, et NSA proposent à Christine

Lagarde une nouvelle (2013-14) liste très détaillée, avec noms, dépôts,

dates, transfers ..., de 100 000 fraudeurs fiscaux, VIP, personnalités

politiques, truands de tous poils ..., nationaux, résidents français,

fraudeurs internationaux, ayant des comptes offshore illégaux.

Voici un échantillon gratuit de 3000 noms pour la France.

Pour le reste, les ricains veulent 100 millions de $ US. C' est donné

pour des dizaines de milliards, en $ et en €, de fraude criminelle dans

les montages et blanchiments financiers et bancaires, les "affaires

très noires", le chantage, l'escroquerie à grande échelle, la drogue,

les transports clandestins, les trafics d'armes, le proxénétisme et la

la prostitution de grand luxe ..., couvrant principalement la France,

le Maroc, la Suisse, le Lichtenstein, l' UE à Bruxelles, la Belgique,

Monaco, le Luxembourg, les Îles Anglo-Normandes, Gibraltar,

Andorre, la Côte d' Azur, les Bermudes, les Antilles ... Du super

gratiné. Les yankees font tout en grand.

La NSA a 30 ans de listes de tous passagers et équipages de tous vols

Équipement d'espionnage professionnel

Les français massivement écoutés, masos enculés depuis belle lurette

Ah...! Ah...! J'aime tant, c'est bon, allez, vas-y, défonce-moi, plus fort,

encore, encule-moi, fais-moi mal ! Ah, ah... ! par Karl Lagerfeld

Ah, tant...? Pas tout d'un coup, la suite arrive ! par DSK

NSA esgourde les Bernard boys, des pipe-lettes du Canard par DSK

Marocanard, Majesté Marocaïne ... par MarraDSKech par Careto * **

Les espagnoles profondément fourrées par derrière par DSK-NSA

Italia: Ascolta le telefonate Berlu dans l'cul

La NSA c'est des plombiers mateurs, mais par derrière qui se pignole?

DSK, 3 jours après sa sortie de prison, grâcié par le NWO, à Marrakech

et à Tel Aviv, becoz $ FMI et BM, mais pas réinstauré par le Mossad ?

La NSA, depuis les USA, renseigne directement, sans contrôle français,

la CIA-Paris sur les détails de la vie, de tous mouvements et communi-

cations, à l'intérieur, et autour de l'Elysée, de tous les "points chauds"

de tout le quartier, depuis des décénies ? Même les fesses d' Hollande ?

"Did you think anything else ?", said NSA "zarkonymouz inziderz" ?

How to avoid NSA spying ? Other spies ?

Secret services Secret America Avoid them

Hacking NSA NSA=CIA Hacking CIA

Signals intel Biz intel Avoid it USA offside ? $$$$$

WikiLeaks Manning Assange Snowden Binney ...

+++ Insiders-Predators Soros Goldman Sachs NWO ?

For $ 1 Billion each, CIA-NSA-Mossad-FSB to

kill Snowden in Russia, Assange in UK ?? ██

Bags cheaper than coffins for whistleblowing spies ??

██ To bag or not to bag ? ██ Here, photos of the bag

Whistleblowers now at NWO's very top? ██

RT ERT Bilderberg members lists Insider? ██


500 top CIA guys at thinktanks, Chatham-House, CIGI ...,

need to eye their own NSA-files, steal, erase, or purge

the CIA payroll data, for 40 years records of services for

some of them. Both the Mossad, and insiders-hackers,

have already multi-copied the whole stuff. Naive ones

didn't know about that. Some are now starting an NSA

"independent commission" at WEF in order to access

the files. Several of the attendees 2014 themselves did

laugh at the wording "independent", some even asked

"Is the CIA also paying for this commission ???"

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis

and the nations will accept the New World Order. ” – David Rockefeller

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles

to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful.” – Henry Kissinger

NWO behind NSA + many more bodies, businesses

All members, participants, attendees, staff, families,

relatives, employees, associates, services and goods

suppliers of all these groups, all their professional,

biz, private, intimate, banking, and financial contacts,

with all their communications, travels ..., have been

under tight surveillance in decades, followed, tapped,

recorded, and archived by the NSA. Much of the shit

being now transferred to Bluffdale ? Like the NSA-CIA

watching their own arse ? Impossible ? Guess what ?

Just 1 sample by influent CIA insiders ?

Many more groups are under surveillance by many

more govt and private agencies, thinktanks ... ????

NSA trying "Super Viagra" to fuck even harder !!

The NSA Is Trying to Build a Quantum Computer

NSA researches quantum computing to crack most encryption

By The Chicago Daily Herald

Penetrating Hard Targets by The Washington Post

NSA Quantum computing

Snowden has more dynamite like the 16 last years

of NSA + partners records of all communications

and positions of all people involved with ██ ????

Why this site doesn't need encrypt spy crap ? ██

Because most of the information here is already in

the press and on the web. Very little of the useful

rest can be fetched at a very high cost by agents or

super spy electronics, so not cost effective at all ?

Still worth it, because with much spinoff benefit to

be expected, both industrially and from a business

point of view. Politically, the question is not easy ?

More ...

NSA damage substantial, but with more $, + time,

+ a new name, + new procedures, + new bosses,

big bucks still there, coz US industry and biz spying

hi-tech so superior ???

"We were bad, but we'll be good guys, promised !"

This whole NSA bullshit is playground stuff compared

to other "Chantilly", a new KeyHole program with not

even a name so far, super kind of satellite stuff like the

NROL-65, USA-245 ..., with more advanced, more

secret, more hidden agendas the NSA guys don't have

the brain capacity to comprehend ??? Too Earthly ??

Not chosen well enough ???

The many different "known" other Earth Surveillance

programs, or Earth Surveillance Systems, from the

nations able to operate military and civilian satellite

systems, on their own, or in cooperation with others,

are listed here. Much of the military stuff can be in

"camouflage" within civilian activities and budgets ???

Much of the biological life, the electrical, electronics,

mechanical, and machine activities, can be monitored

from the sky. Most economical, financial, business,

goods, services movements, trading impulses, some

say even the small electrical cashing and payment

machines and devices in shops, banks ..., the credit

cards, electronic door passing systems ..., are easily

tracked, tapped, and recorded ?? How come ?? ██

All planes, boats, subs, trains, vehicles, engines ...,

even very small, as hearing devices, pacemakers,

medical equipments…, anywhere, even operated

24/7, can be totally checked, identified, followed,

recorded, and their activities instantly sent back

in real time to Earth, and stored ???

Could you penetrate and visit these stores, pick up

and copy the stuff you want ... ???

Well trained, most probably !!!

Telescopes pointed at earth see every small details.

“They” know who’s driving any car ? Who’s inside ?

Don’t believe it ? You fool !

Even when you’re meeting your whores, females,

males, or shemales, is tapped and taped, where,

when, how much … ? Your breathing rhythm and

orgasm noises are identified ? Who are these 2 ?

The answer is already here in this text. Surprise ?

Don't read French ?

Lazy fucker ! Sucker, you’re totally screwed !

Add here even more advanced FAQ, info, debate,

topic ..., and comment, discuss online, or at school :

██ ██ ██ ██ ...

NSA, Boeing, military ..., massively misogynous ?

NSA spies much on female presidents ?

Angry Angela still top of NSA' surveillance list ?

Michelle Bachelet on NSA' surveillance top list ?

Angry Dilma changing the Latinos-Gringos game ?

Boeing massively bribing, and buying NSA' services

en gros, is now mad at NSA's political clumsyness

USA massive bribing, spying on Brazilian companies

PETROBRAS Brazilian companies Brazil 10 top

muito mais está seguindo, em breve ...

CARETO * ** sigue mucho mas, pronto ...

Lots of DRONES, new Snowden stuff ?

A worldwide US drone control program ?

In Latin America ? Latin targets ? Latin drone market

Latin America military learning to shoot down drones ?

on videos

Many more DRONES

NSA tracking all DRONES,


For the 1st time, Xmas 2013, ISRAEL comments on

USA spying, when it can be read that all language,

English, Hebrew, Yiddish ..., emails from Israel to

the outside world, and inside the wall, telex and

fax, civilian and military, the whole stuff ..., has

been stored and archived by the "best and most

important allied and friend", at NSA, in decades !

The same for all phone calls, electronic or satellite

communications, and is accessible to top hackers :

Israel condemns US spying revelations

The Guardian

Israel joins anti-NSA chorus after new revelations

CBS News - For the first time, Israeli officials speak

up against America's sweeping intelligence program,

calling it “not legitimate”

Israeli ministers demand US stop spying following

revelations that NSA intercepted emails Fox News

Why Israel silent at first ? by The Jerusalem Post

NSA and USA really fucked everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 1st ever comic film 1895 is "L'arroseur arrosé",

guess who's now laugh pissing, or piss laughing ?

NSA + Middle-Eastern's plans for Gibraltar control ?

North Atlantic, Gibraltar ..., "blind" passages, how ?

NSA + Middle-Eastern's plans for massive nuke giant

catapulted DRONE attacks anywhere from surfacing

subs ? A post-mortem story by Agent G

More possible new wars in the Middle-East ?

The entire American IC (Intelligence Community), since

Echelon, PRISM, Xkeyscore, NSA, CIA, NRO, Mossad,

NWO, ++++ ..., plus many more surveillance, spying,

control, organizations, bodies, programs ..., can surely

snoop, snatch, collect, save, store, record, archive...,

zillions of stuff, can catch anything, about anybody,

but don't know what to do with it, how to sort it out,

are not sure and hesitate about how to use it, and who

can, who should handle it ?

Their activities are totally out of control ?

They would need to know more about social groups,

social stratification, and a lot more about how human

societies complex modern structures interact, their

rapid unpredictable movements, changes, evolution ?

The "Oceanic Wave Effect" ?????

They knew about, but couldn't prevent kids planning

a bombing in New York, they knew everything of, but

couldn't stop a deal on its way with Iran since months,

and that Mossad did everything to derail. They even

tried to convince Putin, and the Pope himself, as if he

could talk to God ?

Too much to grasp for a narrow intelligence focus.

The gap between the planetary size of the advanced

technical control power, and the political or practical

daily needs in intelligence stuff is overwhelmingly

absurd for those who are supposed, or chosen to deal

with the matter ?

Mammoth NSA + Super Cray

-+- -++- -+++- more

Utah needs a new nuke electrical power plant ?

Can anybody track & decode any satellite signals ? Yes

Mass Data, millions of Sync PCs, sync smartphones,

bigger than SuperComps, Big Data, Quantum comps ?

NSA penetrates computers in HK, China, Russia, anywhere, for decades ?


Even offline and switched-off computers penetrated thru radiowaves ?


NSA can do anything :

IBM faces shareholder lawsuit over cooperation with NSA

Terrorists prefer Gmail, former CIA director says

Amid NSA uproar, encryption-standards body defends process

Yahoo fights NSA worries, issues first transparency report

NSA can see through encryption, including your private e-mail's, says report

Thule base and Satellite Tracking Station.

Photo US Air Force 2013

applications many versions, for industrial, R&D, health, medical, commercial,

business, ad, travel, administrative, police, private, education ...

They can tell which students are cheating? They can sell to criminal groups

and chosen students in America, Europe, Asia…, in schools, universities…,

the exams questions in advance, suggest Nordic leaks ?

100s of bases like Thule everywhere.

Business opportunities nearby and

connected to Thule Airport, Sattrack,

and Buy a Base. Unscramble signals.

More student cheat

“An invincible web elite ...”

China hacking Pentagon ??

Chinese can "kill" any phone, computer, from the sky ??

All you need … :

A flask of your favourite shots,

a bodypack of adequate equipment,

a couple of pieces with silencer (Luger Parabellum

in your holster,

Uzi in your electronic attaché case),

a top smartphone, an earpiece,

a spy lexicon in your back pocket,

a russian spy girl companion,

an armoured Mercedes or Maserati,

don't forget the Ray Ban Pilot,

a clear mission (that’s for sure the most difficult?),

and off you go …

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NSA-CIA, with spy-info from THULE sat USAF base, used also in civilian