The main clinical studies supporting the SONOCEPTION approach:
Di Lernia D., Lacerenza M., Ainley V., Riva G. Altered interoceptive perception and the effects of interoceptive analgesia in musculoskeletal, primary, and neuropathic chronic pain conditions. Journal of Personalized Medicine (2020), 10(4), 201; Download PDF
Ezeokeke C.K., Bobola C.K., Selby C.K., Ko J.H., Friedly J.L., Mourad P.D. Case study of an amputee regaining sensation and muscle function in a residual limb after peripheral nerve stimulation by intense focused ultrasound. Brain Stimulation (2020), 13 (3), 527-529; Download PDF
Dhawan A.S., Mukherjee B., Patwardhan,S. et al. Proprioceptive Sonomyographic Control: A novel method for intuitive and proportional control of multiple degrees-of-freedom for individuals with upper extremity limb loss. Scientific Reports (2019) 9, 9499 Download PDF
Bobola M.S., Chen L., Ezeokeke C.K., Kuznetsova K., Lahti A.C., Lou W., Myroniv A.N., Schimek N.W., Selby M.L., Mourad P.D. A Review of Recent Advances in Ultrasound, Placed in the Context of Pain Diagnosis and Treatment. Current Pain and Headache Report (2018) 10;22(9):60 Download PDF
Di Lernia D., Cipresso P., Pedroli E., Riva G. Toward an Embodied Medicine: A Portable Device with Programmable Interoceptive Stimulation for Heart Rate Variability Enhancement. Sensors (2018), 18(8), 2469 Download PDF