Online Discussion Information

UPDATE (03/22): I will hold extra office hours on Thursday (03/26) and Friday (03/27) from 4 pm to 5 pm. This is in addition to my usual office hours on Wednesdays and Fridays (1.15 pm to 2.15 pm).

Video of March 31st Problem: uploaded now. Scroll down to the bottom of this page. Google doesn't allow me too much space, so I can only have two videos online at a time. If you want older videos, let me know.

Update (03/27): Michel Alexis (a fellow TA) wrote up these fantastic suggestions for sharing your work on BBCU.


    • The online discussions will be run on BBCollaborate Ultra (BBCU). You can access this through your Canvas page. I will also create a guest link before each discussion and email it to you, along with other materials for the class.

    • To be able to participate in online discussions you need the following things: a working internet connection, a computer (laptop/tablet/smartphone), an audio system (including a microphone), and a can-do attitude!

    • The following are not necessary for the discussions, but might improve your experience: paper for scratchwork, a tablet/2-in-1 with a stylus and note-taking app, a webcam, a document camera (even a makeshift one), a camera (phone camera will do) to take pictures of your work with.

    • BBCU allows you to 'share application' via which you can share your computer screen, or an open app or window. This does not work on tablets and phones. If you want to use a combination of two devices, I suggest you cast to your laptop/computer from your phone or tablet and then share the application.

    • The discussions will happen at the same time as usual. Note that we use CST (Central Standard Time) for all schedules, appointments and correspondences.

    • BBCU has a comprehensive collection of FAQs that can be found here.


  • We will focus more on group-work, since it is difficult to have much participation with a large group.

  • I will send out a 'Problem to think about' ahead of time, so that you have some time to look at it before class. Once discussion starts, we will jump right into the problem. I will record this section of the class, so that a video of a worked out problem is available to you later. Of course, the first day will be different, since we will spend some time getting accustomed to the online platform.

  • You will be provided with worksheets ahead of time. You will work on these in smaller groups, like in usual discussions.

  • When you are in the main room with everyone, please turn off your microphones and videos so as not not cause any confusion. If people start speaking out of turn, this will morph into a cacophony.

  • If you have short questions, the best way to ask them is to type them out on the group chat. If your question involves typing math, or is slightly longer, press the 'raise hand' button.

  • Once you are split into groups, only people in your group can hear you. I will visit each group to check on how you are doing. If you are in a group that I am not visiting, raise your hand and I will find you.

  • During group-work, you can share your work by using the 'share application' or 'share files' features. The whiteboard option allows you to share a blank space where everybody can write/draw/communicate. Keep in mind that this does not store information. You should have your own app or own scratch paper in order to record the work you do.


    • Quizzes: these will still take place every week and will be available on Canvas. You will have a designated time period when you can take the quiz. Once you start the quiz, you will have 10 minutes to complete it. In the week starting March 23rd, you will have a quiz as a trial-run. While this quiz will not be graded, it is important that you take it.

    • Piazza: please make use of Piazza! It is a great resource for asking questions!

    • Emails: Since everything is moving online, you must make sure to check your email and Canvas for notifications regularly.

    • Extra questions and office hours: I will start having extra office hours in addition to the existing ones. If you have questions or have your work checked anonymously, I will provide you with an option for this (please read your email for this).